//: Support a trace block inside scenario blocks. //: Allows two kinds of assertions: //: trace must contain [ ... ] //: trace must not contain [ ... ] :(scenarios "parse_scenario") :(scenario scenario_trace_block) scenario foo [ trace should contain [ bar: baz bar: floo ] trace should not contain [ bar: abc ] ] +scenario: +bar: baz +scenario: +bar: floo +scenario: -bar: abc :(before "End scenario Fields") vector > trace_checks; vector > trace_negative_checks; :(before "End Scenario Command Handlers") else if (scenario_command == "trace") { handle_scenario_trace_directive(inner, x); } :(before "End Scenario Checks") check_trace_contents(Scenarios[i]); check_trace_negative_contents(Scenarios[i]); :(code) void handle_scenario_trace_directive(istream& in, scenario& out) { if (next_word(in) != "should") { raise << "'trace' directive inside scenario must continue 'trace should'\n"; } string s = next_word(in); if (s == "not") { handle_scenario_trace_negative_directive(in, out); return; } if (s != "contain") { raise << "'trace' directive inside scenario must continue 'trace should [not] contain'\n"; } skip_bracket(in, "'trace' directive inside scenario must begin with 'trace should contain ['\n"); while (true) { skip_whitespace_and_comments(in); if (in.eof()) break; if (in.peek() == ']') break; string curr_line; getline(in, curr_line); istringstream tmp(curr_line); tmp >> std::noskipws; string label = slurp_until(tmp, ':'); if (tmp.get() != ' ') { raise << "'trace' directive inside scenario should contain lines of the form 'label: message', instead got " << curr_line; continue; } string message = slurp_rest(tmp); out.trace_checks.push_back(pair(label, message)); trace("scenario") << '+' << label << ": " << message << '\n'; } skip_whitespace(in); assert(in.get() == ']'); } void handle_scenario_trace_negative_directive(istream& in, scenario& out) { // 'not' already slurped if (next_word(in) != "contain") { raise << "'trace' directive inside scenario must continue 'trace should not contain'\n"; } skip_bracket(in, "'trace' directive inside scenario must begin with 'trace should not contain ['\n"); while (true) { skip_whitespace_and_comments(in); if (in.eof()) break; if (in.peek() == ']') break; string curr_line; getline(in, curr_line); istringstream tmp(curr_line); tmp >> std::noskipws; string label = slurp_until(tmp, ':'); if (tmp.get() != ' ') { raise << "'trace' directive inside scenario should contain lines of the form 'label: message', instead got " << curr_line; continue; } string message = slurp_rest(tmp); out.trace_negative_checks.push_back(pair(label, message)); trace("scenario") << '-' << label << ": " << message << '\n'; } skip_whitespace(in); assert(in.get() == ']'); } string slurp_rest(istream& in) { ostringstream out; char c; while (in >> c) { out << c; } return out.str(); } void check_trace_contents(const scenario& s) { if (s.trace_checks.empty()) return; ostringstream contents; for (size_t i = 0; i < s.trace_checks.size(); ++i) { contents << s.trace_checks[i].first << ": " << s.trace_checks[i].second << ""; } CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS(contents.str()); } void check_trace_negative_contents(const scenario& s) { for (size_t i = 0; i < s.trace_negative_checks.size(); ++i) { if (trace_count(s.trace_negative_checks[i].first, s.trace_negative_checks[i].second) > 0) { raise << "trace shouldn't contain " << s.trace_negative_checks[i].first << ": " << s.trace_negative_checks[i].second << '\n'; Passed = false; } } }