--[[ Copyright 2020 megagrump@pm.me Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]]-- local ffi, bit = require('ffi'), require('bit') local C = ffi.C local File = { getBuffer = function(self) return self._bufferMode, self._bufferSize end, getFilename = function(self) return self._name end, getMode = function(self) return self._mode end, isOpen = function(self) return self._mode ~= 'c' and self._handle ~= nil end, } local fopen, getcwd, chdir, unlink, mkdir, rmdir local BUFFERMODE, MODEMAP local ByteArray = ffi.typeof('unsigned char[?]') local function _ptr(p) return p ~= nil and p or nil end -- NULL pointer to nil function File:open(mode) if self._mode ~= 'c' then return false, "File " .. self._name .. " is already open" end if not MODEMAP[mode] then return false, "Invalid open mode for " .. self._name .. ": " .. mode end local handle = _ptr(fopen(self._name, MODEMAP[mode])) if not handle then return false, "Could not open " .. self._name .. " in mode " .. mode end self._handle, self._mode = ffi.gc(handle, C.fclose), mode self:setBuffer(self._bufferMode, self._bufferSize) return true end function File:close() if self._mode == 'c' then return false, "File is not open" end C.fclose(ffi.gc(self._handle, nil)) self._handle, self._mode = nil, 'c' return true end function File:setBuffer(mode, size) local bufferMode = BUFFERMODE[mode] if not bufferMode then return false, "Invalid buffer mode " .. mode .. " (expected 'none', 'full', or 'line')" end if mode == 'none' then size = math.max(0, size or 0) else size = math.max(2, size or 2) -- Windows requires buffer to be at least 2 bytes end local success = self._mode == 'c' or C.setvbuf(self._handle, nil, bufferMode, size) == 0 if not success then self._bufferMode, self._bufferSize = 'none', 0 return false, "Could not set buffer mode" end self._bufferMode, self._bufferSize = mode, size return true end function File:getSize() -- NOTE: The correct way to do this would be a stat() call, which requires a -- lot more (system-specific) code. This is a shortcut that requires the file -- to be readable. local mustOpen = not self:isOpen() if mustOpen and not self:open('r') then return 0 end local pos = mustOpen and 0 or self:tell() C.fseek(self._handle, 0, 2) local size = self:tell() if mustOpen then self:close() else self:seek(pos) end return size end function File:read(containerOrBytes, bytes) if self._mode ~= 'r' then return nil, 0 end local container = bytes ~= nil and containerOrBytes or 'string' if container ~= 'string' and container ~= 'data' then error("Invalid container type: " .. container) end bytes = not bytes and containerOrBytes or 'all' bytes = bytes == 'all' and self:getSize() - self:tell() or math.min(self:getSize() - self:tell(), bytes) if bytes <= 0 then local data = container == 'string' and '' or love.data.newFileData('', self._name) return data, 0 end local data = love.data.newByteData(bytes) local r = tonumber(C.fread(data:getFFIPointer(), 1, bytes, self._handle)) local str = data:getString() data:release() data = container == 'data' and love.filesystem.newFileData(str, self._name) or str return data, r end local function lines(file, autoclose) local BUFFERSIZE = 4096 local buffer, bufferPos = ByteArray(BUFFERSIZE), 0 local bytesRead = tonumber(C.fread(buffer, 1, BUFFERSIZE, file._handle)) local offset = file:tell() return function() file:seek(offset) local line = {} while bytesRead > 0 do for i = bufferPos, bytesRead - 1 do if buffer[i] == 10 then -- end of line bufferPos = i + 1 return table.concat(line) end if buffer[i] ~= 13 then -- ignore CR table.insert(line, string.char(buffer[i])) end end bytesRead = tonumber(C.fread(buffer, 1, BUFFERSIZE, file._handle)) offset, bufferPos = offset + bytesRead, 0 end if not line[1] then if autoclose then file:close() end return nil end return table.concat(line) end end function File:lines() if self._mode ~= 'r' then error("File is not opened for reading") end return lines(self) end function File:write(data, size) if self._mode ~= 'w' and self._mode ~= 'a' then return false, "File " .. self._name .. " not opened for writing" end local toWrite, writeSize if type(data) == 'string' then writeSize = (size == nil or size == 'all') and #data or size toWrite = data else writeSize = (size == nil or size == 'all') and data:getSize() or size toWrite = data:getFFIPointer() end if tonumber(C.fwrite(toWrite, 1, writeSize, self._handle)) ~= writeSize then return false, "Could not write data" end