//: Arrays contain a variable number of elements of the same type. Their value //: starts with the length of the array. //: //: You can create arrays of containers, but containers can only contain //: elements of a fixed size, so you can't create containers containing arrays. //: Create containers containing addresses to arrays instead. //: You can create arrays using 'create-array'. :(scenario create_array) recipe main [ # create an array occupying locations 1 (for the size) and 2-4 (for the elements) 1:array:number:3 <- create-array ] +run: creating array of size 4 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") CREATE_ARRAY, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") put(Recipe_ordinal, "create-array", CREATE_ARRAY); :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks") case CREATE_ARRAY: { if (inst.products.empty()) { raise_error << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'create-array' needs one product and no ingredients but got '" << to_string(inst) << '\n' << end(); break; } reagent product = inst.products.at(0); canonize_type(product); if (!is_mu_array(product)) { raise_error << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'create-array' cannot create non-array " << product.original_string << '\n' << end(); break; } if (!product.type->right) { raise_error << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "create array of what? " << to_string(inst) << '\n' << end(); break; } // 'create-array' will need to check properties rather than types if (!product.type->right->right) { raise_error << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "create array of what size? " << to_string(inst) << '\n' << end(); break; } if (!is_integer(product.type->right->right->name)) { raise_error << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'create-array' product should specify size of array after its element type, but got " << product.type->right->right->name << '\n' << end(); break; } break; } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case CREATE_ARRAY: { reagent product = current_instruction().products.at(0); canonize(product); long long int base_address = product.value; long long int array_size = to_integer(product.type->right->right->name); // initialize array size, so that size_of will work put(Memory, base_address, array_size); // in array elements long long int size = size_of(product); // in locations trace(9998, "run") << "creating array of size " << size << '\n' << end(); // initialize array for (long long int i = 1; i <= size_of(product); ++i) { put(Memory, base_address+i, 0); } // dummy product; doesn't actually do anything products.resize(1); products.at(0).push_back(array_size); break; } :(scenario copy_array) # Arrays can be copied around with a single instruction just like numbers, # no matter how large they are. recipe main [ 1:array:number:3 <- create-array 2:number <- copy 14 3:number <- copy 15 4:number <- copy 16 5:array:number <- copy 1:array:number:3 ] +mem: storing 3 in location 5 +mem: storing 14 in location 6 +mem: storing 15 in location 7 +mem: storing 16 in location 8 :(scenario copy_array_indirect) recipe main [ 1:array:number:3 <- create-array 2:number <- copy 14 3:number <- copy 15 4:number <- copy 16 5:address:array:number <- copy 1/unsafe 6:array:number <- copy *5:address:array:number ] +mem: storing 3 in location 6 +mem: storing 14 in location 7 +mem: storing 15 in location 8 +mem: storing 16 in location 9 :(scenario stash_array) recipe main [ 1:array:number:3 <- create-array 2:number <- copy 14 3:number <- copy 15 4:number <- copy 16 stash [foo:], 1:array:number:3 ] +app: foo: 3 14 15 16 //: disable the size mismatch check since the destination array need not be initialized :(before "End size_mismatch(x) Cases") if (x.type && x.type->value == get(Type_ordinal, "array")) return false; :(before "End size_of(reagent) Cases") if (r.type && r.type->value == get(Type_ordinal, "array")) { if (!r.type->right) { raise_error << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "'" << r.original_string << "' is an array of what?\n" << end(); return 1; } //? trace(9999, "mem") << "computing size of array starting at " << r.value << end(); return 1 + get_or_insert(Memory, r.value)*size_of(array_element(r.type)); } //: arrays are disallowed inside containers unless their length is fixed in //: advance :(scenario container_contains_array) % Hide_errors = true; container foo [ x:array:number:3 ] $error: 0 :(scenario container_warns_on_dynamic_array_element) % Hide_errors = true; container foo [ x:array:number ] +error: container 'foo' cannot determine size of element x :(before "End Load Container Element Definition") { const type_tree* type = info.elements.back().type; if (type->name == "array") { if (!type->right) { raise_error << "container '" << name << "' doesn't specify type of array elements for " << info.elements.back().name << '\n' << end(); continue; } if (!type->right->right) { // array has no length raise_error << "container '" << name << "' cannot determine size of element " << info.elements.back().name << '\n' << end(); continue; } } } //:: To access elements of an