//: Support jumps to labels. //: We'll also treat 'break' and 'continue' as jumps. The choice of name is //: just documentation about intent. :(scenario jump_to_label) recipe main [ jump +target:offset 1:number <- copy 0:literal +target ] -mem: storing 0 in location 1 :(after "int main") Transform.push_back(transform_labels); :(code) void transform_labels(const recipe_number r) { map offset; for (index_t i = 0; i < Recipe[r].steps.size(); ++i) { const instruction& inst = Recipe[r].steps.at(i); if (!inst.label.empty()) offset[inst.label] = i; } for (index_t i = 0; i < Recipe[r].steps.size(); ++i) { instruction& inst = Recipe[r].steps.at(i); if (inst.operation == Recipe_number["jump"]) { //? cerr << inst.to_string() << '\n'; //? 1 replace_offset(inst.ingredients.at(0), offset, i, r); } if (inst.operation == Recipe_number["jump-if"] || inst.operation == Recipe_number["jump-unless"]) { replace_offset(inst.ingredients.at(1), offset, i, r); } if ((inst.operation == Recipe_number["loop"] || inst.operation == Recipe_number["break"]) && inst.ingredients.size() == 1) { replace_offset(inst.ingredients.at(0), offset, i, r); } if ((inst.operation == Recipe_number["loop-if"] || inst.operation == Recipe_number["loop-unless"] || inst.operation == Recipe_number["break-if"] || inst.operation == Recipe_number["break-unless"]) && inst.ingredients.size() == 2) { replace_offset(inst.ingredients.at(1), offset, i, r); } } } :(code) void replace_offset(reagent& x, /*const*/ map& offset, const index_t current_offset, const recipe_number r) { //? cerr << "AAA " << x.to_string() << '\n'; //? 1 assert(isa_literal(x)); //? cerr << "BBB " << x.to_string() << '\n'; //? 1 assert(!x.initialized); //? cerr << "CCC " << x.to_string() << '\n'; //? 1 if (is_number(x.name)) return; // non-labels will be handled like other number operands //? cerr << "DDD " << x.to_string() << '\n'; //? 1 if (offset.find(x.name) == offset.end()) raise << "can't find label " << x.name << " in routine " << Recipe[r].name << '\n'; x.set_value(offset[x.name]-current_offset); } :(scenario break_to_label) recipe main [ #? $print [aaa] { { break +target:offset 1:number <- copy 0:literal } } +target ] -mem: storing 0 in location 1 :(scenario jump_if_to_label) recipe main [ { { jump-if 1:literal, +target:offset 1:number <- copy 0:literal } } +target ] -mem: storing 0 in location 1 :(scenario loop_unless_to_label) recipe main [ { { loop-unless 0:literal, +target:offset # loop/break with a label don't care about braces 1:number <- copy 0:literal } } +target ] -mem: storing 0 in location 1 :(scenario jump_runs_code_after_label) recipe main [ # first a few lines of padding to exercise the offset computation 1:number <- copy 0:literal 2:number <- copy 0:literal 3:number <- copy 0:literal jump +target:offset 4:number <- copy 0:literal +target 5:number <- copy 0:literal ] +mem: storing 0 in location 5 -mem: storing 0 in location 4