import std/options import std/strutils import std/tables import chagashi/charset import chagashi/decoder import html/catom import html/chadombuilder import html/dom import html/event import html/script import io/dynstream import io/promise import js/domexception import loader/headers import loader/loader import loader/request import loader/response import monoucha/fromjs import monoucha/javascript import monoucha/jserror import monoucha/quickjs import monoucha/tojs import types/blob import types/opt import types/url import utils/twtstr type XMLHttpRequestResponseType = enum xhrtUnknown = "" xhrtArraybuffer = "arraybuffer" xhrtBlob = "blob" xhrtDocument = "document" xhrtJSON = "json" xhrtText = "text" XMLHttpRequestState = enum xhrsUnsent = (0u16, "UNSENT") xhrsOpened = (1u16, "OPENED") xhrsHeadersReceived = (2u16, "HEADERS_RECEIVED") xhrsLoading = (3u16, "LOADING") xhrsDone = (4u16, "DONE") XMLHttpRequestFlag = enum xhrfSend, xhrfUploadListener, xhrfSync, xhrfUploadComplete, xhrfTimedOut XMLHttpRequestEventTarget = ref object of EventTarget XMLHttpRequestUpload = ref object of XMLHttpRequestEventTarget XMLHttpRequest = ref object of XMLHttpRequestEventTarget readyState: XMLHttpRequestState upload {.jsget.}: XMLHttpRequestUpload flags: set[XMLHttpRequestFlag] requestMethod: HttpMethod requestURL: URL headers: Headers response: Response responseType {.jsget.}: XMLHttpRequestResponseType timeout {.jsget.}: uint32 responseObject: JSValue received: string contentTypeOverride: string ProgressEvent = ref object of Event lengthComputable {.jsget.}: bool loaded {.jsget.}: int64 #TODO should be uint64 total {.jsget.}: int64 #TODO ditto ProgressEventInit = object of EventInit lengthComputable: bool loaded: int64 total: int64 jsDestructor(XMLHttpRequestEventTarget) jsDestructor(XMLHttpRequestUpload) jsDestructor(XMLHttpRequest) jsDestructor(ProgressEvent) func newXMLHttpRequest(): XMLHttpRequest {.jsctor.} = let upload = XMLHttpRequestUpload() return XMLHttpRequest( upload: upload, headers: newHeaders(), responseObject: JS_UNDEFINED ) proc finalize(rt: JSRuntime; this: XMLHttpRequest) {.jsfin.} = JS_FreeValueRT(rt, this.responseObject) proc newProgressEvent(ctype: CAtom; init = ProgressEventInit()): ProgressEvent {.jsctor.} = let event = ProgressEvent( ctype: ctype, lengthComputable: init.lengthComputable, loaded: init.loaded, total: ) Event(event).innerEventCreationSteps(init) return event func readyState(this: XMLHttpRequest): uint16 {.jsfget.} = return uint16(this.readyState) proc parseMethod(s: string): DOMResult[HttpMethod] = return case s.toLowerAscii() of "get": ok(hmGet) of "delete": ok(hmDelete) of "head": ok(hmHead) of "options": ok(hmOptions) of "patch": ok(hmPatch) of "post": ok(hmPost) of "put": ok(hmPut) of "connect", "trace", "track": errDOMException("Forbidden method", "SecurityError") else: errDOMException("Invalid method", "SyntaxError") proc open(ctx: JSContext; this: XMLHttpRequest; httpMethod, url: string; misc: varargs[JSValue]): Err[DOMException] {.jsfunc.} = let httpMethod = ?parseMethod(httpMethod) let global = ctx.getGlobal() let x = parseURL(url, some(global.document.baseURL)) if x.isNone: return errDOMException("Invalid URL", "SyntaxError") let parsedURL = x.get var async = true if misc.len > 0: # standard weirdness ?ctx.fromJS(misc[0], async) if misc.len > 1 and not JS_IsNull(misc[1]): var username: string ?ctx.fromJS(misc[1], username) parsedURL.setUsername(username) if misc.len > 2 and not JS_IsNull(misc[2]): var password: string ?ctx.fromJS(misc[2], password) parsedURL.setPassword(password) if not async and ctx.getWindow() != nil and (this.timeout != 0 or this.responseType != xhrtUnknown): return errDOMException("Today's horoscope: don't go outside", "InvalidAccessError") #TODO terminate fetch controller this.flags.excl(xhrfSend) this.flags.excl(xhrfUploadListener) if async: this.flags.excl(xhrfSync) else: this.flags.incl(xhrfSync) this.requestMethod = httpMethod