import deques import net import options import os import streams import tables import unicode when defined(posix): import posix import buffer/cell import buffer/container import config/config import display/term import io/lineedit import io/promise import io/request import io/window import ips/editor import ips/forkserver import ips/socketstream import js/javascript import js/regex import types/buffersource import types/color import types/cookie import types/dispatcher import types/url import utils/twtstr type LineMode* = enum NO_LINEMODE, LOCATION, USERNAME, PASSWORD, COMMAND, BUFFER, SEARCH_F, SEARCH_B, ISEARCH_F, ISEARCH_B, GOTO_LINE Pager* = ref object askpromise*: Promise[bool] askprompt: string askcursor: int jsctx: JSContext numload*: int alerts: seq[string] alerton: bool commandMode*: bool container*: Container dispatcher*: Dispatcher lineedit*: Option[LineEdit] linemode*: LineMode username: string scommand*: string config: Config regex: Option[Regex] iregex: Option[Regex] reverseSearch: bool statusgrid*: FixedGrid tty: File procmap*: Table[Pid, Container] unreg*: seq[(Pid, SocketStream)] display: FixedGrid redraw*: bool term*: Terminal linehist: array[LineMode, LineHistory] siteconf: seq[SiteConfig] omnirules: seq[OmniRule] cookiejars: Table[string, CookieJar] func attrs(pager: Pager): WindowAttributes = pager.term.attrs func getRoot(container: Container): Container = var c = container while c.parent != nil: c = c.parent return c iterator all_children(parent: Container): Container {.inline.} = var stack = newSeqOfCap[Container](parent.children.len) for i in countdown(parent.children.high, 0): stack.add(parent.children[i]) while stack.len > 0: let c = stack.pop() yield c for i in countdown(c.children.high, 0): stack.add(c.children[i]) iterator containers*(pager: Pager): Container {.inline.} = if pager.container != nil: let root = getRoot(pager.container) yield root for c in root.all_children: yield c proc setContainer*(pager: Pager, c: Container) {.jsfunc.} = pager.container = c pager.redraw = true proc hasprop(pager: Pager, s: string): bool {.jshasprop.} = if pager.container != nil: let cval = toJS(pager.jsctx, pager.container) let val = JS_GetPropertyStr(pager.jsctx, cval, s) if val != JS_UNDEFINED: result = true JS_FreeValue(pager.jsctx, val) proc reflect(ctx: JSContext, this_val: JSValue, argc: cint, argv: ptr JSValue, magic: cint, func_data: ptr JSValue): JSValue {.cdecl.} = let fun = cast[ptr JSValue](cast[int](func_data) + sizeof(JSValue))[] return JS_Call(ctx, fun, func_data[], argc, argv) proc getter(pager: Pager, s: string): Option[JSValue] {.jsgetprop.} = if pager.container != nil: let cval = toJS(pager.jsctx, pager.container) let val = JS_GetPropertyStr(pager.jsctx, cval, s) if val != JS_UNDEFINED: if JS_IsFunction(pager.jsctx, val): var func_data = @[cval, val] let fun = JS_NewCFunctionData(pager.jsctx, reflect, 1, 0, 2, addr func_data[0]) return some(fun) return some(val) proc searchNext(pager: Pager) {.jsfunc.} = if pager.regex.issome: if not pager.reverseSearch: pager.container.cursorNextMatch(pager.regex.get, pager.config.searchwrap) else: pager.container.cursorPrevMatch(pager.regex.get, pager.config.searchwrap) proc searchPrev(pager: Pager) {.jsfunc.} = if pager.regex.issome: if not pager.reverseSearch: pager.container.cursorPrevMatch(pager.regex.get, pager.config.searchwrap) else: pager.container.cursorNextMatch(pager.regex.get, pager.config.searchwrap) proc getLineHist(pager: Pager, mode: LineMode): LineHistory = if pager.linehist[mode] == nil: pager.linehist[mode] = newLineHistory() return pager.linehist[mode] proc setLineEdit(pager: Pager, prompt: string, mode: LineMode, current = "", hide = false) = pager.lineedit = some(readLine(prompt, pager.attrs.width, current = current, term = pager.term, hide = hide, hist = pager.getLineHist(mode))) pager.linemode = mode proc clearLineEdit(pager: Pager) = pager.lineedit = none(LineEdit) proc searchForward(pager: Pager) {.jsfunc.