return true end function File:seek(pos) return self._handle and C.fseek(self._handle, pos, 0) == 0 end function File:tell() if not self._handle then return nil, "Invalid position" end return tonumber(C.ftell(self._handle)) end function File:flush() if self._mode ~= 'w' and self._mode ~= 'a' then return nil, "File is not opened for writing" end return C.fflush(self._handle) == 0 end function File:isEOF() return not self:isOpen() or C.feof(self._handle) ~= 0 or self:tell() == self:getSize() end function File:release() if self._mode ~= 'c' then self:close() end self._handle = nil end function File:type() return 'File' end function File:typeOf(t) return t == 'File' end File.__index = File ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local nativefs = {} local loveC = ffi.os == 'Windows' and ffi.load('love') or C function nativefs.newFile(name) if type(name) ~= 'string' then error("bad argument #1 to 'newFile' (string expected, got " .. type(name) .. ")") end return setmetatable({ _name = name, _mode = 'c', _handle = nil, _bufferSize = 0, _bufferMode = 'none' }, File) end function nativefs.newFileData(filepath) local f = nativefs.newFile(filepath) local ok, err = f:open('r') if not ok then return nil, err end local data, err = f:read('data', 'all') f:close() return data, err end function nativefs.mount(archive, mountPoint, appendToPath) return loveC.PHYSFS_mount(archive, mountPoint, appendToPath and 1 or 0) ~= 0 end function nativefs.unmount(archive) return loveC.PHYSFS_unmount(archive) ~= 0 end function nativefs.read(containerOrName, nameOrSize, sizeOrNil) local container, name, size if sizeOrNil then container, name, size = containerOrName, nameOrSize, sizeOrNil elseif not nameOrSize then container, name, size = 'string', containerOrName, 'all' else if type(nameOrSize) == 'number' or nameOrSize == 'all' then container, name, size = 'string', containerOrName, nameOrSize else container, name, size = containerOrName, nameOrSize, 'all' end end local file = nativefs.newFile(name) local ok, err = file:open('r') if not ok then return nil, err end local data, size = file:read(container, size) file:close() return data, size end local function writeFile(mode, name, data, size) local file = nativefs.newFile(name) local ok, err = file:open(mode) if not ok then return nil, err end ok, err = file:write(data, size or 'all') file:close() return ok, err end function nativefs.write(name, data, size) return writeFile('w', name, data, size) end function nativefs.append(name, data, size) return writeFile('a', name, data, size) end function nativefs.lines(name) local f = nativefs.newFile(name) local ok, err = f:open('r') if not ok then return nil, err end return lines(f, true) end function nativefs.load(name) local chunk, err = nativefs.read(name) if not chunk then return nil, err end return loadstring(chunk, name) end function nativefs.getWorkingDirectory() return getcwd() end function nativefs.setWorkingDirectory(path) if not chdir(path) then return false, "Could not set working directory" end return true end function nativefs.getDriveList() if ffi.os ~= 'Windows' then return { '/' } end local drives, bits = {}, C.GetLogicalDrives() for i = 0, 25 do if bit.band(bits, 2 ^ i) > 0 then table.insert(drives, string.char(65 + i) .. ':/') end end return drives end function nativefs.createDirectory(path) local current = path:sub(1, 1) == '/' and '/' or '' for dir in path:gmatch('[^/\\]+') do current = current .. dir .. '/' local info = nativefs.getInfo(current, 'directory') if not info and not mkdir(current) then return false, "Could not create directory " .. current end end return true end function nativefs.remove(name) local info = nativefs.getInfo(name) if not info then return false, "Could not remove " .. name end if info.type == 'directory' then if not rmdir(name) then return false, "Could not remove directory " .. name end return true end if not unlink(name) then return false, "Could not remove file " .. name end return true end local function withTempMount(dir, fn, ...) local mountPoint = _ptr(loveC.PHYSFS_getMountPoint(dir)) if mountPoint then return fn(ffi.string(mountPoint), ...) end if not nativefs.mount(dir, '__nativefs__temp__') then return false, "Could not mount " .. dir end local a, b = fn('__nativefs__temp__', ...) nativefs.unmount(dir) return a, b end function nativefs.getDirectoryItems(dir) if type(dir) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 to 'getDirectoryItems' (string