import strutils import bindings/curl import loader/connecterror import loader/curlhandle import loader/curlwrap import loader/dirlist import loader/headers import loader/loaderhandle import loader/request import types/opt import types/url import utils/twtstr type FtpHandle = ref object of CurlHandle buffer: string dirmode: bool base: string path: string func newFtpHandle(curl: CURL, request: Request, handle: LoaderHandle, dirmode: bool): FtpHandle = return FtpHandle( headers: newHeaders(), curl: curl, handle: handle, request: request, dirmode: dirmode ) proc curlWriteHeader(p: cstring, size: csize_t, nitems: csize_t, userdata: pointer): csize_t {.cdecl.} = var line = newString(nitems) if nitems > 0: prepareMutation(line) copyMem(addr line[0], p, nitems) let op = cast[FtpHandle](userdata) if not op.statusline: if line.startsWith("150") or line.startsWith("125"): op.statusline = true if not op.handle.sendResult(int(CURLE_OK)): return 0 var status: clong op.curl.getinfo(CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, addr status) if not op.handle.sendStatus(cast[int](status)): return 0 if op.dirmode: op.headers.add("Content-Type", "text/html") if not op.handle.sendHeaders(op.headers): return 0 if op.dirmode: if not op.handle.sendData(""" """ & op.path & """

Index of """ & htmlEscape(op.path) & """

          return 0
      return nitems
    elif line.startsWith("530"): # login incorrect
      op.statusline = true
      if not op.handle.sendResult(int(CURLE_OK)):
        return 0
      var status: clong
      op.curl.getinfo(CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, addr status)
      discard op.handle.sendStatus(401) # unauthorized (shim http)
      op.headers.add("Content-Type", "text/html")
      discard op.handle.sendHeaders(op.headers)
      discard op.handle.sendData("""


""" & htmlEscape(line))
      return 0
  return nitems

# From the documentation: size is always 1.
proc curlWriteBody(p: cstring, size: csize_t, nmemb: csize_t,
    userdata: pointer): csize_t {.cdecl.} =
  let op = cast[FtpHandle](userdata)

  if nmemb > 0:
    if op.dirmode:
      let i = op.buffer.len
      op.buffer.setLen(op.buffer.len + int(nmemb))
      copyMem(addr op.buffer[i], p, nmemb)
      if not op.handle.sendData(p, int(nmemb)):
        return 0
  return nmemb

proc finish(op: CurlHandle) =
  let op = cast[FtpHandle](op)
  var items: seq[DirlistItem]
  for line in op.buffer.split('\n'):
    if line.len == 0: continue
    var i = 10 # permission
    template skip_till_space =
      while i < line.len and line[i] != ' ':
        inc i
    # link count
    i = line.skipBlanks(i)
    while i < line.len and line[i] in AsciiDigit:
      inc i
    # owner
    i = line.skipBlanks(i)
    # group
    i = line.skipBlanks(i)
    while i < line.len and line[i] != ' ':
      inc i
    # size
    i = line.skipBlanks(i)
    var sizes = ""
    while i < line.len and line[i] in AsciiDigit:
      sizes &= line[i]
      inc i
    let nsize = parseInt64(sizes).get(-1)
    # date
    i = line.skipBlanks(i)
    let datestarti = i
    skip_till_space # m
    i = line.skipBlanks(i)
    skip_till_space # d
    i = line.skipBlanks(i)
    skip_till_space # y
    let dates = line.substr(datestarti, i)
    inc i
    let name = line.substr(i)
    if name == "." or name == "..": continue
    case line[0]
    of 'l': # link
      let x = " -> "
      let linki = name.find(x)
      let linkfrom = name.substr(0, linki - 1)
      let linkto = name.substr(linki + 4) # you?
        t: ITEM_LINK,
        name: linkfrom,
        modified: dates,
        linkto: linkto
    of 'd': # directory
        t: ITEM_DIR,
        name: name,
        modified: dates
    else: # file
        t: ITEM_FILE,
        name: name,
        modified: dates,
        nsize: int(nsize)
  discard op.handle.sendData(makeDirlist(items))
  discard op.handle.sendData("\n
\n\n\n") proc loadFtp*(handle: LoaderHandle, curlm: CURLM, request: Request): CurlHandle = let curl = curl_easy_init() doAssert curl != nil let surl = request.url.serialize() let path = request.url.path.serialize_unicode() # By default, cURL CWD's into relative paths, and an extra slash is # necessary to specify absolute paths. # This is incredibly confusing, and probably not what the user wanted. # So we work around it by adding the extra slash ourselves. let hackurl = newURL(request.url) hackurl.setPathname('/' & request.url.pathname) let csurl = hackurl.serialize() curl.setopt(CURLOPT_URL, csurl) let dirmode = path.len > 0 and path[^1] == '/' let handleData = curl.newFtpHandle(request, handle, dirmode) curl.setopt(CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, handleData) curl.setopt(CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, curlWriteHeader) curl.setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, handleData) curl.setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, curlWriteBody) curl.setopt(CURLOPT_FTP_FILEMETHOD, CURLFTPMETHOD_SINGLECWD) if dirmode: handleData.finish = finish handleData.base = surl handleData.path = path if request.proxy != nil: let purl = request.proxy.serialize() curl.setopt(CURLOPT_PROXY, purl) if request.httpmethod != HTTP_GET: discard handle.sendResult(int(ERROR_INVALID_METHOD)) return nil let res = curl_multi_add_handle(curlm, curl) if res != CURLM_OK: discard handle.sendResult(int(res)) return nil return handleData