//: Mu scenarios. This will get long, but these are the tests we want to //: support in this layer. //: You can use variable names in scenarios, but for the most part we'll use //: raw location numbers, because that lets us make assertions on memory. //: Tests should avoid abstraction as far as possible. :(scenarios run_mu_scenario) :(scenario scenario_block) scenario foo [ run [ 1:integer <- copy 13:literal ] memory-should-contain [ 1 <- 13 ] ] # checks are inside scenario :(scenario scenario_multiple_blocks) scenario foo [ run [ 1:integer <- copy 13:literal ] memory-should-contain [ 1 <- 13 ] run [ 2:integer <- copy 13:literal ] memory-should-contain [ 1 <- 13 2 <- 13 ] ] :(scenario scenario_check_memory_and_trace) scenario foo [ run [ 1:integer <- copy 13:literal trace [a], [a b c] ] memory-should-contain [ 1 <- 13 ] trace-should-contain [ a: a b c ] trace-should-not-contain [ a: x y z ] ] //:: Core data structure :(before "End Types") struct scenario { string name; string to_run; }; :(before "End Globals") vector Scenarios; //:: Parse the 'scenario' form. //: Simply store the text of the scenario. :(before "End Command Handlers") else if (command == "scenario") { Scenarios.push_back(parse_scenario(in)); } :(code) scenario parse_scenario(istream& in) { scenario result; result.name = next_word(in); skip_bracket(in, "'scenario' must begin with '['"); ostringstream buffer; slurp_until_matching_bracket(in, buffer); result.to_run = buffer.str(); return result; } //:: Run scenarios when we run 'mu test'. //: Treat the text of the scenario as a regular series of instructions. :(before "End Tests") time_t mu_time; time(&mu_time); cerr << "\nMu tests: " << ctime(&mu_time); for (index_t i = 0; i < Scenarios.size(); ++i) { //? cerr << Passed << '\n'; //? 1 //? cerr << i << ": " << Scenarios.at(i).name << '\n'; //? 2 run_mu_scenario(Scenarios.at(i)); if (Passed) cerr << "."; } //: Convenience: run a single named scenario. :(before "Loading Commandline Files") if (argc == 2 && Run_tests) { for (index_t i = 0; i < Scenarios.size(); ++i) { if (Scenarios.at(i).name == argv[1]) { run_mu_scenario(Scenarios.at(i)); return 0; } } } :(before "End Globals") const scenario* Current_scenario = NULL; :(code) void run_mu_scenario(const scenario& s) { Current_scenario = &s; bool not_already_inside_test = !Trace_stream; if (not_already_inside_test) { Trace_file = s.name; Trace_stream = new trace_stream; setup(); } run("recipe "+s.name+" [ " + s.to_run + " ]"); if (not_already_inside_test) { teardown(); ofstream fout((Trace_dir+Trace_file).c_str()); fout << Trace_stream->readable_contents(""); fout.close(); delete Trace_stream; Trace_stream = NULL; Trace_file = ""; } Current_scenario = NULL; } //:: The special instructions we want to support inside scenarios. //: In a compiler for the mu VM these will require more work. //: 'run' interprets a string as a set of instructions :(scenarios run) :(scenario run) #? % Trace_stream->dump_layer = "all"; recipe main [ run [ 1:integer <- copy 13:literal ] ] +mem: storing 13 in location 1 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") RUN, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") Recipe_number["run"] = RUN; :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case RUN: { //? cout << "recipe " << current_instruction().ingredients.at(0).name << '\n'; //? 1 ostringstream tmp; tmp << "recipe run" << Next_recipe_number << " [ " << current_instruction().ingredients.at(0).name << " ]"; //? Show_rest_of_stream = true; //? 1 vector tmp_recipe = load(tmp.str()); // Predefined Scenario Locals In Run. // End Predefined Scenario Locals In Run. transform_all(); //? cout << tmp_recipe.at(0) << ' ' << Recipe_number["main"] << '\n'; //? 1 Current_routine->calls.push(call(tmp_recipe.at(0))); continue; // not done with caller; don't increment current_step_index() } :(scenario run_multiple) recipe main [ run [ 1:integer <- copy 13:literal ] run [ 2:integer <- copy 13:literal ] ] +mem: storing 13 in location 1 +mem: storing 13 in location 2 //: 'memory-should-contain' raises warnings if specific locations aren't as expected //: Also includes some special support for checking strings. :(scenario memory_check) % Hide_warnings = true; recipe main [ memory-should-contain [ 1 <- 13 ] ] +run: checking location 1 +warn: expected location 1 to contain 13 but saw 0 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") MEMORY_SHOULD_CONTAIN, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") Recipe_number["memory-should-contain"] = MEMORY_SHOULD_CONTAIN; :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case MEMORY_SHOULD_CONTAIN: { //? cout << current_instruction().ingredients.at(0).name << '\n'; //? 