this.headers = newHeaders() this.response = makeNetworkError() this.requestURL = parsedURL #TODO response object, received bytes if this.readyState != xhrsOpened: this.readyState = xhrsOpened global.fireEvent(satReadystatechange, this) return ok() proc checkOpened(this: XMLHttpRequest): DOMResult[void] = if this.readyState != xhrsOpened: return errDOMException("ready state was expected to be `opened'", "InvalidStateError") ok() proc checkSendFlag(this: XMLHttpRequest): DOMResult[void] = if xhrfSend in this.flags: return errDOMException("`send' flag is set", "InvalidStateError") ok() proc setRequestHeader(this: XMLHttpRequest; name, value: string): DOMResult[void] {.jsfunc.} = ?this.checkOpened() ?this.checkSendFlag() if not name.isValidHeaderName() or not value.isValidHeaderValue(): return errDOMException("Invalid header name or value", "SyntaxError") if isForbiddenRequestHeader(name, value): return ok() this.headers.table[name.toHeaderCase()] = @[value] ok() proc setTimeout(ctx: JSContext; this: XMLHttpRequest; value: uint32): Err[DOMException] {.jsfset: "timeout".} = if ctx.getWindow() != nil and xhrfSync in this.flags: return errDOMException("timeout may not be set on synchronous XHR", "InvalidAccessError") this.timeout = value ok() proc fireProgressEvent(window: Window; target: EventTarget; name: StaticAtom; loaded, length: int64) = let event = newProgressEvent(window.factory.toAtom(name), ProgressEventInit( loaded: loaded, total: length, lengthComputable: length != 0 )) discard window.jsctx.dispatch(target, event) proc errorSteps(window: Window; this: XMLHttpRequest; name: StaticAtom) = this.readyState = xhrsDone this.response = makeNetworkError() this.flags.excl(xhrfSend) if xhrfSync notin this.flags: window.fireEvent(satReadystatechange, this) if xhrfUploadComplete notin this.flags: this.flags.incl(xhrfUploadComplete) if xhrfUploadListener in this.flags: window.fireProgressEvent(this.upload, name, 0, 0) window.fireProgressEvent(this.upload, satLoadend, 0, 0) window.fireProgressEvent(this, name, 0, 0) window.fireProgressEvent(this, satLoadend, 0, 0) proc handleErrors(window: Window; this: XMLHttpRequest): DOMException = if xhrfSend notin this.flags: return nil if xhrfTimedOut in this.flags: window.errorSteps(this, satTimeout) if xhrfSync in this.flags: return newDOMException("XHR timed out", "TimeoutError") elif rfAborted in this.response.flags: window.errorSteps(this, satAbort) if xhrfSync in this.flags: return newDOMException("XHR aborted", "AbortError") elif this.response.responseType == rtError: window.errorSteps(this, satError) if xhrfSync in this.flags: return newDOMException("Network error in XHR", "NetworkError") return nil type XHROpaque = ref object of RootObj this: XMLHttpRequest window: Window len: int64 #TODO should be uint64 proc onReadXHR(response: Response) = const BufferSize = 4096 let opaque = XHROpaque(response.opaque) let this = opaque.this let window = opaque.window while true: try: let olen = this.received.len this.received.setLen(olen + BufferSize) let n = response.body.recvData(addr this.received[olen], BufferSize) if n < BufferSize: this.received.setLen(olen + n) if n == 0: break except ErrorAgain: break if this.readyState == xhrsHeadersReceived: this.readyState = xhrsLoading window.fireEvent(satReadystatechange, this) window.fireProgressEvent(this, satProgress, int64(this.received.len), opaque.len) proc onFinishXHR(response: Response; success: bool) = let opaque = XHROpaque(response.opaque) let this = opaque.this let window = opaque.window if success: discard window.handleErrors(this) if response.responseType != rtError: let recvLen = int64(this.received.len) window.fireProgressEvent(this, satProgress, recvLen, opaque.len) this.readyState = xhrsDone this.flags.excl(xhrfSend) window.fireEvent(satReadystatechange, this) window.fireProgressEvent(this, satLoad, recvLen, opaque.len) window.fireProgressEvent(this, satLoadend, recvLen, opaque.len) else: this.response = makeNetworkError() discard window.handleErrors(this) proc send(ctx: JSContext; this: XMLHttpRequest; body = JS_NULL): JSResult[void] {.jsfunc.