} = pager.setLineEdit("/", SEARCH_F) proc searchBackward(pager: Pager) {.jsfunc.} = pager.setLineEdit("?", SEARCH_B) proc isearchForward(pager: Pager) {.jsfunc.} = pager.container.pushCursorPos() pager.setLineEdit("/", ISEARCH_F) proc isearchBackward(pager: Pager) {.jsfunc.} = pager.container.pushCursorPos() pager.setLineEdit("?", ISEARCH_B) proc gotoLine[T: string|int](pager: Pager, s: T = "") {.jsfunc.} = when s is string: if s == "": pager.setLineEdit("Goto line: ", GOTO_LINE) return pager.container.gotoLine(s) proc newPager*(config: Config, attrs: WindowAttributes, dispatcher: Dispatcher, ctx: JSContext): Pager = let pager = Pager( dispatcher: dispatcher, config: config, display: newFixedGrid(attrs.width, attrs.height - 1), statusgrid: newFixedGrid(attrs.width), term: newTerminal(stdout, config, attrs), jsctx: ctx, siteconf: config.getSiteConfig(ctx), omnirules: config.getOmniRules(ctx) ) return pager proc launchPager*(pager: Pager, tty: File) = pager.tty = tty pager.term.start(tty) proc dumpAlerts*(pager: Pager) = for msg in pager.alerts: eprint "cha: " & msg proc quit*(pager: Pager, code = 0) = pager.term.quit() pager.dumpAlerts() proc clearDisplay(pager: Pager) = pager.display = newFixedGrid(pager.display.width, pager.display.height) proc buffer(pager: Pager): Container {.jsfget, inline.} = pager.container proc refreshDisplay(pager: Pager, container = pager.container) = var r: Rune var by = 0 pager.clearDisplay() for line in container.ilines(container.fromy ..< min(container.fromy + pager.display.height, container.numLines)): var w = 0 # width of the row so far var i = 0 # byte in line.str # Skip cells till fromx. while w < container.fromx and i < line.str.len: fastRuneAt(line.str, i, r) w += r.twidth(w) let dls = by * pager.display.width # starting position of row in display # Fill in the gap in case we skipped more cells than fromx mandates (i.e. # we encountered a double-width character.) var k = 0 if w > container.fromx: while k < w - container.fromx: pager.display[dls + k].str &= ' ' inc k var cf = line.findFormat(w) var nf = line.findNextFormat(w) let startw = w # save this for later var lan = "" # Now fill in the visible part of the row. while i < line.str.len: let pw = w fastRuneAt(line.str, i, r) let rw = r.twidth(w) w += rw if w > container.fromx + pager.display.width: break # die on exceeding the width limit if nf.pos != -1 and nf.pos <= pw: cf = nf nf = line.findNextFormat(pw) pager.display[dls + k].str &= r lan &= r if cf.pos != -1: pager.display[dls + k].format = cf.format let tk = k + rw while k < tk and k < pager.display.width - 1: inc k # Finally, override cell formatting for highlighted cells. let hls = container.findHighlights(container.fromy + by) let aw = container.width - (startw - container.fromx) # actual width for hl in hls: let area = hl.colorArea(container.fromy + by, startw .. startw + aw) for i in area: var hlformat = pager.display[dls + i - startw].format hlformat.bgcolor = pager.config.hlcolor.cellColor() pager.display[dls + i - startw].format = hlformat inc by proc writeStatusMessage(pager: Pager, str: string, format: Format = newFormat(), start = 0, maxwidth = -1, clip = '$'): int {.discardable.