//: Update refcounts when copying addresses. //: The top of the address layer has more on refcounts. :(scenario refcounts) def main [ 1:address:number <- copy 1000/unsafe 2:address:number <- copy 1:address:number 1:address:number <- copy 0 2:address:number <- copy 0 ] +run: {1: ("address" "number")} <- copy {1000: "literal", "unsafe": ()} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 0 -> 1 +run: {2: ("address" "number")} <- copy {1: ("address" "number")} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 1 -> 2 +run: {1: ("address" "number")} <- copy {0: "literal"} +mem: decrementing refcount of 1000: 2 -> 1 +run: {2: ("address" "number")} <- copy {0: "literal"} +mem: decrementing refcount of 1000: 1 -> 0 :(before "End Globals") //: escape hatch for a later layer bool Update_refcounts_in_write_memory = true; :(before "End write_memory(x) Special-cases") if (Update_refcounts_in_write_memory) update_any_refcounts(x, data); :(code) void update_any_refcounts(const reagent& canonized_x, const vector& data) { increment_any_refcounts(canonized_x, data); // increment first so we don't reclaim on x <- copy x decrement_any_refcounts(canonized_x); } void increment_any_refcounts(const reagent& canonized_x, const vector& data) { if (is_mu_address(canonized_x)) { assert(scalar(data)); assert(!canonized_x.metadata.size); increment_refcount(data.at(0)); } // End Increment Refcounts(canonized_x) } void increment_refcount(int new_address) { assert(new_address >= 0); if (new_address == 0) return; int new_refcount = get_or_insert(Memory, new_address); trace(9999, "mem") << "incrementing refcount of " << new_address << ": " << new_refcount << " -> " << new_refcount+1 << end(); put(Memory, new_address, new_refcount+1); } void decrement_any_refcounts(const reagent& canonized_x) { if (is_mu_address(canonized_x)) { assert(canonized_x.value); assert(!canonized_x.metadata.size); decrement_refcount(get_or_insert(Memory, canonized_x.value), canonized_x.type->right, payload_size(canonized_x)); } // End Decrement Refcounts(canonized_x) } void decrement_refcount(int old_address, const type_tree* payload_type, int payload_size) { assert(old_address >= 0); if (old_address) { int old_refcount = get_or_insert(Memory, old_address); trace(9999, "mem") << "decrementing refcount of " << old_address << ": " << old_refcount << " -> " << old_refcount-1 << end(); --old_refcount; put(Memory, old_address, old_refcount); if (old_refcount < 0) { tb_shutdown(); cerr << "Negative refcount!!! " << old_address << ' ' << old_refcount << '\n'; if (Trace_stream) { cerr << "Saving trace to last_trace.\n"; ofstream fout("last_trace"); fout << Trace_stream->readable_contents(""); fout.close(); } exit(0); } // End Decrement Refcount(old_address, payload_type, payload_size) } } int payload_size(reagent/*copy*/ x) { x.properties.push_back(pair("lookup", NULL)); lookup_memory_core(x); return size_of(x) + /*refcount*/1; } :(scenario refcounts_reflexive) def main [ 1:address:number <- new number:type # idempotent copies leave refcount unchanged 1:address:number <- copy 1:address:number ] +run: {1: ("address" "number")} <- new {number: "type"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 0 -> 1 +run: {1: ("address" "number")} <- copy {1: ("address" "number")} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 1 -> 2 +mem: decrementing refcount of 1000: 2 -> 1 :(scenario refcounts_call) def main [ 1:address:number <- new number:type # passing in addresses to recipes increments refcount foo 1:address:number # return does NOT yet decrement refcount; memory must be explicitly managed 1:address:number <- new number:type ] def foo [ 2:address:number <- next-ingredient ] +run: {1: ("address" "number")} <- new {number: "type"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 0 -> 1 +run: foo {1: ("address" "number")} # leave ambiguous precisely when the next increment happens; a later layer # will mess with that +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 1 -> 2 +run: {1: ("address" "number")} <- new {number: "type"} +mem: decrementing refcount of 1000: 2 -> 1 //: fix up any instructions that don't follow the usual