array, use 'index' :(scenario index) recipe main [ 1:array:number:3 <- create-array 2:number <- copy 14 3:number <- copy 15 4:number <- copy 16 5:number <- index 1:array:number:3, 0 ] +mem: storing 14 in location 5 :(scenario index_direct_offset) recipe main [ 1:array:number:3 <- create-array 2:number <- copy 14 3:number <- copy 15 4:number <- copy 16 5:number <- copy 0 6:number <- index 1:array:number, 5:number ] +mem: storing 14 in location 6 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") INDEX, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") put(Recipe_ordinal, "index", INDEX); :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks") case INDEX: { if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) != 2) { raise_error << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'index' expects exactly 2 ingredients in '" << to_string(inst) << "'\n" << end(); break; } reagent base = inst.ingredients.at(0); canonize_type(base); if (!is_mu_array(base)) { raise_error << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'index' on a non-array " << base.original_string << '\n' << end(); break; } if (inst.products.empty()) break; reagent product = inst.products.at(0); canonize_type(product); reagent element; element.type = new type_tree(*array_element(base.type)); if (!types_coercible(product, element)) { raise_error << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'index' on " << base.original_string << " can't be saved in " << product.original_string << "; type should be " << names_to_string_without_quotes(element.type) << '\n' << end(); break; } break; } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case INDEX: { reagent base = current_instruction().ingredients.at(0); canonize(base); long long int base_address = base.value; trace(9998, "run") << "base address is " << base_address << end(); if (base_address == 0) { raise_error << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "tried to access location 0 in '" << to_string(current_instruction()) << "'\n" << end(); break; } reagent offset = current_instruction().ingredients.at(1); canonize(offset); vector offset_val(read_memory(offset)); type_tree* element_type = array_element(base.type); if (offset_val.at(0) < 0 || offset_val.at(0) >= get_or_insert(Memory, base_address)) { raise_error << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "invalid index " << no_scientific(offset_val.at(0)) << '\n' << end(); break; } long long int src = base_address + 1 + offset_val.at(0)*size_of(element_type); trace(9998, "run") << "address to copy is " << src << end(); trace(9998, "run") << "its type is " << get(Type, element_type->value).name << end(); reagent tmp; tmp.set_value(src); tmp.type = new type_tree(*element_type); products.push_back(read_memory(tmp)); break; } :(code) type_tree* array_element(const type_tree* type) { return type->right; } :(scenario index_indirect) recipe main [ 1:array:number:3 <- create-array 2:number <- copy 14 3:number <- copy 15 4:number <- copy 16 5:address:array:number <- copy 1/unsafe 6:number <- index *5:address:array:number, 1 ] +mem: storing 15 in location 6 :(scenario index_out_of_bounds) % Hide_errors = true; recipe main [ 1:array:number:3 <- create-array 2:number <- copy 14 3:number <- copy 15 4:number <- copy 16 5:number <- copy 14 6:number <- copy 15 7:number <- copy 16 8:address:array:point <- copy 1/unsafe index *8:address:array:point, 4 # less than size of array in locations, but larger than its length in elements ] +error: main: invalid index 4 :(scenario index_out_of_bounds_2) % Hide_errors = true; recipe main [ 1:array:point:3 <- create-array 2:number <- copy 14 3:number <- copy 15 4:number <- copy 16 5:number <- copy 14 6:number <- copy 15 7:number <- copy 16 8:address:array:point <- copy 1/unsafe index *8:address:array:point, -1 ] +error: main: invalid index -1 :(scenario index_product_type_mismatch) % Hide_errors = true; recipe main [ 1:array:point:3 <- create-array 2:number <- copy 14 3:number <- copy 15 4:number <- copy 16 5:number <- copy 14 6:number <- copy 15 7:number <- copy 16 8:address:array:point <- copy 1/unsafe 9:number <- index *8:address:array:point, 0 ] +error: main: 'index' on *8:address:array:point can't be saved in 9:number; type should be point //: we might want to call 'index' without saving the results, say in a sandbox :(scenario index_without_product) recipe main [ 1:array:number:3 <- create-array 2:number <- copy 14 3:number <- copy 15 4:number <- copy 16 index 1:array:number:3, 0 ] # just don't die //:: To write to elements of containers, you need their address. :(scenario index_address) recipe main [ 1:array:number:3 <- create-array 2:number <- copy 14 3:number <- copy 15 4:number <- copy 16 5:address:number <- index-address 1:array:number, 0 ] +mem: storing 2 in location 5 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") INDEX_ADDRESS, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") put(Recipe_ordinal, "index-address", INDEX_ADDRESS); :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks") case INDEX_ADDRESS: { if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) != 2) { raise_error << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'index-address' expects exactly 2 ingredients in '" << to_string(inst) << "'\n" << end(); break; } reagent base = inst.ingredients.at(0); canonize_type(base); if (!is_mu_array(base)) { raise_error << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'index-address' on a non-array " << base.original_string << '\n' << end(); break; } if (inst.products.empty()) break; reagent product = inst.products.at(0); canonize_type(product); reagent element; element.type = new type_tree("address", get(Type_ordinal, "address"), new type_tree(*array_element(base.type))); if (!types_coercible(product, element)) { raise_error << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'index' on " << base.original_string << " can't be saved in " << product.original_string << "; type should be " << names_to_string_without_quotes(element.type) << '\n' << end(); break; } break; } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case INDEX_ADDRESS: { reagent base = current_instruction().ingredients.at(0); canonize(base); long long int base_address = base.value; if (base_address == 0) { raise_error << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "tried to access location 0 in '" << to_string(current_instruction()) << "'\n" << end(); break; } reagent offset = current_instruction().ingredients.at(1); canonize(offset); vector offset_val(read_memory(offset)); type_tree* element_type = array_element(base.type); if (offset_val.at(0) < 0 || offset_val.at(0) >= get_or_insert(Memory, base_address)) { raise_error << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "invalid index " << no_scientific(offset_val.at(0)) << '\n' << end(); break; } long long int result = base_address + 1 + offset_val.at(0)*size_of(element_type); products.resize(1); products.at(0).push_back(result); break; } :(scenario index_address_out_of_bounds) % Hide_errors = true; recipe main [ 1:array:point:3 <- create-array 2:number <- copy 14 3:number <- copy 15 4:number <- copy 16 5:number <- copy 14 6:number <- copy 15 7:number <- copy 16 8:address:array:point <- copy 1/unsafe index-address *8:address:array:point, 4 # less than size of array in locations, but larger than its length in elements ] +error: main: invalid index 4 :(scenario index_address_out_of_bounds_2) % Hide_errors = true; recipe main [ 1:array:point:3 <- create-array 2:number <- copy 14 3:number <- copy 15 4:number <- copy 16 5:number <- copy 14 6:number <- copy 15 7:number <- copy 16 8:address:array:point <- copy 1/unsafe index-address *8:address:array:point, -1 ] +error: main: invalid index -1 :(scenario index_address_product_type_mismatch) % Hide_errors = true; recipe main [ 1:array:point:3 <- create-array 2:number <- copy 14 3:number <- copy 15 4:number <- copy 16 5:number <- copy 14 6:number <- copy 15 7:number <- copy 16 8:address:array:point <- copy 1/unsafe 9:address:number <- index-address *8:address:array:point, 0 ] +error: main: 'index' on *8:address:array:point can't be saved in 9:address:number; type should be (address point) //:: compute the length of an array :(scenario array_length) recipe main [ 1:array:number:3 <- create-array 2:number <- copy 14 3:number <- copy 15 4:number <- copy 16 5:number <- length 1:array:number:3 ] +mem: storing 3 in location 5 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") LENGTH, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") put(Recipe_ordinal, "length", LENGTH); :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks") case LENGTH: { if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) != 1) { raise_error << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'length' expects exactly 2 ingredients in '" << to_string(inst) << "'\n" << end(); break; } reagent x = inst.ingredients.at(0); canonize_type(x); if (!is_mu_array(x)) { raise_error << "tried to calculate length of non-array " << x.original_string << '\n' << end(); break; } break; } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case LENGTH: { reagent x = current_instruction().ingredients.at(0); canonize(x); if (x.value == 0) { raise_error << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "tried to access location 0 in '" << to_string(current_instruction()) << "'\n" << end(); break; } products.resize(1); products.at(0).push_back(get_or_insert(Memory, x.value)); break; } //: optimization: none of the instructions in this layer use 'ingredients' so //: stop copying potentially huge arrays into it. :(before "End should_copy_ingredients Special-cases") recipe_ordinal r = current_instruction().operation; if (r == CREATE_ARRAY || r == INDEX || r == INDEX_ADDRESS || r == LENGTH) return false; //: a particularly common array type is the string, or address:array:character :(code) bool is_mu_string(const reagent& x) { return x.type && x.type->value == get(Type_ordinal, "address") && x.type->right && x.type->right->value == get(Type_ordinal, "shared") && x.type->right->right && x.type->right->right->value == get(Type_ordinal, "array") && x.type->right->right->right && x.type->right->right->right->value == get(Type_ordinal, "character") && x.type->right->right->right->right == NULL; }