import std/options
import std/tables
import html/script
import io/bufreader
import io/bufwriter
import loader/headers
import monoucha/fromjs
import monoucha/javascript
import monoucha/jserror
import monoucha/jstypes
import monoucha/quickjs
import types/blob
import types/formdata
import types/opt
import types/referrer
import types/url
HttpMethod* = enum
hmGet = "GET"
hmConnect = "CONNECT"
hmDelete = "DELETE"
hmHead = "HEAD"
hmOptions = "OPTIONS"
hmPatch = "PATCH"
hmPost = "POST"
hmPut = "PUT"
hmTrace = "TRACE"
RequestMode* = enum
rmNoCors = "no-cors"
rmSameOrigin = "same-origin"
rmCors = "cors"
rmNavigate = "navigate"
rmWebsocket = "websocket"
CORSAttribute* = enum
caNoCors = "no-cors"
caAnonymous = "anonymous"
caUseCredentials = "use-credentials"
RequestOriginType* = enum
rotClient, rotOrigin
RequestOrigin* = object
case t*: RequestOriginType
of rotClient: discard
of rotOrigin:
origin*: Origin
RequestWindowType* = enum
rwtClient, rwtNoWindow, rwtWindow
RequestWindow* = object
case t*: RequestWindowType
of rwtClient, rwtNoWindow: discard
of rwtWindow:
window*: EnvironmentSettings
RequestBodyType* = enum
rbtNone, rbtString, rbtMultipart, rbtOutput, rbtCache
RequestBody* = object
case t*: RequestBodyType
of rbtNone:
of rbtString:
s*: string
of rbtMultipart:
multipart*: FormData
of rbtOutput:
outputId*: int
of rbtCache:
cacheId*: int
Request* = ref object
httpMethod*: HttpMethod
url*: URL
headers*: Headers
body*: RequestBody
referrer*: URL
tocache*: bool
JSRequest* = ref object
request*: Request
mode* {.jsget.}: RequestMode
destination* {.jsget.}: RequestDestination
credentialsMode* {.jsget.}: CredentialsMode
origin*: RequestOrigin
window*: RequestWindow
client*: Option[EnvironmentSettings]
proc swrite*(writer: var BufferedWriter; o: RequestBody) =
case o.t
of rbtNone: discard
of rbtString: writer.swrite(o.s)
of rbtMultipart: writer.swrite(o.multipart)
of rbtOutput: writer.swrite(o.outputId)
of rbtCache: writer.swrite(o.cacheId)
proc sread*(reader: var BufferedReader; o: var RequestBody) =
var t: RequestBodyType
o = RequestBody(t: t)
case t
of rbtNone: discard
of rbtString: reader.sread(o.s)
of rbtMultipart: reader.sread(o.multipart)
of rbtOutput: reader.sread(o.outputId)
of rbtCache: reader.sread(o.cacheId)
proc contentLength*(body: RequestBody): int =
case body.t
of rbtNone: return 0
of rbtString: return body.s.len
of rbtMultipart: return body.multipart.calcLength()
of rbtOutput: return 0
of rbtCache: return 0
func headers(this: JSRequest): Headers {.jsfget.} =
return this.request.headers
func url(this: JSRequest): URL =
return this.request.url
proc jsUrl(this: JSRequest): string {.jsfget: "url".} =
return $this.url
#TODO pretty sure this is incorrect
proc jsReferrer(this: JSRequest): string {.jsfget: "referrer".} =
if this.request.referrer != nil:
return $this.request.referrer
return ""
iterator pairs*(headers: Headers): (string, string) =
for k, vs in headers.table:
for v in vs:
yield (k, v)
func newRequest*(url: URL; httpMethod = hmGet; headers = newHeaders();
body = RequestBody(); referrer: URL = nil; tocache = false): Request =
return Request(
url: url,
httpMethod: httpMethod,
headers: headers,
body: body,
referrer: referrer,
tocache: tocache
func createPotentialCORSRequest*(url: URL; destination: RequestDestination;
cors: CORSAttribute; fallbackFlag = false): JSRequest =
var mode = if cors == caNoCors:
if fallbackFlag and mode == rmNoCors:
mode = rmSameOrigin
let credentialsMode = if cors == caAnonymous: cmSameOrigin else: cmInclude
