import deques import macros import options import sequtils import streams import strformat import strutils import tables import unicode import css/sheet import data/charset import encoding/decoderstream import html/dom import html/tags import html/htmltokenizer import js/javascript import types/url import utils/twtstr type CharsetConfidence = enum CONFIDENCE_TENTATIVE, CONFIDENCE_CERTAIN, CONFIDENCE_IRRELEVANT DOMParser = ref object # JS interface OpenElements = seq[Element] HTML5Parser = object case fragment: bool of true: ctx: Element else: discard needsreinterpret: bool charset: Charset confidence: CharsetConfidence openElements: OpenElements insertionMode: InsertionMode oldInsertionMode: InsertionMode templateModes: seq[InsertionMode] head: Element tokenizer: Tokenizer document: Document form: HTMLFormElement fosterParenting: bool scripting: bool activeFormatting: seq[(Element, Token)] # nil => marker framesetok: bool ignoreLF: bool pendingTableChars: string pendingTableCharsWhitespace: bool AdjustedInsertionLocation = tuple[inside: Node, before: Node] # InsertionMode = enum INITIAL, BEFORE_HTML, BEFORE_HEAD, IN_HEAD, IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT, AFTER_HEAD, IN_BODY, TEXT, IN_TABLE, IN_TABLE_TEXT, IN_CAPTION, IN_COLUMN_GROUP, IN_TABLE_BODY, IN_ROW, IN_CELL, IN_SELECT, IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE, IN_TEMPLATE, AFTER_BODY, IN_FRAMESET, AFTER_FRAMESET, AFTER_AFTER_BODY, AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET proc resetInsertionMode(parser: var HTML5Parser) = template switch_insertion_mode_and_return(mode: InsertionMode) = parser.insertionMode = mode return for i in countdown(parser.openElements.high, 0): var node = parser.openElements[i] let last = i == 0 if parser.fragment: node = parser.ctx if node.tagType == TAG_SELECT: if not last: for j in countdown(parser.openElements.high, 1): let ancestor = parser.openElements[j] case ancestor.tagType of TAG_TEMPLATE: break of TAG_TABLE: switch_insertion_mode_and_return IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE else: discard switch_insertion_mode_and_return IN_SELECT case node.tagType of TAG_TD, TAG_TH: if not last: switch_insertion_mode_and_return IN_CELL of TAG_TR: switch_insertion_mode_and_return IN_ROW of TAG_TBODY, TAG_THEAD, TAG_TFOOT: switch_insertion_mode_and_return IN_CAPTION of TAG_COLGROUP: switch_insertion_mode_and_return IN_COLUMN_GROUP of TAG_TABLE: switch_insertion_mode_and_return IN_TABLE of TAG_TEMPLATE: switch_insertion_mode_and_return parser.templateModes[^1] of TAG_HEAD: if not last: switch_insertion_mode_and_return IN_HEAD of TAG_BODY: switch_insertion_mode_and_return IN_BODY of TAG_FRAMESET: switch_insertion_mode_and_return IN_FRAMESET of TAG_HTML: if parser.head != nil: switch_insertion_mode_and_return BEFORE_HEAD else: switch_insertion_mode_and_return AFTER_HEAD else: discard if last: switch_insertion_mode_and_return IN_BODY func currentNode(parser: HTML5Parser): Element = return parser.openElements[^1] func adjustedCurrentNode(parser: HTML5Parser): Element = if parser.fragment: parser.ctx else: parser.currentNode template parse_error() = discard func lastElementOfTag(parser: HTML5Parser, tagType: TagType): tuple[element: Element, pos: int] = for i in countdown(parser.openElements.high, 0): if parser.openElements[i].tagType == tagType: return (parser.openElements[i], i) return (nil, -1) template last_child_of(n: Node): AdjustedInsertionLocation = (n, nil) # func appropriatePlaceForInsert(parser: HTML5Parser, target: Element): AdjustedInsertionLocation = assert parser.openElements[0].tagType == TAG_HTML if parser.fosterParenting and target.tagType in {TAG_TABLE, TAG_TBODY, TAG_TFOOT, TAG_THEAD, TAG_TR}: let lastTemplate = parser.lastElementOfTag(TAG_TEMPLATE) let lastTable = parser.lastElementOfTag(TAG_TABLE) if lastTemplate.element != nil and (lastTable.element == nil or lastTable.pos < lastTemplate.pos): return last_child_of(HTMLTemplateElement(lastTemplate.element).content) if lastTable.element == nil: return last_child_of(parser.openElements[0]) if lastTable.element.parentNode != nil: return (lastTable.element.parentNode, lastTable.element) let previousElement = parser.openElements[lastTable.pos - 1] result = last_child_of(previousElement) else: result = last_child_of(target) if result.inside.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE and Element(result.inside).tagType == TAG_TEMPLATE: result = (HTMLTemplateElement(result.inside).content, nil) func appropriatePlaceForInsert(parser: HTML5Parser): AdjustedInsertionLocation = parser.appropriatePlaceForInsert(parser.currentNode) func hasElement(elements: seq[Element], tag: TagType): bool = for element in elements: if element.tagType == tag: return true return false func hasElementInSpecificScope(elements: seq[Element], target: Element, list: set[TagType]): bool = for i in countdown(elements.high, 0): if elements[i] == target: return true if elements[i].tagType in list: return false assert false func hasElementInSpecificScope(elements: seq[Element], target: TagType, list: set[TagType]): bool = for i in countdown(elements.high, 0): if elements[i].tagType == target: return true if elements[i].tagType in list: return false assert false func hasElementInSpecificScope(elements: seq[Element], target: set[TagType], list: set[TagType]): bool = for i in countdown(elements.high, 0): if elements[i].tagType in target: return true if elements[i].tagType in list: return false assert false const Scope = {TAG_APPLET, TAG_CAPTION, TAG_HTML, TAG_TABLE, TAG_TD, TAG_TH, TAG_MARQUEE, TAG_OBJECT, TAG_TEMPLATE} #TODO SVG (NOTE MathML not implemented) func hasElementInScope(elements: seq[Element], target: TagType): bool = return elements.hasElementInSpecificScope(target, Scope) func hasElementInScope(elements: seq[Element], target: set[TagType]): bool = return elements.hasElementInSpecificScope(target, Scope) func hasElementInScope(elements: seq[Element], target: Element): bool = return elements.hasElementInSpecificScope(target, Scope) func hasElementInListItemScope(elements: seq[Element], target: TagType): bool = return elements.hasElementInSpecificScope(target, Scope + {TAG_OL, TAG_UL}) func hasElementInButtonScope(elements: seq[Element], target: TagType): bool = return elements.hasElementInSpecificScope(target, Scope + {TAG_BUTTON}) func hasElementInTableScope(elements: seq[Element], target: TagType): bool = return elements.hasElementInSpecificScope(target, {TAG_HTML, TAG_TABLE, TAG_TEMPLATE}) func hasElementInTableScope(elements: seq[Element], target: set[TagType]): bool = return elements.hasElementInSpecificScope(target, {TAG_HTML, TAG_TABLE, TAG_TEMPLATE}) func hasElementInSelectScope(elements: seq[Element], target: TagType): bool = for i in countdown(elements.high, 0): if elements[i].tagType == target: return true if elements[i].tagType notin {TAG_OPTION, TAG_OPTGROUP}: return false assert false func createElement(parser: HTML5Parser, token: Token, namespace: Namespace, intendedParent: Node): Element = #TODO custom elements let document = intendedParent.document let localName = token.tagname let element = document.newHTMLElement(localName, namespace, tagType = token.tagtype, attrs = token.attrs) if element.isResettable(): element.resetElement() if element.tagType in SupportedFormAssociatedElements and parser.form != nil and not parser.openElements.hasElement(TAG_TEMPLATE) and (element.tagType notin ListedElements or not element.attrb("form")) and intendedParent.inSameTree(parser.form): let element = FormAssociatedElement(element) element.setForm(parser.form) element.parserInserted = true return element proc pushElement(parser: var HTML5Parser, node: Element) = parser.openElements.add(node) parser.tokenizer.hasnonhtml = not parser.adjustedCurrentNode().inHTMLNamespace() proc popElement(parser: var HTML5Parser): Element = result = parser.openElements.pop() if result.tagType == TAG_TEXTAREA: result.resetElement() if parser.openElements.len == 0: parser.tokenizer.hasnonhtml = false else: parser.tokenizer.hasnonhtml = not parser.adjustedCurrentNode().inHTMLNamespace() template pop_current_node = discard parser.popElement() proc insert(location: AdjustedInsertionLocation, node: Node) = location.inside.insert(node, location.before) proc insertForeignElement(parser: var HTML5Parser, token: Token, namespace: Namespace): Element = let location = parser.appropriatePlaceForInsert() let element = parser.createElement(token, namespace, location.inside) if location.inside.preInsertionValidity(element, location.before): #TODO custom elements location.insert(element) parser.pushElement(element) return element proc insertHTMLElement(parser: var HTML5Parser, token: Token): Element = return parser.insertForeignElement(token, Namespace.HTML) proc adjustSVGAttributes(token: Token) = const adjusted = { "attributename": "attributeName", "attributetype": "attributeType", "basefrequency": "baseFrequency", "baseprofile": "baseProfile", "calcmode": "calcMode", "clippathunits": "clipPathUnits", "diffuseconstant": "diffuseConstant", "edgemode": "edgeMode", "filterunits": "filterUnits", "glyphref": "glyphRef", "gradienttransform": "gradientTransform", "gradientunits": "gradientUnits", "kernelmatrix": "kernelMatrix", "kernelunitlength": "kernelUnitLength", "keypoints": "keyPoints", "keysplines": "keySplines", "keytimes": "keyTimes", "lengthadjust": "lengthAdjust", "limitingconeangle": "limitingConeAngle", "markerheight": "markerHeight", "markerunits": "markerUnits", "markerwidth": "markerWidth", "maskcontentunits": "maskContentUnits", "maskunits": "maskUnits", "numoctaves": "numOctaves", "pathlength": "pathLength", "patterncontentunits": "patternContentUnits", "patterntransform": "patternTransform", "patternunits": "patternUnits", "pointsatx": "pointsAtX", "pointsaty": "pointsAtY", "pointsatz": "pointsAtZ", "preservealpha": "preserveAlpha", "preserveaspectratio": "preserveAspectRatio", "primitiveunits": "primitiveUnits", "refx": "refX", "refy": "refY", "repeatcount": "repeatCount", "repeatdur": "repeatDur", "requiredextensions": "requiredExtensions", "requiredfeatures": "requiredFeatures", "specularconstant": "specularConstant", "specularexponent": "specularExponent", "spreadmethod": "spreadMethod", "startoffset": "startOffset", "stddeviation": "stdDeviation", "stitchtiles": "stitchTiles", "surfacescale": "surfaceScale", "systemlanguage": "systemLanguage", "tablevalues": "tableValues", "targetx": "targetX", "targety": "targetY", "textlength": "textLength", "viewbox": "viewBox", "viewtarget": "viewTarget", "xchannelselector": "xChannelSelector", "ychannelselector": "yChannelSelector", "zoomandpan": "zoomAndPan", }.toTable() var todo: seq[string] for k in token.attrs.keys: if k in adjusted: todo.add(k) for s in todo: token.attrs[adjusted[s]] = token.attrs[s] template insert_character_impl(parser: var HTML5Parser, data: typed) = let location = parser.appropriatePlaceForInsert() if location.inside.nodeType == DOCUMENT_NODE: return let insertNode = if location.before == nil: location.inside.lastChild else: location.before.previousSibling if insertNode != nil and insertNode.nodeType == TEXT_NODE: dom.Text(insertNode).data &= data else: let text = location.inside.document.createTextNode($data) location.insert(text) if location.inside.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE: let parent = Element(location.inside) if parent.tagType == TAG_STYLE: let parent = HTMLStyleElement(parent) parent.sheet_invalid = true proc insertCharacter(parser: var HTML5Parser, data: string) = insert_character_impl(parser, data) proc insertCharacter(parser: var HTML5Parser, data: char) = insert_character_impl(parser, data) proc insertCharacter(parser: var HTML5Parser, data: Rune) = insert_character_impl(parser, data) proc insertComment(parser: var HTML5Parser, token: Token, position: AdjustedInsertionLocation) = position.insert(position.inside.document.createComment( proc insertComment(parser: var HTML5Parser, token: Token) = let position = parser.appropriatePlaceForInsert() position.insert(position.inside.document.createComment( const PublicIdentifierEquals = [ "-//W3O//DTD W3 HTML Strict 3.0//EN//", "-/W3C/DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional/EN", "HTML" ] const PublicIdentifierStartsWith = [ "+//Silmaril//dtd html Pro v0r11 19970101//", "-//AS//DTD HTML 3.0 asWedit + extensions//", "-//AdvaSoft Ltd//DTD HTML 3.0 asWedit + extensions//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Level 1//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Level 2//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Strict Level 1//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Strict Level 2//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Strict//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.1E//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.0//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.2//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 0//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 1//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 2//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 3//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict Level 0//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict Level 1//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict Level 2//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict Level 3//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict//", "-//IETF//DTD HTML//", "-//Metrius//DTD Metrius Presentational//", "-//Microsoft//DTD Internet Explorer 2.0 HTML Strict//", "-//Microsoft//DTD Internet Explorer 2.0 HTML//", "-//Microsoft//DTD Internet Explorer 2.0 Tables//", "-//Microsoft//DTD Internet Explorer 3.0 HTML Strict//", "-//Microsoft//DTD Internet Explorer 3.0 HTML//", "-//Microsoft//DTD Internet Explorer 3.0 Tables//", "-//Netscape Comm. Corp.//DTD HTML//", "-//Netscape Comm. Corp.//DTD Strict HTML//", "-//O'Reilly and Associates//DTD HTML 2.0//", "-//O'Reilly and Associates//DTD HTML Extended 1.0//", "-//O'Reilly and Associates//DTD HTML Extended Relaxed 1.0//", "-//SQ//DTD HTML 2.0 HoTMetaL + extensions//", "-//SoftQuad Software//DTD HoTMetaL PRO 6.0::19990601::extensions to HTML 4.0//", "-//SoftQuad//DTD HoTMetaL PRO 4.0::19971010::extensions to HTML 4.0//", "-//Spyglass//DTD HTML 2.0 Extended//", "-//Sun Microsystems Corp.//DTD HotJava HTML//", "-//Sun Microsystems Corp.//DTD HotJava Strict HTML//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3 1995-03-24//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Draft//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2S Draft//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Frameset//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML Experimental 19960712//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML Experimental 970421//", "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//", "-//W3O//DTD W3 HTML 3.0//", "-//WebTechs//DTD Mozilla HTML 2.0//", "-//WebTechs//DTD Mozilla HTML//", ] const SystemIdentifierMissingAndPublicIdentifierStartsWith = [ "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//" ] const PublicIdentifierStartsWithLimited = [ "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//", "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//" ] const SystemIdentifierNotMissingAndPublicIdentifierStartsWith = [ "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//" ] func quirksConditions(token: Token): bool = if token.quirks: return true if or != "html": return true if token.sysid.issome: if token.sysid.get == "": return true if token.pubid.issome: if token.pubid.get in PublicIdentifierEquals: return true for id in PublicIdentifierStartsWith: if token.pubid.get.startsWithNoCase(id): return true if token.sysid.isnone: for id in SystemIdentifierMissingAndPublicIdentifierStartsWith: if token.pubid.get.startsWithNoCase(id): return true return false func limitedQuirksConditions(token: Token): bool = if token.pubid.isnone: return false for id in PublicIdentifierStartsWithLimited: if token.pubid.get.startsWithNoCase(id): return true if token.sysid.isnone: return false for id in SystemIdentifierNotMissingAndPublicIdentifierStartsWith: if token.pubid.get.startsWithNoCase(id): return true return false # proc genericRawtextElementParsingAlgorithm(parser: var HTML5Parser, token: Token) = discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.tokenizer.state = RAWTEXT parser.oldInsertionMode = parser.insertionMode parser.insertionMode = TEXT proc genericRCDATAElementParsingAlgorithm(parser: var HTML5Parser, token: Token) = discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.tokenizer.state = RCDATA parser.oldInsertionMode = parser.insertionMode parser.insertionMode = TEXT # proc generateImpliedEndTags(parser: var HTML5Parser) = const tags = {TAG_DD, TAG_DT, TAG_LI, TAG_OPTGROUP, TAG_OPTION, TAG_P, TAG_RB, TAG_RP, TAG_RT, TAG_RTC} while parser.currentNode.tagType in tags: discard parser.popElement() proc generateImpliedEndTags(parser: var HTML5Parser, exclude: TagType) = let tags = {TAG_DD, TAG_DT, TAG_LI, TAG_OPTGROUP, TAG_OPTION, TAG_P, TAG_RB, TAG_RP, TAG_RT, TAG_RTC} - {exclude} while parser.currentNode.tagType in tags: discard parser.popElement() proc generateImpliedEndTagsThoroughly(parser: var HTML5Parser) = const tags = {TAG_CAPTION, TAG_COLGROUP, TAG_DD, TAG_DT, TAG_LI, TAG_OPTGROUP, TAG_OPTION, TAG_P, TAG_RB, TAG_RP, TAG_RT, TAG_RTC, TAG_TBODY, TAG_TD, TAG_TFOOT, TAG_TH, TAG_THEAD, TAG_TR} while parser.currentNode.tagType in tags: discard parser.popElement() # proc pushOntoActiveFormatting(parser: var HTML5Parser, element: Element, token: Token) = var count = 0 for i in countdown(parser.activeFormatting.high, 0): let it = parser.activeFormatting[i] if it[0] == nil: break if it[0].tagType != element.tagType: continue if it[0].tagType == TAG_UNKNOWN: if it[0].localName != element.localName: continue if it[0].namespace != element.namespace: continue var fail = false for k, v in it[0].attrs: if k notin element.attrs: fail = true break if v != element.attrs[k]: fail = true break if fail: continue for k, v in element.attrs: if k notin it[0].attrs: fail = true break if fail: continue inc count if count == 3: parser.activeFormatting.delete(i) break parser.activeFormatting.add((element, token)) proc reconstructActiveFormatting(parser: var HTML5Parser) = type State = enum REWIND, ADVANCE, CREATE if parser.activeFormatting.len == 0: return if parser.activeFormatting[^1][0] == nil or parser.openElements.hasElement(parser.activeFormatting[^1][0].tagType): return var i = parser.activeFormatting.high template entry: Element = (parser.activeFormatting[i][0]) var state = REWIND while true: {.computedGoto.