require 'keychord' require 'button' require 'repl' local utf8 = require 'utf8' -- lines is an array of lines -- a line is either: -- a string containing text -- or a drawing -- a drawing is a table with: -- a (y) coord in pixels, -- a (h)eight, -- an array of points, and -- an array of shapes -- a shape is a table containing: -- a mode -- an array points for mode 'freehand' (raw x,y coords; freehand drawings don't pollute the points array of a drawing) -- an array vertices for mode 'polygon', 'rectangle', 'square' -- p1, p2 for mode 'line' -- p1, p2, arrow-mode for mode 'arrow-line' -- cx,cy, r for mode 'circle' -- pc, r for mode 'circle' -- pc, r, s, e for mode 'arc' -- Unless otherwise specified, coord fields are normalized; a drawing is always 256 units wide -- The field names are carefully chosen so that switching modes in midstream -- remembers previously entered points where that makes sense. -- -- Open question: how to maintain Sketchpad-style constraints? Answer for now: -- we don't. Constraints operate only for the duration of a drawing operation. -- We'll continue to persist them just to keep the option open to continue -- solving for them. But for now, this is a program to create static drawings -- once, and read them passively thereafter. lines = {} screenw, screenh, screenflags = 0, 0, nil current_mode = 'line' -- All drawings span 100% of some conceptual 'page width' and divide it up -- into 256 parts. `drawingw` describes their width in pixels. drawingw = 400 -- pixels function pixels(n) -- parts to pixels return n*drawingw/256 end function coord(n) -- pixels to parts return math.floor(n*256/drawingw) end exec_payload = nil function love.load() table.insert(lines, '') love.window.setMode(0, 0) -- maximize screenw, screenh, screenflags = love.window.getMode() love.keyboard.setTextInput(true) -- bring up keyboard on touch screen end function love.draw() button_handlers = {}, 1, 1)'fill', 1, 1, screenw-1, screenh-1), 0, 0) local text local y = 0 for i,line in ipairs(lines) do y = y+25 text =, line) if line == '' then button('draw', {x=4,y=y+4, w=12,h=12, color={1,1,0}, icon = function(x,y),0.7,0.7)'line', x,y, 12,12),y+6, 16,y+6),y, 10,y+12), 0, 0) end, onpress1 = function() table.insert(lines, i, {y=y, h=256/2, points={}, shapes={}, pending={}}) end}) elseif type(line) == 'table' then -- line drawing line.y = y y = y+pixels(line.h),0.75,0.75)'line', 16,line.y, drawingw,pixels(line.h)) local mx,my = coord(love.mouse.getX()-16), coord(love.mouse.getY()-line.y) for _,shape in ipairs(line.shapes) do assert(shape) if on_shape(mx,my, line, shape) then,0,0) else,0,0) end draw_shape(16,line.y, line, shape) end for _,p in ipairs(line.points) do if near(p, mx,my) then,0,0)'line', pixels(p.x)+16,pixels(p.y)+line.y, 4) else,0,0)'fill', pixels(p.x)+16,pixels(p.y)+line.y, 2) end end --? print(#line.points) draw_pending_shape(16,line.y, line) else, 25,y, 0, 1.5) end end -- cursor'_', 25+text:getWidth()*1.5, y) -- display side effect if exec_payload then run(exec_payload) end end function love.update(dt) if love.mouse.isDown('1') then if lines.current then local drawing = lines.current if type(drawing) == 'table' then local x, y = love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY() if y >= drawing.y and y < drawing.y + pixels(drawing.h) and x >= 16 and x < 16+drawingw then if drawing.pending.mode == 'freehand' then table.insert(drawing.pending.points, {x=coord(love.mouse.getX()-16), y=coord(love.mouse.getY()-drawing.y)}) end end end end end end function love.mousepressed(x,y, button) propagate_to_button_handlers(x,y, button) propagate_to_drawings(x,y, button) end function love.mousereleased(x,y, button) if lines.current then if lines.current.pending then if lines.current.pending.mode == 'freehand' then -- the last point added during update is good enough table.insert(lines.current.shapes, lines.current.pending) elseif lines.current.pending.mode == 'line' then local mx,my = coord(x-16), coord(y-lines.current.y) if mx >= 0 and mx < 256 and my >= 0 and my < lines.current.h then local j = insert_point(lines.current.points, mx,my) lines.current.pending.p2 = j table.insert(lines.current.shapes, lines.current.pending) end elseif lines.current.pending.mode == 'manhattan' then local p1 = lines.current.points[lines.current.pending.p1] local mx,my = coord(x-16), coord(y-lines.current.y) if mx >= 0 and mx < 256 and my >= 0 and my < lines.current.h then if math.abs(mx-p1.x) > math.abs(my-p1.y) then local j = insert_point(lines.current.points, mx, p1.y) lines.current.pending.p2 = j else local j = insert_point(lines.current.points, p1.x, my) lines.current.pending.p2 = j end local p2 = lines.current.points[lines.current.pending.p2] love.mouse.setPosition(16+pixels(p2.x), lines.current.y+pixels(p2.y)) table.insert(lines.current.shapes, lines.current.pending) end elseif lines.current.pending.mode == 'polygon' then local mx,my = coord(x-16), coord(y-lines.current.y) if mx >= 0 and mx < 256 and my >= 0 and my < lines.current.h then local j = insert_point(lines.current.points, mx,my) table.insert(lines.current.shapes, lines.current.pending) end table.insert(lines.current.shapes, lines.current.pending) end lines.current.pending = {} lines.current = nil end end end function propagate_to_drawings(x,y, button) for i,drawing in ipairs(lines) do if type(drawing) == 'table' then local x, y = love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY() if y >= drawing.y and y < drawing.y + pixels(drawing.h) and x >= 16 and x < 16+drawingw then if current_mode == 'freehand' then drawing.pending = {mode=current_mode, points={x=coord(x-16), y=coord(y-drawing.y)}} elseif current_mode == 'line' or current_mode == 'manhattan' then local j = insert_point(drawing.points, coord(x-16), coord(y-drawing.y)) drawing.pending = {mode=current_mode, p1=j} elseif current_mode == 'polygon' then local j = insert_point(drawing.points, coord(x-16), coord(y-drawing.y)) drawing.pending = {mode=current_mode, vertices={j}} end lines.current = drawing end end end end function insert_point(points, x,y) for i,point in ipairs(points) do if near(point, x,y) then return i end end table.insert(points, {x=x, y=y}) return #points end function near(point, x,y) local px,py = pixels(x),pixels(y) local cx,cy = pixels(point.x), pixels(point.y) return (cx-px)*(cx-px) + (cy-py)*(cy-py) < 16 end function draw_shape(left,top, drawing, shape) if shape.mode == 'freehand' then local prev = nil for _,point in ipairs(shape.points) do if prev then,pixels(prev.y)+top, pixels(point.x)+left,pixels(point.y)+top) end prev = point end elseif shape.mode == 'line' or shape.mode == 'manhattan' then local p1 = drawing.points[shape.p1] local p2 = drawing.points[shape.p2],pixels(p1.y)+top, pixels(p2.x)+left,pixels(p2.y)+top) elseif shape.mode == 'polygon' then local prev = nil for _,point in ipairs(shape.vertices) do local curr = drawing.points[point] if prev then,pixels(prev.y)+top, pixels(curr.x)+left,pixels(curr.y)+top) end prev = curr end -- close the loop local curr = drawing.points[shape.vertices[1]],pixels(prev.y)+top, pixels(curr.x)+left,pixels(curr.y)+top) end end function draw_pending_shape(left,top, drawing) local shape = drawing.pending if shape.mode == 'freehand' then draw_shape(left,top, drawing, shape) elseif shape.mode == 'line' then local p1 = drawing.points[shape.p1] local mx,my = coord(love.mouse.getX()-16), coord(love.mouse.getY()-drawing.y) if mx < 0 or mx >= 256 or my < 0 or my >= drawing.h then return end,pixels(p1.y)+top, pixels(mx)+left,pixels(my)+top) elseif shape.mode == 'manhattan' then local p1 = drawing.points[shape.p1] local mx,my = coord(love.mouse.getX()-16), coord(love.mouse.getY()-drawing.y) if mx < 0 or mx >= 256 or my < 0 or my >= drawing.h then return end if math.abs(mx-p1.x) > math.abs(my-p1.y) then,pixels(p1.y)+top, pixels(mx)+left,pixels(p1.y)+top) else,pixels(p1.y)+top, pixels(p1.x)+left,pixels(my)+top) end elseif shape.mode == 'polygon' then -- don't close the loop on a pending polygon local prev = nil for _,point in ipairs(shape.vertices) do local curr = drawing.points[point] if prev then,pixels(prev.y)+top, pixels(curr.x)+left,pixels(curr.y)+top) end prev = curr end,pixels(prev.y)+top, love.mouse.getX(),love.mouse.getY()) end end function on_shape(x,y, drawing, shape) if shape.mode == 'freehand' then return on_freehand(x,y, drawing, shape) elseif shape.mode == 'line' then return on_line(x,y, drawing, shape) elseif shape.mode == 'manhattan' then return x == drawing.points[shape.p1].x or y == drawing.points[shape.p1].y elseif shape.mode == 'polygon' then return on_polygon(x,y, drawing, shape) else print(shape.mode) assert(false) end end function on_freehand(x,y, drawing, shape) local prev for _,p in ipairs(shape.points) do if prev then if on_line(x,y, drawing, {p1=prev, p2=p}) then return true end end prev = p end return false end function on_line(x,y, drawing, shape) local p1,p2 if type(shape.p1) == 'number' then p1 = drawing.points[shape.p1] p2 = drawing.points[shape.p2] else p1 = shape.p1 p2 = shape.p2 end if p1.x == p2.x then if math.abs(p1.x-x) > 5 then return false end local y1,y2 = p1.y,p2.y if y1 > y2 then y1,y2 = y2,y1 end return y >= y1 and y <= y2 end -- has the right slope and intercept local m = (p2.y - p1.y) / (p2.x - p1.x) local yp = p1.y + m*(x-p1.x) if yp < 0.95*y or yp > 1.05*y then return false end -- between endpoints local k = (x-p1.x) / (p2.x-p1.x) return k > -0.05 and k < 