} = var maxwidth = maxwidth if maxwidth == -1: maxwidth = pager.statusgrid.len var i = start for r in str.runes: if i >= maxwidth: pager.statusgrid[^1].str = $clip break if r.isControlChar(): pager.statusgrid[i].str = "^" & getControlLetter(char(r)) else: pager.statusgrid[i].str = $r pager.statusgrid[i].format = format i += r.twidth(i) result = i var def = newFormat() while i < maxwidth: pager.statusgrid[i].str = "" pager.statusgrid[i].format = def inc i proc refreshStatusMsg*(pager: Pager) = let container = pager.container if container == nil: return if pager.tty == nil: return if pager.askpromise != nil: return if container.loadinfo != "": pager.alerton = false pager.writeStatusMessage(container.loadinfo) elif pager.alerts.len > 0: pager.alerton = true pager.writeStatusMessage(pager.alerts[0]) pager.alerts.delete(0) else: var format = newFormat() format.reverse = true pager.alerton = false container.clearHover() var msg = $(container.cursory + 1) & "/" & $container.numLines & " (" & $container.atPercentOf() & "%)" let mw = pager.writeStatusMessage(msg, format) let title = " <" & container.getTitle() & ">" let hover = container.getHoverText() if hover.len == 0: pager.writeStatusMessage(title, format, mw) else: let hover2 = " " & hover let maxwidth = pager.statusgrid.width - mw - hover2.width() let tw = pager.writeStatusMessage(title, format, mw, maxwidth, '>') pager.writeStatusMessage(hover2, format, tw) # Call refreshStatusMsg if no alert is being displayed on the screen. proc showAlerts*(pager: Pager) = if not pager.alerton: pager.refreshStatusMsg() proc drawBuffer*(pager: Pager, container: Container, ostream: Stream) = var format = newFormat() container.readLines(proc(line: SimpleFlexibleLine) = if line.formats.len == 0: ostream.write(line.str & "\n") else: var x = 0 var i = 0 var s = "" for f in line.formats: var outstr = "" while x < f.pos: var r: Rune fastRuneAt(line.str, i, r) outstr &= r x += r.width() s &= outstr s &= pager.term.processFormat(format, f.format) s &= line.str.substr(i) & pager.term.processFormat(format, newFormat()) & "\n" ostream.write(s)) ostream.flush() proc redraw(pager: Pager) {.jsfunc.} = pager.redraw = true pager.term.clearCanvas() proc draw*(pager: Pager) = if pager.container == nil: return pager.term.hideCursor() if pager.redraw: pager.refreshDisplay() pager.term.writeGrid(pager.display) if pager.askpromise != nil: discard elif pager.lineedit.isSome: pager.term.writeGrid(pager.lineedit.get.generateOutput(), 0, pager.attrs.height - 1) else: pager.term.writeGrid(pager.statusgrid, 0, pager.attrs.height - 1) pager.term.outputGrid() if pager.askpromise != nil: pager.term.setCursor(pager.askcursor, pager.attrs.height - 1) elif pager.lineedit.isSome: pager.term.setCursor(pager.lineedit.get.getCursorX(), pager.attrs.height - 1) else: pager.term.setCursor(pager.container.acursorx, pager.container.acursory) pager.term.showCursor() pager.term.flush() pager.redraw = false proc writeAskPrompt(pager: Pager) = let yn = " (y/n)" let maxwidth = pager.statusgrid.width - yn.len let i = pager.writeStatusMessage(pager.askprompt, maxwidth = maxwidth) pager.askcursor = pager.writeStatusMessage(yn, start = i) pager.term.writeGrid(pager.statusgrid, 0, pager.attrs.height - 1) proc ask(pager: Pager, prompt: string): Promise[bool] {.jsfunc.} = pager.askprompt = prompt pager.writeAskPrompt() pager.askpromise = Promise[bool]() return pager.askpromise proc fulfillAsk*(pager: Pager, y: bool) = pager.askpromise.resolve(y) pager.askpromise = nil pager.askprompt = "" proc registerContainer*(pager: Pager, container: Container) = pager.procmap[container.process] = container proc addContainer*(pager: Pager, container: Container) = container.parent = pager.container if pager.container != nil: pager.container.children.insert(container, 0) pager.registerContainer(container) pager.setContainer(container) proc dupeContainer(pager: Pager, container: Container, location: URL): Container = return pager.dispatcher.dupeBuffer(container, pager.config, location, "") proc dupeBuffer*(pager: Pager, location: URL = nil) {.jsfunc.