import std/algorithm import std/math import std/options import std/os import std/strutils import std/unicode when defined(posix): import std/posix import types/opt import utils/charcategory import utils/map export charcategory func onlyWhitespace*(s: string): bool = return AllChars - AsciiWhitespace notin s func isControlChar*(r: Rune): bool = return int(r) <= 0x1F or int(r) == 0x7F func getControlChar*(c: char): char = if c == '?': return char(127) return char(int(c) and 0x1F) func getControlLetter*(c: char): char = if c == char(127): return '?' return char(int(c) or 0x40) func toHeaderCase*(s: string): string = result = s var flip = true for c in result.mitems: if flip: c = c.toUpperAscii() flip = c == '-' func snakeToKebabCase*(s: string): string = result = s for c in result.mitems: if c == '_': c = '-' func kebabToCamelCase*(s: string): string = result = s var flip = false for c in result.mitems: if flip: c = c.toUpperAscii() flip = c == '-' func camelToKebabCase*(s: string): string = result = "" for c in s: if c in AsciiUpperAlpha: result &= '-' result &= c.toLowerAscii() else: result &= c func startsWithNoCase*(s, prefix: string): bool = if s.len < prefix.len: return false # prefix.len is always lower var i = 0 while true: if i == prefix.len: return true if s[i].toLowerAscii() != prefix[i].toLowerAscii(): return false inc i func hexValue*(c: char): int = if c in AsciiDigit: return int(c) - int('0') if c in 'a'..'f': return int(c) - int('a') + 0xA if c in 'A'..'F': return int(c) - int('A') + 0xA return -1 func decValue*(c: char): int = if c in AsciiDigit: return int(c) - int('0') return -1 const HexCharsUpper = "0123456789ABCDEF" const HexCharsLower = "0123456789abcdef" func pushHex*(buf: var string; u: uint8) = buf &= HexCharsUpper[u shr 4] buf &= HexCharsUpper[u and 0xF] func pushHex*(buf: var string; c: char) = buf.pushHex(uint8(c)) func toHexLower*(u: uint16): string = var x = u let len = if (u and 0xF000) != 0: 4 elif (u and 0x0F00) != 0: 3 elif (u and 0xF0) != 0: 2 else: 1 var s = newString(len) for i in countdown(len - 1, 0): s[i] = HexCharsLower[x and 0xF] x = x shr 4 return s func equalsIgnoreCase*(s1, s2: string): bool {.inline.} = return s1.cmpIgnoreCase(s2) == 0 func startsWithIgnoreCase*(s1, s2: string): bool = if s1.len < s2.len: return false for i in 0 ..< s2.len: if s1[i].toLowerAscii() != s2[i].toLowerAscii(): return false return true func endsWithIgnoreCase*(s1, s2: string): bool = if s1.len < s2.len: return false for i in countdown(s2.high, 0): if s1[i].toLowerAscii() != s2[i].toLowerAscii(): return false return true func skipBlanks*(buf: string; at: int): int = result = at while result < buf.len and buf[result] in AsciiWhitespace: inc result func stripAndCollapse*(s: string): string = var space = false result = "" for i in s.skipBlanks(0) ..< s.len: if s[i] notin AsciiWhitespace: if space: result &= ' ' space = false result &= s[i] elif not space: space = true else: result &= ' ' func until*(s: openArray[char]; c: set[char]; starti = 0): string = result = "" for i in starti ..< s.len: if s[i] in c: break result &= s[i] func untilLower*(s: string; c: set[char]; starti = 0): string = result = "" for i in starti ..< s.len: if s[i] in c: break result.add(s[i].toLowerAscii()) func until*(s: string; c: char; starti = 0): string = return s.until({c}, starti) func after*(s: string; c: set[char]): string = let i = s.find(c) if i != -1: return s.substr(i + 1) return "" func after*(s: string; c: char): string = s.after({c}) func afterLast*(s: string; c: set[char]; n = 1): string = var j = 0 for i in countdown(s.high, 0): if s[i] in c: inc j if j == n: return s.substr(i + 1) return s func afterLast*(s: string; c: char; n = 1): string = s.afterLast({c}, n) func beforeLast*(s: string; c: set[char]; n = 1): string = var j = 0 for i in countdown(s.high, 0): if s[i] in c: inc j if j == n: return s.substr(0, i) return s func beforeLast*(s: string; c: char; n = 1): string = s.beforeLast({c}, n) proc c_sprintf(buf, fm: cstring): cint {.header: "", importc: "sprintf", varargs} # From w3m const SizeUnit = [ cstring"b", cstring"kb", cstring"Mb", cstring"Gb", cstring"Tb", cstring"Pb", cstring"Eb", cstring"Zb", cstring"Bb", cstring"Yb" ] func convertSize*(size: int): string = var sizepos = 0 var csize = float32(size) while csize >= 999.495 and sizepos < SizeUnit.len: csize = csize / 1024.0 inc sizepos result = newString(10) let f = floor(csize * 100 + 0.5) / 100 discard c_sprintf(cstring(result), cstring("%.3g%s"), f, SizeUnit[sizepos]) result.setLen(cstring(result).len) # Implements func parseIntImpl[T: SomeSignedInt](s: string; allowed: set[char]; radix: T): Option[T] = var sign: T = 1 var i = 0 if i < s.len and s[i] == '-': sign = -1 inc i elif i < s.len and s[i] == '+': inc i if i == s.len: return none(T) var integer: T = 0 while i < s.len: if s[i] notin allowed: return none(T) # invalid let c = T(hexValue(s[i])) if unlikely((T.high - c) div radix < integer): return none(T) # overflow integer *= radix integer += c inc i return some(sign * integer) func parseIntImpl[T: SomeSignedInt](s: string): Option[T] = return parseIntImpl[T](s, AsciiDigit, 10) func parseInt32*(s: string): Option[int32] = return parseIntImpl[int32](s) func parseInt64*(s: string): Option[int64] = return parseIntImpl[int64](s) func parseOctInt64*(s: string): Option[int64] = return parseIntImpl[int64](s, AsciiOctDigit, 8) func parseHexInt64*(s: string): Option[int64] = return parseIntImpl[int64](s, AsciiHexDigit, 16) func parseUIntImpl[T: SomeUnsignedInt](s: string; allowSign: static bool; allowed: set[char]; radix: T): Option[T] = var i = 0 when allowSign: if i < s.len and s[i] == '+': inc i if i == s.len: return none(T) var integer: T = 0 while i < s.len: if s[i] notin allowed: return none(T) # invalid let c = T(hexValue(s[i])) if unlikely((T.high - c) div radix < integer): return none(T) # overflow integer *= radix integer += c inc i return some(integer) func parseUIntImpl[T: SomeUnsignedInt](s: string; allowSign: static bool): Option[T] = return parseUIntImpl[T](s, allowSign, AsciiDigit, 10) func parseUInt8*(s: string; allowSign: static bool): Option[uint8] = return parseUIntImpl[uint8](s, allowSign) func parseUInt16*(s: string; allowSign: static bool): Option[uint16] = return parseUIntImpl[uint16](s, allowSign) func parseUInt32*(s: string; allowSign: static bool): Option[uint32] = return parseUIntImpl[uint32](s, allowSign) func parseOctUInt32*(s: string; allowSign: static bool): Option[uint32] = return parseUIntImpl[uint32](s, allowSign, AsciiOctDigit, 8) func parseHexUInt32*(s: string; allowSign: static bool): Option[uint32] = return parseUIntImpl[uint32](s, allowSign, AsciiHexDigit, 16) func parseUInt64*(s: string; allowSign: static bool): Option[uint64] = return parseUIntImpl[uint64](s, allowSign) #TODO not sure where this algorithm is from... # (probably from CSS) func parseFloat64*(s: string): float64 = var sign = 1f64 var t = 1 var d = 0 var integer: float64 = 0 var f: float64 = 0 var e: float64 = 0 var i = 0 if i < s.len and s[i] == '-': sign = -1f64 inc i elif i < s.len and s[i] == '+': inc i while i < s.len and s[i] in AsciiDigit: integer *= 10 integer += float64(decValue(s[i])) inc i if i < s.len and s[i] == '.': inc i while i < s.len and s[i] in AsciiDigit: f *= 10 f += float64(decValue(s[i])) inc i inc d if i < s.len and (s[i] == 'e' or s[i] == 'E'): inc i if i < s.len and s[i] == '-': t = -1 inc i elif i < s.len and s[i] == '+': inc i while i < s.len and s[i] in AsciiDigit: e *= 10 e += float64(decValue(s[i])) inc i return sign * (integer + f * pow(10, float64(-d))) * pow(10, (float64(t) * e)) const ControlPercentEncodeSet* = Controls + NonAscii const FragmentPercentEncodeSet* = ControlPercentEncodeSet + {' ', '"', '<', '>', '`'} const QueryPercentEncodeSet* = FragmentPercentEncodeSet - {'`'} + {'#'} const SpecialQueryPercentEncodeSet* = QueryPercentEncodeSet + {'\''} const PathPercentEncodeSet* = QueryPercentEncodeSet + {'?', '`', '{', '}'} const UserInfoPercentEncodeSet* = PathPercentEncodeSet + {'/', ':', ';', '=', '@', '['..'