import std/options import std/os import std/posix import std/strutils import std/tables import std/termios import std/unicode import bindings/termcap import chagashi/charset import chagashi/decoder import chagashi/encoder import config/config import img/bitmap import io/dynstream import js/base64 import types/blob import types/cell import types/color import types/opt import types/winattrs import utils/strwidth import utils/twtstr #TODO switch away from termcap... type TermcapCap = enum ce # clear till end of line cd # clear display cm # cursor move ti # terminal init (=smcup) te # terminal end (=rmcup) so # start standout mode md # start bold mode us # start underline mode mr # start reverse mode mb # start blink mode ZH # start italic mode se # end standout mode ue # end underline mode ZR # end italic mode me # end all formatting modes vs # enhance cursor vi # make cursor invisible ve # reset cursor to normal TermcapCapNumeric = enum Co # color? Termcap = ref object bp: array[1024, uint8] funcstr: array[256, uint8] caps: array[TermcapCap, cstring] numCaps: array[TermcapCapNumeric, cint] CanvasImage* = ref object pid: int imageId: int x: int y: int offx: int offy: int dispw: int disph: int damaged: bool marked*: bool kittyId: int bmp: Bitmap # absolute x, y in container rx: int ry: int data: Blob Terminal* = ref object cs*: Charset config: Config istream*: PosixStream outfile: File cleared: bool canvas: seq[FixedCell] canvasImages*: seq[CanvasImage] imagesToClear*: seq[CanvasImage] lineDamage: seq[int] attrs*: WindowAttributes colorMode: ColorMode formatMode: set[FormatFlag] imageMode*: ImageMode smcup: bool tc: Termcap setTitle: bool stdinUnblocked: bool stdinWasUnblocked: bool origTermios: Termios defaultBackground: RGBColor defaultForeground: RGBColor ibuf*: string # buffer for chars when we can't process them sixelRegisterNum: int sixelMaxWidth: int sixelMaxHeight: int kittyId: int # counter for kitty image (*not* placement) ids. cursorx: int cursory: int colorMap: array[16, RGBColor] # control sequence introducer template CSI(s: varargs[string, `$`]): string = "\e[" & s.join(';') # primary device attributes const DA1 = CSI("c") # push/pop current title to/from the terminal's title stack const XTPUSHTITLE = CSI(22, "t") const XTPOPTITLE = CSI(23, "t") # report xterm text area size in pixels const GEOMPIXEL = CSI(14, "t") # report cell size const CELLSIZE = CSI(16, "t") # report window size in chars const GEOMCELL = CSI(18, "t") # allow shift-key to override mouse protocol const XTSHIFTESCAPE = CSI(">0s") # query sixel register number template XTSMGRAPHICS(pi, pa, pv: untyped): string = CSI("?" & $pi, $pa, $pv & "S") # number of color registers const XTNUMREGS = XTSMGRAPHICS(1, 1, 0) # image dimensions const XTIMGDIMS = XTSMGRAPHICS(2, 1, 0) # horizontal & vertical position template HVP(s: varargs[string, `$`]): string = CSI(s) & "f" # erase line template EL(): string = CSI() & "K" # erase display template ED(): string = CSI() & "J" # select graphic rendition template SGR*(s: varargs[string, `$`]): string = CSI(s) & "m" # device control string const DCSSTART = "\eP" template DCS(a, b: char; s: varargs[string]): string = DCSSTART & a & b & s.join(';') & "\e\\" template XTGETTCAP(s: varargs[string, `$`]): string = DCS('+', 'q', s) const XTGETRGB = XTGETTCAP("524742") # OS command template OSC(s: varargs[string, `$`]): string = "\e]" & s.join(';') & '\a' template XTSETTITLE(s: string): string = OSC(0, s) const XTGETFG = OSC(10, "?") # get foreground color const XTGETBG = OSC(11, "?") # get background color const XTGETANSI = block: # get ansi colors var s = "" for n in 0 ..< 16: s &= OSC(4, n, "?") s # DEC set template DECSET(s: varargs[string, `$`]): string = "\e[?" & s.join(';') & 'h' # DEC reset template DECRST(s: varargs[string, `$`]): string = "\e[?" & s.join(';') & 'l' # alt screen const SMCUP = DECSET(1049) const RMCUP = DECRST(1049) # mouse tracking const SGRMOUSEBTNON = DECSET(1002, 1006) const SGRMOUSEBTNOFF = DECRST(1002, 1006) # show/hide cursor const CNORM = DECSET(25) const CIVIS = DECRST(25) # application program command # This is only used in kitty images, and join()'ing kilobytes of base64 # is rather inefficient so we don't use a template. const APC = "\e_" const ST = "\e\\" const KITTYQUERY = APC & "Gi=1,a=q;" & ST when TermcapFound: func hascap(term: Terminal; c: TermcapCap): bool =[c] != nil func cap(term: Terminal; c: TermcapCap): string = $[c] func ccap(term: Terminal; c: TermcapCap): cstring =[c] var goutfile: File proc putc(c: char): cint {.cdecl.