//: Let's raise errors when students use real hardware in any functions //: besides 'main'. Part of the goal is to teach them testing hygiene and //: dependency injection. //: //: This is easy to sidestep, it's for feedback rather than safety. :(before "End Globals") vector Real_hardware_types; :(before "Begin transform_all") setup_real_hardware_types(); :(before "End transform_all") teardown_real_hardware_types(); :(code) void setup_real_hardware_types() { Real_hardware_types.push_back(parse_type("address:screen")); Real_hardware_types.push_back(parse_type("address:console")); Real_hardware_types.push_back(parse_type("address:resources")); } type_tree* parse_type(string s) { reagent x("x:"+s); type_tree* result = x.type; x.type = NULL; // don't deallocate on return return result; } void teardown_real_hardware_types() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(Real_hardware_types); ++i) delete Real_hardware_types.at(i); Real_hardware_types.clear(); } :(before "End Checks") Transform.push_back(check_for_misuse_of_real_hardware); :(code) void check_for_misuse_of_real_hardware(const recipe_ordinal r) { const recipe& caller = get(Recipe, r); if (caller.name == "main") return; if (starts_with(caller.name, "scenario_")) return; trace(9991, "transform") << "--- check if recipe " << caller.name << " has any dependency-injection mistakes" << end(); for (int index = 0; index < SIZE(caller.steps); ++index) { const instruction& inst = caller.steps.at(index); if (is_primitive(inst.operation)) continue; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.ingredients); ++i) { const reagent& ing = inst.ingredients.at(i); if (!is_literal(ing) || ing.name != "0") continue; const recipe& callee = get(Recipe, inst.operation); if (!callee.has_header) continue; if (i >= SIZE(callee.ingredients)) continue; const reagent& expected_ing = callee.ingredients.at(i); for (int j = 0; j < SIZE(Real_hardware_types); ++j) { if (*Real_hardware_types.at(j) == *expected_ing.type) raise << maybe(caller.name) << "'" << to_original_string(inst) << "': only 'main' can pass 0 into a " << to_string(expected_ing.type) << '\n' << end(); } } } } :(scenarios transform) :(scenario warn_on_using_real_screen_directly_in_non_main_recipe) % Hide_errors = true; def foo [ print 0, 34 ] +error: foo: 'print 0, 34': only 'main' can pass 0 into a (address screen)