//: Advanced notation for the common/easy case where a recipe takes some fixed //: number of ingredients and yields some fixed number of products. :(scenario recipe_with_header) recipe main [ 1:number/raw <- add2 3, 5 ] recipe add2 x:number, y:number -> z:number [ local-scope load-ingredients z:number <- add x, y reply z ] +mem: storing 8 in location 1 //: When loading recipes save any header. :(before "End recipe Fields") bool has_header; vector ingredients; vector products; :(before "End recipe Constructor") has_header = false; :(before "End recipe Refinements") skip_whitespace(in); if (in.peek() != '[') { trace(9999, "parse") << "recipe has a header; parsing" << end(); load_recipe_header(in, result); } :(code) void load_recipe_header(istream& in, recipe& result) { result.has_header = true; while (in.peek() != '[') { string s = next_word(in); if (s == "->") break; result.ingredients.push_back(reagent(s)); trace(9999, "parse") << "header ingredient: " << result.ingredients.back().original_string << end(); skip_whitespace(in); } while (in.peek() != '[') { string s = next_word(in); result.products.push_back(reagent(s)); trace(9999, "parse") << "header product: " << result.products.back().original_string << end(); skip_whitespace(in); } // End Load Recipe Header(result) } //: Now rewrite 'load-ingredients' to instructions to create all reagents in //: the header. :(before "End Rewrite Instruction(curr, recipe result)") if (curr.name == "load-ingredients") { curr.clear(); for (long long int i = 0; i < SIZE(result.ingredients); ++i) { curr.operation = Recipe_ordinal["next-ingredient"]; curr.name = "next-ingredient"; curr.products.push_back(result.ingredients.at(i)); result.steps.push_back(curr); curr.clear(); } } :(scenarios transform) :(scenario recipe_headers_are_checked) % Hide_errors = true; recipe add2 x:number, y:number -> z:number [ local-scope load-ingredients z:address:number <- copy 0/raw reply z ] +error: add2: replied with the wrong type at 'reply z' :(before "End One-time Setup") Transform.push_back(check_header_products); :(code) void check_header_products(const recipe_ordinal r) { const recipe& rr = Recipe[r]; if (rr.products.empty()) return; trace(9991, "transform") << "--- checking reply instructions against header for " << rr.name << end(); for (long long int i = 0; i < SIZE(rr.steps); ++i) { const instruction& inst = rr.steps.at(i); if (inst.operation != REPLY) continue; if (SIZE(rr.products) != SIZE(inst.ingredients)) { raise_error << maybe(rr.name) << "tried to reply the wrong number of products in '" << inst.to_string() << "'\n" << end(); } for (long long int i = 0; i < SIZE(rr.products); ++i) { if (!types_match(rr.products.at(i), inst.ingredients.at(i))) { raise_error << maybe(rr.name) << "replied with the wrong type at '" << inst.to_string() << "'\n" << end(); } } } } //: Deduce types from the header if possible. :(scenarios run) :(scenario deduce_instruction_types_from_recipe_header) recipe main [ 1:number/raw <- add2 3, 5 ] recipe add2 x:number, y:number -> z:number [ local-scope load-ingredients z <- add x, y # no type for z reply z ] +mem: storing 8 in location 1 :(before "Transform.push_back(transform_names)") Transform.push_back(deduce_types_from_header); :(code) void deduce_types_from_header(const recipe_ordinal r) { recipe& rr = Recipe[r]; if (rr.products.empty()) return; trace(9991, "transform") << "--- deducing types from header for " << rr.name << end(); map header; for (long long int i = 0; i < SIZE(rr.ingredients); ++i) { header[rr.ingredients.at(i).name] = rr.ingredients.at(i).type; } for (long long int i = 0; i < SIZE(rr.products); ++i) { header[rr.products.at(i).name] = rr.products.at(i).type; } for (long long int i = 0; i < SIZE(rr.steps); ++i) { instruction& inst = rr.steps.at(i); trace(9992, "transform") << inst.to_string() << end(); for (long long int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.ingredients); ++i) { if (inst.ingredients.at(i).type) continue; inst.ingredients.at(i).type = new type_tree(*header[inst.ingredients.at(i).name]); trace(9993, "transform") << "type of " << inst.ingredients.at(i).name << " is " << dump_types(inst.ingredients.at(i)) << end(); } for (long long int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.products); ++i) { if (inst.products.at(i).type) continue; inst.products.at(i).type = new type_tree(*header[inst.products.at(i).name]); trace(9993, "transform") << "type of " << inst.products.at(i).name << " is " << dump_types(inst.products.at(i)) << end(); } } } //: One final convenience: no need to say what to return if the information is //: in the header. :(scenario reply_based_on_header) recipe main [ 1:number/raw <- add2 3, 5 ] recipe add2 x:number, y:number -> z:number [ local-scope load-ingredients z <- add x, y reply ] +mem: storing 8 in location 1 :(before "End Rewrite Instruction(curr, recipe result)") if (curr.name == "reply" && curr.ingredients.empty()) { for (long long int i = 0; i < SIZE(result.products); ++i) { curr.ingredients.push_back(result.products.at(i)); } } :(scenario reply_on_fallthrough_based_on_header) recipe main [ 1:number/raw <- add2 3, 5 ] recipe add2 x:number, y:number -> z:number [ local-scope load-ingredients z <- add x, y ] +transform: reply z:number +mem: storing 8 in location 1 :(after "int main") Transform.push_back(deduce_fallthrough_reply); :(code) void deduce_fallthrough_reply(const recipe_ordinal r) { recipe& rr = Recipe[r]; if (rr.products.empty()) return; if (rr.steps.empty()) return; if (rr.steps.at(SIZE(rr.steps)-1).name != "reply") { instruction inst; inst.operation = REPLY; inst.name = "reply"; for (long long int i = 0; i < SIZE(rr.products); ++i) { inst.ingredients.push_back(rr.products.at(i)); } rr.steps.push_back(inst); } } :(scenario reply_on_fallthrough_already_exists) recipe main [ 1:number/raw <- add2 3, 5 ] recipe add2 x:number, y:number -> z:number [ local-scope load-ingredients z <- add x, y # no type for z reply z ] +transform: reply z -transform: reply z:number +mem: storing 8 in location 1