} = goutfile.write(c) proc write(term: Terminal; s: cstring) = discard tputs(s, 1, putc) proc write(term: Terminal; s: string) = if != nil: term.write(cstring(s)) else: term.outfile.write(s) else: proc write(term: Terminal; s: string) = term.outfile.write(s) proc readChar*(term: Terminal): char = if term.ibuf.len == 0: result = term.istream.sreadChar() else: result = term.ibuf[0] term.ibuf.delete(0..0) proc flush*(term: Terminal) = term.outfile.flushFile() proc cursorGoto(term: Terminal; x, y: int): string = when TermcapFound: if != nil: return $tgoto(term.ccap cm, cint(x), cint(y)) return HVP(y + 1, x + 1) proc clearEnd(term: Terminal): string = when TermcapFound: if != nil: return term.cap ce return EL() proc clearDisplay(term: Terminal): string = when TermcapFound: if != nil: return term.cap cd return ED() proc isatty*(file: File): bool = return file.getFileHandle().isatty() != 0 proc isatty*(term: Terminal): bool = return term.istream != nil and term.istream.fd.isatty() != 0 and term.outfile.isatty() proc anyKey*(term: Terminal; msg = "[Hit any key]") = if term.isatty(): term.outfile.write(term.clearEnd() & msg) term.outfile.flushFile() discard term.istream.sreadChar() proc resetFormat(term: Terminal): string = when TermcapFound: if != nil: return term.cap me return SGR() proc startFormat(term: Terminal; flag: FormatFlag): string = when TermcapFound: if != nil: case flag of ffBold: return term.cap md of ffUnderline: return term.cap us of ffReverse: return term.cap mr of ffBlink: return term.cap mb of ffItalic: return term.cap ZH else: discard return SGR(FormatCodes[flag].s) proc endFormat(term: Terminal; flag: FormatFlag): string = when TermcapFound: if != nil: case flag of ffUnderline: return term.cap ue of ffItalic: return term.cap ZR else: discard return SGR(FormatCodes[flag].e) proc setCursor*(term: Terminal; x, y: int) = assert x >= 0 and y >= 0 if x != term.cursorx or y != term.cursory: term.write(term.cursorGoto(x, y)) term.cursorx = x term.cursory = y proc enableAltScreen(term: Terminal): string = when TermcapFound: if != nil and term.hascap ti: return term.cap ti return SMCUP proc disableAltScreen(term: Terminal): string = when TermcapFound: if != nil and term.hascap te: return term.cap te return RMCUP func mincontrast(term: Terminal): int32 = return term.config.display.minimum_contrast proc getRGB(term: Terminal; a: CellColor; termDefault: RGBColor): RGBColor = case a.t of ctNone: return termDefault of ctANSI: if a.color >= 16: return EightBitColor(a.color).toRGB() return term.colorMap[a.color] of ctRGB: return a.rgbcolor # Use euclidian distance to quantize RGB colors. proc approximateANSIColor(term: Terminal; rgb, termDefault: RGBColor): CellColor = var a = 0 var n = -1 if rgb == termDefault: return defaultColor for i in -1 .. term.colorMap.high: let color = if i >= 0: term.colorMap[i] else: termDefault if color == rgb: return ANSIColor(i).cellColor() {.push overflowChecks:off.} let x = int(color.r) - int(rgb.r) let y = int(color.g) - int(rgb.g) let z = int(color.b) - int(rgb.b) let xx = x * x let yy = y * y let zz = z * z let b = xx + yy + zz {.pop.} if i == -1 or b < a: n = i a = b return if n == -1: defaultColor else: ANSIColor(n).cellColor() # Return a fgcolor contrasted to the background by term.mincontrast. proc correctContrast(term: Terminal; bgcolor, fgcolor: CellColor): CellColor = let contrast = term.mincontrast let cfgcolor = fgcolor let bgcolor = term.getRGB(bgcolor, term.defaultBackground) let fgcolor = term.getRGB(fgcolor, term.defaultForeground) let bgY = int(bgcolor.Y) var fgY = int(fgcolor.Y) let diff = abs(bgY - fgY) if diff < contrast: if bgY > fgY: fgY = bgY - contrast if fgY < 0: fgY = bgY + contrast if fgY > 255: fgY = 0 else: fgY = bgY + contrast if fgY > 255: fgY = bgY - contrast if fgY < 0: fgY = 255 let newrgb = YUV(uint8(fgY), fgcolor.U, fgcolor.V) case term.colorMode of cmTrueColor: return cellColor(newrgb) of cmANSI: return term.approximateANSIColor(newrgb, term.defaultForeground) of cmEightBit: return cellColor(newrgb.toEightBit()) of cmMonochrome: doAssert false return cfgcolor template ansiSGR(n: uint8, bgmod: int): string = if n < 8: SGR(30 + bgmod + n) else: SGR(82 + bgmod + n) template eightBitSGR(n: uint8, bgmod: int): string = if n < 16: ansiSGR(n, bgmod) else: SGR(38 + bgmod, 5, n) template rgbSGR(rgb: RGBColor; bgmod: int): string = SGR(38 + bgmod, 2, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b) proc processFormat*(term: Terminal; format: var Format; cellf: Format): string = for flag in FormatFlag: if flag in term.formatMode: if flag in format.flags and flag notin cellf.flags: result &= term.endFormat(flag) if flag notin format.flags and flag in cellf.flags: result &= term.startFormat(flag) var cellf = cellf case term.colorMode of cmANSI: # quantize if cellf.bgcolor.t == ctANSI and cellf.bgcolor.color > 15: cellf.bgcolor = cellf.fgcolor.eightbit.toRGB().cellColor() if cellf.bgcolor.t == ctRGB: cellf.bgcolor = term.approximateANSIColor(cellf.bgcolor.rgbcolor, term.defaultBackground) if cellf.fgcolor.t == ctANSI and cellf.fgcolor.color > 15: cellf.fgcolor = cellf.fgcolor.eightbit.toRGB().cellColor() if cellf.fgcolor.t == ctRGB: if cellf.bgcolor.t == ctNone: cellf.fgcolor = term.approximateANSIColor(cellf.fgcolor.rgbcolor, term.defaultForeground) else: # ANSI fgcolor + bgcolor at the same time is broken cellf.fgcolor = defaultColor # correct cellf.fgcolor = term.correctContrast(cellf.bgcolor, cellf.fgcolor) if cellf.fgcolor != format.fgcolor: # print case cellf.fgcolor.t of ctNone: result &= SGR(39) of ctANSI: result &= ansiSGR(cellf.fgcolor.color, 0) else: discard if cellf.bgcolor != format.bgcolor: case cellf.bgcolor.t of ctNone: result &= SGR(49) of ctANSI: result &= ansiSGR(cellf.bgcolor.color, 10) else: discard of cmEightBit: # quantize if cellf.bgcolor.t == ctRGB: cellf.bgcolor = cellf.bgcolor.rgbcolor.toEightBit().cellColor() if cellf.fgcolor.t == ctRGB: cellf.fgcolor = cellf.fgcolor.rgbcolor.toEightBit().cellColor() # correct cellf.fgcolor = term.correctContrast(cellf.bgcolor, cellf.fgcolor) # print if cellf.fgcolor != format.fgcolor: case cellf.fgcolor.t of ctNone: result &= SGR(39) of ctANSI: result &= eightBitSGR(cellf.fgcolor.color, 0) of ctRGB: discard if cellf.bgcolor != format.bgcolor: case cellf.bgcolor.t of ctNone: result &= SGR(49) of ctANSI: result &= eightBitSGR(cellf.bgcolor.color, 10) of ctRGB: discard of cmTrueColor: # correct cellf.fgcolor = term.correctContrast(cellf.bgcolor, cellf.fgcolor) # print if cellf.fgcolor != format.fgcolor: case cellf.fgcolor.t of ctNone: result &= SGR(39) of ctANSI: result &= eightBitSGR(cellf.fgcolor.color, 0) of ctRGB: result &= rgbSGR(cellf.fgcolor.rgbcolor, 0) if cellf.bgcolor != format.bgcolor: case cellf.bgcolor.t of ctNone: result &= SGR(49) of ctANSI: result &= eightBitSGR(cellf.bgcolor.color, 10) of ctRGB: result &= rgbSGR(cellf.bgcolor.rgbcolor, 10) of cmMonochrome: discard # nothing to do format = cellf proc setTitle*(term: Terminal; title: string) = if term.setTitle: term.outfile.write(XTSETTITLE(title.replaceControls())) proc enableMouse*(term: Terminal) = term.write(XTSHIFTESCAPE & SGRMOUSEBTNON) proc disableMouse*(term: Terminal) = term.write(SGRMOUSEBTNOFF) proc processOutputString*(term: Terminal; str: string; w: var int): string = if str.validateUTF8Surr() != -1: return "?" # twidth wouldn't work here, the view may start at the nth character. # pager must ensure tabs are converted beforehand. w += str.notwidth() let str = if Controls in str: str.replaceControls() else: str if term.cs == CHARSET_UTF_8: # The output encoding matches the internal representation. return str # Output is not utf-8, so we must encode it first. var success = false return newTextEncoder(term.cs).encodeAll(str, success) proc generateFullOutput(term: Terminal): string = var format = Format() result &= term.cursorGoto(0, 0) result &= term.resetFormat() result &= term.clearDisplay() for y in 0 ..< term.attrs.height: if y != 0: result &= "\r\n" var w = 0 for x in 0 ..< term.attrs.width: while w < x: result &= " " inc w let cell = term.canvas[y * term.attrs.width + x] result &= term.processFormat(format, cell.format) result &= term.processOutputString(cell.str, w) term.lineDamage[y] = term.attrs.width proc generateSwapOutput(term: Terminal): string = var vy = -1 for y in 0 ..< term.attrs.height: # set cx to x of the first change let cx = term.lineDamage[y] # w will track the current position on screen var w = cx if cx < term.attrs.width: if cx == 0 and vy != -1: while vy < y: result &= "\r\n" inc vy else: result &= term.cursorGoto(cx, y) vy = y result &= term.resetFormat() var format = Format() for x in cx ..