fn main args: (addr array addr array byte) -> exit-status/ebx: int { # initialize fs from args[1] var filename/eax: (addr array byte) <- first-arg args var file-storage: (handle buffered-file) var file-storage-addr/esi: (addr handle buffered-file) <- address file-storage open filename, 0, file-storage-addr var _fs/eax: (addr buffered-file) <- lookup file-storage var fs/esi: (addr buffered-file) <- copy _fs # enable-screen-grid-mode enable-keyboard-immediate-mode # initialize screen state from screen size var screen-position-state-storage: screen-position-state var screen-position-state/eax: (addr screen-position-state) <- address screen-position-state-storage init-screen-position-state screen-position-state normal-text 0 { render 0, fs, screen-position-state var key/eax: byte <- read-key compare key, 0x71 # 'q' loop-if-!= } enable-keyboard-type-mode enable-screen-type-mode exit-status <- copy 0 } fn render screen: (addr screen), fs: (addr buffered-file), state: (addr screen-position-state) { start-drawing state render-normal screen, fs, state } fn render-normal screen: (addr screen), fs: (addr buffered-file), state: (addr screen-position-state) { var newline-seen?/esi: boolean <- copy 0 # false var start-of-paragraph?/edi: boolean <- copy 1 # true var previous-grapheme/ebx: grapheme <- copy 0 $render-normal:loop: { # if done-drawing?(state) break var done?/eax: boolean <- done-drawing? state compare done?, 0 # false break-if-!= var c/eax: grapheme <- read-grapheme-buffered fs $render-normal:loop-body: { # if (c == EOF) break compare c, 0xffffffff # EOF marker break-if-= $render-normal:loop ## if (c == newline) perform some fairly sophisticated parsing for soft newlines compare c, 0xa # newline { break-if-!= # if it's the first newline, buffer it compare newline-seen?, 0 { break-if-!= newline-seen? <- copy 1 # true break $render-normal:loop-body } # otherwise render two newlines { break-if-= add-grapheme state, 0xa # newline add-grapheme state, 0xa # newline newline-seen? <- copy 0 # false start-of-paragraph? <- copy 1 # true break $render-normal:loop-body } } # if start of paragraph and c == '#', switch to header compare start-of-paragraph?, 0 { break-if-= compare c, 0x23 # '#' { break-if-!= render-header-line screen, fs, state newline-seen? <- copy 1 # true break $render-normal:loop-body } } # c is not a newline start-of-paragraph? <- copy 0 # false # if c is unprintable (particularly a '\r' CR), skip it compare c, 0x20 loop-if-< $render-normal:loop # If there's a newline buffered and c is a space, print the buffered # newline (hard newline). # If there's a newline buffered and c is not a newline or space, print a # space (soft newline). compare newline-seen?, 0 # false $render-normal:flush-buffered-newline: { break-if-= newline-seen? <- copy 0 # false { compare c, 0x20 break-if-!= add-grapheme state, 0xa # newline break $render-normal:flush-buffered-newline } add-grapheme state, 0x20 # space # fall through to print c } ## end soft newline support $render-normal:whitespace-separated-regions: { # if previous-grapheme wasn't whitespace, skip this block { compare previous-grapheme, 0x20 # space break-if-= compare previous-grapheme, 0xa # newline break-if-= break $render-normal:whitespace-separated-regions } # if (c == '*') switch to bold compare c, 0x2a # '*' { break-if-!= start-bold screen render-until-asterisk fs, state normal-text screen break $render-normal:loop-body } # if (c == '_') switch to bold compare c, 0x5f # '_' { break-if-!= start-color screen, 0xec, 7 # 236 = darkish gray start-bold screen render-until-underscore fs, state reset-formatting screen start-color screen, 0xec, 7 # 236 = darkish gray break $render-normal:loop-body } } # add-grapheme state, c } # $render-normal:loop-body previous-grapheme <- copy c loop } # $render-normal:loop } fn render-header-line screen: (addr screen), fs: (addr buffered-file), state: (addr screen-position-state) { $render-header-line:body: { # compute color based on number of '#'s var header-level/esi: int <- copy 1 # caller already grabbed one var c/eax: grapheme <- copy 0 { # if done-drawing?(state) return { var done?/eax: boolean <- done-drawing? state compare done?, 0 # false break-if-!= $render-header-line:body } # c <- read-grapheme-buffered fs # if (c != '#') break compare c, 0x23 # '#' break-if-!= # header-level <- increment # loop } start-heading screen, header-level { # if done-drawing?(state) break { var done?/eax: boolean <- done-drawing? state compare done?, 0 # false break-if-!= } # c <- read-grapheme-buffered fs # if (c == EOF) break compare c, 0xffffffff # EOF marker break-if-= # if (c == newline) break compare c, 0xa # newline break-if-= # add-grapheme state, c # loop } normal-text screen } } # colors for a light background, going from bright to dark (meeting up with bold-text) fn start-heading screen: (addr screen), header-level: int { $start-heading:body: { start-bold screen compare header-level, 1 { break-if-!= start-color screen, 0xa0, 7 break $start-heading:body } compare header-level, 2 { break-if-!= start-color screen, 0x7c, 7 break $start-heading:body } compare header-level, 3 { break-if-!= start-color screen, 0x58, 7 break $start-heading:body } compare header-level, 4 { break-if-!= start-color screen, 0x34, 7 break $start-heading:body } start-color screen, 0xe8, 7 } } fn render-until-asterisk fs: (addr buffered-file), state: (addr screen-position-state) { { # if done-drawing?(state) break var done?/eax: boolean <- done-drawing? state compare done?, 0 # false break-if-!= # var c/eax: grapheme <- read-grapheme-buffered fs # if (c == EOF) break compare c, 0xffffffff # EOF marker break-if-= # if (c == '*') break compare c, 0x2a # '*' break-if-= # add-grapheme state, c # loop } } fn render-until-underscore fs: (addr buffered-file), state: (addr screen-position-state) { { # if done-drawing?(state) break var done?/eax: boolean <- done-drawing? state compare done?, 0 # false break-if-!= # var c/eax: grapheme <- read-grapheme-buffered fs # if (c == EOF) break compare c, 0xffffffff # EOF marker break-if-= # if (c == '_') break compare c, 0x5f # '_' break-if-= # add-grapheme state, c # loop } } fn first-arg args-on-stack: (addr array addr array byte) -> out/eax: (addr array byte) { var args/eax: (addr array addr array byte) <- copy args-on-stack var result/eax: (addr addr array byte) <- index args, 1 out <- copy *result } fn normal-text screen: (addr screen) { reset-formatting screen start-color screen, 0xec, 7 # 236 = darkish gray }