} = ?this.checkOpened() ?this.checkSendFlag() var body = body if this.requestMethod in {hmGet, hmHead}: body = JS_NULL let request = newRequest(this.requestURL, this.requestMethod, this.headers) if not JS_IsNull(body): var document: Document = nil if ctx.fromJS(body, document).isSome: request.body = RequestBody( t: rbtString, s: document.serializeFragment().toValidUTF8() # replace surrogates ) #TODO else... if "Content-Type" in this.headers: request.headers["Content-Type"].setContentTypeAttr("charset", "UTF-8") elif document != nil: request.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html;charset=UTF-8" let jsRequest = JSRequest( #TODO unsafe request flag, client, cors credentials mode, # use-url-credentials, initiator type request: request, mode: rmCors, credentialsMode: cmSameOrigin, ) if JS_IsNull(body): this.flags.incl(xhrfUploadComplete) else: this.flags.excl(xhrfUploadComplete) this.flags.excl(xhrfTimedOut) this.flags.incl(xhrfSend) let window = ctx.getWindow() if xhrfSync notin this.flags: # async window.fireProgressEvent(this, satLoadstart, 0, 0) let v = ctx.toJS(jsRequest) let p = window.windowFetch(v) JS_FreeValue(ctx, v) if p.isNone: return err(p.error) p.get.then(proc(res: JSResult[Response]) = if res.isNone: this.response = makeNetworkError() discard window.handleErrors(this) return let response = res.get this.response = response this.readyState = xhrsHeadersReceived window.fireEvent(satReadystatechange, this) if this.readyState != xhrsHeadersReceived: return let len = max(response.getContentLength(), 0) response.opaque = XHROpaque(this: this, window: window, len: len) response.onRead = onReadXHR response.onFinish = onFinishXHR response.resume() #TODO timeout ) else: # sync #TODO cors requests? if window.settings.origin.isSameOrigin(request.url.origin): let response = window.loader.doRequest(request) if response.res == 0: #TODO timeout response.resume() try: this.received = response.body.recvAll() #TODO report timing let len = max(response.getContentLength(), 0) response.opaque = XHROpaque(this: this, window: window, len: len) response.onFinishXHR(true) return ok() except IOError: discard let ex = window.handleErrors(this) this.response = makeNetworkError() if ex != nil: return err(ex) ok() #TODO abort proc responseURL(this: XMLHttpRequest): string {.jsfget.} = return this.response.surl proc status(this: XMLHttpRequest): uint16 {.jsfget.} = return this.response.status proc statusText(this: XMLHttpRequest): string {.jsfget.} = return "" proc getResponseHeader(ctx: JSContext; this: XMLHttpRequest; name: string): JSValue {.jsfunc.} = let res = ctx.get(this.response.headers, name) if JS_IsException(res): return JS_NULL return res #TODO getAllResponseHeaders func getCharset(this: XMLHttpRequest): Charset = let override = this.contentTypeOverride.toLowerAscii() let cs = override.getContentTypeAttr("charset").getCharset() if cs != CHARSET_UNKNOWN: return cs return this.response.getCharset(CHARSET_UTF_8) proc responseText(ctx: JSContext; this: XMLHttpRequest): JSValue {.jsfget.} = if this.responseType notin {xhrtUnknown, xhrtText}: let ex = newDOMException("response type was expected to be '' or 'text'", "InvalidStateError") return JS_Throw(ctx, ctx.toJS(ex)) if this.readyState notin {xhrsLoading, xhrsDone}: return ctx.toJS("") let charset = this.getCharset() #TODO XML encoding stuff? return ctx.toJS(this.received.decodeAll(charset)) proc overrideMimeType(this: XMLHttpRequest; s: string): DOMResult[void] {.jsfunc.} = if this.readyState notin {xhrsLoading, xhrsDone}: return errDOMException("readyState must not be loading or done", "InvalidStateError") #TODO parse this.contentTypeOverride = s return ok() proc setResponseType(ctx: JSContext; this: XMLHttpRequest; value: XMLHttpRequestResponseType): Err[DOMException] {.jsfset: "responseType".