{.used.} import std/macros template imp(x: untyped) = import x macro tryImport(x: untyped; name: static string) = let vs = ident(name & "Version") quote do: when not compiles(imp `x`): static: error("Cannot find submodule " & `name` & ". Please run `make submodule` to fetch the required submodules.") import `x` as `vs` macro checkVersion(xs: static string; major, minor, patch: int) = let x = ident(xs & "Version") quote do: when (`x`.Major, `x`.Minor, `x`.Patch) < (`major`, `minor`, `patch`): var es = $`major` & "." & $`minor` & "." & $`patch` var gs = $`x`.Major & "." & $`x`.Minor & "." & $`x`.Patch error("Version of " & `xs` & " too low (expected " & es & ", got " & gs & "). Please run `make submodule` to update.") tryImport chagashi/version, "chagashi" tryImport chame/version, "chame" tryImport monoucha/version, "monoucha" static: checkVersion("chagashi", 0, 5, 2) checkVersion("chame", 1, 0, 0) checkVersion("monoucha", 0, 2, 2)