} case state of REWIND: if i == 0: state = CREATE continue dec i if entry != nil and not parser.openElements.hasElement(entry.tagType): continue state = ADVANCE of ADVANCE: inc i state = CREATE of CREATE: parser.activeFormatting[i] = (parser.insertHTMLElement(parser.activeFormatting[i][1]), parser.activeFormatting[i][1]) if i != parser.activeFormatting.high: state = ADVANCE continue break proc clearActiveFormattingTillMarker(parser: var HTML5Parser) = while parser.activeFormatting.len > 0 and parser.activeFormatting.pop()[0] != nil: discard func isHTMLIntegrationPoint(node: Element): bool = return false #TODO SVG (NOTE MathML not implemented) func extractEncFromMeta(s: string): Charset = var i = 0 while true: # Loop: var j = 0 while i < s.len: template check(c: static char) = if s[i] in {c, c.toUpperAscii()}: inc j else: j = 0 case j of 0: check 'c' of 1: check 'h' of 2: check 'a' of 3: check 'r' of 4: check 's' of 5: check 'e' of 6: check 't' of 7: inc j break else: discard inc i if j < 7: return CHARSET_UNKNOWN while i < s.len and s[i] in AsciiWhitespace: inc i if i >= s.len or s[i] != '=': continue while i < s.len and s[i] in AsciiWhitespace: inc i break inc i if i >= s.len: return CHARSET_UNKNOWN if s[i] in {'"', '\''}: let s2 = s.substr(i + 1).until(s[i]) if s2.len == 0 or s2[^1] != s[i]: return CHARSET_UNKNOWN return getCharset(s2) return getCharset(s.substr(i).until({';', ' '})) proc changeEncoding(parser: var HTML5Parser, cs: Charset) = if parser.charset in {CHARSET_UTF_16_LE, CHARSET_UTF_16_BE}: parser.confidence = CONFIDENCE_CERTAIN return parser.confidence = CONFIDENCE_CERTAIN if cs == parser.charset: return if cs == CHARSET_X_USER_DEFINED: parser.charset = CHARSET_WINDOWS_1252 else: parser.charset = cs parser.needsreinterpret = true # Following is an implementation of the state (?) machine defined in # # It uses the ad-hoc pattern matching macro `match' to apply the following # transformations: # * First, pairs of patterns and actions are stored in tuples (and `discard' # statements...) # * These pairs are then assigned to token types, later mapped to legs of the # first case statement. # * Another case statement is constructed where needed, e.g. for switching on # characters/tags/etc. # * Finally, the whole thing is wrapped in a named block, to implement a # pseudo-goto by breaking out only when the else statement needn't be # executed. # # For example, the following code: # # match token: # TokenType.COMMENT => (block: echo "comment") # ("

", "", "") => (block: echo "p, a or closing div") # ("

", "

") => (block: anything_else) # (TokenType.START_TAG, TokenType.END_TAG) => (block: assert false, "invalid") # _ => (block: echo "anything else") # # (effectively) generates this: # # block inside_not_else: # case token.t # of TokenType.COMMENT: # echo "comment" # break inside_not_else # of TokenType.START_TAG: # case token.tagtype # of {TAG_P, TAG_A}: # echo "p, a or closing div" # break inside_not_else # of TAG_DIV: discard # else: # assert false # break inside_not_else # of TokenType.END_TAG: # case token.tagtype # of TAG_DIV: # echo "p, a or closing div" # break inside_not_else # of TAG_P: discard # else: # assert false # break inside_not_else # else: discard # echo "anything else" # # This duplicates any code that applies for several token types, except for the # else branch. macro match(token: Token, body: typed): untyped = type OfBranchStore = object ofBranches: seq[(seq[NimNode], NimNode)] defaultBranch: NimNode painted: bool # Stores 'of' branches var ofBranches: array[TokenType, OfBranchStore] # Stores 'else', 'elif' branches var defaultBranch: NimNode const tokenTypes = (func(): Table[string, TokenType] = for tt in TokenType: result[$tt] = tt)() for disc in body: let tup = disc[0] # access actual tuple let pattern = `tup`[0] let lambda = `tup`[1] var action = lambda.findChild(it.kind notin {nnkSym, nnkEmpty, nnkFormalParams}) if pattern.kind != nnkDiscardStmt and not (action.len == 2 and action[1].kind == nnkDiscardStmt and action[1][0] == newStrLitNode("anything_else")): action = quote do: `action` #eprint token #debug break inside_not_else var patterns = @[pattern] while patterns.len > 0: let pattern = patterns.pop() case pattern.kind of nnkSym: # simple symbols; we assume these are the enums ofBranches[tokenTypes[pattern.strVal]].defaultBranch = action ofBranches[tokenTypes[pattern.strVal]].painted = true of nnkCharLit: ofBranches[CHARACTER_ASCII].ofBranches.add((@[pattern], action)) ofBranches[CHARACTER_ASCII].painted = true of nnkCurly: case pattern[0].kind of nnkCharLit: ofBranches[CHARACTER_ASCII].ofBranches.add((@[pattern], action)) ofBranches[CHARACTER_ASCII].painted = true else: error fmt"Unsupported curly of kind {pattern[0].kind}" of nnkStrLit: var tempTokenizer = newTokenizer(pattern.strVal) for token in tempTokenizer.tokenize: let tt = int(token.tagtype) case token.t of START_TAG, END_TAG: var found = false for i in 0..ofBranches[token.t].ofBranches.high: if ofBranches[token.t].ofBranches[i][1] == action: found = true ofBranches[token.t].ofBranches[i][0].add((quote do: TagType(`tt`))) ofBranches[token.t].painted = true break if not found: ofBranches[token.t].ofBranches.add((@[(quote do: TagType(`tt`))], action)) ofBranches[token.t].painted = true else: error fmt"{pattern.strVal}: Unsupported token {token} of kind {token.t}" break of nnkDiscardStmt: defaultBranch = action of nnkTupleConstr: for child in pattern: patterns.add(child) else: error fmt"{pattern}: Unsupported pattern of kind {pattern.kind}" func tokenBranchOn(tok: TokenType): NimNode = case tok of START_TAG, END_TAG: return quote do: token.tagtype of CHARACTER: return quote do: token.r of CHARACTER_ASCII: return quote do: token.c else: error fmt"Unsupported branching of token {tok}" template add_to_case(branch: typed) = if branch[0].len == 1: tokenCase.add(newNimNode(nnkOfBranch).add(branch[0][0]).add(branch[1])) else: var curly = newNimNode(nnkCurly) for node in branch[0]: curly.add(node) tokenCase.add(newNimNode(nnkOfBranch).add(curly).add(branch[1])) # Build case statements var mainCase = newNimNode(nnkCaseStmt).add(quote do: `token`.t) for tt in TokenType: let ofBranch = newNimNode(nnkOfBranch).add(quote do: TokenType(`tt`)) let tokenCase = newNimNode(nnkCaseStmt) if ofBranches[tt].defaultBranch != nil: if ofBranches[tt].ofBranches.len > 0: tokenCase.add(tokenBranchOn(tt)) for branch in ofBranches[tt].ofBranches: add_to_case branch tokenCase.add(newNimNode(nnkElse).add(ofBranches[tt].defaultBranch)) ofBranch.add(tokenCase) mainCase.add(ofBranch) else: ofBranch.add(ofBranches[tt].defaultBranch) mainCase.add(ofBranch) else: if ofBranches[tt].ofBranches.len > 0: tokenCase.add(tokenBranchOn(tt)) for branch in ofBranches[tt].ofBranches: add_to_case branch ofBranch.add(tokenCase) tokenCase.add(newNimNode(nnkElse).add(quote do: discard)) mainCase.add(ofBranch) else: discard for t in TokenType: if not ofBranches[t].painted: mainCase.add(newNimNode(nnkElse).add(quote do: discard)) break var stmts = newStmtList().add(mainCase) for stmt in defaultBranch: stmts.add(stmt) result = newBlockStmt(ident("inside_not_else"), stmts) proc processInHTMLContent(parser: var HTML5Parser, token: Token, insertionMode = parser.insertionMode) = template pop_all_nodes = while parser.openElements.len > 1: pop_current_node template anything_else = discard "anything_else" macro `=>`(v: typed, body: untyped): untyped = quote do: discard (`v`, proc() = `body`) template _ = discard template reprocess(tok: Token) = parser.processInHTMLContent(tok) case insertionMode of INITIAL: match token: AsciiWhitespace => (block: discard) TokenType.COMMENT => (block: parser.insertComment(token, last_child_of(parser.document))) TokenType.DOCTYPE => (block: if or != "html" or token.pubid.issome or (token.sysid.issome and token.sysid.get != "about:legacy-compat"): parse_error let doctype = parser.document.newDocumentType(""), token.pubid.get(""), token.sysid.get("")) parser.document.append(doctype) if not parser.document.is_iframe_srcdoc and not parser.document.parser_cannot_change_the_mode_flag: if quirksConditions(token): parser.document.mode = QUIRKS elif limitedQuirksConditions(token): parser.document.mode = LIMITED_QUIRKS parser.insertionMode = BEFORE_HTML ) _ => (block: if not parser.document.is_iframe_srcdoc: parse_error if not parser.document.parser_cannot_change_the_mode_flag: parser.document.mode = QUIRKS parser.insertionMode = BEFORE_HTML reprocess token ) of BEFORE_HTML: match token: TokenType.DOCTYPE => (block: parse_error) TokenType.COMMENT => (block: parser.insertComment(token, last_child_of(parser.document))) AsciiWhitespace => (block: discard) "" => (block: let element = parser.createElement(token, Namespace.HTML, parser.document) parser.document.append(element) parser.pushElement(element) parser.insertionMode = BEFORE_HEAD ) ("", "", "", "