} = pager.addContainer(pager.dupeContainer(pager.container, location)) # The prevBuffer and nextBuffer procedures emulate w3m's PREV and NEXT # commands by traversing the container tree in a depth-first order. proc prevBuffer(pager: Pager): bool {.jsfunc.} = if pager.container == nil: return false if pager.container.parent == nil: return false let n = pager.container.parent.children.find(pager.container) assert n != -1, "Container not a child of its parent" if n > 0: var container = pager.container.parent.children[n - 1] while container.children.len > 0: container = container.children[^1] pager.setContainer(container) else: pager.setContainer(pager.container.parent) return true proc nextBuffer(pager: Pager): bool {.jsfunc.} = if pager.container == nil: return false if pager.container.children.len > 0: pager.setContainer(pager.container.children[0]) return true var container = pager.container while container.parent != nil: let n = container.parent.children.find(container) assert n != -1, "Container not a child of its parent" if n < container.parent.children.high: pager.setContainer(container.parent.children[n + 1]) return true container = container.parent return false proc parentBuffer(pager: Pager): bool {.jsfunc.} = if pager.container == nil: return false if pager.container.parent == nil: return false pager.setContainer(pager.container.parent) return true proc prevSiblingBuffer(pager: Pager): bool {.jsfunc.} = if pager.container == nil: return false if pager.container.parent == nil: return false var n = pager.container.parent.children.find(pager.container) assert n != -1, "Container not a child of its parent" if n == 0: n = pager.container.parent.children.len pager.setContainer(pager.container.parent.children[n - 1]) return true proc nextSiblingBuffer(pager: Pager): bool {.jsfunc.} = if pager.container == nil: return false if pager.container.parent == nil: return false var n = pager.container.parent.children.find(pager.container) assert n != -1, "Container not a child of its parent" if n == pager.container.parent.children.high: n = -1 pager.setContainer(pager.container.parent.children[n + 1]) return true proc alert*(pager: Pager, msg: string) {.jsfunc.} = pager.alerts.add(msg) proc deleteContainer(pager: Pager, container: Container) = container.cancel() if container.sourcepair != nil: container.sourcepair.sourcepair = nil container.sourcepair = nil if container.parent != nil: let parent = container.parent let n = parent.children.find(container) assert n != -1, "Container not a child of its parent" for i in countdown(container.children.high, 0): let child = container.children[i] child.parent = container.parent parent.children.insert(child, n + 1) parent.children.delete(n) if container == pager.container: if n == 0: pager.setContainer(parent) else: pager.setContainer(parent.children[n - 1]) elif container.children.len > 0: let parent = container.children[0] parent.parent = nil for i in 1..container.children.high: container.children[i].parent = parent parent.children.add(container.children[i]) if container == pager.container: pager.setContainer(parent) else: for child in container.children: child.parent = nil if container == pager.container: pager.setContainer(nil) container.parent = nil container.children.setLen(0) pager.unreg.add((container.process, SocketStream( pager.dispatcher.forkserver.removeChild(container.process) proc discardBuffer(pager: Pager, container = none(Container)) {.jsfunc.} = let c = container.get(pager.container) if c == nil or c.parent == nil and c.children.len == 0: pager.alert("Cannot discard last buffer!") else: pager.deleteContainer(c) proc discardTree(pager: Pager, container = none(Container)) {.jsfunc.