1 check_memory(current_instruction().ingredients.at(0).name); break; } :(code) void check_memory(const string& s) { istringstream in(s); in >> std::noskipws; set locations_checked; while (true) { skip_whitespace_and_comments(in); if (in.eof()) break; string lhs = next_word(in); if (!is_number(lhs)) { check_type(lhs, in); continue; } int address = to_number(lhs); skip_whitespace_and_comments(in); string _assign; in >> _assign; assert(_assign == "<-"); skip_whitespace_and_comments(in); int value = 0; in >> value; if (locations_checked.find(address) != locations_checked.end()) raise << "duplicate expectation for location " << address << '\n'; trace("run") << "checking location " << address; if (Memory[address] != value) { if (Current_scenario) raise << "\nF - " << Current_scenario->name << ": expected location " << address << " to contain " << value << " but saw " << Memory[address] << '\n'; else raise << "expected location " << address << " to contain " << value << " but saw " << Memory[address] << '\n'; Passed = false; return; } locations_checked.insert(address); } } void check_type(const string& lhs, istream& in) { reagent x(lhs); if (x.properties.at(0).second.at(0) == "string") { x.set_value(to_number(x.name)); skip_whitespace_and_comments(in); string _assign = next_word(in); assert(_assign == "<-"); skip_whitespace_and_comments(in); string literal = next_word(in); index_t address = x.value; // exclude quoting brackets assert(*literal.begin() == '['); literal.erase(literal.begin()); assert(*--literal.end() == ']'); literal.erase(--literal.end()); check_string(address, literal); return; } raise << "don't know how to check memory for " << lhs << '\n'; } void check_string(index_t address, const string& literal) { trace("run") << "checking string length at " << address; if (Memory[address] != static_cast(literal.size())) raise << "expected location " << address << " to contain length " << literal.size() << " of string [" << literal << "] but saw " << Memory[address] << '\n'; ++address; // now skip length for (index_t i = 0; i < literal.size(); ++i) { trace("run") << "checking location " << address+i; if (Memory[address+i] != literal.at(i)) raise << "expected location " << (address+i) << " to contain " << literal.at(i) << " but saw " << Memory[address+i] << '\n'; } } :(scenario memory_check_multiple) % Hide_warnings = true; recipe main [ memory-should-contain [ 1 <- 0 1 <- 0 ] ] +warn: duplicate expectation for location 1 :(scenario memory_check_string_length) % Hide_warnings = true; recipe main [ 1:integer <- copy 3:literal 2:integer <- copy 97:literal # 'a' 3:integer <- copy 98:literal # 'b' 4:integer <- copy 99:literal # 'c' memory-should-contain [ 1:string <- [ab] ] ] +warn: expected location 1 to contain length 2 of string [ab] but saw 3 :(scenario memory_check_string) recipe main [ 1:integer <- copy 3:literal 2:integer <- copy 97:literal # 'a' 3:integer <- copy 98:literal # 'b' 4:integer <- copy 99:literal # 'c' memory-should-contain [ 1:string <- [abc] ] ] +run: checking string length at 1 +run: checking location 2 +run: checking location 3 +run: checking location 4 :(code) //: 'trace-should-contain' is like the '+' lines in our scenarios so far // Like runs of contiguous '+' lines, order is important. The trace checks // that the lines are present *and* in the specified sequence. (There can be // other lines in between.) // // Be careful not to mix setting Hide_warnings and checking the trace in .mu // files. It'll work in C++ scenarios, but the test failure gets silently // hidden in mu scenarios. :(scenario trace_check_warns_on_failure) % Hide_warnings = true; recipe main [ trace-should-contain [ a: b a: d ] ] +warn: missing [b] in trace layer a :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") TRACE_SHOULD_CONTAIN, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") Recipe_number["trace-should-contain"] = TRACE_SHOULD_CONTAIN; :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case TRACE_SHOULD_CONTAIN: { check_trace(current_instruction().ingredients.at(0).name); break; } :(code) // simplified version of check_trace_contents() that emits warnings rather // than just printing to stderr bool check_trace(const string& expected) { //? cerr << "AAA " << expected << '\n'; //? 