") => (block: anything_else) TokenType.END_TAG => (block: parse_error) _ => (block: let element = parser.document.newHTMLElement(TAG_HTML, Namespace.HTML) parser.document.append(element) parser.pushElement(element) parser.insertionMode = BEFORE_HEAD reprocess token ) of BEFORE_HEAD: match token: AsciiWhitespace => (block: discard) TokenType.COMMENT => (block: parser.insertComment(token)) TokenType.DOCTYPE => (block: parse_error) "" => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY)) "" => (block: parser.head = parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.insertionMode = IN_HEAD ) ("", "", "", "
") => (block: anything_else) TokenType.END_TAG => (block: parse_error) _ => (block: parser.head = parser.insertHTMLElement(Token(t: START_TAG, tagtype: TAG_HEAD)) parser.insertionMode = IN_HEAD reprocess token ) of IN_HEAD: match token: AsciiWhitespace => (block: discard) TokenType.COMMENT => (block: parser.insertComment(token)) TokenType.DOCTYPE => (block: parse_error) "" => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY)) ("", "", "", "") => (block: discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) pop_current_node ) "" => (block: let element = parser.insertHTMLElement(token) pop_current_node if parser.confidence == CONFIDENCE_TENTATIVE: let cs = getCharset(element.attr("charset")) if cs != CHARSET_UNKNOWN: parser.changeEncoding(cs) elif element.attr("http-equiv").equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Type"): let cs = extractEncFromMeta(element.attr("content")) if cs != CHARSET_UNKNOWN: parser.changeEncoding(cs) ) "" => (block: parser.genericRCDATAElementParsingAlgorithm(token)) "<noscript>" => (block: if not parser.scripting: discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.insertionMode = IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT else: parser.genericRawtextElementParsingAlgorithm(token) ) ("<noframes>", "<style>") => (block: parser.genericRawtextElementParsingAlgorithm(token)) "<script>" => (block: let location = parser.appropriatePlaceForInsert() let element = HTMLScriptElement(parser.createElement(token, Namespace.HTML, location.inside)) element.parserDocument = parser.document element.forceAsync = false if parser.fragment: element.alreadyStarted = true #TODO document.write (?) location.insert(element) parser.pushElement(element) parser.tokenizer.state = SCRIPT_DATA parser.oldInsertionMode = parser.insertionMode parser.insertionMode = TEXT ) "</head>" => (block: pop_current_node parser.insertionMode = AFTER_HEAD ) ("</body>", "</html>", "</br>") => (block: anything_else) "<template>" => (block: discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.activeFormatting.add((nil, nil)) parser.framesetok = false parser.insertionMode = IN_TEMPLATE parser.templateModes.add(IN_TEMPLATE) ) "</template>" => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElement(TAG_TEMPLATE): parse_error else: parser.generateImpliedEndTagsThoroughly() if parser.currentNode.tagType != TAG_TEMPLATE: parse_error while parser.popElement().tagType != TAG_TEMPLATE: discard parser.clearActiveFormattingTillMarker() discard parser.templateModes.pop() parser.resetInsertionMode() ) ("<head>", TokenType.END_TAG) => (block: parse_error) _ => (block: pop_current_node parser.insertionMode = AFTER_HEAD reprocess token ) of IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT: match token: TokenType.DOCTYPE => (block: parse_error) "<html>" => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY)) "</noscript>" => (block: pop_current_node parser.insertionMode = IN_HEAD ) (AsciiWhitespace, TokenType.COMMENT, "<basefont>", "<bgsound>", "<link>", "<meta>", "<noframes>", "<style>") => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_HEAD)) "</br>" => (block: anything_else) ("<head>", "<noscript>") => (block: parse_error) TokenType.END_TAG => (block: parse_error) _ => (block: pop_current_node parser.insertionMode = IN_HEAD reprocess token ) of AFTER_HEAD: match token: AsciiWhitespace => (block: parser.insertCharacter(token.c)) TokenType.COMMENT => (block: parser.insertComment(token)) TokenType.DOCTYPE => (block: parse_error) "<html>" => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY)) "<body>" => (block: discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.framesetok = false parser.insertionMode = IN_BODY ) "<frameset>" => (block: discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.insertionMode = IN_FRAMESET ) ("<base>", "<basefont>", "<bgsound>", "<link>", "<meta>", "<noframes>", "<script>", "<style>", "<template>", "<title>") => (block: parse_error parser.pushElement(parser.head) parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_HEAD) for i in countdown(parser.openElements.high, 0): if parser.openElements[i] == parser.head: parser.openElements.delete(i) ) "</template>" => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_HEAD)) ("</body>", "</html>", "</br>") => (block: anything_else) ("<head>", TokenType.END_TAG) => (block: parse_error) _ => (block: discard parser.insertHTMLElement(Token(t: START_TAG, tagtype: TAG_BODY)) parser.insertionMode = IN_BODY reprocess token ) of IN_BODY: proc closeP(parser: var HTML5Parser) = parser.generateImpliedEndTags(TAG_P) if parser.currentNode.tagType != TAG_P: parse_error while parser.popElement().tagType != TAG_P: discard proc adoptionAgencyAlgorithm(parser: var HTML5Parser, token: Token): bool = if parser.currentNode.tagType != TAG_UNKNOWN and parser.currentNode.tagtype == token.tagtype or parser.currentNode.localName == token.tagname: var fail = true for it in parser.activeFormatting: if it[0] == parser.currentNode: fail = false if fail: pop_current_node return false var i = 0 while true: if i >= 8: return false inc i if parser.activeFormatting.len == 0: return true var formatting: Element var formattingIndex: int for j in countdown(parser.activeFormatting.high, 0): let element = parser.activeFormatting[j][0] if element == nil: return true if element.tagType != TAG_UNKNOWN and element.tagtype == token.tagtype or element.qualifiedName == token.tagname: formatting = element formattingIndex = j break if j == 0: return true let stackIndex = parser.openElements.find(formatting) if stackIndex < 0: parse_error parser.activeFormatting.delete(formattingIndex) return false if not parser.openElements.hasElementInScope(formatting): parse_error return false if formatting != parser.currentNode: parse_error var furthestBlock: Element = nil var furthestBlockIndex: int for j in countdown(parser.openElements.high, 0): if parser.openElements[j] == formatting: break if parser.openElements[j].tagType in SpecialElements: furthestBlock = parser.openElements[j] furthestBlockIndex = j break if furthestBlock == nil: while parser.popElement() != formatting: discard parser.activeFormatting.delete(formattingIndex) return false let commonAncestor = parser.openElements[stackIndex - 1] var bookmark = formattingIndex var node = furthestBlock var aboveNode = parser.openElements[furthestBlockIndex - 1] var lastNode = furthestBlock var j = 0 while true: inc j node = aboveNode let nodeStackIndex = parser.openElements.find(node) if node == formatting: break var nodeFormattingIndex = -1 for i in countdown(parser.activeFormatting.high, 0): if parser.activeFormatting[i][0] == node: nodeFormattingIndex = i break if j > 3 and nodeFormattingIndex >= 0: parser.activeFormatting.delete(nodeFormattingIndex) if nodeFormattingIndex < bookmark: dec bookmark # a previous node got deleted, so decrease bookmark by one if nodeFormattingIndex < 0: aboveNode = parser.openElements[nodeStackIndex - 1] parser.openElements.delete(nodeStackIndex) if nodeStackIndex < furthestBlockIndex: dec furthestBlockIndex furthestBlock = parser.openElements[furthestBlockIndex] continue let element = parser.createElement(parser.activeFormatting[nodeFormattingIndex][1], Namespace.HTML, commonAncestor) parser.activeFormatting[nodeFormattingIndex] = (element, parser.activeFormatting[nodeFormattingIndex][1]) parser.openElements[nodeStackIndex] = element aboveNode = parser.openElements[nodeStackIndex - 1] node = element if lastNode == furthestBlock: bookmark = nodeFormattingIndex + 1 node.append(lastNode) lastNode = node let location = parser.appropriatePlaceForInsert(commonAncestor) location.inside.insert(lastNode, location.before) let token = parser.activeFormatting[formattingIndex][1] let element = parser.createElement(token, Namespace.HTML, furthestBlock) var tomove: seq[Node] j = furthestBlock.childList.high while j >= 0: let child = furthestBlock.childList[j] child.remove(j, true) tomove.add(child) dec j for child in tomove: element.append(child) furthestBlock.append(element) parser.activeFormatting.insert((element, token), bookmark) parser.activeFormatting.delete(formattingIndex) parser.openElements.insert(element, furthestBlockIndex) parser.openElements.delete(stackIndex) template any_other_start_tag() = parser.reconstructActiveFormatting() discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) template any_other_end_tag() = for i in countdown(parser.openElements.high, 0): let node = parser.openElements[i] if node.tagType != TAG_UNKNOWN and node.tagType == token.tagtype or node.localName == token.tagname: parser.generateImpliedEndTags(token.tagtype) if node != parser.currentNode: parse_error while parser.popElement() != node: discard break elif node.tagType in SpecialElements: parse_error return match token: '\0' => (block: parse_error) AsciiWhitespace => (block: parser.reconstructActiveFormatting() parser.insertCharacter(token.c) ) TokenType.CHARACTER_ASCII => (block: parser.reconstructActiveFormatting() parser.insertCharacter(token.c) parser.framesetOk = false ) TokenType.CHARACTER => (block: parser.reconstructActiveFormatting() parser.insertCharacter(token.r) parser.framesetOk = false ) TokenType.COMMENT => (block: parser.insertComment(token)) TokenType.DOCTYPE => (block: parse_error) "<html>" => (block: parse_error if parser.openElements.hasElement(TAG_TEMPLATE): discard else: for k, v in token.attrs: if k notin parser.openElements[0].attrs: parser.openElements[0].attr(k, v) ) ("<base>", "<basefont>", "<bgsound>", "<link>", "<meta>", "<noframes>", "<script>", "<style>", "<template>", "<title>", "</template>") => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_HEAD)) "<body>" => (block: parse_error if parser.openElements.len == 1 or parser.openElements[1].tagType != TAG_BODY or parser.openElements.hasElement(TAG_TEMPLATE): discard else: parser.framesetOk = false for k, v in token.attrs: if k notin parser.openElements[1].attrs: parser.openElements[1].attr(k, v) ) "<frameset>" => (block: parse_error if parser.openElements.len == 1 or parser.openElements[1].tagType != TAG_BODY or not parser.framesetOk: discard else: if parser.openElements[1].parentNode != nil: parser.openElements[1].remove() pop_all_nodes ) TokenType.EOF => (block: if parser.templateModes.len > 0: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_TEMPLATE) else: #NOTE parse error omitted discard # stop ) "</body>" => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInScope(TAG_BODY): parse_error else: #NOTE parse error omitted parser.insertionMode = AFTER_BODY ) "</html>" => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInScope(TAG_BODY): parse_error else: #NOTE parse error omitted parser.insertionMode = AFTER_BODY reprocess token ) ("<address>", "<article>", "<aside>", "<blockquote>", "<center>", "<details>", "<dialog>", "<dir>", "<div>", "<dl>", "<fieldset>", "<figcaption>", "<figure>", "<footer>", "<header>", "<hgroup>", "<main>", "<menu>", "<nav>", "<ol>", "<p>", "<section>", "<summary>", "<ul>") => (block: if parser.openElements.hasElementInButtonScope(TAG_P): parser.closeP() discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) ) ("<h1>", "<h2>", "<h3>", "<h4>", "<h5>", "<h6>") => (block: if parser.openElements.hasElementInButtonScope(TAG_P): parser.closeP() if parser.currentNode.tagType in HTagTypes: parse_error pop_current_node discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) ) ("<pre>", "<listing>") => (block: if parser.openElements.hasElementInButtonScope(TAG_P): parser.closeP() discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.ignoreLF = true parser.framesetOk = false ) "<form>" => (block: let hasTemplate = parser.openElements.hasElement(TAG_TEMPLATE) if parser.form != nil and not hasTemplate: parse_error else: if parser.openElements.hasElementInButtonScope(TAG_P): parser.closeP() let element = parser.insertHTMLElement(token) if not hasTemplate: parser.form = HTMLFormElement(element) ) "<li>" => (block: parser.framesetOk = false for i in countdown(parser.openElements.high, 0): let node = parser.openElements[i] case node.tagType of TAG_LI: parser.generateImpliedEndTags(TAG_LI) if parser.currentNode.tagType != TAG_LI: parse_error while parser.popElement().tagType != TAG_LI: discard break of SpecialElements - {TAG_ADDRESS, TAG_DIV, TAG_P, TAG_LI}: break else: discard if parser.openElements.hasElementInButtonScope(TAG_P): parser.closeP() discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) ) ("<dd>", "<dt>") => (block: parser.framesetOk = false for i in countdown(parser.openElements.high, 0): let node = parser.openElements[i] case node.tagType of TAG_DD: parser.generateImpliedEndTags(TAG_DD) if parser.currentNode.tagType != TAG_DD: parse_error while parser.popElement().tagType != TAG_DD: discard break of TAG_DT: parser.generateImpliedEndTags(TAG_DT) if parser.currentNode.tagType != TAG_DT: parse_error while parser.popElement().tagType != TAG_DT: discard break of SpecialElements - {TAG_ADDRESS, TAG_DIV, TAG_P, TAG_DD, TAG_DT}: break else: discard if parser.openElements.hasElementInButtonScope(TAG_P): parser.closeP() discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) ) "<plaintext>" => (block: if parser.openElements.hasElementInButtonScope(TAG_P): parser.closeP() discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.tokenizer.state = PLAINTEXT ) "<button>" => (block: if parser.openElements.hasElementInScope(TAG_BUTTON): parse_error parser.generateImpliedEndTags() while parser.popElement().tagType != TAG_BUTTON: discard parser.reconstructActiveFormatting() discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.framesetOk = false ) ("</address>", "</article>", "</aside>", "</blockquote>", "</button>", "</center>", "</details>", "</dialog>", "</dir>", "</div>", "</dl>", "</fieldset>", "</figcaption>", "</figure>", "</footer>", "</header>", "</hgroup>", "</listing>", "</main>", "</menu>", "</nav>", "</ol>", "</pre>", "</section>", "</summary>", "</ul>") => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInScope(token.tagtype): parse_error else: parser.generateImpliedEndTags() if parser.currentNode.tagType != token.tagtype: parse_error while parser.popElement().tagType != token.tagtype: discard ) "</form>" => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElement(TAG_TEMPLATE): let node = parser.form parser.form = nil if node == nil or not parser.openElements.hasElementInScope(node.tagType): parse_error return parser.generateImpliedEndTags() if parser.currentNode != node: parse_error parser.openElements.delete(parser.openElements.find(node)) else: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInScope(TAG_FORM): parse_error return parser.generateImpliedEndTags() if parser.currentNode.tagType != TAG_FORM: parse_error while parser.popElement().tagType != TAG_FORM: discard ) "</p>" => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInButtonScope(TAG_P): parse_error discard parser.insertHTMLElement(Token(t: START_TAG, tagtype: TAG_P)) parser.closeP() ) "</li>" => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInListItemScope(TAG_LI): parse_error else: parser.generateImpliedEndTags(TAG_LI) if parser.currentNode.tagType != TAG_LI: parse_error while parser.popElement().tagType != TAG_LI: discard ) ("</dd>", "</dt>") => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInScope(token.tagtype): parse_error else: parser.generateImpliedEndTags(token.tagtype) if parser.currentNode.tagType != token.tagtype: parse_error while parser.popElement().tagType != token.tagtype: discard ) ("</h1>", "</h2>", "</h3>", "</h4>", "</h5>", "</h6>") => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInScope(HTagTypes): parse_error else: parser.generateImpliedEndTags() if parser.currentNode.tagType != token.tagtype: parse_error while parser.popElement().tagType notin HTagTypes: discard ) "</sarcasm>" => (block: #*deep breath* anything_else ) "<a>" => (block: var anchor: Element = nil for i in countdown(parser.activeFormatting.high, 0): let format = parser.activeFormatting[i] if format[0] == nil: break if format[0].tagType == TAG_A: anchor = format[0] break if anchor != nil: parse_error if parser.adoptionAgencyAlgorithm(token): any_other_end_tag return for i in 0..parser.activeFormatting.high: if parser.activeFormatting[i][0] == anchor: parser.activeFormatting.delete(i) break for i in 0..parser.openElements.high: if parser.openElements[i] == anchor: parser.openElements.delete(i) break parser.reconstructActiveFormatting() let element = parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.pushOntoActiveFormatting(element, token) ) ("<b>", "<big>", "<code>", "<em>", "<font>", "<i>", "<s>", "<small>", "<strike>", "<strong>", "<tt>", "<u>") => (block: parser.reconstructActiveFormatting() let element = parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.pushOntoActiveFormatting(element, token) ) "<nobr>" => (block: parser.reconstructActiveFormatting() if parser.openElements.hasElementInScope(TAG_NOBR): parse_error if parser.adoptionAgencyAlgorithm(token): any_other_end_tag return parser.reconstructActiveFormatting() let element = parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.pushOntoActiveFormatting(element, token) ) ("</a>", "</b>", "</big>", "</code>", "</em>", "</font>", "</i>", "</nobr>", "</s>", "</small>", "</strike>", "</strong>", "</tt>", "</u>") => (block: if parser.adoptionAgencyAlgorithm(token): any_other_end_tag return ) ("<applet>", "<marquee>", "<object>") => (block: parser.reconstructActiveFormatting() discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.activeFormatting.add((nil, nil)) parser.framesetOk = false ) ("</applet>", "</marquee>", "</object>") => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInScope(token.tagtype): parse_error else: parser.generateImpliedEndTags() if parser.currentNode.tagType != token.tagtype: parse_error while parser.popElement().tagType != token.tagtype: discard parser.clearActiveFormattingTillMarker() ) "<table>" => (block: if parser.document.mode != QUIRKS: if parser.openElements.hasElementInButtonScope(TAG_P): parser.closeP() discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.framesetOk = false parser.insertionMode = IN_TABLE ) "</br>" => (block: parse_error parser.processInHTMLContent(Token(t: START_TAG, tagtype: TAG_BR)) ) ("<area>", "<br>", "<embed>", "<img>", "<keygen>", "<wbr>") => (block: parser.reconstructActiveFormatting() discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) pop_current_node parser.framesetOk = false ) "<input>" => (block: parser.reconstructActiveFormatting() discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) pop_current_node if not token.attrs.getOrDefault("type").equalsIgnoreCase("hidden"): parser.framesetOk = false ) ("<param>", "<source>", "<track>") => (block: discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) pop_current_node ) "<hr>" => (block: if parser.openElements.hasElementInButtonScope(TAG_P): parser.closeP() discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) pop_current_node parser.framesetOk = false ) "<image>" => (block: #TODO ew let token = Token(t: START_TAG, tagtype: TAG_IMG, tagname: "img", selfclosing: token.selfclosing, attrs: token.attrs) reprocess token ) "<textarea>" => (block: discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.ignoreLF = true parser.tokenizer.state = RCDATA parser.oldInsertionMode = parser.insertionMode parser.framesetOk = false parser.insertionMode = TEXT ) "<xmp>" => (block: if parser.openElements.hasElementInButtonScope(TAG_P): parser.closeP() parser.reconstructActiveFormatting() parser.framesetOk = false parser.genericRawtextElementParsingAlgorithm(token) ) "<iframe>" => (block: parser.framesetOk = false parser.genericRawtextElementParsingAlgorithm(token) ) "<noembed>" => (block: parser.genericRawtextElementParsingAlgorithm(token) ) "<noscript>" => (block: if parser.scripting: parser.genericRawtextElementParsingAlgorithm(token) else: any_other_start_tag ) "<select>" => (block: parser.reconstructActiveFormatting() discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.framesetOk = false if parser.insertionMode in {IN_TABLE, IN_CAPTION, IN_TABLE_BODY, IN_CELL}: parser.insertionMode = IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE else: parser.insertionMode = IN_SELECT ) ("<optgroup>", "<option>") => (block: if parser.currentNode.tagType == TAG_OPTION: pop_current_node parser.reconstructActiveFormatting() discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) ) ("<rb>", "<rtc>") => (block: if parser.openElements.hasElementInScope(TAG_RUBY): parser.generateImpliedEndTags() if parser.currentNode.tagType != TAG_RUBY: parse_error discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) ) ("<rp>", "<rt>") => (block: if parser.openElements.hasElementInScope(TAG_RUBY): parser.generateImpliedEndTags(TAG_RTC) if parser.currentNode.tagType notin {TAG_RUBY, TAG_RTC}: parse_error discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) ) #NOTE <math> (not implemented) #TODO <svg> (SVG) ("<caption>", "<col>", "<colgroup>", "<frame>", "<head>", "<tbody>", "<td>", "<tfoot>", "<th>", "<thead>", "<tr>") => (block: parse_error) TokenType.START_TAG => (block: any_other_start_tag) TokenType.END_TAG => (block: any_other_end_tag) of TEXT: match token: TokenType.CHARACTER_ASCII => (block: assert token.c != '\0' parser.insertCharacter(token.c) ) TokenType.CHARACTER => (block: parser.insertCharacter(token.r) ) TokenType.EOF => (block: parse_error if parser.currentNode.tagType == TAG_SCRIPT: HTMLScriptElement(parser.currentNode).alreadyStarted = true pop_current_node parser.insertionMode = parser.oldInsertionMode reprocess token ) "</script>" => (block: #TODO microtask let script = HTMLScriptElement(parser.popElement()) parser.insertionMode = parser.oldInsertionMode #TODO document.write() (?) script.prepare() while parser.document.parserBlockingScript != nil: let script = parser.document.parserBlockingScript parser.document.parserBlockingScript = nil #TODO style sheet script.execute() ) TokenType.END_TAG => (block: pop_current_node parser.insertionMode = parser.oldInsertionMode ) of IN_TABLE: template clear_the_stack_back_to_a_table_context() = while parser.currentNode.tagType notin {TAG_TABLE, TAG_TEMPLATE, TAG_HTML}: pop_current_node match token: (TokenType.CHARACTER_ASCII, TokenType.CHARACTER) => (block: if parser.currentNode.tagType in {TAG_TABLE, TAG_TBODY, TAG_TFOOT, TAG_THEAD, TAG_TR}: parser.pendingTableChars = "" parser.pendingTableCharsWhitespace = true parser.oldInsertionMode = parser.insertionMode parser.insertionMode = IN_TABLE_TEXT reprocess token else: # anything else parse_error parser.fosterParenting = true parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY) parser.fosterParenting = false ) TokenType.COMMENT => (block: parser.insertComment(token)) TokenType.DOCTYPE => (block: parse_error) "<caption>" => (block: clear_the_stack_back_to_a_table_context parser.activeFormatting.add((nil, nil)) discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.insertionMode = IN_CAPTION ) "<colgroup>" => (block: clear_the_stack_back_to_a_table_context discard parser.insertHTMLElement(Token(t: START_TAG, tagtype: TAG_COLGROUP)) parser.insertionMode = IN_COLUMN_GROUP ) ("<tbody>", "<tfoot>", "<thead>") => (block: clear_the_stack_back_to_a_table_context discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.insertionMode = IN_TABLE_BODY ) ("<td>", "<th>", "<tr>") => (block: clear_the_stack_back_to_a_table_context discard parser.insertHTMLElement(Token(t: START_TAG, tagtype: TAG_TBODY)) parser.insertionMode = IN_TABLE_BODY ) "<table>" => (block: parse_error if not parser.openElements.hasElementInScope(TAG_TABLE): discard else: while parser.popElement().tagType != TAG_TABLE: discard parser.resetInsertionMode() reprocess token ) "</table>" => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInScope(TAG_TABLE): parse_error else: while parser.popElement().tagType != TAG_TABLE: discard parser.resetInsertionMode() ) ("</body>", "</caption>", "</col>", "</colgroup>", "</html>", "</tbody>", "</td>", "</tfoot>", "</th>", "</thead>", "</tr>") => (block: parse_error ) ("<style>", "<script>", "<template>", "</template>") => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_HEAD) ) "<input>" => (block: if not token.attrs.getOrDefault("type").equalsIgnoreCase("hidden"): # anything else parse_error parser.fosterParenting = true parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY) parser.fosterParenting = false else: parse_error discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) pop_current_node ) "<form>" => (block: parse_error if parser.form != nil or parser.openElements.hasElement(TAG_TEMPLATE): discard else: parser.form = HTMLFormElement(parser.insertHTMLElement(token)) pop_current_node ) TokenType.EOF => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY) ) _ => (block: parse_error parser.fosterParenting = true parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY) parser.fosterParenting = false ) of IN_TABLE_TEXT: match token: '\0' => (block: parse_error) TokenType.CHARACTER_ASCII => (block: if token.c notin AsciiWhitespace: parser.pendingTableCharsWhitespace = false parser.pendingTableChars &= token.c ) TokenType.CHARACTER => (block: parser.pendingTableChars &= token.r parser.pendingTableCharsWhitespace = false ) _ => (block: if not parser.pendingTableCharsWhitespace: # I *think* this is effectively the same thing the specification wants... parse_error parser.fosterParenting = true parser.reconstructActiveFormatting() parser.insertCharacter(parser.pendingTableChars) parser.framesetOk = false parser.fosterParenting = false else: parser.insertCharacter(parser.pendingTableChars) parser.insertionMode = parser.oldInsertionMode