^', '|'} const ComponentPercentEncodeSet* = UserInfoPercentEncodeSet + {'$'..'&', '+', ','} const ApplicationXWWWFormUrlEncodedSet* = ComponentPercentEncodeSet + {'!', '\''..')', '~'} # used by pager when DirSep == '\\': const LocalPathPercentEncodeSet* = Ascii - AsciiAlpha - AsciiDigit - {'.', '\\', '/'} else: const LocalPathPercentEncodeSet* = Ascii - AsciiAlpha - AsciiDigit - {'.', '/'} proc percentEncode*(append: var string; c: char; set: set[char]; spaceAsPlus = false) {.inline.} = if spaceAsPlus and c == ' ': append &= '+' elif c notin set: append &= c else: append &= '%' append.pushHex(c) proc percentEncode*(append: var string; s: string; set: set[char]; spaceAsPlus = false) = for c in s: append.percentEncode(c, set, spaceAsPlus) func percentEncode*(s: string; set: set[char]; spaceAsPlus = false): string = result.percentEncode(s, set, spaceAsPlus) func percentDecode*(input: string; si = 0): string = var i = si while i < input.len: let c = input[i] if c != '%' or i + 2 >= input.len: result &= c else: let h1 = input[i + 1].hexValue let h2 = input[i + 2].hexValue if h1 == -1 or h2 == -1: result &= c else: result &= char((h1 shl 4) or h2) i += 2 inc i func htmlEscape*(s: string): string = result = "" for c in s: case c of '<': result &= "<" of '>': result &= ">" of '&': result &= "&" of '"': result &= """ of '\'': result &= "'" else: result &= c func dqEscape*(s: string): string = result = newStringOfCap(s.len) for c in s: if c == '"': result &= '\\' result &= c #basically std join but with char func join*(ss: openArray[string]; sep: char): string = if ss.len == 0: return "" var s = ss[0] for i in 1 ..< ss.len: s &= sep s &= ss[i] return s proc passRealloc*(opaque, p: pointer; size: csize_t): pointer {.cdecl.} = return realloc(p, size) # const NameStartCharRanges = [ (0xC0, 0xD6), (0xD8, 0xF6), (0xF8, 0x2FF), (0x370, 0x37D), (0x37F, 0x1FFF), (0x200C, 0x200D), (0x2070, 0x218F), (0x2C00, 0x2FEF), (0x3001, 0xD7FF), (0xF900, 0xFDCF), (0xFDF0, 0xFFFD), (0x10000, 0xEFFFF) ] const NameCharRanges = [ # + NameStartCharRanges (0xB7, 0xB7), (0x0300, 0x036F), (0x203F, 0x2040) ] const NameStartCharAscii = {':', '_'} + AsciiAlpha const NameCharAscii = NameStartCharAscii + {'-', '.'} + AsciiDigit func matchNameProduction*(s: string): bool = if s.len == 0: return false # NameStartChar var i = 0 var r: Rune if s[i] in Ascii: if s[i] notin NameStartCharAscii: return false inc i else: fastRuneAt(s, i, r) if not isInRange(NameStartCharRanges, int32(r)): return false # NameChar while i < s.len: if s[i] in Ascii: if s[i] notin NameCharAscii: return false inc i else: fastRuneAt(s, i, r) if not isInRange(NameStartCharRanges, int32(r)) and not isInMap(NameCharRanges, int32(r)): return false return true func matchQNameProduction*(s: string): bool = if s.len == 0: return false if s[0] == ':': return false if s[^1] == ':': return false var colon = false for i in 1 ..