(load "mu.arc") (reset) (new-trace "new-screen") (add-code:readfile "edit.mu") (add-code '((def test-new-screen [ ((2001 screen-address) <- new-screen (5 literal) (5 literal)) ]))) ;? (each stmt function*!new-screen ;? (prn stmt)) (let before Memory-in-use-until ;? (= dump-trace* (obj blacklist '("sz" "m" "setm" "addr" "cvt0" "cvt1"))) (run 'test-new-screen) ;? (prn memory*) ;? (prn memory*!2001) (when (~is (memory* memory*!2001) 5) ; number of rows (prn "F - newly-allocated screen doesn't have the right number of rows: @(memory* memory*!2001)")) (let row-pointers (let base (+ 1 memory*!2001) (range base (+ base 4))) ;? (prn row-pointers) (when (some nil (map memory* row-pointers)) (prn "F - newly-allocated screen didn't initialize all of its row pointers")) (when (~all 5 (map memory* (map memory* row-pointers))) (prn "F - newly-allocated screen didn't initialize all of its row lengths")))) (reset)