import uri import tables import css/values import types/enums type EventTarget* = ref EventTargetObj EventTargetObj = object of RootObj Node* = ref NodeObj NodeObj = object of EventTargetObj nodeType*: NodeType childNodes*: seq[Node] children*: seq[Element] isConnected*: bool nextSibling*: Node previousSibling*: Node parentNode*: Node parentElement*: Element ownerDocument*: Document Attr* = ref AttrObj AttrObj = object of NodeObj namespaceURI*: string prefix*: string localName*: string name*: string value*: string ownerElement*: Element Document* = ref DocumentObj DocumentObj = object of NodeObj location*: Uri type_elements*: array[low(TagType)..high(TagType), seq[Element]] id_elements*: Table[string, seq[Element]] class_elements*: Table[string, seq[Element]] all_elements*: seq[Element] head*: HTMLElement body*: HTMLElement root*: Element CharacterData* = ref CharacterDataObj CharacterDataObj = object of NodeObj data*: string length*: int Text* = ref TextObj TextObj = object of CharacterDataObj wholeText*: string Comment* = ref CommentObj CommentObj = object of CharacterDataObj Element* = ref ElementObj ElementObj = object of NodeObj namespaceURI*: string prefix*: string localName*: string tagName*: string tagType*: TagType id*: string classList*: seq[string] attributes*: Table[string, Attr] cssvalues*: CSSComputedValues cssvalues_before*: CSSComputedValues cssvalues_after*: CSSComputedValues hover*: bool cssapplied*: bool HTMLElement* = ref HTMLElementObj HTMLElementObj = object of ElementObj HTMLInputElement* = ref HTMLInputElementObj HTMLInputElementObj = object of HTMLElementObj itype*: InputType autofocus*: bool required*: bool value*: string size*: int HTMLAnchorElement* = ref HTMLAnchorElementObj HTMLAnchorElementObj = object of HTMLElementObj href*: string HTMLSelectElement* = ref HTMLSelectElementObj HTMLSelectElementObj = object of HTMLElementObj name*: string value*: string valueSet*: bool HTMLSpanElement* = ref HTMLSpanElementObj HTMLSpanElementObj = object of HTMLElementObj HTMLOptionElement* = ref HTMLOptionElementObj HTMLOptionElementObj = object of HTMLElementObj value*: string HTMLHeadingElement* = ref HTMLHeadingElementObj HTMLHeadingElementObj = object of HTMLElementObj rank*: uint16 HTMLBRElement* = ref HTMLBRElementObj HTMLBRElementObj = object of HTMLElementObj func firstChild(node: Node): Node = if node.childNodes.len == 0: return nil return node.childNodes[0] func lastChild(node: Node): Node = if node.childNodes.len == 0: return nil return node.childNodes[^1] func firstElementChild*(node: Node): Element = if node.children.len == 0: return nil return node.children[0] func lastElementChild*(node: Node): Element = if node.children.len == 0: return nil return node.children[^1] func `$`*(element: Element): string = return "Element of " & $element.tagType func isTextNode*(node: Node): bool = return node.nodeType == TEXT_NODE func isElemNode*(node: Node): bool = return node.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE func isComment*(node: Node): bool = return node.nodeType == COMMENT_NODE func isCData*(node: Node): bool = return node.nodeType == CDATA_SECTION_NODE func isDocument*(node: Node): bool = return node.nodeType == DOCUMENT_NODE func firstNode*(htmlNode: Node): bool = return htmlNode.parentElement != nil and htmlNode.parentElement.childNodes[0] == htmlNode func lastNode*(htmlNode: Node): bool = return htmlNode.parentElement != nil and htmlNode.parentElement.childNodes[^1] == htmlNode func toInputType*(str: string): InputType = case str of "button": INPUT_BUTTON of "checkbox": INPUT_CHECKBOX of "color": INPUT_COLOR of "date": INPUT_DATE of "datetime_local": INPUT_DATETIME_LOCAL of "email": INPUT_EMAIL of "file": INPUT_FILE of "hidden": INPUT_HIDDEN of "image": INPUT_IMAGE of "month": INPUT_MONTH of "number": INPUT_NUMBER of "password": INPUT_PASSWORD of "radio": INPUT_RADIO of "range": INPUT_RANGE of "reset": INPUT_RESET of "search": INPUT_SEARCH of "submit": INPUT_SUBMIT of "tel": INPUT_TEL of "text": INPUT_TEXT of "time": INPUT_TIME of "url": INPUT_URL of "week": INPUT_WEEK else: INPUT_UNKNOWN func newText*(): Text = new(result) result.nodeType = TEXT_NODE func newComment*(): Comment = new(result) result.nodeType = COMMENT_NODE func newHtmlElement*(tagType: TagType): HTMLElement = case tagType of TAG_INPUT: result = new(HTMLInputElement) of TAG_A: result = new(HTMLAnchorElement) of TAG_SELECT: result = new(HTMLSelectElement) of TAG_OPTION: result = new(HTMLOptionElement) of TAG_H1, TAG_H2, TAG_H3, TAG_H4, TAG_H5, TAG_H6: result = new(HTMLHeadingElement) of TAG_BR: result = new(HTMLBRElement) of TAG_SPAN: result = new(HTMLSpanElement) else: new(result) result.nodeType = ELEMENT_NODE result.tagType = tagType func newDocument*(): Document = new(result) result.root = newHtmlElement(TAG_HTML) result.head = newHtmlElement(TAG_HEAD) result.body = newHtmlElement(TAG_BODY) result.nodeType = DOCUMENT_NODE func newAttr*(parent: Element, key: string, value: string): Attr = new(result) result.nodeType = ATTRIBUTE_NODE result.ownerElement = parent = key result.value = value func getAttrValue*(element: Element, s: string): string = let attr = element.attributes.getOrDefault(s, nil) if attr != nil: return attr.value return ""