import unicode
import types/enums
import html/dom
import css/box
import css/style
import io/buffer
import utils/twtstr
func boxesForText*(text: seq[Rune], width: int, height: int, lx: int, x: int, y: int): seq[CSSInlineBox] =
var w = x
var sx = x
var sy = y
var i = 0
while i < text.len and sy < height:
let cw = text[i].width()
if w + cw > width:
result[^1].innerEdge.x2 = sx + w
result[^1].innerEdge.y2 = sy + 1
sx = lx
inc sy
w = 0
result[^2].nextpart = result[^1]
result[^1].innerEdge.x1 = sx
result[^1].innerEdge.y1 = sy
result[^1].content &= text[i]
w += cw
inc i
result[^1].innerEdge.y1 = sy
if result.len > 1:
result[^2].nextpart = result[^1]
if w > 0:
result[^1].innerEdge.x1 = sx
result[^1].innerEdge.y1 = sy
result[^1].innerEdge.x2 = sx + w
result[^1].innerEdge.y2 = sy + 1
proc generateBox(elem: Element, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int, fromx: int = x): CSSBox =
let display = elem.cssvalues.getValue(RULE_DISPLAY)
if display.t == RULE_DISPLAY:
if display.display == DISPLAY_NONE:
return nil
result.innerEdge.x1 = x
result.innerEdge.y1 = y
var anonBoxes = false
for child in elem.children:
let rule = child.cssvalues.getValue(RULE_DISPLAY)
if rule.t == RULE_DISPLAY and rule.display == DISPLAY_BLOCK:
anonBoxes = true
var lx = fromx
var rx = x
var ry = y
for child in elem.childNodes:
if child.nodeType == ELEMENT_NODE:
let elem = Element(child)
let nbox = elem.generateBox(rx, ry, w, h)
if nbox != nil:
result.innerEdge.x2 = min(max(nbox.size().w, result.innerEdge.x2), w)
result.innerEdge.y2 = min(result.innerEdge.y2 + nbox.size().h, w)
rx = x
ry += nbox.size().h
elif child.nodeType == TEXT_NODE:
let text = Text(child)
let runes =
let boxes = boxesForText(runes, w, h, lx, rx, ry)
for child in boxes:
result.innerEdge.y2 += child.size().h
ry += child.size().h
lx = boxes[^1].innerEdge.x2
proc alignBoxes*(buffer: Buffer) =
buffer.rootbox = buffer.document.root.generateBox(0, 0, buffer.width, buffer.height)