//: So far we've been calling a fixed recipe in each instruction, but we'd //: also like to make the recipe a variable, pass recipes to "higher-order" //: recipes, return recipes from recipes and so on. //: //: todo: support storing shape-shifting recipes into recipe variables and calling them :(scenario call_literal_recipe) def main [ 1:number <- call f, 34 ] def f x:number -> y:number [ local-scope load-ingredients y <- copy x ] +mem: storing 34 in location 1 :(scenario call_variable) def main [ {1: (recipe number -> number)} <- copy f 2:number <- call {1: (recipe number -> number)}, 34 ] def f x:number -> y:number [ local-scope load-ingredients y <- copy x ] +mem: storing 34 in location 2 :(before "End Mu Types Initialization") put(Type_ordinal, "recipe-literal", 0); // 'recipe' variables can store recipe-literal type_ordinal recipe = put(Type_ordinal, "recipe", Next_type_ordinal++); get_or_insert(Type, recipe).name = "recipe"; :(after "Begin transform_names Ingredient Special-cases(ingredient, inst, caller)") if (is_recipe_literal(ingredient, caller)) { initialize_recipe_literal(ingredient); continue; } :(after "Begin transform_names Product Special-cases(product, inst, caller)") if (is_recipe_literal(product, caller)) { initialize_recipe_literal(product); continue; } :(code) bool is_recipe_literal(const reagent& x, const recipe& caller) { if (x.type) return false; if (!contains_key(Recipe_ordinal, x.name)) return false; if (contains_reagent_with_type(caller, x.name)) { raise << maybe(caller.name) << "you can't use '" << x.name << "' as a recipe literal when it's also a variable\n" << end(); return false; } return true; } void initialize_recipe_literal(reagent& x) { x.type = new type_tree("recipe-literal"); x.set_value(get(Recipe_ordinal, x.name)); } bool contains_reagent_with_type(const recipe& caller, const string& name) { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(caller.steps); ++i) { const instruction& inst = caller.steps.at(i); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.ingredients); ++i) if (is_matching_non_recipe_literal(inst.ingredients.at(i), name)) return true; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.products); ++i) if (is_matching_non_recipe_literal(inst.products.at(i), name)) return true; } return false; } bool is_matching_non_recipe_literal(const reagent& x, const string& name) { if (x.name != name) return false; if (!x.type) return false; if (!x.type->atom) return false; return x.type->value != get(Type_ordinal, "recipe-literal"); } //: It's confusing to use variable names that are also recipe names. Always //: assume variable types override recipe literals. :(scenario error_on_recipe_literal_used_as_a_variable) % Hide_errors = true; def main [ local-scope a:boolean <- equal break 0 break:boolean <- copy 0 ] +error: main: you can't use 'break' as a recipe literal when it's also a variable +error: main: missing type for 'break' in 'a:boolean <- equal break, 0' :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") CALL, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") put(Recipe_ordinal, "call", CALL); :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks") case CALL: { if (inst.ingredients.empty()) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'call' requires at least one ingredient (the recipe to call)\n" << end(); break; } if (!is_mu_recipe(inst.ingredients.at(0))) { raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "first ingredient of 'call' should be a recipe, but got '" << inst.ingredients.at(0).original_string << "'\n" << end(); break; } break; } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case CALL: { // Begin Call if (Trace_stream) { ++Trace_stream->callstack_depth; trace("trace") << "indirect 'call': incrementing callstack depth to " << Trace_stream->callstack_depth << end(); assert(Trace_stream->callstack_depth < 9000); // 9998-101 plus cushion } if (!ingredients.at(0).at(0)) { raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "tried to call empty recipe in '" << to_string(current_instruction()) << "'" << end(); break; } const instruction& caller_instruction = current_instruction(); Current_routine->calls.push_front(call(ingredients.at(0).at(0))); ingredients.erase(ingredients.begin()); // drop the callee finish_call_housekeeping(caller_instruction, ingredients); continue; } //:: check types for 'call' instructions :(scenario call_check_literal_recipe) % Hide_errors = true; def main [ 1:number <- call f, 34 ] def f x:point -> y:point [ local-scope load-ingredients y <- copy x ] +error: main: ingredient 0 has the wrong type at '1:number <- call f, 34' +error: main: product 0 has the wrong type at '1:number <- call f, 34' :(scenario call_check_variable_recipe) % Hide_errors = true; def main [ {1: (recipe point -> point)} <- copy f 2:number <- call {1: (recipe point -> point)}, 34 ] def f x:point -> y:point [ local-scope load-ingredients y <- copy x ] +error: main: ingredient 0 has the wrong type at '2:number <- call {1: (recipe point -> point)}, 34' +error: main: product 0 has the wrong type at '2:number <- call {1: (recipe point -> point)}, 34' :(after "Transform.push_back(check_instruction)") Transform.push_back(check_indirect_calls_against_header); // idempotent :(code) void check_indirect_calls_against_header(const recipe_ordinal