flow of read_memory //: before the RUN switch, and write_memory after :(scenario refcounts_put) container foo [ x:address:number ] def main [ 1:address:number <- new number:type 2:address:foo <- new foo:type *2:address:foo <- put *2:address:foo, x:offset, 1:address:number ] +run: {1: ("address" "number")} <- new {number: "type"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 0 -> 1 +run: {2: ("address" "foo")} <- new {foo: "type"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1002: 0 -> 1 +run: {2: ("address" "foo"), "lookup": ()} <- put {2: ("address" "foo"), "lookup": ()}, {x: "offset"}, {1: ("address" "number")} # put increments refcount +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 1 -> 2 :(after "Write Memory in PUT in Run") reagent/*copy*/ element = element_type(base.type, offset); assert(!has_property(element, "lookup")); element.set_value(address); update_any_refcounts(element, ingredients.at(2)); :(scenario refcounts_put_index) def main [ 1:address:number <- new number:type 2:address:array:address:number <- new {(address number): type}, 3 *2:address:array:address:number <- put-index *2:address:array:address:number, 0, 1:address:number ] +run: {1: ("address" "number")} <- new {number: "type"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 0 -> 1 +run: {2: ("address" "array" "address" "number")} <- new {(address number): "type"}, {3: "literal"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1002: 0 -> 1 +run: {2: ("address" "array" "address" "number"), "lookup": ()} <- put-index {2: ("address" "array" "address" "number"), "lookup": ()}, {0: "literal"}, {1: ("address" "number")} # put-index increments refcount +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 1 -> 2 :(after "Write Memory in PUT_INDEX in Run") update_any_refcounts(element, value); :(scenario refcounts_maybe_convert) exclusive-container foo [ x:number p:address:number ] def main [ 1:address:number <- new number:type 2:foo <- merge 1/p, 1:address:number 4:address:number, 5:boolean <- maybe-convert 2:foo, 1:variant/p ] +run: {1: ("address" "number")} <- new {number: "type"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 0 -> 1 # merging in an address increments refcount +run: {2: "foo"} <- merge {1: "literal", "p": ()}, {1: ("address" "number")} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 1 -> 2 +run: {4: ("address" "number")}, {5: "boolean"} <- maybe-convert {2: "foo"}, {1: "variant", "p": ()} # maybe-convert increments refcount on success +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 2 -> 3 :(after "Write Memory in Successful MAYBE_CONVERT") // TODO: double-check data here as well vector data; for (int i = 0; i < size_of(product); ++i) data.push_back(get_or_insert(Memory, base_address+/*skip tag*/1+i)); update_any_refcounts(product, data); //:: manage refcounts in instructions that copy multiple locations at a time :(scenario refcounts_copy_nested) container foo [ x:address:number # address inside container ] def main [ 1:address:number <- new number:type 2:address:foo <- new foo:type *2:address:foo <- put *2:address:foo, x:offset, 1:address:number 3:foo <- copy *2:address:foo ] +transform: compute address offsets for container foo +transform: checking container foo, element 0 +transform: address at offset 0 +run: {1: ("address" "number")} <- new {number: "type"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 0 -> 1 +run: {2: ("address" "foo"), "lookup": ()} <- put {2: ("address" "foo"), "lookup": ()}, {x: "offset"}, {1: ("address" "number")} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 1 -> 2 # copying a container increments refcounts of any contained addresses +run: {3: "foo"} <- copy {2: ("address" "foo"), "lookup": ()} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 2 -> 3 :(after "End type_tree Definition") struct address_element_info { int offset; // where inside a container type (after flattening nested containers!) the address lies const type_tree* payload_type; // all the information we need to compute sizes of items inside an address inside a container. Doesn't need to be a full-scale reagent, since an address inside a container