import std/options import std/os import std/posix import std/strutils import io/dynstream import io/posixstream import io/stdio import loader/connecterror import loader/headers import loader/loaderhandle import loader/request import types/formdata import types/url import utils/twtstr proc putMappedURL(url: URL) = putEnv("MAPPED_URI_SCHEME", url.scheme) putEnv("MAPPED_URI_USERNAME", url.username) putEnv("MAPPED_URI_PASSWORD", url.password) putEnv("MAPPED_URI_HOST", url.hostname) putEnv("MAPPED_URI_PORT", url.port) putEnv("MAPPED_URI_PATH", url.path.serialize()) putEnv("MAPPED_URI_QUERY", url.query.get("")) proc setupEnv(cmd, scriptName, pathInfo, requestURI, myDir: string; request: Request; contentLen: int; prevURL: URL; insecureSSLNoVerify: bool) = let url = request.url putEnv("SCRIPT_NAME", scriptName) putEnv("SCRIPT_FILENAME", cmd) putEnv("REQUEST_URI", requestURI) putEnv("REQUEST_METHOD", $request.httpMethod) var headers = "" for k, v in request.headers: headers &= k & ": " & v & "\r\n" putEnv("REQUEST_HEADERS", headers) if prevURL != nil: putMappedURL(prevURL) if pathInfo != "": putEnv("PATH_INFO", pathInfo) if url.query.isSome: putEnv("QUERY_STRING", url.query.get) if request.httpMethod == hmPost: if request.body.t == rbtMultipart: putEnv("CONTENT_TYPE", request.body.multipart.getContentType()) else: putEnv("CONTENT_TYPE", request.headers.getOrDefault("Content-Type", "")) putEnv("CONTENT_LENGTH", $contentLen) if "Cookie" in request.headers: putEnv("HTTP_COOKIE", request.headers["Cookie"]) if request.referrer != nil: putEnv("HTTP_REFERER", $request.referrer) if request.proxy != nil: putEnv("ALL_PROXY", $request.proxy) if insecureSSLNoVerify: putEnv("CHA_INSECURE_SSL_NO_VERIFY", "1") setCurrentDir(myDir) type ControlResult = enum crDone, crContinue, crError proc handleFirstLine(handle: LoaderHandle; line: string; headers: Headers; status: var uint16): ControlResult = let k = line.until(':') if k.len == line.len: # invalid handle.sendResult(ERROR_CGI_MALFORMED_HEADER) return crError let v = line.substr(k.len + 1).strip() if k.equalsIgnoreCase("Status"): handle.sendResult(0) # success status = parseUInt16(v, allowSign = false).get(0) return crContinue if k.equalsIgnoreCase("Cha-Control"): if v.startsWithIgnoreCase("Connected"): handle.sendResult(0) # success return crContinue elif v.startsWithIgnoreCase("ConnectionError"): let errs = v.split(' ') if errs.len <= 1: handle.sendResult(ERROR_CGI_INVALID_CHA_CONTROL) else: let fb = int32(ERROR_CGI_INVALID_CHA_CONTROL) let code = int(parseInt32(errs[1]).get(fb)) var message = "" if errs.len > 2: message &= errs[2] for i in 3 ..< errs.len: message &= ' ' message &= errs[i] handle.sendResult(code, message) return crError elif v.startsWithIgnoreCase("ControlDone"): return crDone handle.sendResult(ERROR_CGI_INVALID_CHA_CONTROL) return crError handle.sendResult(0) # success headers.add(k, v) return crDone proc handleControlLine(handle: LoaderHandle; line: string; headers: Headers; status: var uint16): ControlResult = let k = line.until(':') if k.len == line.len: # invalid return crError let v = line.substr(k.len + 1).strip() if k.equalsIgnoreCase("Status"): status = parseUInt16(v, allowSign = false).get(0) return crContinue if k.equalsIgnoreCase("Cha-Control"): if v.startsWithIgnoreCase("ControlDone"): return crDone return crError headers.add(k, v) return crDone # returns false if transfer was interrupted proc handleLine(handle: LoaderHandle; line: string; headers: Headers) = let k = line.until(':') if k.len == line.len: # invalid return let v = line.substr(k.len + 1).strip() headers.add(k, v) proc loadCGI*(handle: LoaderHandle; request: Request; cgiDir: seq[string]; prevURL: URL; insecureSSLNoVerify: bool; ostream: var PosixStream) = if cgiDir.len == 0: handle.sendResult(ERROR_NO_CGI_DIR) return var path = percentDecode(request.url.pathname) if path.startsWith("/cgi-bin/"): path.delete(0 .. "/cgi-bin/".high) elif path.startsWith("/$LIB/"): path.delete(0 .. "/$LIB/".high) if path == "" or request.url.hostname != "": handle.sendResult(ERROR_INVALID_CGI_PATH) return var basename: string var pathInfo: string var cmd: string