} = let container = container.get(pager.container) if container != nil: for c in container.all_children: pager.deleteContainer(c) else: pager.alert("Buffer has no children!") proc toggleSource(pager: Pager) {.jsfunc.} = if pager.container.sourcepair != nil: pager.setContainer(pager.container.sourcepair) else: let contenttype = if pager.container.contenttype.get("") == "text/html": "text/plain" else: "text/html" let container = pager.dispatcher.dupeBuffer(pager.container, pager.config, nil, contenttype) container.sourcepair = pager.container pager.container.sourcepair = container pager.addContainer(container) proc windowChange*(pager: Pager, attrs: WindowAttributes) = pager.term.windowChange(attrs) pager.display = newFixedGrid(attrs.width, attrs.height - 1) pager.statusgrid = newFixedGrid(attrs.width) for container in pager.containers: container.windowChange(attrs) if pager.askprompt != "": pager.writeAskPrompt() pager.refreshStatusMsg() proc applySiteconf(pager: Pager, request: Request): BufferConfig = let url = $request.url let host = var refererfrom: bool var cookiejar: CookieJar var headers: HeaderList var scripting: bool for sc in pager.siteconf: if sc.url.isSome and not sc.url.get.match(url): continue elif and not continue if sc.subst != nil: let s = sc.subst(request.url) if s.isSome and s.get != nil: request.url = s.get if sc.cookie.isSome: if sc.cookie.get: # host/url might have changed by now let jarid = sc.sharecookiejar.get( if jarid notin pager.cookiejars: pager.cookiejars[jarid] = newCookieJar(request.url, sc.thirdpartycookie) cookiejar = pager.cookiejars[jarid] else: cookiejar = nil # override if sc.scripting.isSome: scripting = sc.scripting.get if sc.refererfrom.isSome: refererfrom = sc.refererfrom.get return pager.config.getBufferConfig(request.url, cookiejar, headers, refererfrom, scripting) # Load request in a new buffer. proc gotoURL(pager: Pager, request: Request, prevurl = none(URL), ctype = none(string), replace: Container = nil, redirectdepth = 0, referrer: Container = nil) = if referrer != nil and referrer.config.refererfrom: request.referer = referrer.source.location var bufferconfig = pager.applySiteconf(request) if prevurl.isnone or not prevurl.get.equals(request.url, true) or request.url.hash == "" or request.httpmethod != HTTP_GET: # Basically, we want to reload the page *only* when # a) we force a reload (by setting prevurl to none) # b) or the new URL isn't just the old URL + an anchor # I think this makes navigation pretty natural, or at least very close to # what other browsers do. Still, it would be nice if we got some visual # feedback on what is actually going to happen when typing a URL; TODO. let source = BufferSource( t: LOAD_REQUEST, request: request, contenttype: ctype, location: request.url ) if referrer != nil: bufferconfig.referrerpolicy = referrer.config.referrerpolicy let container = pager.dispatcher.newBuffer(bufferconfig, source, redirectdepth = redirectdepth) if replace != nil: container.replace = replace container.copyCursorPos(container.replace) pager.addContainer(container) inc pager.numload else: pager.container.findAnchor(request.url.anchor) proc omniRewrite(pager: Pager, s: string): string = for rule in pager.omnirules: if rule.match.match(s): let sub = rule.subst(s) if sub.isSome: return sub.get else: pager.alert("Error in substitution of rule " & rule.match.buf & " for " & s) return s # When the user has passed a partial URL as an argument, they might've meant # either: # * file://$PWD/ # * https:// # So we attempt to load both, and see what works. proc loadURL*(pager: Pager, url: string, ctype = none(string)) = let url0 = pager.omniRewrite(url) let url = if url[0] == '~': expandPath(url0) else: url0 let