can never be an array, and arrays are the only type that need to know their location to compute their size. address_element_info(int o, const type_tree* p) { offset = o; payload_type = p; } address_element_info(const address_element_info& other) { offset = other.offset; payload_type = other.payload_type ? new type_tree(*other.payload_type) : NULL; } ~address_element_info() { if (payload_type) { delete payload_type; payload_type = NULL; } } address_element_info& operator=(const address_element_info& other) { offset = other.offset; if (payload_type) delete payload_type; payload_type = other.payload_type ? new type_tree(*other.payload_type) : NULL; return *this; } }; // For exclusive containers we might sometimes have an address at some offset // if some other offset has a specific tag. This struct encapsulates such // guards. struct tag_condition_info { int offset; int tag; tag_condition_info(int o, int t) :offset(o), tag(t) {} }; :(before "End container_metadata Fields") // a list of facts of the form: // // IF offset o1 has tag t2 AND offset o2 has tag t2 AND .., THEN // for all address_element_infos: // you need to update refcounts for the address at offset pointing to a payload of type payload_type (just in case we need to abandon something in the process) map, set > address; :(code) bool operator<(const set& a, const set& b) { if (a.size() != b.size()) return a.size() < b.size(); for (set::const_iterator pa = a.begin(), pb = b.begin(); pa != a.end(); ++pa, ++pb) { if (pa->offset != pb->offset) return pa->offset < pb->offset; if (pa->tag != pb->tag) return pa->tag < pb->tag; } return false; // equal } bool operator<(const tag_condition_info& a, const tag_condition_info& b) { if (a.offset != b.offset) return a.offset < b.offset; if (a.tag != b.tag) return a.tag < b.tag; return false; // equal } bool operator<(const set& a, const set& b) { if (a.size() != b.size()) return a.size() < b.size(); for (set::const_iterator pa = a.begin(), pb = b.begin(); pa != a.end(); ++pa, ++pb) { if (pa->offset != pb->offset) return pa->offset < pb->offset; } return false; // equal } bool operator<(const address_element_info& a, const address_element_info& b) { if (a.offset != b.offset) return a.offset < b.offset; return false; // equal } //: populate metadata.address in a separate transform, because it requires //: already knowing the sizes of all types //: does unnecessary work for meaningless types //: e.g. (address number) also computes address offsets for 'address' :(after "Transform.push_back(compute_container_sizes)") Transform.push_back(compute_container_address_offsets); :(code) void compute_container_address_offsets(const recipe_ordinal r) { recipe& caller = get(Recipe, r); trace(9992, "transform") << "--- compute address offsets for " << caller.name << end(); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(caller.steps); ++i) { instruction& inst = caller.steps.at(i); trace(9993, "transform") << "- compute address offsets for " << to_string(inst) << end(); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.ingredients); ++i) compute_container_address_offsets(inst.ingredients.at(i)); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.products); ++i) compute_container_address_offsets(inst.products.at(i)); } } void compute_container_address_offsets(reagent& r) { if (is_literal(r) || is_dummy(r)) return; compute_container_address_offsets(r.type); if (contains_key(Container_metadata, r.type)) r.metadata = get(Container_metadata, r.type); } void compute_container_address_offsets(type_tree* type) { if (!type) return; if (type->left) compute_container_address_offsets(type->left); if (type->right) compute_container_address_offsets(type->right); if (!contains_key(Type, type->value)) return; // error raised elsewhere type_info& info = get(Type, type->value); if (info.kind == CONTAINER) { container_metadata& metadata = get(Container_metadata, type); if (!metadata.address.empty()) return; trace(9994, "transform") << "compute address offsets for container " << info.name << end(); append_addresses(0, type, metadata.address, set()); } if (info.kind == EXCLUSIVE_CONTAINER) { container_metadata& metadata = get(Container_metadata, type); trace(9994, "transform") << "compute address offsets for exclusive container " << info.name << end(); for (int tag = 0; tag < SIZE(info.elements); ++tag) { set key; key.insert(tag_condition_info(/*tag is at offset*/0, tag)); append_addresses(/*skip tag offset*/1, variant_type(type, tag).type, metadata.address, key); } } } void append_addresses(int base_offset, const type_tree* type, map, set >& out, const set& key) { const type_info& info = get(Type, type->value); if (type->name == "address") { get_or_insert(out, key).insert(address_element_info(base_offset, new type_tree(*type->right))); return; } if (info.kind == CONTAINER) { for (int curr_index = 0, curr_offset = base_offset; curr_index < SIZE(info.elements); ++curr_index) { trace(9993, "transform") << "checking container " << type->name << ", element " << curr_index << end(); reagent/*copy*/ element = element_type(type, curr_index); // Compute Container Address Offset(element) if (is_mu_address(element)) { trace(9993, "transform") << "address at offset " << curr_offset << end(); get_or_insert(out, key).insert(address_element_info(curr_offset, new type_tree(*element.type->right))); ++curr_offset; } else if (is_mu_container(element)) { append_addresses(curr_offset, element.type, out, key); curr_offset += size_of(element); } else if (is_mu_exclusive_container(element)) { const type_info& element_info = get(Type, element.type->value); for (int tag = 0; tag < SIZE(element_info.elements); ++tag) { set new_key = key; new_key.insert(tag_condition_info(curr_offset, tag)); if (!contains_key(out, new_key)) append_addresses(curr_offset+/*skip tag*/1, variant_type(element.type, tag).type, out, new_key); } curr_offset += size_of(element); } else { // non-address primitive ++curr_offset; } } } else if (info.kind == EXCLUSIVE_CONTAINER) { for (int tag = 0; tag < SIZE(info.elements); ++tag) { set new_key = key; new_key.insert(tag_condition_info(base_offset, tag)); if (!contains_key(out, new_key)) append_addresses(base_offset+/*skip tag*/1, variant_type(type, tag).type, out, new_key); } } } int payload_size(const type_tree* type) { assert(type->name == "address"); assert(type->right->name != "array"); return size_of(type->right) + /*refcount*/1; } //: use metadata.address to update refcounts within containers, arrays and //: exclusive containers :(before "End Increment Refcounts(canonized_x)") if (is_mu_container(canonized_x) || is_mu_exclusive_container(canonized_x)) { const container_metadata& metadata = get(Container_metadata, canonized_x.type); for (map, set >::const_iterator p = metadata.address.begin(); p != metadata.address.end(); ++p) { if (!all_match(data, p->first)) continue; for (set::const_iterator info = p->second.begin(); info != p->second.end(); ++info) increment_refcount(data.at(info->offset)); } } :(before "End Decrement Refcounts(canonized_x)") if (is_mu_container(canonized_x) || is_mu_exclusive_container(canonized_x)) { trace(9999, "mem") << "need to read old value of '" << to_string(canonized_x) << "' to figure out what refcounts to decrement" << end(); // read from canonized_x but without canonizing again // todo: inline without running canonize all over again reagent/*copy*/ tmp = canonized_x; tmp.properties.push_back(pair("raw", NULL)); vector data = read_memory(tmp); trace(9999, "mem") << "done reading old value of '" << to_string(canonized_x) << "'" << end(); const container_metadata& metadata = get(Container_metadata, canonized_x.type); for (map, set >::const_iterator p = metadata.address.begin(); p != metadata.address.end(); ++p) { if (!all_match(data, p->first)) continue; for (set::const_iterator info = p->second.begin(); info != p->second.end(); ++info) decrement_refcount(get_or_insert(Memory, canonized_x.value + info->offset), info->payload_type, size_of(info->payload_type)+/*refcount*/1); } } :(code) bool all_match(const vector& data, const set& conditions) { for (set::const_iterator p = conditions.begin(); p != conditions.end(); ++p) { if (data.at(p->offset) != p->tag) return false; } return true; } :(scenario refcounts_put_container) container foo [ a:bar # contains