return JSRequest(
request: newRequest(url),
destination: destination,
mode: mode,
credentialsMode: credentialsMode
BodyInitType = enum
bitBlob, bitFormData, bitUrlSearchParams, bitString
BodyInit = object
#TODO ReadableStream, BufferSource
case t: BodyInitType
of bitBlob:
blob: Blob
of bitFormData:
formData: FormData
of bitUrlSearchParams:
searchParams: URLSearchParams
of bitString:
str: string
RequestInit* = object of JSDict
`method`* {.jsdefault.}: Option[HttpMethod] #TODO aliasing in dicts
headers* {.jsdefault.}: Option[HeadersInit]
body* {.jsdefault.}: Option[BodyInit]
referrer* {.jsdefault.}: Option[string]
referrerPolicy* {.jsdefault.}: Option[ReferrerPolicy]
credentials* {.jsdefault.}: Option[CredentialsMode]
mode* {.jsdefault.}: Option[RequestMode]
window* {.jsdefault: JS_UNDEFINED.}: JSValue
proc fromJS(ctx: JSContext; val: JSValue; res: var BodyInit): Opt[void] =
if not JS_IsUndefined(val) and not JS_IsNull(val):
res = BodyInit(t: bitFormData)
if ctx.fromJS(val, res.formData).isSome:
return ok()
res = BodyInit(t: bitBlob)
if ctx.fromJS(val, res.blob).isSome:
return ok()
res = BodyInit(t: bitUrlSearchParams)
if ctx.fromJS(val, res.searchParams).isSome:
return ok()
res = BodyInit(t: bitString)
if ctx.fromJS(val, res.str).isSome:
return ok()
JS_ThrowTypeError(ctx, "invalid body init type")
return err()
var getAPIBaseURLImpl*: proc(ctx: JSContext): URL {.noSideEffect, nimcall.}
proc newRequest*(ctx: JSContext; resource: JSValue;
init = RequestInit(window: JS_UNDEFINED)): JSResult[JSRequest] {.jsctor.} =
let headers = newHeaders(hgRequest)
var fallbackMode = opt(rmCors)
var window = RequestWindow(t: rwtClient)
var body = RequestBody()
var credentials = cmSameOrigin
var httpMethod = hmGet
var referrer: URL = nil
var url: URL = nil
if (var res: JSRequest; ctx.fromJS(resource, res).isSome):
url = res.url
httpMethod = res.request.httpMethod
headers.table = res.headers.table
referrer = res.request.referrer
credentials = res.credentialsMode
body = res.request.body
fallbackMode = opt(RequestMode)
window = res.window
var s: string
?ctx.fromJS(resource, s)
url = ?parseJSURL(s, option(ctx.getAPIBaseURLImpl()))
if url.username != "" or url.password != "":
return errTypeError("Input URL contains a username or password")
var mode = fallbackMode.get(rmNoCors)
let destination = rdNone
#TODO origin, window
if not JS_IsUndefined(init.window):
if not JS_IsNull(init.window):
return errTypeError("Expected window to be null")
window = RequestWindow(t: rwtNoWindow)
if mode == rmNavigate:
mode = rmSameOrigin
#TODO flags?
#TODO referrer
if init.`method`.isSome:
httpMethod = init.`method`.get
if init.body.isSome:
let ibody = init.body.get
case ibody.t
of bitFormData:
body = RequestBody(t: rbtMultipart, multipart: ibody.formData)
of bitString:
body = RequestBody(t: rbtString, s: ibody.str)
else: discard #TODO
if httpMethod in {hmGet, hmHead}:
return errTypeError("HEAD or GET Request cannot have a body.")
if init.headers.isSome:
if init.credentials.isSome:
credentials = init.credentials.get
if init.mode.isSome:
mode = init.mode.get
if mode == rmNoCors:
headers.guard = hgRequestNoCors
return ok(JSRequest(
request: newRequest(
referrer = referrer
mode: mode,
credentialsMode: credentials,
destination: destination,
window: window
func credentialsMode*(attribute: CORSAttribute): CredentialsMode =
case attribute
of caNoCors, caAnonymous:
return cmSameOrigin
of caUseCredentials:
return cmInclude
proc addRequestModule*(ctx: JSContext) =
ctx.registerType(JSRequest, name = "Request")