firstparse = parseURL(url) if firstparse.issome: let prev = if pager.container != nil: some(pager.container.source.location) else: none(URL) pager.gotoURL(newRequest(firstparse.get), prev, ctype) return var urls: seq[URL] if pager.config.prependhttps and url[0] != '/': let pageurl = parseURL("https://" & url) if pageurl.isSome: # attempt to load remote page urls.add(pageurl.get) let cdir = parseURL("file://" & percentEncode(getCurrentDir(), LocalPathPercentEncodeSet) & DirSep) let localurl = percentEncode(url, LocalPathPercentEncodeSet) let newurl = parseURL(localurl, cdir) if newurl.isSome: urls.add(newurl.get) # attempt to load local file if urls.len == 0: pager.alert("Invalid URL " & url) else: let prevc = pager.container pager.gotoURL(newRequest(urls.pop()), ctype = ctype) if pager.container != prevc: pager.container.retry = urls proc readPipe0*(pager: Pager, ctype: Option[string], fd: FileHandle, location: Option[URL], title: string): Container = let source = BufferSource( t: LOAD_PIPE, fd: fd, contenttype: some(ctype.get("text/plain")), location: location.get(newURL("file://-")) ) let bufferconfig = pager.config.getBufferConfig(source.location) return pager.dispatcher.newBuffer(bufferconfig, source, title = title) proc readPipe*(pager: Pager, ctype: Option[string], fd: FileHandle) = let container = pager.readPipe0(ctype, fd, none(URL), "*pipe*") pager.addContainer(container) proc command(pager: Pager) {.jsfunc.} = pager.setLineEdit("COMMAND: ", COMMAND) proc commandMode(pager: Pager) {.jsfunc.} = pager.commandmode = true pager.command() proc updateReadLineISearch(pager: Pager, linemode: LineMode) = let lineedit = pager.lineedit.get case lineedit.state of CANCEL: pager.iregex = none(Regex) pager.container.popCursorPos() pager.container.clearSearchHighlights() of EDIT: let x = $ if x != "": pager.iregex = compileSearchRegex(x) pager.container.popCursorPos(true) if pager.iregex.isSome: pager.container.hlon = true if linemode == ISEARCH_F: pager.container.cursorNextMatch(pager.iregex.get, pager.config.searchwrap) else: pager.container.cursorPrevMatch(pager.iregex.get, pager.config.searchwrap) pager.container.pushCursorPos() of FINISH: if pager.iregex.isSome: pager.regex = pager.iregex pager.reverseSearch = linemode == ISEARCH_B pager.container.clearSearchHighlights() pager.redraw = true proc updateReadLine*(pager: Pager) = let lineedit = pager.lineedit.get template s: string = $ if pager.linemode in {ISEARCH_F, ISEARCH_B}: pager.updateReadLineISearch(pager.linemode) else: case lineedit.state of EDIT: return of FINISH: case pager.linemode of LOCATION: pager.loadURL(s) of USERNAME: pager.username = s pager.setLineEdit("Password: ", PASSWORD, hide = true) of PASSWORD: let url = newURL(pager.container.source.location) url.username = pager.username url.password = s pager.username = "" pager.gotoURL(newRequest(url), some(pager.container.source.location), replace = pager.container, referrer = pager.container) of COMMAND: pager.scommand = s if pager.commandmode: pager.command() of BUFFER: pager.container.readSuccess(s) of SEARCH_F: let x = s if x != "": pager.regex = compileSearchRegex(x) pager.reverseSearch = false pager.searchNext() of SEARCH_B: let x = s if x != "": pager.regex = compileSearchRegex(x) pager.reverseSearch = true pager.searchNext() of GOTO_LINE: pager.container.gotoLine(s) else: discard of CANCEL: case pager.linemode of USERNAME: pager.discardBuffer() of PASSWORD: pager.username = "" pager.discardBuffer() of BUFFER: pager.container.readCanceled() of COMMAND: pager.commandmode = false else: discard if lineedit.state in {CANCEL, FINISH}: if pager.lineedit.get == lineedit: pager.clearLineEdit() # Open a URL prompt and visit the specified URL. proc load(pager: Pager, s = "") {.jsfunc.