expected, got " .. type(dir) .. ")") end local result, err = withTempMount(dir, love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems) return result or {} end local function getDirectoryItemsInfo(path, filtertype) local items = {} local files = love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems(path) for i = 1, #files do local filepath = string.format('%s/%s', path, files[i]) local info = love.filesystem.getInfo(filepath, filtertype) if info then info.name = files[i] table.insert(items, info) end end return items end function nativefs.getDirectoryItemsInfo(path, filtertype) if type(path) ~= "string" then error("bad argument #1 to 'getDirectoryItemsInfo' (string expected, got " .. type(path) .. ")") end local result, err = withTempMount(path, getDirectoryItemsInfo, filtertype) return result or {} end local function getInfo(path, file, filtertype) local filepath = string.format('%s/%s', path, file) return love.filesystem.getInfo(filepath, filtertype) end local function leaf(p) p = p:gsub('\\', '/') local last, a = p, 1 while a do a = p:find('/', a + 1) if a then last = p:sub(a + 1) end end return last end function nativefs.getInfo(path, filtertype) if type(path) ~= 'string' then error("bad argument #1 to 'getInfo' (string expected, got " .. type(path) .. ")") end local dir = path:match("(.*[\\/]).*$") or './' local file = leaf(path) local result, err = withTempMount(dir, getInfo, file, filtertype) return result or nil end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODEMAP = { r = 'rb', w = 'wb', a = 'ab' } local MAX_PATH = 4096 ffi.cdef([[ int PHYSFS_mount(const char* dir, const char* mountPoint, int appendToPath); int PHYSFS_unmount(const char* dir); const char* PHYSFS_getMountPoint(const char* dir); typedef struct FILE FILE; FILE* fopen(const char* path, const char* mode); size_t fread(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE* stream); size_t fwrite(const void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE* stream); int fclose(FILE* stream); int fflush(FILE* stream); size_t fseek(FILE* stream, size_t offset, int whence); size_t ftell(FILE* stream); int setvbuf(FILE* stream, char* buffer, int mode, size_t size); int feof(FILE* stream); ]]) if ffi.os == 'Windows' then ffi.cdef([[ int MultiByteToWideChar(unsigned int cp, uint32_t flags, const char* mb, int cmb, const wchar_t* wc, int cwc); int WideCharToMultiByte(unsigned int cp, uint32_t flags, const wchar_t* wc, int cwc, const char* mb, int cmb, const char* def, int* used); int GetLogicalDrives(void); int CreateDirectoryW(const wchar_t* path, void*); int _wchdir(const wchar_t* path); wchar_t* _wgetcwd(wchar_t* buffer, int maxlen); FILE* _wfopen(const wchar_t* path, const wchar_t* mode); int _wunlink(const wchar_t* path); int _wrmdir(const wchar_t* path); ]]) BUFFERMODE = { full = 0, line = 64, none = 4 } local function towidestring(str) local size = C.MultiByteToWideChar(65001, 0, str, #str, nil, 0) local buf = ffi.new('wchar_t[?]', size + 1) C.MultiByteToWideChar(65001, 0, str, #str, buf, size) return buf end local function toutf8string(wstr) local size = C.WideCharToMultiByte(65001, 0, wstr, -1, nil, 0, nil, nil) local buf = ffi.new('char[?]', size + 1) C.WideCharToMultiByte(65001, 0, wstr, -1, buf, size, nil, nil) return ffi.string(buf) end local nameBuffer = ffi.new('wchar_t[?]', MAX_PATH + 1) fopen = function(path, mode) return C._wfopen(towidestring(path), towidestring(mode)) end getcwd = function() return toutf8string(C._wgetcwd(nameBuffer, MAX_PATH)) end chdir = function(path) return C._wchdir(towidestring(path)) == 0 end unlink = function(path) return C._wunlink(towidestring(path)) == 0 end mkdir = function(path) return C.CreateDirectoryW(towidestring(path), nil) ~= 0 end rmdir = function(path) return C._wrmdir(towidestring(path)) == 0 end else BUFFERMODE = { full = 0, line = 1, none = 2 } ffi.cdef([[ char* getcwd(char *buffer, int maxlen); int chdir(const char* path); int unlink(const char* path); int mkdir(const char* path, int mode); int rmdir(const char* path); ]]) local nameBuffer = ByteArray(MAX_PATH) fopen = C.fopen unlink = function(path) return ffi.C.unlink(path) == 0 end chdir = function(path) return ffi.C.chdir(path) == 0 end mkdir = function(path) return ffi.C.mkdir(path, 0x1ed) == 0 end rmdir = function(path) return ffi.C.rmdir(path) == 0 end getcwd = function() local cwd = _ptr(C.getcwd(nameBuffer, MAX_PATH)) return cwd and ffi.string(cwd) or nil end end return nativefs