reprocess token ) of IN_CAPTION: match token: "</caption>" => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInTableScope(TAG_CAPTION): parse_error else: parser.generateImpliedEndTags() if parser.currentNode.tagType != TAG_CAPTION: parse_error while parser.popElement().tagType != TAG_CAPTION: discard parser.clearActiveFormattingTillMarker() parser.insertionMode = IN_TABLE ) ("<caption>", "<col>", "<colgroup>", "<tbody>", "<td>", "<tfoot>", "<th>", "<thead>", "<tr>", "</table>") => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInTableScope(TAG_CAPTION): parse_error else: parser.generateImpliedEndTags() if parser.currentNode.tagType != TAG_CAPTION: parse_error parser.clearActiveFormattingTillMarker() parser.insertionMode = IN_TABLE reprocess token ) ("</body>", "</col>", "</colgroup>", "</html>", "</tbody>", "</td>", "</tfoot>", "</th>", "</thead>", "</tr>") => (block: parse_error) _ => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY)) of IN_COLUMN_GROUP: match token: AsciiWhitespace => (block: parser.insertCharacter(token.c)) TokenType.COMMENT => (block: parser.insertComment(token)) TokenType.DOCTYPE => (block: parse_error) "<html>" => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY)) "<col>" => (block: discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) pop_current_node ) "</colgroup>" => (block: if parser.currentNode.tagType != TAG_COLGROUP: parse_error else: pop_current_node parser.insertionMode = IN_TABLE ) "</col>" => (block: parse_error) ("<template>", "</template>") => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_HEAD) ) TokenType.EOF => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY)) _ => (block: if parser.currentNode.tagType != TAG_COLGROUP: parse_error else: pop_current_node parser.insertionMode = IN_TABLE reprocess token ) of IN_TABLE_BODY: template clear_the_stack_back_to_a_table_body_context() = while parser.currentNode.tagType notin {TAG_TBODY, TAG_TFOOT, TAG_THEAD, TAG_TEMPLATE, TAG_HTML}: pop_current_node match token: "<tr>" => (block: clear_the_stack_back_to_a_table_body_context discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.insertionMode = IN_ROW ) ("<th>", "<td>") => (block: parse_error clear_the_stack_back_to_a_table_body_context discard parser.insertHTMLElement(Token(t: START_TAG, tagtype: TAG_TR)) parser.insertionMode = IN_ROW reprocess token ) ("</tbody>", "</tfoot>", "</thead>") => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInTableScope(token.tagtype): parse_error else: clear_the_stack_back_to_a_table_body_context pop_current_node parser.insertionMode = IN_TABLE ) ("<caption>", "<col>", "<colgroup>", "<tbody>", "<tfoot>", "<thead>", "</table>") => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInTableScope({TAG_TBODY, TAG_THEAD, TAG_TFOOT}): parse_error else: clear_the_stack_back_to_a_table_body_context pop_current_node parser.insertionMode = IN_TABLE reprocess token ) ("</body>", "</caption>", "</col>", "</colgroup>", "</html>", "</td>", "</th>", "</tr>") => (block: parse_error ) _ => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_TABLE)) of IN_ROW: template clear_the_stack_back_to_a_table_row_context() = while parser.currentNode.tagType notin {TAG_TR, TAG_TEMPLATE, TAG_HTML}: pop_current_node match token: ("<th>", "<td>") => (block: clear_the_stack_back_to_a_table_row_context discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) parser.insertionMode = IN_CELL parser.activeFormatting.add((nil, nil)) ) "</tr>" => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInTableScope(TAG_TR): parse_error else: clear_the_stack_back_to_a_table_row_context pop_current_node parser.insertionMode = IN_TABLE_BODY ) ("<caption>", "<col>", "<colgroup>", "<tbody>", "<tfoot>", "<thead>", "<tr>", "</table>") => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInTableScope(TAG_TR): parse_error else: clear_the_stack_back_to_a_table_row_context pop_current_node parser.insertionMode = IN_TABLE_BODY reprocess token ) ("</tbody>", "</tfoot>", "</thead>") => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInTableScope(token.tagtype): parse_error elif not parser.openElements.hasElementInTableScope(TAG_TR): discard else: clear_the_stack_back_to_a_table_row_context pop_current_node parser.insertionMode = IN_BODY reprocess token ) ("</body>", "</caption>", "</col>", "</colgroup>", "</html>", "</td>", "</th>") => (block: parse_error) _ => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_TABLE)) of IN_CELL: template close_cell() = parser.generateImpliedEndTags() if parser.currentNode.tagType notin {TAG_TD, TAG_TH}: parse_error while parser.popElement().tagType notin {TAG_TD, TAG_TH}: discard parser.clearActiveFormattingTillMarker() parser.insertionMode = IN_ROW match token: ("</td>", "</th>") => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInTableScope(token.tagtype): parse_error else: parser.generateImpliedEndTags() if parser.currentNode.tagType != token.tagtype: parse_error while parser.popElement().tagType != token.tagtype: discard parser.clearActiveFormattingTillMarker() parser.insertionMode = IN_ROW ) ("<caption>", "<col>", "<colgroup>", "<tbody>", "<td>", "<tfoot>", "<thead>", "<tr>") => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInTableScope({TAG_TD, TAG_TH}): parse_error else: close_cell reprocess token ) ("</body>", "</caption>", "</col>", "</colgroup>", "</html>") => (block: parse_error) ("</table>", "</tbody>", "</tfoot>", "</thead>", "</tr>") => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInTableScope(token.tagtype): parse_error else: close_cell reprocess token ) _ => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY)) of IN_SELECT: match token: '\0' => (block: parse_error) TokenType.CHARACTER_ASCII => (block: parser.insertCharacter(token.c)) TokenType.CHARACTER => (block: parser.insertCharacter(token.r)) TokenType.DOCTYPE => (block: parse_error) "<html>" => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY)) "<option>" => (block: if parser.currentNode.tagType == TAG_OPTION: pop_current_node discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) ) "<optgroup>" => (block: if parser.currentNode.tagType == TAG_OPTION: pop_current_node if parser.currentNode.tagType == TAG_OPTGROUP: pop_current_node discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) ) "</optgroup>" => (block: if parser.currentNode.tagType == TAG_OPTION: if parser.openElements.len > 1 and parser.openElements[^2].tagType == TAG_OPTGROUP: pop_current_node if parser.currentNode.tagType == TAG_OPTGROUP: pop_current_node else: parse_error ) "</option>" => (block: if parser.currentNode.tagType == TAG_OPTION: pop_current_node else: parse_error ) "</select>" => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElementInSelectScope(TAG_SELECT): parse_error else: while parser.popElement().tagType != TAG_SELECT: discard parser.resetInsertionMode() ) "<select>" => (block: parse_error if parser.openElements.hasElementInSelectScope(TAG_SELECT): while parser.popElement().tagType != TAG_SELECT: discard parser.resetInsertionMode() ) ("<input>", "<keygen>", "<textarea>") => (block: parse_error if not parser.openElements.hasElementInSelectScope(TAG_SELECT): discard else: while parser.popElement().tagType != TAG_SELECT: discard parser.resetInsertionMode() reprocess token ) ("<script>", "<template>", "</template>") => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_HEAD)) TokenType.EOF => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY)) _ => (block: parse_error) of IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE: match token: ("<caption>", "<table>", "<tbody>", "<tfoot>", "<thead>", "<tr>", "<td>", "<th>") => (block: parse_error while parser.popElement().tagType != TAG_SELECT: discard parser.resetInsertionMode() reprocess token ) ("</caption>", "</table>", "</tbody>", "</tfoot>", "</thead>", "</tr>", "</td>", "</th>") => (block: parse_error if not parser.openElements.hasElementInTableScope(token.tagtype): discard else: while parser.popElement().tagType != TAG_SELECT: discard parser.resetInsertionMode() reprocess token ) _ => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_SELECT)) of IN_TEMPLATE: match token: (TokenType.CHARACTER_ASCII, TokenType.CHARACTER, TokenType.DOCTYPE) => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY) ) ("<base>", "<basefont>", "<bgsound>", "<link>", "<meta>", "<noframes>", "<script>", "<style>", "<template>", "<title>", "</template>") => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_HEAD) ) ("<caption>", "<colgroup>", "<tbody>", "<tfoot>", "<thead>") => (block: discard parser.templateModes.pop() parser.templateModes.add(IN_TABLE) parser.insertionMode = IN_TABLE reprocess token ) "<col>" => (block: discard parser.templateModes.pop() parser.templateModes.add(IN_COLUMN_GROUP) parser.insertionMode = IN_COLUMN_GROUP reprocess token ) "<tr>" => (block: discard parser.templateModes.pop() parser.templateModes.add(IN_TABLE_BODY) parser.insertionMode = IN_TABLE_BODY reprocess token ) ("<td>", "<th>") => (block: