c{0: 0 (((2 integer-address)) <- ((new)) ((integer literal))) -- nil c{0: 1 (((2 integer-address) (deref)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal))) -- nil c{0: 2 (((3 integer-address)) <- ((test1)) ((2 integer-address))) -- nil c{1: 0 ✓ (((2 integer-address)) <- ((new)) ((integer literal))) c{1: 1 ✓ (((2 integer-address) (deref)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal))) c{1: 2 ✓ (((3 integer-address)) <- ((test1)) ((2 integer-address))) c{0: 0 (((default-space space-address)) <- ((new)) ((space literal)) ((2 literal))) -- nil c{0: 1 (((x integer-address)) <- ((next-input))) -- nil c{0: 2 (((x integer-address) (deref)) <- ((add)) ((x integer-address) (deref)) ((1 literal))) -- nil c{0: 3 (((reply)) ((x integer-address) (same-as-arg 0))) -- nil c{1: 0 ✓ (((default-space space-address)) <- ((new)) ((space literal)) ((2 literal))) c{1: 1 ✓ (((x integer-address)) <- ((next-input))) c{1: 2 ✓ (((x integer-address) (deref)) <- ((add)) ((x integer-address) (deref)) ((1 literal))) c{1: 3 ✓ (((reply)) ((x integer-address) (same-as-arg 0))) cn0: convert-names in main cn0: (((2 integer-address)) <- ((new)) ((integer literal))) nil nil cn0: checking arg ((integer literal)) cn0: checking oarg ((2 integer-address)) maybe-add: ((2 integer-address)) cn0: (((2 integer-address) (deref)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal))) nil nil cn0: checking arg ((0 literal)) cn0: checking oarg ((2 integer-address) (deref)) maybe-add: ((2 integer-address) (deref)) cn0: (((3 integer-address)) <- ((test1)) ((2 integer-address))) nil nil cn0: checking arg ((2 integer-address)) maybe-add: ((2 integer-address)) cn0: checking oarg ((3 integer-address)) maybe-add: ((3 integer-address)) cn0: convert-names in test1 cn0: (((default-space space-address)) <- ((new)) ((space literal)) ((2 literal))) nil nil cn0: checking arg ((space literal)) cn0: checking arg ((2 literal)) cn0: checking oarg ((default-space space-address)) maybe-add: ((default-space space-address)) cn0: (((x integer-address)) <- ((next-input))) nil nil cn0: checking oarg ((x integer-address)) maybe-add: ((x integer-address)) cn0: location for oarg ((x integer-address)): 1 cn0: (((x integer-address) (deref)) <- ((add)) ((x integer-address) (deref)) ((1 literal))) ((x 1)) nil cn0: checking arg ((x integer-address) (deref)) maybe-add: ((x integer-address) (deref)) cn0: checking arg ((1 literal)) cn0: checking oarg ((x integer-address) (deref)) maybe-add: ((x integer-address) (deref)) cn0: (((reply)) ((x integer-address) (same-as-arg 0))) ((x 1)) nil cn0: checking arg ((x integer-address) (same-as-arg 0)) maybe-add: ((x integer-address) (same-as-arg 0)) cn1: (((2 integer-address)) <- ((new)) ((integer literal))) cn1: (((2 integer-address) (deref)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal))) cn1: (((3 integer-address)) <- ((test1)) ((2 integer-address))) cn1: (((default-space space-address)) <- ((new)) ((space literal)) ((2 literal))) cn1: (((1 integer-address)) <- ((next-input))) cn1: (((1 integer-address) (deref)) <- ((add)) ((1 integer-address) (deref)) ((1 literal))) cn1: (((reply)) ((1 integer-address) (same-as-arg 0))) schedule: main run: main 0: (((2 integer-address)) <- ((new)) ((integer literal))) run: main 0: 1000 => ((2 integer-address)) mem: ((2 integer-address)): 2 <= 1000 run: main 1: (((2 integer-address) (deref)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal))) run: main 1: 0 => ((2 integer-address) (deref)) mem: ((2 integer-address) (deref)): 1000 <= 0 run: main 2: (((3 integer-address)) <- ((test1)) ((2 integer-address))) mem: ((2 integer-address)) => 1000 run: test1/main 0: (((default-space space-address)) <- ((new)) ((space literal)) ((2 literal))) run: test1/main 0: 1001 => ((default-space space-address)) run: test1/main 1: (((1 integer-address)) <- ((next-input))) arg: nil 0 (1000) run: test1/main 1: 1000 => ((1 integer-address)) mem: ((1 integer-address)): 1003 <= 1000 run: test1/main 2: (((1 integer-address) (deref)) <- ((add)) ((1 integer-address) (deref)) ((1 literal))) mem: ((1 integer-address) (deref)) => 0 run: test1/main 2: 1 => ((1 integer-address) (deref)) mem: ((1 integer-address) (deref)): 1000 <= 1 run: test1/main 3: (((reply)) ((1 integer-address) (same-as-arg 0))) mem: ((1 integer-address) (same-as-arg 0)) => 1000 run: main 2: 1000 => ((3 integer-address)) -: die: 'same-as-arg' output arg in (((1 integer-address) (same-as-arg 0))) can't bind to (((3 integer-address))) schedule: done with dead routine main