} = let window = ctx.getWindow() if window == nil and value == xhrtDocument: return ok() if this.readyState in {xhrsLoading, xhrsDone}: return errDOMException("readyState must not be loading or done", "InvalidStateError") if window != nil and xhrfSync in this.flags: return errDOMException("responseType may not be set on synchronous XHR", "InvalidAccessError") this.responseType = value ok() func getContentType(this: XMLHttpRequest): string = if this.contentTypeOverride != "": return this.contentTypeOverride return this.response.getContentType() proc ptrify(s: var string): tuple[opaque: pointer; p: ptr UncheckedArray[uint8]] = if s.len == 0: return (nil, nil) var sr = new(string) sr[] = move(s) GC_ref(sr) return (cast[pointer](sr), cast[ptr UncheckedArray[uint8]](addr sr[0])) proc deallocPtrified(p: pointer) = if p != nil: let sr = cast[ref string](p) GC_unref(sr) proc abufFree(rt: JSRuntime; opaque, p: pointer) {.cdecl.} = deallocPtrified(opaque) proc blobFree(opaque, p: pointer) {.nimcall.} = deallocPtrified(opaque) proc response(ctx: JSContext; this: XMLHttpRequest): JSValue {.jsfget.} = if this.responseType in {xhrtText, xhrtUnknown}: return ctx.responseText(this) if this.readyState != xhrsDone: return JS_NULL if JS_IsUndefined(this.responseObject): case this.responseType of xhrtArraybuffer: let len = csize_t(this.received.len) let (opaque, p) = this.received.ptrify() this.responseObject = JS_NewArrayBuffer(ctx, p, len, abufFree, opaque, false) of xhrtBlob: let len = this.received.len let (opaque, p) = this.received.ptrify() let blob = newBlob(p, len, this.getContentType(), blobFree, opaque) this.responseObject = ctx.toJS(blob) of xhrtDocument: #TODO this is certainly not compliant let res = ctx.parseFromString(newDOMParser(), this.received, "text/html") this.responseObject = ctx.toJS(res) of xhrtJSON: this.responseObject = JS_ParseJSON(ctx, cstring(this.received), csize_t(this.received.len), cstring"") else: discard if JS_IsException(this.responseObject): this.responseObject = JS_UNDEFINED return this.responseObject # Event reflection const ReflectMap = [ cint(0): satLoadstart, satProgress, satAbort, satError, satLoad, satTimeout, satLoadend, satReadystatechange ] proc jsReflectGet(ctx: JSContext; this: JSValue; magic: cint): JSValue {.cdecl.} = let val = toJS(ctx, $ReflectMap[magic]) let atom = JS_ValueToAtom(ctx, val) var res = JS_NULL var desc: JSPropertyDescriptor if JS_GetOwnProperty(ctx, addr desc, this, atom) > 0: JS_FreeValue(ctx, desc.setter) JS_FreeValue(ctx, desc.getter) res = JS_GetProperty(ctx, this, atom) JS_FreeValue(ctx, val) JS_FreeAtom(ctx, atom) return res proc jsReflectSet(ctx: JSContext; this, val: JSValue; magic: cint): JSValue {.cdecl.} = if JS_IsFunction(ctx, val): let atom = ReflectMap[magic] var target: EventTarget assert ctx.fromJS(this, target).isSome ctx.definePropertyC(this, "on" & $atom, JS_DupValue(ctx, val)) #TODO I haven't checked but this might also be wrong doAssert ctx.addEventListener(target, ctx.toAtom(atom), val).isSome return JS_DupValue(ctx, val) func xhretGetSet(): seq[TabGetSet] = result = @[] for i, it in ReflectMap: if it == satReadystatechange: break result.add(TabGetSet( name: "on" & $it, get: jsReflectGet, set: jsReflectSet, magic: int16(i) )) proc addXMLHttpRequestModule*(ctx: JSContext) = let eventTargetCID = ctx.getClass("EventTarget") let eventCID = ctx.getClass("Event") const getset0 = xhretGetSet() let xhretCID = ctx.registerType(XMLHttpRequestEventTarget, eventTargetCID, hasExtraGetSet = true, extraGetSet = getset0) ctx.registerType(XMLHttpRequestUpload, xhretCID) ctx.registerType(ProgressEvent, eventCID) const getset1 = [TabGetSet( name: "onreadystatechange", get: jsReflectGet, set: jsReflectSet, magic: int16(ReflectMap.high) )] let xhrCID = ctx.registerType(XMLHttpRequest, xhretCID, hasExtraGetSet = true, extraGetSet = getset1) ctx.defineConsts(xhrCID, XMLHttpRequestState, uint16)