//: Everything this project/binary supports. //: This should give you a sense for what to look forward to in later layers. :(before "End Commandline Parsing") if (argc <= 1 || is_equal(argv[1], "--help")) { // this is the functionality later layers will provide // currently no automated tests for commandline arg parsing cerr << "To load files and run 'main':\n" << " mu file1.mu file2.mu ...\n" << "To run all tests:\n" << " mu test\n" << "To load files and then run all tests:\n" << " mu test file1.mu file2.mu ...\n" ; return 0; } //:: Helper function used by the above fragment of code (and later layers too, //:: who knows?). //: The :(code) directive appends function definitions to the end of the //: project. Regardless of where functions are defined, we can call them //: anywhere we like as long as we format the function header in a specific //: way: put it all on a single line without indent, end the line with ') {' //: and no trailing whitespace. As long as functions uniformly start this //: way, our makefile contains a little command to automatically generate //: declarations for them. :(code) bool is_equal(char* s, const char* lit) { return strncmp(s, lit, strlen(lit)) == 0; } :(before "End Includes") #include using std::istream; using std::ostream; using std::iostream; using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::cerr; #include #include using std::string; #define NOT_FOUND string::npos // macro doesn't complain about redef