(selective-load "mu.arc" section-level) (reset) (new-trace "read-move-legal") (add-code:readfile "chessboard-cursor.mu") (add-code '((function! main [ (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal/capacity) (1:channel-address/raw <- init-channel 3:literal) (r:integer/routine <- fork read-move:fn nil:literal/globals 200:literal/limit) (c:character <- copy ((#\a literal))) (x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character) (1:channel-address/raw/deref <- write 1:channel-address/raw x:tagged-value) (c:character <- copy ((#\2 literal))) (x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character) (1:channel-address/raw/deref <- write 1:channel-address/raw x:tagged-value) (c:character <- copy ((#\- literal))) (x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character) (1:channel-address/raw/deref <- write 1:channel-address/raw x:tagged-value) (c:character <- copy ((#\a literal))) (x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character) (1:channel-address/raw/deref <- write 1:channel-address/raw x:tagged-value) (c:character <- copy ((#\4 literal))) (x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character) (1:channel-address/raw/deref <- write 1:channel-address/raw x:tagged-value) (sleep until-routine-done:literal r:integer/routine) ]))) ;? (set dump-trace*) ;? (= dump-trace* (obj whitelist '("schedule"))) (run 'main) (each routine completed-routines* ;? (prn " " routine) (awhen rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it))) (when (~ran-to-completion 'read-move) (prn "F - chessboard accepts legal moves (-)")) ;? (quit) (reset) (new-trace "read-move-incomplete") (add-code:readfile "chessboard-cursor.mu") (add-code '((function! main [ (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal/capacity) (1:channel-address/raw <- init-channel 3:literal) (r:integer/routine <- fork-helper read-move:fn nil:literal/globals 200:literal/limit) (c:character <- copy ((#\a literal))) (x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character) (1:channel-address/raw/deref <- write 1:channel-address/raw x:tagged-value) (c:character <- copy ((#\2 literal))) (x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character) (1:channel-address/raw/deref <- write 1:channel-address/raw x:tagged-value) (c:character <- copy ((#\- literal))) (x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character) (1:channel-address/raw/deref <- write 1:channel-address/raw x:tagged-value) (c:character <- copy ((#\a literal))) (x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character) (1:channel-address/raw/deref <- write 1:channel-address/raw x:tagged-value) (sleep until-routine-done:literal r:integer/routine) ]))) (run 'main) (when (ran-to-completion 'read-move) (prn "F - chessboard hangs until 5 characters are entered")) (reset) (new-trace "read-move-quit") (add-code:readfile "chessboard-cursor.mu") (add-code '((function! main [ (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal/capacity) (1:channel-address/raw <- init-channel 3:literal) (r:integer/routine <- fork-helper read-move:fn nil:literal/globals nil:literal/limit) (c:character <- copy ((#\q literal))) (x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character) (1:channel-address/raw/deref <- write 1:channel-address/raw x:tagged-value) (sleep until-routine-done:literal r:integer/routine) ]))) (run 'main) (when (~ran-to-completion 'read-move) (prn "F - chessboard quits on move starting with 'q'")) (reset) (new-trace "read-illegal-file") (add-code:readfile "chessboard-cursor.mu") (add-code '((function! main [ (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal/capacity) (1:channel-address/raw <- init-channel 3:literal) (r:integer/routine <- fork-helper read-file:fn nil:literal/globals nil:literal/limit) (c:character <- copy ((#\i literal))) (x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character) (1:channel-address/raw/deref <- write 1:channel-address/raw x:tagged-value) (sleep until-routine-done:literal r:integer/routine) ]))) ;? (= dump-trace* (obj whitelist '("schedule"))) (run 'main) ;? (each routine completed-routines* ;? (prn " " routine)) (when (or (ran-to-completion 'read-file) (let routine routine-running!read-file (~posmatch "file too high" rep.routine!error))) (prn "F - 'read-file' checks that file lies between 'a' and 'h'")) (reset) (new-trace "read-illegal-rank") (add-code:readfile "chessboard-cursor.mu") (add-code '((function! main [ (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal/capacity) (1:channel-address/raw <- init-channel 3:literal) (r:integer/routine <- fork-helper read-rank:fn nil:literal/globals nil:literal/limit) (c:character <- copy ((#\9 literal))) (x:tagged-value <- save-type c:character) (1:channel-address/raw/deref <- write 1:channel-address/raw x:tagged-value) (sleep until-routine-done:literal r:integer/routine) ]))) (run 'main) (when (or (ran-to-completion 'read-rank) (let routine routine-running!read-rank (~posmatch "rank too high" rep.routine!error))) (prn "F - 'read-rank' checks that rank lies between '1' and '8'")) (reset)