< term.attrs.width: while w < x: # if previous cell had no width, catch up with x result &= ' ' inc w let cell = term.canvas[y * term.attrs.width + x] result &= term.processFormat(format, cell.format) result &= term.processOutputString(cell.str, w) if w < term.attrs.width: result &= term.clearEnd() # damage is gone term.lineDamage[y] = term.attrs.width proc hideCursor*(term: Terminal) = when TermcapFound: if != nil: term.write(term.ccap vi) return term.write(CIVIS) proc showCursor*(term: Terminal) = when TermcapFound: if != nil: term.write(term.ccap ve) return term.write(CNORM) proc writeGrid*(term: Terminal; grid: FixedGrid; x = 0, y = 0) = for ly in y ..< y + grid.height: var lastx = 0 for lx in x ..< x + grid.width: let i = ly * term.attrs.width + lx let cell = grid[(ly - y) * grid.width + (lx - x)] if term.canvas[i].str != "": # if there is a change, we have to start from the last x with # a string (otherwise we might overwrite half of a double-width char) lastx = lx if cell != term.canvas[i]: term.canvas[i] = cell term.lineDamage[ly] = min(term.lineDamage[ly], lastx) proc applyConfigDimensions(term: Terminal) = # screen dimensions if term.attrs.width == 0 or term.config.display.force_columns: term.attrs.width = int(term.config.display.columns) if term.attrs.height == 0 or term.config.display.force_lines: term.attrs.height = int(term.config.display.lines) if term.attrs.ppc == 0 or term.config.display.force_pixels_per_column: term.attrs.ppc = int(term.config.display.pixels_per_column) if term.attrs.ppl == 0 or term.config.display.force_pixels_per_line: term.attrs.ppl = int(term.config.display.pixels_per_line) term.attrs.width_px = term.attrs.ppc * term.attrs.width term.attrs.height_px = term.attrs.ppl * term.attrs.height if term.imageMode == imSixel: if term.sixelMaxWidth == 0: term.sixelMaxWidth = term.attrs.width_px if term.sixelMaxHeight == 0: term.sixelMaxHeight = term.attrs.height_px proc applyConfig(term: Terminal) = # colors, formatting if term.config.display.color_mode.isSome: term.colorMode = term.config.display.color_mode.get if term.config.display.format_mode.isSome: term.formatMode = term.config.display.format_mode.get for fm in FormatFlag: if fm in term.config.display.no_format_mode: term.formatMode.excl(fm) if term.config.display.image_mode.isSome: term.imageMode = term.config.display.image_mode.get if term.isatty(): if term.config.display.alt_screen.isSome: term.smcup = term.config.display.alt_screen.get term.setTitle = term.config.display.set_title if term.config.display.default_background_color.isSome: term.defaultBackground = term.config.display.default_background_color.get if term.config.display.default_foreground_color.isSome: term.defaultForeground = term.config.display.default_foreground_color.get # charsets if term.config.encoding.display_charset.isSome: term.cs = term.config.encoding.display_charset.get else: term.cs = DefaultCharset for s in ["LC_ALL", "LC_CTYPE", "LANG"]: let env = getEnv(s) if env == "": continue let cs = getLocaleCharset(env) if cs != CHARSET_UNKNOWN: term.cs = cs break term.applyConfigDimensions() proc outputGrid*(term: Terminal) = term.outfile.write(term.resetFormat()) if term.config.display.force_clear or not term.cleared: term.outfile.write(term.generateFullOutput()) term.cleared = true else: term.outfile.write(term.generateSwapOutput()) term.cursorx = -1 term.cursory = -1 func findImage(term: Terminal; pid, imageId: int; bmp: Bitmap; rx, ry: int): CanvasImage = for it in term.canvasImages: if == pid and it.imageId == imageId and it.bmp.width == bmp.width and it.bmp.height == bmp.height and it.rx == rx and it.ry == ry: return it return nil # x, y, maxw, maxh in cells # x, y can be negative, then image starts outside the screen proc positionImage(term: Terminal; image: CanvasImage; x, y, maxw, maxh: int): bool = image.x = x image.y = y let xpx = x * term.attrs.ppc let ypx = y * term.attrs.ppl # calculate offset inside image to start from image.offx = -min(xpx, 0) image.offy = -min(ypx, 0) # calculate maximum image size that fits on the screen relative to the image # origin (*not* offx/offy) let maxwpx = maxw * term.attrs.ppc let maxhpx = maxh * term.attrs.ppl var width = int(image.bmp.width) var height = int(image.bmp.height) if term.imageMode == imSixel: #TODO a better solution would be to split up the image here so that it # still gets fully displayed on the screen, or at least downscale it... width = min(width - image.offx, term.sixelMaxWidth) + image.offx height = min(height - image.offy, term.sixelMaxHeight) + image.offy image.dispw = min(width + xpx, maxwpx) - xpx image.disph = min(height + ypx, maxhpx) - ypx image.damaged = true return image.dispw > image.offx and image.disph > image.offy proc clearImage*(term: Terminal; image: CanvasImage; maxh: int) = case term.imageMode of imNone: discard of imSixel: # we must clear sixels the same way as we clear text. let ey = min(image.y + int(image.bmp.height), maxh) let x = max(image.x, 0) for y in max(image.y, 0) ..