//: Textual form for types. :(scenarios "load") :(scenario "container") container foo [ x:integer y:integer ] +parse: reading container foo +parse: element name: x +parse: type: 1 +parse: element name: y +parse: type: 1 :(before "End Command Handlers") else if (command == "container") { insert_container(command, container, in); } :(code) void insert_container(const string& command, kind_of_type kind, istream& in) { skip_whitespace(in); string name = next_word(in); trace("parse") << "reading " << command << ' ' << name; //? cout << name << '\n'; //? 1 assert(Type_number.find(name) == Type_number.end()); Type_number[name] = Next_type_number++; skip_bracket(in, "'container' must begin with '['"); assert(Type.find(Type_number[name]) == Type.end()); type_info& t = Type[Type_number[name]]; recently_added_types.push_back(Type_number[name]); t.name = name; t.kind = kind; while (!in.eof()) { skip_whitespace_and_comments(in); string element = next_word(in); if (element == "]") break; istringstream inner(element); t.element_names.push_back(slurp_until(inner, ':')); trace("parse") << " element name: " << t.element_names.back(); vector types; while (!inner.eof()) { string type_name = slurp_until(inner, ':'); if (Type_number.find(type_name) == Type_number.end()) raise << "unknown type " << type_name << '\n'; types.push_back(Type_number[type_name]); trace("parse") << " type: " << types.back(); } t.elements.push_back(types); } assert(t.elements.size() == t.element_names.size()); t.size = t.elements.size(); } //:: Similarly for exclusive_container. :(scenario "exclusive_container") exclusive-container foo [ x:integer y:integer ] +parse: reading exclusive-container foo +parse: element name: x +parse: type: 1 +parse: element name: y +parse: type: 1 :(before "End Command Handlers") else if (command == "exclusive-container") { insert_container(command, exclusive_container, in); } //:: ensure types created in one scenario don't leak outside it. :(before "End Globals") vector recently_added_types; :(before "End Setup") for (size_t i = 0; i < recently_added_types.size(); ++i) { //? cout << "erasing " << Type[recently_added_types[i]].name << '\n'; //? 1 Type_number.erase(Type[recently_added_types[i]].name); Type.erase(recently_added_types[i]); } recently_added_types.clear(); //: lastly, ensure scenarios are consistent by always starting them at the //: same type number. Next_type_number = 1000; :(before "End Test Run Initialization") assert(Next_type_number < 1000); :(before "End Setup") Next_type_number = 1000; :(code) void skip_bracket(istream& in, string message) { skip_whitespace(in); skip_comments_and_newlines(in); skip_whitespace(in); if (in.get() != '[') raise << message << '\n'; } void skip_whitespace_and_comments(istream& in) { while (true) { if (isspace(in.peek())) in.get(); else if (in.peek() == '#') skip_comment(in); else break; } }