< s.len - 1: if s[i] == ':': if colon: return false colon = true return s.matchNameProduction() func utf16Len*(s: string): int = result = 0 for r in s.runes: if uint32(r) < 0x10000: # ucs-2 result += 1 else: # surrogate result += 2 proc expandPath*(path: string): string = if path.len == 0 or path[0] != '~': return path if path.len == 1: return getHomeDir() elif path[1] == '/': return getHomeDir() / path.substr(2) else: when defined(posix): let usr = path.until({'/'}, 1) let p = getpwnam(cstring(usr)) if p != nil: return $p.pw_dir / path.substr(usr.len) return path func deleteChars*(s: openArray[char]; todel: set[char]): string = result = newStringOfCap(s.len) for c in s: if c notin todel: result &= c func replaceControls*(s: string): string = result = newStringOfCap(s.len) for c in s: if c in Controls: result &= '^' result &= c.getControlLetter() else: result &= c # proc makeCRLF*(s: string): string = result = newStringOfCap(s.len) var i = 0 while i < s.len - 1: if s[i] == '\r' and s[i + 1] != '\n': result &= '\r' result &= '\n' elif s[i] != '\r' and s[i + 1] == '\n': result &= s[i] result &= '\r' result &= '\n' inc i else: result &= s[i] inc i if i < s.len: if s[i] == '\r': result &= '\r' result &= '\n' else: result &= s[i] func strictParseEnum*[T: enum](s: string): Option[T] = # cmp when len is small enough, otherwise hashmap when {T.low..T.high}.len <= 4: for e in T.low .. T.high: if $e == s: return some(e) else: const tab = (func(): Table[string, T] = result = initTable[string, T]() for e in T.low .. T.high: result[$e] = e )() if s in tab: return some(tab[s]) return none(T) func parseEnumNoCase*[T: enum](s: string): Option[T] = # cmp when len is small enough, otherwise hashmap when {T.low..T.high}.len <= 4: for e in T.low .. T.high: if ($e).equalsIgnoreCase(s): return some(e) else: const tab = (func(): Table[string, T] = result = initTable[string, T]() for e in T.low .. T.high: result[$e] = e )() if s in tab: return some(tab[s]) return none(T) proc getContentTypeAttr*(contentType, attrname: string): string = var i = contentType.find(';') if i == -1: return "" i = contentType.find(attrname, i) if i == -1: return "" i = contentType.skipBlanks(i + attrname.len) if i >= contentType.len or contentType[i] != '=': return "" i = contentType.skipBlanks(i + 1) var q = false var s = "" for c in contentType.toOpenArray(i, contentType.high): if q: s &= c q = false elif c == '\\': q = true elif c in AsciiWhitespace + {';'}: break else: s &= c return s proc setContentTypeAttr*(contentType: var string; attrname, value: string) = var i = contentType.find(';') if i == -1: contentType &= ';' & attrname & '=' & value return i = contentType.find(attrname, i) if i == -1: contentType &= ';' & attrname & '=' & value return i = contentType.skipBlanks(i + attrname.len) if i >= contentType.len or contentType[i] != '=': contentType &= ';' & attrname & '=' & value return i = contentType.skipBlanks(i + 1) var q = false var j = i while j < contentType.len: let c = contentType[j] if q: q = false elif c == '\\': q = true elif c in AsciiWhitespace + {';'}: break inc j contentType[i..= data.len: break if data[i] == '=': i = data.skipBlanks(i + 1) inc pad break buf[j] = atob(data[i]) if buf[j] == uint8.high: return err("Invalid character in encoded string") if j == 3: let ob1 = (buf[0] shl 2) or (buf[1] shr 4) # 6 bits of b0 | 2 bits of b1 let ob2 = (buf[1] shl 4) or (buf[2] shr 2) # 4 bits of b1 | 4 bits of b2 let ob3 = (buf[2] shl 6) or buf[3] # 2 bits of b2 | 6 bits of b3 outs &= char(ob1) outs &= char(ob2) outs &= char(ob3) j = 0 else: inc j inc i if i < data.len: if i < data.len and data[i] == '=': inc pad inc i i = data.skipBlanks(i) if pad > 0 and j + pad != 4: return err("Too much padding") if i < data.len: return err("Invalid character after encoded string") if j == 3: let ob1 = (buf[0] shl 2) or (buf[1] shr 4) # 6 bits of b0 | 2 bits of b1 let ob2 = (buf[1] shl 4) or (buf[2] shr 2) # 4 bits of b1 | 4 bits of b2 outs &= char(ob1) outs &= char(ob2) elif j == 2: let ob1 = (buf[0] shl 2) or (buf[1] shr 4) # 6 bits of b0 | 2 bits of b1 outs &= char(ob1) elif j != 0: return err("Incorrect number of characters in encoded string") return ok(outs)