# Comparing 'regular' length-prefixed strings. == code # instruction effective address register displacement immediate # . op subop mod rm32 base index scale r32 # . 1-3 bytes 3 bits 2 bits 3 bits 3 bits 3 bits 2 bits 2 bits 0/1/2/4 bytes 0/1/2/4 bytes Entry: # run all tests #? e8/call test-compare-equal-strings/disp32 e8/call run-tests/disp32 # 'run-tests' is a function created automatically by SubX. It calls all functions that start with 'test-'. # syscall(exit, Num-test-failures) 8b/copy 0/mod/indirect 5/rm32/.disp32 . . 3/r32/ebx Num-test-failures/disp32 # copy *Num-test-failures to ebx b8/copy-to-eax 1/imm32/exit cd/syscall 0x80/imm8 string-equal?: # s: (addr array byte), benchmark: (addr array byte) -> eax: boolean # pseudocode: # if (s->length != benchmark->length) return false # return string-starts-with?(s, benchmark) # # . prologue 55/push-ebp 89/copy 3/mod/direct 5/rm32/ebp . . . 4/r32/esp . . # copy esp to ebp # . save registers 51/push-ecx 56/push-esi 57/push-edi # esi = s 8b/copy 1/mod/*+disp8 5/rm32/ebp . . . 6/r32/esi 8/disp8 . # copy *(ebp+8) to esi # edi = benchmark 8b/copy 1/mod/*+disp8 5/rm32/ebp . . . 7/r32/edi 0xc/disp8 . # copy *(ebp+12) to edi # ecx = s->length 8b/copy 0/mod/indirect 6/rm32/esi . . . 1/r32/ecx . . # copy *esi to ecx $string-equal?:lengths: # if (ecx != benchmark->length) return false 39/compare 0/mod/indirect 7/rm32/edi . . . 1/r32/ecx . . # compare *edi and ecx b8/copy-to-eax 0/imm32/false 75/jump-if-!= $string-equal?:end/disp8 $string-equal?:contents: # string-starts-with?(s, benchmark) # . . push args ff 6/subop/push 1/mod/*+disp8 5/rm32/ebp . . . . 0xc/disp8 . # push *(ebp+12) ff 6/subop/push 1/mod/*+disp8 5/rm32/ebp . . . . 8/disp8 . # push *(ebp+8) # . . call e8/call string-starts-with?/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp $string-equal?:end: # . restore registers 5f/pop-to-edi 5e/pop-to-esi 59/pop-to-ecx # . epilogue 89/copy 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . 5/r32/ebp . . # copy ebp to esp 5d/pop-to-ebp c3/return string-starts-with?: # s: (addr array byte), benchmark: (addr array byte) -> eax: boolean # pseudocode: # if (s->length < benchmark->length) return false # currs = s->data # currb = benchmark->data # maxb = &benchmark->data[benchmark->length] # while currb < maxb # c1 = *currs # c2 = *currb # if (c1 != c2) return false # ++currs, ++currb # return true # # registers: # currs: esi # maxs: ecx # currb: edi # c1: eax # c2: ebx # # . prologue 55/push-ebp 89/copy 3/mod/direct 5/rm32/ebp . . . 4/r32/esp . . # copy esp to ebp # . save registers 51/push-ecx 52/push-edx 56/push-esi 57/push-edi # esi = s 8b/copy 1/mod/*+disp8 5/rm32/ebp . . . 6/r32/esi 8/disp8 . # copy *(ebp+8) to esi # edi = benchmark 8b/copy 1/mod/*+disp8 5/rm32/ebp . . . 7/r32/edi 0xc/disp8 . # copy *(ebp+12) to edi # var blen/ecx: int = benchmark->length 8b/copy 0/mod/indirect 7/rm32/edi . . . 1/r32/ecx . . # copy *edi to ecx $string-starts-with?:lengths: # if (s->length < blen) return false 39/compare 0/mod/indirect 6/rm32/esi . . . 1/r32/ecx . . # compare *esi with ecx 7c/jump-if-< $string-starts-with?:false/disp8 # var currs/esi: (addr byte) = s->data 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 6/rm32/esi . . . . . 4/imm32 # add to esi # var currb/edi: (addr byte) = benchmark->data 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 7/rm32/edi . . . . . 4/imm32 # add to edi # var maxb/ecx: (addr byte) = &benchmark->data[benchmark->length] 01/add 3/mod/direct 1/rm32/ecx . . . 7/r32/edi . . # add edi to ecx # var c1/eax: byte = 0 31/xor 3/mod/direct 0/rm32/eax . . . 0/r32/eax . . # clear eax # var c2/edx: byte = 0 31/xor 3/mod/direct 2/rm32/edx . . . 2/r32/edx . . # clear edx $string-starts-with?:loop: # if (currs >= maxs) return true 39/compare 3/mod/direct 7/rm32/edi . . . 1/r32/ecx . . # compare edi with ecx 73/jump-if-addr>= $string-starts-with?:true/disp8 # c1 = *currs 8a/copy-byte 0/mod/indirect 6/rm32/esi . . . 0/r32/AL . . # copy byte at *esi to AL # c2 = *currb 8a/copy-byte 0/mod/indirect 7/rm32/edi . . . 