1 Trace_stream->newline(); vector > expected_lines = parse_trace(expected); //? cerr << "BBB " << expected_lines.size() << '\n'; //? 1 if (expected_lines.empty()) return true; index_t curr_expected_line = 0; for (vector > >::iterator p = Trace_stream->past_lines.begin(); p != Trace_stream->past_lines.end(); ++p) { if (expected_lines.at(curr_expected_line).first != p->first) continue; if (expected_lines.at(curr_expected_line).second != p->second.second) continue; // match ++curr_expected_line; if (curr_expected_line == expected_lines.size()) { //? cerr << "ZZZ\n"; //? 1 return true; } } raise << "missing [" << expected_lines.at(curr_expected_line).second << "] " << "in trace layer " << expected_lines.at(curr_expected_line).first << '\n'; Passed = false; return false; } vector > parse_trace(const string& expected) { vector buf = split(expected, "\n"); vector > result; for (index_t i = 0; i < buf.size(); ++i) { buf.at(i) = trim(buf.at(i)); if (buf.at(i).empty()) continue; index_t delim = buf.at(i).find(": "); result.push_back(pair(buf.at(i).substr(0, delim), buf.at(i).substr(delim+2))); } return result; } :(scenario trace_check_warns_on_failure_in_later_line) % Hide_warnings = true; recipe main [ run [ trace [a], [b] ] trace-should-contain [ a: b a: d ] ] +warn: missing [d] in trace layer a :(scenario trace_check_passes_silently) % Hide_warnings = true; recipe main [ run [ trace [a], [b] ] trace-should-contain [ a: b ] ] -warn: missing [b] in trace layer a //: 'trace-should-not-contain' is like the '-' lines in our scenarios so far //: Each trace line is separately checked for absense. Order is *not* //: important, so you can't say things like "B should not exist after A." :(scenario trace_negative_check_warns_on_failure) % Hide_warnings = true; recipe main [ run [ trace [a], [b] ] trace-should-not-contain [ a: b ] ] +warn: unexpected [b] in trace layer a :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") TRACE_SHOULD_NOT_CONTAIN, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") Recipe_number["trace-should-not-contain"] = TRACE_SHOULD_NOT_CONTAIN; :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case TRACE_SHOULD_NOT_CONTAIN: { check_trace_missing(current_instruction().ingredients.at(0).name); break; } :(code) // simplified version of check_trace_contents() that emits warnings rather // than just printing to stderr bool check_trace_missing(const string& in) { Trace_stream->newline(); vector > lines = parse_trace(in); for (index_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) { if (trace_count(lines.at(i).first, lines.at(i).second) != 0) { raise << "unexpected [" << lines.at(i).second << "] in trace layer " << lines.at(i).first << '\n'; Passed = false; return false; } } return true; } :(scenario trace_negative_check_passes_silently) % Hide_warnings = true; recipe main [ trace-should-not-contain [ a: b ] ] -warn: unexpected [b] in trace layer a :(scenario trace_negative_check_warns_on_any_unexpected_line) % Hide_warnings = true; recipe main [ run [ trace [a], [d] ] trace-should-not-contain [ a: b a: d ] ] +warn: unexpected [d] in trace layer a //:: Helpers :(code) // just for the scenarios running scenarios in C++ layers void run_mu_scenario(const string& form) { istringstream in(form); in >> std::noskipws; string _scenario = next_word(in); //? cout << _scenario << '\n'; //? 1 assert(_scenario == "scenario"); scenario s = parse_scenario(in); run_mu_scenario(s); } void slurp_until_matching_bracket(istream& in, ostream& out) { int brace_depth = 1; // just scanned '[' char c; while (in >> c) { if (c == '[') ++brace_depth; if (c == ']') --brace_depth; if (brace_depth == 0) break; // drop final ']' out << c; } } // see tests for this function in tangle/030tangle.test.cc string trim(const string& s) { string::const_iterator first = s.begin(); while (first != s.end() && isspace(*first)) ++first; if (first == s.end()) return ""; string::const_iterator last = --s.end(); while (last != s.begin() && isspace(*last)) --last; ++last; return string(first, last); }