#!/bin/sh # Compile mu from scratch. set -v set -e # stop immediately on error cd tangle # auto-generate various lists (ending in '_list' by convention) { # list of types { grep -h "^struct .* {" [0-9]*.cc |sed 's/\(struct *[^ ]*\).*/\1;/' grep -h "^typedef " [0-9]*.cc } > type_list # list of function declarations, so I can define them in any order grep -h "^[^ #].*) {" [0-9]*.cc |sed 's/ {.*/;/' > function_list # list of code files to compile ls [0-9]*.cc |grep -v "\.test\.cc$" |sed 's/.*/#include "&"/' > file_list # list of test files to compile ls [0-9]*.test.cc |sed 's/.*/#include "&"/' > test_file_list # list of tests to run grep -h "^[[:space:]]*void test_" [0-9]*.cc |sed 's/^\s*void \(.*\)() {$/\1,/' > test_list grep -h "^\s*void test_" [0-9]*.cc |sed 's/^\s*void \(.*\)() {.*/"\1",/' > test_name_list # } # Now that we have all the _lists, compile 'tangle' g++ -std=c++98 -g -O2 boot.cc -o tangle ./tangle test cd .. cd termbox gcc -g -O2 -c termbox.c gcc -g -O2 -c utf8.c ar rcs libtermbox.a *.o cd .. ./tangle/tangle [0-9]*.cc > mu.cc # auto-generate function declarations, so I can define them in any order # functions start out unindented, have all args on the same line, and end in ') {' # # \/ ignore struct/class methods grep -h "^[^[:space:]#].*) {$" mu.cc |grep -v ":.*(" |sed 's/ {.*/;/' > function_list # auto-generate list of tests to run grep -h "^\s*void test_" mu.cc |sed 's/^\s*void \(.*\)() {.*/\1,/' > test_list grep -h "^\s*void test_" mu.cc |sed 's/^\s*void \(.*\)() {.*/"\1",/' > test_name_list g++ -std=c++98 -g -O2 mu.cc termbox/libtermbox.a -o mu_bin cat [0-9]*.mu > core.mu