r) { trace(9991, "transform") << "--- type-check 'call' instructions inside recipe " << get(Recipe, r).name << end(); const recipe& caller = get(Recipe, r); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(caller.steps); ++i) { const instruction& inst = caller.steps.at(i); if (inst.operation != CALL) continue; if (inst.ingredients.empty()) continue; // error raised above const reagent& callee = inst.ingredients.at(0); if (!is_mu_recipe(callee)) continue; // error raised above const recipe callee_header = is_literal(callee) ? get(Recipe, callee.value) : from_reagent(inst.ingredients.at(0)); if (!callee_header.has_header) continue; for (long int i = /*skip callee*/1; i < min(SIZE(inst.ingredients), SIZE(callee_header.ingredients)+/*skip callee*/1); ++i) { if (!types_coercible(callee_header.ingredients.at(i-/*skip callee*/1), inst.ingredients.at(i))) raise << maybe(caller.name) << "ingredient " << i-/*skip callee*/1 << " has the wrong type at '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end(); } for (long int i = 0; i < min(SIZE(inst.products), SIZE(callee_header.products)); ++i) { if (is_dummy(inst.products.at(i))) continue; if (!types_coercible(callee_header.products.at(i), inst.products.at(i))) raise << maybe(caller.name) << "product " << i << " has the wrong type at '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end(); } } } recipe from_reagent(const reagent& r) { assert(!r.type->atom && r.type->left->atom && r.type->left->name == "recipe"); recipe result_header; // will contain only ingredients and products, nothing else result_header.has_header = true; const type_tree* curr = r.type->right; for (/*nada*/; curr && !curr->atom; curr = curr->right) { if (curr->left->atom && curr->left->name == "->") { curr = curr->right; // skip delimiter break; } result_header.ingredients.push_back(next_recipe_reagent(curr->left)); if (curr->right && curr->right->atom) { result_header.ingredients.push_back(next_recipe_reagent(curr->right)); return result_header; // no products } } for (; curr && !curr->atom; curr=curr->right) result_header.products.push_back(next_recipe_reagent(curr->left)); if (curr) { assert(curr->atom); result_header.products.push_back(next_recipe_reagent(curr)); } return result_header; } // todo: unit test: 'recipe number' vs 'recipe -> number' reagent next_recipe_reagent(const type_tree* curr) { if (!curr->left) return reagent("recipe:"+curr->name); reagent result; result.name = "recipe"; result.type = new type_tree(*curr->left); return result; } bool is_mu_recipe(const reagent& r) { if (!r.type) return false; if (r.type->atom) return r.type->name == "recipe-literal"; if (!r.type->left->atom) return false; if (r.type->left->name == "recipe") return true; return false; } :(scenario copy_typecheck_recipe_variable) % Hide_errors = true; def main [ 3:number <- copy 34 # abc def {1: (recipe number -> number)} <- copy f # store literal in a matching variable {2: (recipe boolean -> boolean)} <- copy {1: (recipe number -> number)} # mismatch between recipe variables ] def f x:number -> y:number [ local-scope load-ingredients y <- copy x ] +error: main: can't copy '{1: (recipe number -> number)}' to '{2: (recipe boolean -> boolean)}'; types don't match :(scenario copy_typecheck_recipe_variable_2) % Hide_errors = true; def main [ {1: (recipe number -> number)} <- copy f # mismatch with a recipe literal ] def f x:boolean -> y:boolean [ local-scope load-ingredients y <- copy x ] +error: main: can't copy 'f' to '{1: (recipe number -> number)}'; types don't match :(before "End Matching Types For Literal(to)") if (is_mu_recipe(to)) { if (!contains_key(Recipe, from.value)) { raise << "trying to store recipe " << from.name << " into " << to_string(to) << " but there's no such recipe\n" << end(); return false; } const recipe& rrhs = get(Recipe, from.value); const recipe& rlhs = from_reagent(to); for (long int i = 0; i < min(SIZE(rlhs.ingredients), SIZE(rrhs.ingredients)); ++i) { if (!types_match(rlhs.ingredients.at(i), rrhs.ingredients.at(i))) return false; } for (long int i = 0; i < min(SIZE(rlhs.products), SIZE(rrhs.products)); ++i) { if (!types_match(rlhs.products.at(i), rrhs.products.at(i))) return false; } return true; } :(scenario call_variable_compound_ingredient) def main [ {1: (recipe (address number) -> number)} <- copy f 2:address:number <- copy 0 3:number <- call {1: (recipe (address number) -> number)}, 2:address:number ] def f x:address:number -> y:number [ local-scope load-ingredients y <- copy x ] $error: 0 //: make sure we don't accidentally break on a function literal :(scenario jump_forbidden_on_recipe_literals) % Hide_errors = true; def foo [ local-scope ] def main [ local-scope { break-if foo } ] # error should be as if foo is not a recipe +error: main: missing type for foo in 'break-if foo' :(before "End JUMP_IF Checks") check_for_recipe_literals(inst, get(Recipe, r)); :(before "End JUMP_UNLESS Checks") check_for_recipe_literals(inst, get(Recipe, r)); :(code) void check_for_recipe_literals(const instruction& inst, const recipe& caller) { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.ingredients); ++i) { if (is_mu_recipe(inst.ingredients.at(i))) raise << maybe(caller.name) << "missing type for " << inst.ingredients.at(i).original_string << " in '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end(); } }