} = if s.len > 0 and s[^1] == '\n': pager.loadURL(s[0..^2]) else: var url = s if url == "": url = pager.container.source.location.serialize() pager.setLineEdit("URL: ", LOCATION, url) # Reload the page in a new buffer, then kill the previous buffer. proc reload(pager: Pager) {.jsfunc.} = pager.gotoURL(newRequest(pager.container.source.location), none(URL), pager.container.contenttype, pager.container) proc authorize(pager: Pager) = pager.setLineEdit("Username: ", USERNAME) proc handleEvent0(pager: Pager, container: Container, event: ContainerEvent): bool = case event.t of FAIL: dec pager.numload pager.deleteContainer(container) if container.retry.len > 0: pager.gotoURL(newRequest(container.retry.pop()), ctype = container.contenttype) else: pager.alert("Can't load " & $container.source.location & " (error code " & $container.code & ")") return false of SUCCESS: if container.replace != nil: let n = container.replace.children.find(container) if n != -1: container.replace.children.delete(n) container.parent = nil let n2 = container.children.find(container.replace) if n2 != -1: container.children.delete(n2) container.replace.parent = nil container.children.add(container.replace.children) for child in container.children: child.parent = container container.replace.children.setLen(0) if container.replace.parent != nil: container.parent = container.replace.parent let n = container.replace.parent.children.find(container.replace) assert n != -1, "Container not a child of its parent" container.parent.children[n] = container container.replace.parent = nil if pager.container == container.replace: pager.setContainer(container) pager.deleteContainer(container.replace) container.replace = nil of LOADED: dec pager.numload of NEEDS_AUTH: if pager.container == container: pager.authorize() of REDIRECT: if container.redirectdepth < pager.config.maxredirect: pager.alert("Redirecting to " & $event.request.url) pager.gotoURL(event.request, some(container.source.location), replace = container, redirectdepth = container.redirectdepth + 1, referrer = pager.container) else: pager.alert("Error: maximum redirection depth reached") pager.deleteContainer(container) return false of ANCHOR: var url2 = newURL(container.source.location) url2.hash(event.anchor) pager.addContainer(pager.dupeContainer(container, url2)) of NO_ANCHOR: pager.alert("Couldn't find anchor " & event.anchor) of UPDATE: if container == pager.container: pager.redraw = true if event.force: pager.term.clearCanvas() of READ_LINE: if container == pager.container: pager.setLineEdit("(BUFFER) " & event.prompt, BUFFER, event.value, hide = event.password) of READ_AREA: if container == pager.container: var s = event.tvalue if openInEditor(pager.term, pager.config, s): pager.container.readSuccess(s) else: pager.container.readCanceled() pager.redraw = true of OPEN: if pager.container == nil or not pager.container.isHoverURL(event.request.url): pager.ask("Open pop-up? " & $event.request.url).then(proc(x: bool) = if x: pager.gotoURL(event.request, some(container.source.location), referrer = pager.container)) else: pager.gotoURL(event.request, some(container.source.location), referrer = pager.container) of INVALID_COMMAND: discard of STATUS: if pager.container == container: pager.refreshStatusMsg() of ALERT: if pager.container == container: pager.alert(event.msg) of NO_EVENT: discard return true proc handleEvents*(pager: Pager, container: Container) = while > 0: let event = if not pager.handleEvent0(container, event): break proc handleEvent*(pager: Pager, container: Container) = try: container.handleEvent() pager.handleEvents(container) except IOError: discard proc addPagerModule*(ctx: JSContext) = ctx.registerType(Pager)