var scriptName: string var requestURI: string var myDir: string if path[0] == '/': for dir in cgiDir: if path.startsWith(dir): basename = path.substr(dir.len).until('/') pathInfo = path.substr(dir.len + basename.len) cmd = dir / basename if not fileExists(cmd): continue myDir = dir scriptName = path.substr(0, dir.len + basename.len) requestURI = cmd / pathInfo & break if cmd == "": handle.sendResult(ERROR_INVALID_CGI_PATH) return else: basename = path.until('/') pathInfo = path.substr(basename.len) scriptName = "/cgi-bin/" & basename requestURI = "/cgi-bin/" & path & for dir in cgiDir: cmd = dir / basename if fileExists(cmd): myDir = dir break if not fileExists(cmd): handle.sendResult(ERROR_CGI_FILE_NOT_FOUND) return if basename in ["", ".", ".."] or basename.startsWith("~"): handle.sendResult(ERROR_INVALID_CGI_PATH) return var pipefd: array[0..1, cint] # child -> parent if pipe(pipefd) == -1: handle.sendResult(ERROR_FAIL_SETUP_CGI) return # Pipe the request body as stdin for POST. var pipefd_read: array[0..1, cint] # parent -> child if request.body.t != rbtNone: if pipe(pipefd_read) == -1: handle.sendResult(ERROR_FAIL_SETUP_CGI) return let contentLen = request.body.contentLength() stdout.flushFile() stderr.flushFile() let pid = fork() if pid == -1: handle.sendResult(ERROR_FAIL_SETUP_CGI) elif pid == 0: discard close(pipefd[0]) # close read discard dup2(pipefd[1], 1) # dup stdout if request.body.t != rbtNone: discard close(pipefd_read[1]) # close write if pipefd_read[0] != 0: discard dup2(pipefd_read[0], 0) # dup stdin discard close(pipefd_read[0]) else: closeStdin() # we leave stderr open, so it can be seen in the browser console setupEnv(cmd, scriptName, pathInfo, requestURI, myDir, request, contentLen, prevURL, insecureSSLNoVerify) # reset SIGCHLD to the default handler. this is useful if the child process # expects SIGCHLD to be untouched. (e.g. git dies a horrible death with # SIGCHLD as SIG_IGN) signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL) discard execl(cstring(cmd), cstring(basename), nil) let code = int(ERROR_FAILED_TO_EXECUTE_CGI_SCRIPT) stdout.write("Cha-Control: ConnectionError " & $code & " " & ($strerror(errno)).deleteChars({'\n', '\r'})) quit(1) else: discard close(pipefd[1]) # close write if request.body.t != rbtNone: discard close(pipefd_read[0]) # close read let ps = newPosixStream(pipefd_read[1]) case request.body.t of rbtString: ps.write(request.body.s) ps.sclose() of rbtMultipart: let boundary = request.body.multipart.boundary for entry in request.body.multipart.entries: ps.writeEntry(entry, boundary) ps.writeEnd(boundary) ps.sclose() of rbtOutput: ostream = ps of rbtNone: discard handle.parser = HeaderParser(headers: newHeaders()) handle.istream = newPosixStream(pipefd[0]) proc parseHeaders0(handle: LoaderHandle; buffer: LoaderBuffer): int = let parser = handle.parser var s = parser.lineBuffer let L = if buffer == nil: 1 else: buffer.len for i in 0 ..< L: template die = handle.parser = nil return -1 let c = if buffer != nil: char([i]) else: '\n' if parser.crSeen and c != '\n': die parser.crSeen = false if c == '\r': parser.crSeen = true elif c == '\n': if s == "": if parser.state == hpsBeforeLines: # body comes immediately, so we haven't had a chance to send result # yet. handle.sendResult(0) handle.sendStatus(parser.status) handle.sendHeaders(parser.headers) handle.parser = nil return i + 1 # +1 to skip \n case parser.state of hpsBeforeLines: case handle.handleFirstLine(s, parser.headers, parser.status) of crDone: parser.state = hpsControlDone of crContinue: parser.state = hpsAfterFirstLine of crError: die of hpsAfterFirstLine: case handle.handleControlLine(s, parser.headers, parser.status) of crDone: parser.state = hpsControlDone of crContinue: discard of crError: die of hpsControlDone: handle.handleLine(s, parser.headers) s = "" else: s &= c if s != "": parser.lineBuffer = s return L proc parseHeaders*(handle: LoaderHandle; buffer: LoaderBuffer): int = try: return handle.parseHeaders0(buffer) except ErrorBrokenPipe: handle.parser = nil return -1 proc finishParse*(handle: LoaderHandle) = discard handle.parseHeaders(nil)