discard parser.templateModes.pop() parser.templateModes.add(IN_ROW) parser.insertionMode = IN_ROW reprocess token ) TokenType.START_TAG => (block: discard parser.templateModes.pop() parser.templateModes.add(IN_BODY) parser.insertionMode = IN_BODY reprocess token ) TokenType.END_TAG => (block: parse_error) TokenType.EOF => (block: if not parser.openElements.hasElement(TAG_TEMPLATE): discard # stop else: parse_error while parser.popElement().tagType != TAG_TEMPLATE: discard parser.clearActiveFormattingTillMarker() discard parser.templateModes.pop() parser.resetInsertionMode() reprocess token ) of AFTER_BODY: match token: AsciiWhitespace => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY)) TokenType.COMMENT => (block: parser.insertComment(token, last_child_of(parser.openElements[0]))) TokenType.DOCTYPE => (block: parse_error) "<html>" => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY)) "</html>" => (block: if parser.fragment: parse_error else: parser.insertionMode = AFTER_AFTER_BODY ) TokenType.EOF => (block: discard) # stop _ => (block: parse_error parser.insertionMode = IN_BODY reprocess token ) of IN_FRAMESET: match token: AsciiWhitespace => (block: parser.insertCharacter(token.c)) TokenType.COMMENT => (block: parser.insertComment(token)) TokenType.DOCTYPE => (block: parse_error) "<html>" => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY)) "<frameset>" => (block: if parser.currentNode == parser.document.html: parse_error else: pop_current_node if not parser.fragment and parser.currentNode.tagType != TAG_FRAMESET: parser.insertionMode = AFTER_FRAMESET ) "<frame>" => (block: discard parser.insertHTMLElement(token) pop_current_node ) "<noframes>" => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_HEAD)) TokenType.EOF => (block: if parser.currentNode != parser.document.html: parse_error # stop ) _ => (block: parse_error) of AFTER_FRAMESET: match token: AsciiWhitespace => (block: parser.insertCharacter(token.c)) TokenType.COMMENT => (block: parser.insertComment(token)) TokenType.DOCTYPE => (block: parse_error) "<html>" => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY)) "</html>" => (block: parser.insertionMode = AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET) "<noframes>" => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_HEAD)) TokenType.EOF => (block: discard) # stop _ => (block: parse_error) of AFTER_AFTER_BODY: match token: TokenType.COMMENT => (block: parser.insertComment(token, last_child_of(parser.document))) (TokenType.DOCTYPE, AsciiWhitespace, "<html>") => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY)) TokenType.EOF => (block: discard) # stop _ => (block: parse_error parser.insertionMode = IN_BODY reprocess token ) of AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET: match token: TokenType.COMMENT => (block: parser.insertComment(token, last_child_of(parser.document))) (TokenType.DOCTYPE, AsciiWhitespace, "<html>") => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_BODY)) TokenType.EOF => (block: discard) # stop "<noframes>" => (block: parser.processInHTMLContent(token, IN_HEAD)) _ => (block: parse_error) proc processInForeignContent(parser: var HTML5Parser, token: Token) = macro `=>`(v: typed, body: untyped): untyped = quote do: discard (`v`, proc() = `body`) template script_end_tag() = pop_current_node #TODO document.write (?) #TODO SVG template any_other_end_tag() = if parser.currentNode.localName != token.tagname: parse_error for i in countdown(parser.openElements.high, 1): let node = parser.openElements[i] if node.localName == token.tagname: while parser.popElement() != node: discard break if node.namespace == Namespace.HTML: break parser.processInHTMLContent(token) const CaseTable = { "altglyph": "altGlyph", "altglyphdef": "altGlyphDef", "altglyphitem": "altGlyphItem", "animatecolor": "animateColor", "animatemotion": "animateMotion", "animatetransform": "animateTransform", "clippath": "clipPath", "feblend": "feBlend", "fecolormatrix": "feColorMatrix", "fecomponenttransfer": "feComponentTransfer", "fecomposite": "feComposite", "feconvolvematrix": "feConvolveMatrix", "fediffuselighting": "feDiffuseLighting", "fedisplacementmap": "feDisplacementMap", "fedistantlight": "feDistantLight", "fedropshadow": "feDropShadow", "feflood": "feFlood", "fefunca": "feFuncA", "fefuncb": "feFuncB", "fefuncg": "feFuncG", "fefuncr": "feFuncR", "fegaussianblur": "feGaussianBlur", "feimage": "feImage", "femerge": "feMerge", "femergenode": "feMergeNode", "femorphology": "feMorphology", "feoffset": "feOffset", "fepointlight": "fePointLight", "fespecularlighting": "feSpecularLighting", "fespotlight": "feSpotLight", "fetile": "feTile", "feturbulence": "feTurbulence", "foreignobject": "foreignObject", "glyphref": "glyphRef", "lineargradient": "linearGradient", "radialgradient": "radialGradient", "textpath": "textPath", }.toTable() match token: '\0' => (block: parse_error parser.insertCharacter(Rune(0xFFFD)) ) AsciiWhitespace => (block: parser.insertCharacter(token.c)) TokenType.CHARACTER_ASCII => (block: parser.insertCharacter(token.c)) TokenType.CHARACTER => (block: parser.insertCharacter(token.r)) TokenType.DOCTYPE => (block: parse_error) ("<b>", "<big>", "<blockquote>", "<body>", "<br>", "<center>", "<code>", "<dd>", "<div>", "<dl>", "<dt>", "<em>", "<embed>", "<h1>", "<h2>", "<h3>", "<h4>", "<h5>", "<h6>", "<head>", "<hr>", "<i>", "<img>", "<li>", "<listing>", "<menu>", "<meta>", "<nobr>", "<ol>", "<p>", "<pre>", "<ruby>", "<s>", "<small>", "<span>", "<strong>", "<strike>", "<sub>", "<sup>", "<table>", "<tt>", "<u>", "<ul>", "<var>") => (block: parse_error #NOTE MathML not implemented while not (parser.currentNode.isHTMLIntegrationPoint() or parser.currentNode.inHTMLNamespace()): pop_current_node parser.processInHTMLContent(token) ) TokenType.START_TAG => (block: #NOTE MathML not implemented if parser.adjustedCurrentNode.namespace == Namespace.SVG: if token.tagname in CaseTable: token.tagname = CaseTable[token.tagname] adjustSVGAttributes(token) #TODO adjust foreign attributes let element = parser.insertForeignElement(token, parser.adjustedCurrentNode.namespace) if token.selfclosing and element.inSVGNamespace(): script_end_tag else: pop_current_node ) "</script>" => (block: if parser.currentNode.namespace == Namespace.SVG and parser.currentNode.localName == "script": #TODO SVG script_end_tag else: any_other_end_tag ) TokenType.END_TAG => (block: any_other_end_tag) proc constructTree(parser: var HTML5Parser): Document = for token in parser.tokenizer.tokenize: if parser.ignoreLF: parser.ignoreLF = false if token.t == CHARACTER_ASCII and token.c == '\n': continue if parser.openElements.len == 0 or parser.adjustedCurrentNode.inHTMLNamespace() or parser.adjustedCurrentNode.isHTMLIntegrationPoint() and token.t in {START_TAG, CHARACTER, CHARACTER_ASCII} or token.t == EOF: #NOTE MathML not implemented parser.processInHTMLContent(token) else: parser.processInForeignContent(token) if parser.needsreinterpret: return nil return parser.document proc finishParsing(parser: var HTML5Parser) = while parser.openElements.len > 0: pop_current_node while parser.document.scriptsToExecOnLoad.len > 0: #TODO spin event loop let script = parser.document.scriptsToExecOnLoad.popFirst() script.execute() #TODO events proc parseHTML*(inputStream: Stream, cs = none(Charset), fallbackcs = CHARSET_UTF_8, window: Window = nil, url: URL = nil): (Document, Charset) = var parser: HTML5Parser var bom: string if cs.isSome: parser.charset = cs.get parser.confidence = CONFIDENCE_CERTAIN else: # bom sniff const u8bom = char(0xEF) & char(0xBB) & char(0xBF) const bebom = char(0xFE) & char(0xFF) const lebom = char(0xFF) & char(0xFE) bom = inputStream.readStr(2) if bom == bebom: parser.charset = CHARSET_UTF_16_BE parser.confidence = CONFIDENCE_CERTAIN bom = "" elif bom == lebom: parser.charset = CHARSET_UTF_16_LE parser.confidence = CONFIDENCE_CERTAIN bom = "" else: bom &= inputStream.readChar() if bom == u8bom: parser.charset = CHARSET_UTF_8 parser.confidence = CONFIDENCE_CERTAIN bom = "" else: parser.charset = fallbackcs let decoder = newDecoderStream(inputStream, parser.charset) for c in bom: decoder.prepend(cast[uint32](c)) parser.document = newDocument() parser.document.contentType = "text/html" if window != nil: parser.document.window = window window.document = parser.document parser.document.url = url parser.tokenizer = newTokenizer(decoder) let document = parser.constructTree() parser.finishParsing() return (document, parser.charset) proc newDOMParser*(): DOMParser {.jsctor.} = new(result) proc parseFromString(parser: DOMParser, str: string, t: string): Document {.jserr, jsfunc.} = case t of "text/html": let (res, _) = parseHTML(newStringStream(str)) return res of "text/xml", "application/xml", "application/xhtml+xml", "image/svg+xml": JS_ERR JS_InternalError, "XML parsing is not supported yet" else: JS_ERR JS_TypeError, "Invalid mime type" proc addHTMLModule*(ctx: JSContext) = ctx.registerType(DOMParser)