an address ] container bar [ x:address:number ] def main [ 1:address:number <- new number:type 2:bar <- merge 1:address:number 3:address:foo <- new foo:type *3:address:foo <- put *3:address:foo, a:offset, 2:bar ] +run: {1: ("address" "number")} <- new {number: "type"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 0 -> 1 +run: {2: "bar"} <- merge {1: ("address" "number")} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 1 -> 2 +run: {3: ("address" "foo"), "lookup": ()} <- put {3: ("address" "foo"), "lookup": ()}, {a: "offset"}, {2: "bar"} # put increments refcount inside container +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 2 -> 3 :(scenario refcounts_put_index_array) container bar [ x:address:number ] def main [ 1:address:number <- new number:type 2:bar <- merge 1:address:number 3:address:array:bar <- new bar:type, 3 *3:address:array:bar <- put-index *3:address:array:bar, 0, 2:bar ] +run: {1: ("address" "number")} <- new {number: "type"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 0 -> 1 +run: {2: "bar"} <- merge {1: ("address" "number")} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 1 -> 2 +run: {3: ("address" "array" "bar"), "lookup": ()} <- put-index {3: ("address" "array" "bar"), "lookup": ()}, {0: "literal"}, {2: "bar"} # put-index increments refcount inside container +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 2 -> 3 :(scenario refcounts_maybe_convert_container) exclusive-container foo [ a:number b:bar # contains an address ] container bar [ x:address:number ] def main [ 1:address:number <- new number:type 2:bar <- merge 1:address:number 3:foo <- merge 1/b, 2:bar 5:bar, 6:boolean <- maybe-convert 3:foo, 1:variant/b ] +run: {1: ("address" "number")} <- new {number: "type"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 0 -> 1 +run: {2: "bar"} <- merge {1: ("address" "number")} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 1 -> 2 +run: {3: "foo"} <- merge {1: "literal", "b": ()}, {2: "bar"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 2 -> 3 +run: {5: "bar"}, {6: "boolean"} <- maybe-convert {3: "foo"}, {1: "variant", "b": ()} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 3 -> 4 :(scenario refcounts_copy_doubly_nested) container foo [ a:bar # no addresses b:curr # contains addresses ] container bar [ x:number y:number ] container curr [ x:number y:address:number # address inside container inside container ] def main [ 1:address:number <- new number:type 2:address:curr <- new curr:type *2:address:curr <- put *2:address:curr, 1:offset/y, 1:address:number 3:address:foo <- new foo:type *3:address:foo <- put *3:address:foo, 1:offset/b, *2:address:curr 4:foo <- copy *3:address:foo ] +transform: compute address offsets for container foo +transform: checking container foo, element 1 +transform: address at offset 3 +run: {1: ("address" "number")} <- new {number: "type"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 0 -> 1 # storing an address in a container updates its refcount +run: {2: ("address" "curr"), "lookup": ()} <- put {2: ("address" "curr"), "lookup": ()}, {1: "offset", "y": ()}, {1: ("address" "number")} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 1 -> 2 # storing a container in a container updates refcounts of any contained addresses +run: {3: ("address" "foo"), "lookup": ()} <- put {3: ("address" "foo"), "lookup": ()}, {1: "offset", "b": ()}, {2: ("address" "curr"), "lookup": ()} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 2 -> 3 # copying a container containing a container containing an address updates refcount +run: {4: "foo"} <- copy {3: ("address" "foo"), "lookup": ()} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 3 -> 4 :(scenario refcounts_copy_exclusive_container_within_container) container foo [ a:number b:bar ] exclusive-container bar [ x:number y:number z:address:number ] def main [ 1:address:number <- new number:type 2:bar <- merge 0/x, 34 3:foo <- merge 12, 2:bar 5:bar <- merge 1/y, 35 6:foo <- merge 13, 5:bar 8:bar <- merge 2/z, 1:address:number 9:foo <- merge 14, 8:bar 11:foo <- copy 9:foo ] +run: {1: ("address" "number")} <- new {number: "type"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 0 -> 1 # no change while merging items of other types +run: {8: "bar"} <- merge {2: "literal", "z": ()}, {1: ("address" "number")} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 1 -> 2 +run: {9: "foo"} <- merge {14: "literal"}, {8: "bar"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 2 -> 3 +run: {11: "foo"} <- copy {9: "foo"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 3 -> 4 :(scenario refcounts_copy_container_within_exclusive_container) exclusive-container foo [ a:number b:bar ] container bar [ x:number y:number z:address:number ] def main [ 1:address:number <- new number:type 2:foo <- merge 0/a, 34 6:foo <- merge 0/a, 35 10:bar <- merge 2/x, 15/y, 1:address:number 13:foo <- merge 1/b, 10:bar 17:foo <- copy 13:foo ] +run: {1: ("address" "number")} <- new {number: "type"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 0 -> 1 # no change while merging items of other types +run: {10: "bar"} <- merge {2: "literal", "x": ()}, {15: "literal", "y": ()}, {1: ("address" "number")} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 1 -> 2 +run: {13: "foo"} <- merge {1: "literal", "b": ()}, {10: "bar"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 2 -> 3 +run: {17: "foo"} <- copy {13: "foo"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 3 -> 4 :(scenario refcounts_copy_exclusive_container_within_exclusive_container) exclusive-container foo [ a:number b:bar ] exclusive-container bar [ x:number y:address:number ] def main [ 1:address:number <- new number:type 10:foo <- merge 1/b, 1/y, 1:address:number 20:foo <- copy 10:foo ] +run: {1: ("address" "number")} <- new {number: "type"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 0 -> 1 # no change while merging items of other types +run: {10: "foo"} <- merge {1: "literal", "b": ()}, {1: "literal", "y": ()}, {1: ("address" "number")} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 1 -> 2 +run: {20: "foo"} <- copy {10: "foo"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 2 -> 3 :(scenario refcounts_copy_array_within_container) container foo [ x:address:array:number ] def main [ 1:address:array:number <- new number:type, 3 2:foo <- merge 1:address:array:number 3:address:array:number <- new number:type, 5 2:foo <- merge 3:address:array:number ] +run: {1: ("address" "array" "number")} <- new {number: "type"}, {3: "literal"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 0 -> 1 +run: {2: "foo"} <- merge {1: ("address" "array" "number")} +mem: incrementing refcount of 1000: 1 -> 2 +run: {2: "foo"} <- merge {3: ("address" "array" "number")} +mem: decrementing refcount of 1000: 2 -> 1 :(scenario refcounts_handle_exclusive_containers_with_different_tags) container foo1 [ x:address:number y:number ] container foo2 [ x:number y:address:number ] exclusive-container bar [ a:foo1 b:foo2 ] def main [ 1:address:number <- copy 12000/unsafe # pretend allocation *1:address:number <- copy 34 2:bar <- merge 0/foo1, 1:address:number, 97 5:address:number <- copy 13000/unsafe # pretend allocation *5:address:number <- copy 35 6:bar <- merge 1/foo2, 98, 5:address:number 2:bar <- copy 6:bar ] +run: {2: "bar"} <- merge {0: "literal", "foo1": ()}, {1: ("address" "number")}, {97: "literal"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 12000: 1 -> 2 +run: {6: "bar"} <- merge {1: "literal", "foo2": ()}, {98: "literal"}, {5: ("address" "number")} +mem: incrementing refcount of 13000: 1 -> 2 +run: {2: "bar"} <- copy {6: "bar"} +mem: incrementing refcount of 13000: 2 -> 3 +mem: decrementing refcount of 12000: 2 -> 1 :(code) bool is_mu_container(const reagent& r) { return is_mu_container(r.type); } bool is_mu_container(const type_tree* type) { if (!type) return false; if (type->value == 0) return false; type_info& info = get(Type, type->value); return info.kind == CONTAINER; } bool is_mu_exclusive_container(const reagent& r) { return is_mu_exclusive_container(r.type); } bool is_mu_exclusive_container(const type_tree* type) { if (!type) return false; if (type->value == 0) return false; type_info& info = get(Type, type->value); return info.kind == EXCLUSIVE_CONTAINER; }