#!/bin/sh # Alternative to build1 that tries to avoid redoing redundant work. # Also splits compilation into multiple .cc files (see 'cleave' below). # Faster than build1 for recompiling after small changes. # # For details on the basic form of this script, see https://notabug.org/akkartik/basic-build. set -e # stop immediately on error # Some environment variables that can be passed in. For example, to turn off # optimization: # $ CFLAGS=-g ./build2 test "$CXX" || export CXX=c++ test "$CC" || export CC=cc test "$CFLAGS" || export CFLAGS="-g -O2" export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall -Wextra -ftrapv -fno-strict-aliasing" export CXXFLAGS="-std=c++98 $CFLAGS" # CI has an ancient version; don't expect recent dialects # Outline: # [0-9]*.cc -> mu.cc -> .build/*.cc -> .build/*.o -> .build/mu_bin # (layers) | | | | # tangle cleave $CXX $CXX # can also be called with a layer to only build until # $ ./build2 --until 050 UNTIL_LAYER=${2:-zzz} # there's two mechanisms for fast builds here: # - if a command is quick to run, always run it but update the result only on any change # - otherwise run it only if the output is 'older_than' the inputs # # avoid combining both mechanisms for a single file # otherwise you'll see spurious messages about files being updated # risk: a file may unnecessarily update without changes, causing unnecessary work downstream # return 1 if $1 is older than _any_ of the remaining args older_than() { local target=$1 shift if [ ! -e $target ] then #? echo "$target doesn't exist" echo "updating $target" >&2 return 0 # success fi local f for f in $* do if [ $f -nt $target ] then echo "updating $target" >&2 return 0 # success fi done return 1 # failure } # redirect to $1, unless it's already identical update() { if [ ! -e $1 ] then cat > $1 else cat > $1.tmp diff -q $1 $1.tmp >/dev/null && rm $1.tmp || mv $1.tmp $1 fi } update_cp() { if [ ! -e $2/$1 ] then cp $1 $2 elif [ $1 -nt $2/$1 ] then cp $1 $2 fi } noisy_cd() { cd $1 echo "-- `pwd`" >&2 } older_than ../../tools/enumerate ../../tools/enumerate.cc && { $CXX $CXXFLAGS ../../tools/enumerate.cc -o ../../tools/enumerate } older_than ../../tools/tangle ../../tools/tangle.cc && { noisy_cd ../../tools # auto-generate various lists (ending in '_list' by convention) { # list of function declarations, so I can define them in any order grep -h "^[^ #].*) {" tangle.cc |sed 's/ {.*/;/' |update tangle.function_list # list of tests to run grep -h "^[[:space:]]*void test_" tangle.cc |sed 's/^\s*void \(.*\)() {$/\1,/' |update tangle.test_list grep -h "^\s*void test_" tangle.cc |sed 's/^\s*void \(.*\)() {.*/"\1",/' |update tangle.test_name_list # } $CXX $CFLAGS tangle.cc -o tangle ./tangle test noisy_cd ../archive/1.vm # no effect; just to show us returning to the parent directory } LAYERS=$(../../tools/enumerate --until $UNTIL_LAYER |grep '\.cc$') older_than mu.cc $LAYERS ../../tools/enumerate ../../tools/tangle && { # no update here; rely on 'update' calls downstream ../../tools/tangle $LAYERS > mu.cc } older_than cleave/cleave cleave/cleave.cc && { $CXX $CXXFLAGS cleave/cleave.cc -o cleave/cleave rm -rf .build } mkdir -p .build # auto-generate function declarations, so I can define them in any order # functions start out unindented, have all args on the same line, and end in ') {' # # \/ ignore struct/class methods grep -h "^[^[:space:]#].*) {$" mu.cc |grep -v ":.*(" |sed 's/ {.*/;/' |update .build/function_list # auto-generate list of tests to run grep -h "^\s*void test_" mu.cc |sed 's/^\s*void \(.*\)() {.*/\1,/' |update .build/test_list grep -h "^\s*void test_" mu.cc |sed 's/^\s*void \(.*\)() {.*/"\1",/' |update .build/test_name_list mkdir -p .build/termbox update_cp termbox/termbox.h .build/termbox older_than mu_bin mu.cc *_list cleave/cleave termbox/* && { cleave/cleave mu.cc .build noisy_cd .build # create the list of global variable declarations from the corresponding definitions grep ';' global_definitions_list |sed 's/[=(].*/;/' |sed 's/^[^\/# ]/extern &/' |sed 's/^extern extern /extern /' |update global_declarations_list for f in mu_*.cc do older_than `echo $f |sed 's/\.cc$/.o/'` $f header global_declarations_list function_list test_list && { $CXX $CXXFLAGS -c $f } done noisy_cd ../termbox older_than utf8.o utf8.c && { $CC $CFLAGS -c utf8.c } older_than termbox.o termbox.c termbox.h input.inl output.inl bytebuffer.inl && { $CC $CFLAGS -c termbox.c } older_than libtermbox.a *.o && { ar rcs libtermbox.a *.o } noisy_cd .. $CXX $CXXFLAGS .build/*.o termbox/libtermbox.a -o .build/mu_bin cp .build/mu_bin . } ## [0-9]*.mu -> core.mu MU_LAYERS=$(../../tools/enumerate --until $UNTIL_LAYER |grep '\.mu$') || exit 0 # ok if no .mu files cat $MU_LAYERS |update core.mu exit 0 # scenarios considered: # 0 status when nothing needs updating # no output when nothing needs updating # no output for mu.cc when .mu files modified # touch mu.cc but don't modify it; no output on second build # touch a .cc layer but don't modify it; no output on second build # only a single layer is recompiled when changing a C++ function # stop immediately after failure in tangle