< ey: term.lineDamage[y] = min(x, term.lineDamage[y]) of imKitty: term.imagesToClear.add(image) proc clearImages*(term: Terminal; maxh: int) = for image in term.canvasImages: if not image.marked: term.clearImage(image, maxh) image.marked = false proc loadImage*(term: Terminal; bmp: Bitmap; data: Blob; pid, imageId, x, y, rx, ry, maxw, maxh: int): CanvasImage = if (let image = term.findImage(pid, imageId, bmp, rx, ry); image != nil): # reuse image on screen if image.x != x or image.y != y: # only clear sixels; with kitty we just move the existing image if term.imageMode == imSixel: term.clearImage(image, maxh) if not term.positionImage(image, x, y, maxw, maxh): # no longer on screen return nil elif term.imageMode == imSixel: # check if any line of our image is damaged let ey = min(image.y + int(image.bmp.height), maxh) let mx = (image.offx + image.dispw) div term.attrs.ppc for y in max(image.y, 0) ..< ey: if term.lineDamage[y] < mx: image.damaged = true break # only mark old images; new images will not be checked until the next # initImages call. image.marked = true return image # new image let image = CanvasImage( bmp: bmp, pid: pid, imageId: imageId, data: data, rx: rx, ry: ry ) if term.positionImage(image, x, y, maxw, maxh): return image # no longer on screen return nil # data is binary 0..63; the output is the final ASCII form. proc compressSixel(data: openArray[uint8]): string = var outs = newStringOfCap(data.len div 4) var n = 0 var c = char(0) for u in data: let cc = char(u + 0x3F) if c != cc: if n > 3: outs &= '!' & $n & c else: # for char(0) n is also 0, so it is ignored. outs &= c.repeat(n) c = cc n = 0 inc n if n > 3: outs &= '!' & $n & c else: outs &= c.repeat(n) return outs type SixelBand = object c: uint8 data: seq[uint8] func find(bands: seq[SixelBand]; c: uint8): int = for i, band in bands: if band.c == c: return i -1 proc outputSixelImage(term: Terminal; x, y: int; image: CanvasImage) = let offx = image.offx let offy = image.offy let dispw = image.dispw let disph = image.disph let bmp = image.bmp var outs = term.cursorGoto(x, y) outs &= DCSSTART & 'q' # set raster attributes outs &= "\"1;1;" & $(dispw - offx) & ';' & $(disph - offy) for b in 16 ..< 256: # laziest possible register allocation scheme #TODO obviously this produces sub-optimal results let rgb = EightBitColor(b).toRGB() let rgbq = RGBColor(uint32(rgb).fastmul(100)) let n = b - 15 # 2 is RGB outs &= '#' & $n & ";2;" & $rgbq.r & ';' & $rgbq.g & ';' & $rgbq.b var n = offy * int(bmp.width) # start at offy let H = disph * int(bmp.width) # end at disph var m = y * term.attrs.width * term.attrs.ppl # track absolute y let realw = dispw - offx let cx0 = x * term.attrs.ppc while n < H: var bands = newSeq[SixelBand]() for i in 0 ..< 6: if n >= H: break let mask = 1u8 shl i let my = m div term.attrs.ppl for bx in 0 ..< realw: let cx = (cx0 + bx) div term.attrs.ppc var c0 = bmp.px[n + bx + offx] if c0.a != 255: let bgcolor0 = term.canvas[my + cx].format.bgcolor let bgcolor = term.getRGB(bgcolor0, term.defaultBackground) let c1 = bgcolor.blend(c0) c0 = RGBAColorBE(r: c1.r, g: c1.g, b: c1.b, a: c1.a) let c = uint8(c0.toEightBit()) if (let j = bands.find(c); j != -1): bands[j].data[bx] = bands[j].data[bx] or mask else: bands.add(SixelBand(c: c, data: newSeq[uint8](realw))) bands[^1].data[^1] = mask n += int(bmp.width) m += term.attrs.width term.write(outs) outs = "" for i, band in bands: let t = if i != bands.high: '$' else: '-' let n = band.c - 15 outs &= '#' & $n & & t if outs.len > 0 and outs[^1] == '-': outs.setLen(outs.len - 1) outs &= ST term.write(outs) proc outputKittyImage(term: Terminal; x, y: int; image: CanvasImage) = var outs = term.cursorGoto(x, y) & APC & "GC=1,s=" & $image.bmp.width & ",v=" & $image.bmp.height & ",x=" & $image.offx & ",y=" & $image.offy & ",w=" & $image.dispw & ",h=" & $image.disph & # for now, we always use placement id 1 ",p=1,q=2" if image.kittyId != 0: outs &= ",i=" & $image.kittyId & ",a=p;" & ST term.write(outs) term.flush() return inc term.kittyId # skip i=0 