2/r32/DL . . # copy byte at *edi to DL # if (c1 != c2) return false 39/compare 3/mod/direct 0/rm32/eax . . . 2/r32/edx . . # compare eax and edx 75/jump-if-!= $string-starts-with?:false/disp8 # ++currs 46/increment-esi # ++currb 47/increment-edi eb/jump $string-starts-with?:loop/disp8 $string-starts-with?:true: b8/copy-to-eax 1/imm32 eb/jump $string-starts-with?:end/disp8 $string-starts-with?:false: b8/copy-to-eax 0/imm32 $string-starts-with?:end: # . restore registers 5f/pop-to-edi 5e/pop-to-esi 5a/pop-to-edx 59/pop-to-ecx # . epilogue 89/copy 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . 5/r32/ebp . . # copy ebp to esp 5d/pop-to-ebp c3/return # - tests test-compare-empty-with-empty-string: # eax = string-equal?("", "") # . . push args 68/push ""/imm32 68/push ""/imm32 # . . call e8/call string-equal?/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # check-ints-equal(eax, 1, msg) # . . push args 68/push "F - test-compare-empty-with-empty-string"/imm32 68/push 1/imm32/true 50/push-eax # . . call e8/call check-ints-equal/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 0xc/imm32 # add to esp c3/return test-compare-empty-with-non-empty-string: # also checks length-mismatch code path # eax = string-equal?("", "Abc") # . . push args 68/push "Abc"/imm32 68/push ""/imm32 # . . call e8/call string-equal?/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # check-ints-equal(eax, 0, msg) # . . push args 68/push "F - test-compare-empty-with-non-empty-string"/imm32 68/push 0/imm32/false 50/push-eax # . . call e8/call check-ints-equal/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 0xc/imm32 # add to esp c3/return test-compare-equal-strings: # eax = string-equal?("Abc", "Abc") # . . push args 68/push "Abc"/imm32 68/push "Abc"/imm32 # . . call e8/call string-equal?/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # check-ints-equal(eax, 1, msg) # . . push args 68/push "F - test-compare-equal-strings"/imm32 68/push 1/imm32/true 50/push-eax # . . call e8/call check-ints-equal/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 0xc/imm32 # add to esp c3/return test-compare-inequal-strings-equal-lengths: # eax = string-equal?("Abc", "Adc") # . . push args 68/push "Adc"/imm32 68/push "Abc"/imm32 # . . call e8/call string-equal?/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # check-ints-equal(eax, 0, msg) # . . push args 68/push "F - test-compare-inequal-strings-equal-lengths"/imm32 68/push 0/imm32/false 50/push-eax # . . call e8/call check-ints-equal/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 0xc/imm32 # add to esp c3/return # helper for later tests check-strings-equal: # s: (addr array byte), expected: (addr array byte), msg: (addr array byte) # . prologue 55/push-ebp 89/copy 3/mod/direct 5/rm32/ebp . . . 4/r32/esp . . # copy esp to ebp # . save registers 50/push-eax # var eax: boolean = string-equal?(s, expected) # . . push args ff 6/subop/push 1/mod/*+disp8 5/rm32/ebp . . . . 0xc/disp8 . # push *(ebp+12) ff 6/subop/push 1/mod/*+disp8 5/rm32/ebp . . . . 8/disp8 . # push *(ebp+8) # . . call e8/call string-equal?/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp # check-ints-equal(eax, 1, msg) # . . push args ff 6/subop/push 1/mod/*+disp8 5/rm32/ebp . . . . 0x10/disp8 . # push *(ebp+16) 68/push 1/imm32 50/push-eax # . . call e8/call check-ints-equal/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 0xc/imm32 # add to esp $check-strings-equal:end: # . restore registers 58/pop-to-eax # . epilogue 89/copy 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . 5/r32/ebp . . # copy ebp to esp 5d/pop-to-ebp c3/return # test the helper test-check-strings-equal: # check-strings-equal?("Abc", "Abc") # . . push args 68/push "Abc"/imm32 68/push "Abc"/imm32 # . . call e8/call check-strings-equal/disp32 # . . discard args 81 0/subop/add 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/esp . . . . . 8/imm32 # add to esp c3/return # . . vim:nowrap:textwidth=0