//: Phase 2: Filter loaded recipes through an extensible list of 'transforms'. //: //: The hope is that this framework of transform tools will provide a //: deconstructed alternative to conventional compilers. :(before "End recipe Fields") long long int transformed_until; recipe() :transformed_until(-1) {} :(before "End Types") typedef void (*transform_fn)(recipe_ordinal); :(before "End Globals") vector Transform; :(code) void transform_all() { for (long long int t = 0; t < SIZE(Transform); ++t) { for (map::iterator p = Recipe.begin(); p != Recipe.end(); ++p) { recipe& r = p->second; if (r.steps.empty()) continue; if (r.transformed_until != t-1) continue; (*Transform.at(t))(/*recipe_ordinal*/p->first); r.transformed_until = t; } } parse_int_reagents(); // do this after all other transforms have run // End Transform } void parse_int_reagents() { for (map::iterator p = Recipe.begin(); p != Recipe.end(); ++p) { recipe& r = p->second; if (r.steps.empty()) continue; for (long long int index = 0; index < SIZE(r.steps); ++index) { instruction& inst = r.steps.at(index); for (long long int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.ingredients); ++i) { populate_value(inst.ingredients.at(i)); } for (long long int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.products); ++i) { populate_value(inst.products.at(i)); } } } } void populate_value(reagent& r) { if (r.initialized) return; // End Reagent-parsing Exceptions if (!is_integer(r.name)) return; r.set_value(to_integer(r.name)); }