image.kittyId = term.kittyId outs &= ",i=" & $image.kittyId const MaxBytes = 4096 * 3 div 4 var i = MaxBytes # transcode to RGB let p = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[uint8]]( let L = int( let m = if i < L: '1' else: '0' outs &= ",a=T,f=100,m=" & m & ';' outs.btoa(p.toOpenArray(0, min(L, i) - 1)) outs &= ST term.write(outs) while i < L: let j = i i += MaxBytes let m = if i < L: '1' else: '0' var outs = APC & "Gm=" & m & ';' outs.btoa(p.toOpenArray(j, min(L, i) - 1)) outs &= ST term.write(outs) proc outputImages*(term: Terminal) = if term.imageMode == imKitty: # clean up unused kitty images var s = "" for image in term.imagesToClear: if image.kittyId == 0: continue # maybe it was never displayed... s &= APC & "Ga=d,d=I,i=" & $image.kittyId & ",p=1,q=2;" & ST term.write(s) term.imagesToClear.setLen(0) for image in term.canvasImages: if image.damaged: assert image.dispw > 0 and image.disph > 0 let x = max(image.x, 0) let y = max(image.y, 0) case term.imageMode of imNone: assert false of imSixel: term.outputSixelImage(x, y, image) of imKitty: term.outputKittyImage(x, y, image) image.damaged = false proc clearCanvas*(term: Terminal) = term.cleared = false let maxw = term.attrs.width let maxh = term.attrs.height - 1 var newImages: seq[CanvasImage] = @[] for image in term.canvasImages: if term.positionImage(image, image.x, image.y, maxw, maxh): image.damaged = true image.marked = true newImages.add(image) term.clearImages(maxh) term.canvasImages = newImages # see proc disableRawMode(term: Terminal) = discard tcSetAttr(term.istream.fd, TCSAFLUSH, addr term.origTermios) proc enableRawMode(term: Terminal) = discard tcGetAttr(term.istream.fd, addr term.origTermios) var raw = term.origTermios raw.c_iflag = raw.c_iflag and not (BRKINT or ICRNL or INPCK or ISTRIP or IXON) raw.c_oflag = raw.c_oflag and not (OPOST) raw.c_cflag = raw.c_cflag or CS8 raw.c_lflag = raw.c_lflag and not (ECHO or ICANON or ISIG or IEXTEN) discard tcSetAttr(term.istream.fd, TCSAFLUSH, addr raw) proc unblockStdin*(term: Terminal) = if term.isatty(): term.istream.setBlocking(false) term.stdinUnblocked = true proc restoreStdin*(term: Terminal) = if term.stdinUnblocked: term.istream.setBlocking(true) term.stdinUnblocked = false proc quit*(term: Terminal) = if term.isatty(): term.disableRawMode() if term.config.input.use_mouse: term.disableMouse() if term.smcup: term.write(term.disableAltScreen()) else: term.write(term.cursorGoto(0, term.attrs.height - 1) & term.resetFormat() & "\n") if term.setTitle: term.write(XTPOPTITLE) term.showCursor() term.clearCanvas() if term.stdinUnblocked: term.restoreStdin() term.stdinWasUnblocked = true term.flush() when TermcapFound: proc loadTermcap(term: Terminal) = var tname = getEnv("TERM") if tname == "": tname = "dosansi" let tc = Termcap() var res = tgetent(cast[cstring](addr tc.bp), cstring(tname)) if res == 0: # retry as dosansi res = tgetent(cast[cstring](addr tc.bp), "dosansi") if res > 0: # success assert goutfile == nil goutfile = term.outfile = tc for id in TermcapCap: tc.caps[id] = tgetstr(cstring($id), cast[ptr cstring](addr tc.funcstr)) for id in TermcapCapNumeric: tc.numCaps[id] = tgetnum(cstring($id)) type QueryAttrs = enum qaAnsiColor, qaRGB, qaSixel, qaKittyImage QueryResult = object success: bool attrs: set[QueryAttrs] fgcolor: Option[RGBColor] bgcolor: Option[RGBColor] colorMap: seq[tuple[n: int; rgb: RGBColor]] widthPx: int heightPx: int ppc: int ppl: int width: int height: int sixelMaxWidth: int sixelMaxHeight: int registers: int proc consumeIntUntil(term: Terminal; sentinel: char): int = var n = 0 while (let c = term.readChar(); c != sentinel): if (let x = decValue(c); x != -1): n *= 10 n += x else: return -1 return n proc queryAttrs(term: Terminal; windowOnly: bool): QueryResult = const tcapRGB = 0x524742 # RGB supported? if not windowOnly: var outs = "" if term.config.display.default_background_color.isNone: outs &= XTGETBG if term.config.display.default_foreground_color.isNone: outs &= XTGETFG if term.config.display.image_mode.isNone: outs &= KITTYQUERY outs &= XTNUMREGS outs &= XTIMGDIMS elif term.config.display.image_mode.get == imSixel: outs &= XTNUMREGS outs &= XTIMGDIMS if term.config.display.color_mode.isNone: outs &= XTGETRGB outs &= XTGETANSI & GEOMPIXEL & CELLSIZE & GEOMCELL & DA1 term.outfile.write(outs) else: const outs = GEOMPIXEL & CELLSIZE & GEOMCELL & XTIMGDIMS & DA1 term.outfile.write(outs) term.flush() result = QueryResult(success: false, attrs: {}) while true: template consume(term: Terminal): char = term.readChar() template fail = return template expect(term: Terminal; c: char) = if term.consume != c: fail template expect(term: Terminal; s: string) = for c in s: term.expect c template skip_until(term: Terminal; c: char) = while (let cc = term.consume; cc != c): discard template consume_int_till(term: Terminal; sentinel: char): int = let n = term.consumeIntUntil(sentinel) if n == -1: fail n template consume_int_greedy(term: Terminal; lastc: var char): int = var n = 0 while true: let c = term.consume if (let x = decValue(c); x != -1): n *= 10 n += x else: lastc = c break n term.expect '\e' case term.consume of '[': # CSI case (let c = term.consume; c) of '?': # DA1, XTSMGRAPHICS var lastc: char var params = newSeq[int]() while true: let n = term.consume_int_greedy lastc params.add(n) if lastc in {'c', 'S'}: break if lastc != ';': fail if lastc == 'c': for n in params: case n of 4: result.attrs.incl(qaSixel) of 22: result.attrs.incl(qaAnsiColor) else: discard result.success = true break # DA1 returned; done else: # 'S' if params.len >= 4: if params[0] == 2 and params[1] == 0: result.sixelMaxWidth = params[2] result.sixelMaxHeight = params[3] if params.len >= 3: if params[0] == 1 and params[1] == 0: result.registers = params[2] of '4', '6', '8': # GEOMPIXEL, CELLSIZE, GEOMCELL term.expect ';' let height = term.consume_int_till ';' let width = term.consume_int_till 't' if c == '4': # GEOMSIZE result.widthPx = width result.heightPx = height elif c == '6': # CELLSIZE result.ppc = width result.ppl = height elif c == '8': # GEOMCELL result.width = width result.height = height else: fail of ']': # OSC let c = term.consumeIntUntil(';') var n: int if c == 4: n = term.consumeIntUntil(';') if term.consume == 'r' and term.consume == 'g' and term.consume == 'b': term.expect ':' var was_esc = false template eat_color(tc: set[char]): uint8 = var val = 0u8 var i = 0 var c = char(0) while (c = term.consume; c notin tc): let v0 = hexValue(c) if i > 4 or v0 == -1: fail # wat let v = uint8(v0) if i == 0: # 1st place - expand it for when we don't get a 2nd place val = (v shl 4) or v elif i == 1: # 2nd place - clear expanded placeholder from 1st place val = (val and not 0xFu8) or v # all other places are irrelevant inc i was_esc = c == '\e' val let r = eat_color {'/'} let g = eat_color {'/'} let b = eat_color {'\a', '\e'} if was_esc: # we got ST, not BEL; at least kitty does this term.expect '\\' let C = rgb(r, g, b) if c == 4: result.colorMap.add((n, C)) elif c == 10: result.fgcolor = some(C) else: # 11 result.bgcolor = some(C) else: # not RGB, give up term.skip_until '\a' of 'P': # DCS let c = term.consume if c notin {'0', '1'}: fail term.expect "+r" if c == '1': var id = 0 while (let c = term.consume; c != '='): if c notin AsciiHexDigit: fail id *= 0x10 id += hexValue(c) term.skip_until '\e' # ST (1) if id == tcapRGB: result.attrs.incl(qaRGB) else: # 0 # pure insanity: kitty returns P0, but also +r524742 after. please # make up your mind! term.skip_until '\e' # ST (1) term.expect '\\' # ST (2) of '_': # APC term.expect 'G' result.attrs.incl(qaKittyImage) term.skip_until '\e' # ST (1) term.expect '\\' # ST (2) else: fail type TermStartResult* = enum tsrSuccess, tsrDA1Fail # when windowOnly, only refresh window size. proc detectTermAttributes(term: Terminal; windowOnly: bool): TermStartResult = var res = tsrSuccess if not term.isatty(): return res var win: IOctl_WinSize if ioctl(term.istream.fd, TIOCGWINSZ, addr win) != -1: term.attrs.width = int(win.ws_col) term.attrs.height = int(win.ws_row) term.attrs.ppc = int(win.ws_xpixel) div term.attrs.width term.attrs.ppl = int(win.ws_ypixel) div term.attrs.height if term.config.display.query_da1: let r = term.queryAttrs(windowOnly) if r.success: # DA1 success if r.width != 0: term.attrs.width = r.width if r.ppc != 0: term.attrs.ppc = r.ppc elif r.widthPx != 0: term.attrs.ppc = r.widthPx div r.width if r.height != 0: term.attrs.height = r.height if r.ppl != 0: term.attrs.ppl = r.ppl elif r.heightPx != 0: term.attrs.ppl = r.heightPx div r.height if windowOnly: return if qaAnsiColor in r.attrs: term.colorMode = cmANSI if qaRGB in r.attrs: term.colorMode = cmTrueColor if qaSixel in r.attrs: term.imageMode = imSixel term.sixelRegisterNum = clamp(r.registers, 16, 1024) term.sixelMaxWidth = r.sixelMaxWidth term.sixelMaxHeight = r.sixelMaxHeight if qaKittyImage in r.attrs: term.imageMode = imKitty # just assume the terminal doesn't choke on these. term.formatMode = {ffStrike, ffOverline} if r.bgcolor.isSome: term.defaultBackground = r.bgcolor.get if r.fgcolor.isSome: term.defaultForeground = r.fgcolor.get for (n, rgb) in r.colorMap: term.colorMap[n] = rgb else: # something went horribly wrong. set result to DA1 fail, pager will # alert the user res = tsrDA1Fail if windowOnly: return res if term.colorMode != cmTrueColor: let colorterm = getEnv("COLORTERM") if colorterm in ["24bit", "truecolor"]: term.colorMode = cmTrueColor when TermcapFound: term.loadTermcap() if != nil: term.smcup = term.hascap ti if term.colorMode < cmEightBit and[Co] == 256: # due to termcap limitations, 256 is the highest possible number here term.colorMode = cmEightBit elif term.colorMode < cmANSI and[Co] >= 8: term.colorMode = cmANSI if term.hascap ZH: term.formatMode.incl(ffItalic) if term.hascap us: term.formatMode.incl(ffUnderline) if term.hascap md: term.formatMode.incl(ffBold) if term.hascap mr: term.formatMode.incl(ffReverse) if term.hascap mb: term.formatMode.incl(ffBlink) return res term.smcup = true term.formatMode = {FormatFlag.low..FormatFlag.high} return res type MouseInputType* = enum mitPress = "press", mitRelease = "release", mitMove = "move" MouseInputMod* = enum mimShift = "shift", mimCtrl = "ctrl", mimMeta = "meta" MouseInputButton* = enum mibLeft = (1, "left") mibMiddle = (2, "middle") mibRight = (3, "right") mibWheelUp = (4, "wheelUp") mibWheelDown = (5, "wheelDown") mibWheelLeft = (6, "wheelLeft") mibWheelRight = (7, "wheelRight") mibThumbInner = (8, "thumbInner") mibThumbTip = (9, "thumbTip") mibButton10 = (10, "button10") mibButton11 = (11, "button11") MouseInput* = object t*: MouseInputType button*: MouseInputButton mods*: set[MouseInputMod] col*: int row*: int proc parseMouseInput*(term: Terminal): Opt[MouseInput] = template fail = return err() var btn = 0 while (let c = term.readChar(); c != ';'): let n = decValue(c) if n == -1: fail btn *= 10 btn += n var mods: set[MouseInputMod] = {} if (btn and 4) != 0: mods.incl(mimShift) if (btn and 8) != 0: mods.incl(mimCtrl) if (btn and 16) != 0: mods.incl(mimMeta) var px = 0 while (let c = term.readChar(); c != ';'): let n = decValue(c) if n == -1: fail px *= 10 px += n var py = 0 var c: char while (c = term.readChar(); c notin {'m', 'M'}): let n = decValue(c) if n == -1: fail py *= 10 py += n var t = if c == 'M': mitPress else: mitRelease if (btn and 32) != 0: t = mitMove var button = (btn and 3) + 1 if (btn and 64) != 0: button += 3 if (btn and 128) != 0: button += 7 if button notin int(MouseInputButton.low) return err() ok(MouseInput( t: t, mods: mods, button: MouseInputButton(button), col: px - 1, row: py - 1 )) proc windowChange*(term: Terminal) = discard term.detectTermAttributes(windowOnly = true) term.applyConfigDimensions() term.canvas = newSeq[FixedCell](term.attrs.width * term.attrs.height) term.lineDamage = newSeq[int](term.attrs.height) term.clearCanvas() proc initScreen(term: Terminal) = # note: deinit happens in quit() if term.setTitle: term.write(XTPUSHTITLE) if term.smcup: term.write(term.enableAltScreen()) if term.config.input.use_mouse: term.enableMouse() term.cursorx = -1 term.cursory = -1 proc start*(term: Terminal; istream: PosixStream): TermStartResult = term.istream = istream if term.isatty(): term.enableRawMode() result = term.detectTermAttributes(windowOnly = false) if result == tsrDA1Fail: term.config.display.query_da1 = false term.applyConfig() if term.isatty(): term.initScreen() term.canvas = newSeq[FixedCell](term.attrs.width * term.attrs.height) term.lineDamage = newSeq[int](term.attrs.height) proc restart*(term: Terminal) = if term.isatty(): term.enableRawMode() if term.stdinWasUnblocked: term.unblockStdin() term.stdinWasUnblocked = false term.initScreen() const ANSIColorMap = [ rgb(0, 0, 0), rgb(205, 0, 0), rgb(0, 205, 0), rgb(205, 205, 0), rgb(0, 0, 238), rgb(205, 0, 205), rgb(0, 205, 205), rgb(229, 229, 229), rgb(127, 127, 127), rgb(255, 0, 0), rgb(0, 255, 0), rgb(255, 255, 0), rgb(92, 92, 255), rgb(255, 0, 255), rgb(0, 255, 255), rgb(255, 255, 255) ] proc newTerminal*(outfile: File; config: Config): Terminal = const DefaultBackground = namedRGBColor("black").get const DefaultForeground = namedRGBColor("white").get return Terminal( outfile: outfile, config: config, defaultBackground: DefaultBackground, defaultForeground: DefaultForeground, colorMap: ANSIColorMap )