1.05 end function on_polygon(x,y, drawing, shape) local prev for _,p in ipairs(shape.vertices) do if prev then if on_line(x,y, drawing, {p1=prev, p2=p}) then return true end end prev = p end return on_line(x,y, drawing, {p1=shape.vertices[1], p2=shape.vertices[#shape.vertices]}) end function love.textinput(t) if love.mouse.isDown('1') then return end if in_drawing() then return end lines[#lines] = lines[#lines]..t end function keychord_pressed(chord) -- Don't handle any keys here that would trigger love.textinput above. if chord == 'return' then table.insert(lines, '') elseif chord == 'backspace' then if #lines > 1 and lines[#lines] == '' then table.remove(lines) else local byteoffset = utf8.offset(lines[#lines], -1) if byteoffset then lines[#lines] = string.sub(lines[#lines], 1, byteoffset-1) end end elseif chord == 'C-r' then lines[#lines+1] = eval(lines[#lines])[1] lines[#lines+1] = '' elseif chord == 'C-d' then parse_into_exec_payload(lines[#lines]) elseif chord == 'C-f' then current_mode = 'freehand' elseif chord == 'C-g' then current_mode = 'polygon' elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') and chord == 'p' and current_mode == 'polygon' then local drawing = current_drawing() local mx,my = coord(love.mouse.getX()-16), coord(love.mouse.getY()-drawing.y) local j = insert_point(drawing.points, mx,my) table.insert(drawing.pending.vertices, j) elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') and chord == 'l' then current_mode = 'line' local drawing = current_drawing() assert(drawing.pending.mode == 'freehand') drawing.pending.mode = 'line' drawing.pending.p1 = insert_point(drawing.points, drawing.pending.points[1].x, drawing.pending.points[1].y) elseif chord == 'C-l' then current_mode = 'line' local drawing,i,shape = select_shape_at_mouse() if drawing then convert_line(drawing, shape) end elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') and chord == 'm' then current_mode = 'manhattan' local drawing = select_drawing_at_mouse() drawing.pending.mode = 'manhattan' elseif chord == 'C-m' then current_mode = 'manhattan' local drawing,i,shape = select_shape_at_mouse() if drawing then convert_horvert(drawing, shape) end elseif chord == 'C-s' then local drawing,i,shape = select_shape_at_mouse() if drawing then smoothen(shape) end end end function in_drawing() local x, y = love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY() for _,drawing in ipairs(lines) do if type(drawing) == 'table' then if y >= drawing.y and y < drawing.y + pixels(drawing.h) and x >= 16 and x < 16+drawingw then return true end end end return false end function current_drawing() local x, y = love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY() for _,drawing in ipairs(lines) do if type(drawing) == 'table' then if y >= drawing.y and y < drawing.y + pixels(drawing.h) and x >= 16 and x < 16+drawingw then return drawing end end end return nil end function select_shape_at_mouse() for _,drawing in ipairs(lines) do if type(drawing) == 'table' then local x, y = love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY() if y >= drawing.y and y < drawing.y + pixels(drawing.h) and x >= 16 and x < 16+drawingw then local mx,my = coord(love.mouse.getX()-16), coord(love.mouse.getY()-drawing.y) for i,shape in ipairs(drawing.shapes) do assert(shape) if on_shape(mx,my, shape) then return drawing,i,shape end end end end end end function select_drawing_at_mouse() for _,drawing in ipairs(lines) do if type(drawing) == 'table' then local x, y = love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY() if y >= drawing.y and y < drawing.y + pixels(drawing.h) and x >= 16 and x < 16+drawingw then return drawing end end end end function convert_line(drawing, shape) -- Perhaps we should do a more sophisticated "simple linear regression" -- here: -- -- But this works well enough for close-to-linear strokes. assert(shape.mode == 'freehand') shape.mode = 'line' shape.p1 = insert_point(drawing.points, shape.points[1].x, shape.points[1].y) local n = #shape.points shape.p2 = insert_point(drawing.points, shape.points[n].x, shape.points[n].y) end -- turn a line either horizontal or vertical function convert_horvert(drawing, shape) if shape.mode == 'freehand' then convert_line(shape) end assert(shape.mode == 'line') local p1 = drawing.points[shape.p1] local p2 = drawing.points[shape.p2] if math.abs(p1.x-p2.x) > math.abs(p1.y-p2.y) then p2.y = p1.y else p2.x = p1.x end end function smoothen(shape) assert(shape.mode == 'freehand') for _=1,7 do for i=2,#shape.points-1 do local a = shape.points[i-1] local b = shape.points[i] local c = shape.points[i+1] b.x = (a.x + b.x + c.x)/3 b.y = (a.y + b.y + c.y)/3 end end end function love.keyreleased(key, scancode) end