//: Some simple sanity checks for types, and also attempts to guess them where //: they aren't provided. //: //: You still have to provide the full type the first time you mention a //: variable in a recipe. You have to explicitly name :offset and :variant //: every single time. You can't use the same name with multiple types in a //: single recipe. :(scenario transform_types_warns_on_reusing_name_with_different_type) % Hide_warnings = true; recipe main [ x:number <- copy 1 x:boolean <- copy 1 ] +warn: x used with multiple types in main :(after "int main") Transform.push_back(transform_types); :(code) void transform_types(const recipe_ordinal r) { map > metadata; for (long long int i = 0; i < SIZE(Recipe[r].steps); ++i) { instruction& inst = Recipe[r].steps.at(i); for (long long int in = 0; in < SIZE(inst.ingredients); ++in) { deduce_missing_type(metadata, inst.ingredients.at(in)); check_metadata(metadata, inst.ingredients.at(in), r); } for (long long int out = 0; out < SIZE(inst.products); ++out) { deduce_missing_type(metadata, inst.products.at(out)); check_metadata(metadata, inst.products.at(out), r); } } } void check_metadata(map >& metadata, const reagent& x, const recipe_ordinal r) { if (is_literal(x)) return; if (is_raw(x)) return; // if you use raw locations you're probably doing something unsafe if (is_integer(x.name)) return; if (x.types.empty()) return; // will throw a more precise warning elsewhere if (metadata.find(x.name) == metadata.end()) metadata[x.name] = x.types; if (metadata[x.name] != x.types) raise << x.name << " used with multiple types in " << Recipe[r].name << '\n' << end(); } :(scenario transform_types_fills_in_missing_types) recipe main [ x:number <- copy 1 y:number <- add x, 1 ] :(code) void deduce_missing_type(map >& metadata, reagent& x) { if (!x.types.empty()) return; if (metadata.find(x.name) == metadata.end()) return; copy(metadata[x.name].begin(), metadata[x.name].end(), inserter(x.types, x.types.begin())); assert(x.properties.at(0).second.empty()); x.properties.at(0).second.push_back("as-before"); } :(scenario transform_types_fills_in_missing_types_in_product) recipe main [ x:number <- copy 1 x <- copy 2 ] :(scenario transform_types_fills_in_missing_types_in_product_and_ingredient) recipe main [ x:number <- copy 1 x <- add x, 1 ] +mem: storing 2 in location 1 :(scenario transform_warns_on_missing_types_in_first_mention) % Hide_warnings = true; recipe main [ x <- copy 1 x:number <- copy 2 ] +warn: missing type in 'x <- copy 1'