//: Calls can also generate products, using 'reply'. :(scenario reply) recipe main [ 1:number, 2:number <- f 34 ] recipe f [ 12:number <- next-ingredient 13:number <- add 1, 12:number reply 12:number, 13:number ] +mem: storing 34 in location 1 +mem: storing 35 in location 2 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") REPLY, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") Recipe_ordinal["reply"] = REPLY; :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks") case REPLY: { break; // continue to process rest of *caller* instruction } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case REPLY: { // Starting Reply const instruction& reply_inst = current_instruction(); // save pointer into recipe before pop const string& callee = current_recipe_name(); --Callstack_depth; Current_routine->calls.pop_front(); // just in case 'main' returns a value, drop it for now if (Current_routine->calls.empty()) goto stop_running_current_routine; const instruction& caller_instruction = current_instruction(); // make reply products available to caller copy(ingredients.begin(), ingredients.end(), inserter(products, products.begin())); // check that any reply ingredients with /same-as-ingredient connect up // the corresponding ingredient and product in the caller. if (SIZE(caller_instruction.products) > SIZE(ingredients)) raise << "too few values replied from " << callee << '\n' << end(); for (long long int i = 0; i < SIZE(caller_instruction.products); ++i) { trace(Primitive_recipe_depth, "run") << "result " << i << " is " << to_string(ingredients.at(i)) << end(); if (has_property(reply_inst.ingredients.at(i), "same-as-ingredient")) { vector tmp = property(reply_inst.ingredients.at(i), "same-as-ingredient"); if (SIZE(tmp) != 1) { raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "'same-as-ingredient' metadata should take exactly one value in " << reply_inst.to_string() << '\n' << end(); goto finish_reply; } long long int ingredient_index = to_integer(tmp.at(0)); if (ingredient_index >= SIZE(caller_instruction.ingredients)) raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "'same-as-ingredient' metadata overflows ingredients in: " << caller_instruction.to_string() << '\n' << end(); if (!is_dummy(caller_instruction.products.at(i)) && caller_instruction.products.at(i).value != caller_instruction.ingredients.at(ingredient_index).value) raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "'same-as-ingredient' product from call to " << callee << " must be " << caller_instruction.ingredients.at(ingredient_index).original_string << " rather than " << caller_instruction.products.at(i).original_string << '\n' << end(); } } // End Reply finish_reply: break; // continue to process rest of *caller* instruction } //: Products can include containers and exclusive containers, addresses and arrays. :(scenario reply_container) recipe main [ 3:point <- f 2 ] recipe f [ 12:number <- next-ingredient 13:number <- copy 35 reply 12:point/raw # unsafe ] +run: result 0 is [2, 35] +mem: storing 2 in location 3 +mem: storing 35 in location 4 //: In mu we'd like to assume that any instruction doesn't modify its //: ingredients unless they're also products. The /same-as-ingredient inside //: the recipe's 'reply' will help catch accidental misuse of such //: 'ingredient-products' (sometimes called in-out parameters in other languages). :(scenario reply_same_as_ingredient) % Hide_warnings = true; recipe main [ 1:number <- copy 0 2:number <- test1 1:number # call with different ingredient and product ] recipe test1 [ 10:address:number <- next-ingredient reply 10:address:number/same-as-ingredient:0 ] +warn: main: 'same-as-ingredient' product from call to test1 must be 1:number rather than 2:number :(scenario reply_same_as_ingredient_dummy) % Hide_warnings = true; recipe main [ 1:number <- copy 0 _ <- test1 1:number # call with different ingredient and product ] recipe test1 [ 10:address:number <- next-ingredient reply 10:address:number/same-as-ingredient:0 ] $warn: 0 :(code) string to_string(const vector& in) { if (in.empty()) return "[]"; ostringstream out; if (SIZE(in) == 1) { out << no_scientific(in.at(0)); return out.str(); } out << "["; for (long long int i = 0; i < SIZE(in); ++i) { if (i > 0) out << ", "; out << no_scientific(in.at(i)); } out << "]"; return out.str(); } //: Conditional reply. :(scenario reply_if) recipe main [ 1:number <- test1 ] recipe test1 [ reply-if 0, 34 reply 35 ] +mem: storing 35 in location 1 :(scenario reply_if_2) recipe main [ 1:number <- test1 ] recipe test1 [ reply-if 1, 34 reply 35 ] +mem: storing 34 in location 1 :(before "End Rewrite Instruction(curr)") // rewrite `reply-if a, b, c, ...` to // ``` // jump-unless a, 1:offset // reply b, c, ... // ``` if (curr.name == "reply-if") { if (curr.products.empty()) { curr.operation = Recipe_ordinal["jump-unless"]; curr.name = "jump-unless"; vector results; copy(++curr.ingredients.begin(), curr.ingredients.end(), inserter(results, results.end())); curr.ingredients.resize(1); curr.ingredients.push_back(reagent("1:offset")); result.steps.push_back(curr); curr.clear(); curr.operation = Recipe_ordinal["reply"]; curr.name = "reply"; curr.ingredients.swap(results); } else { raise << "'reply-if' never yields any products\n" << end(); } } // rewrite `reply-unless a, b, c, ...` to // ``` // jump-if a, 1:offset // reply b, c, ... // ``` if (curr.name == "reply-unless") { if (curr.products.empty()) { curr.operation = Recipe_ordinal["jump-if"]; curr.name = "jump-if"; vector results; copy(++curr.ingredients.begin(), curr.ingredients.end(), inserter(results, results.end())); curr.ingredients.resize(1); curr.ingredients.push_back(reagent("1:offset")); result.steps.push_back(curr); curr.clear(); curr.operation = Recipe_ordinal["reply"]; curr.name = "reply"; curr.ingredients.swap(results); } else { raise << "'reply-unless' never yields any products\n" << end(); } }