; To demonstrate generic functions, we'll construct a factorial function with ; separate base and recursive clauses. Compare factorial.mu. ; def factorial n = n*factorial(n-1) (def factorial [ ((default-scope scope-address) <- new (scope literal) (30 literal)) ((n integer) <- input (0 literal)) more-clauses ((x integer) <- subtract (n integer) (1 literal)) ((subresult integer) <- factorial (x integer)) ((result integer) <- multiply (subresult integer) (n integer)) (reply (result integer)) ]) ; def factorial 0 = 1 (after factorial/more-clauses [ { begin ((zero? boolean) <- equal (n integer) (0 literal)) (break-unless (zero? boolean)) (reply (1 literal)) } ]) (def main [ ((1 integer) <- factorial (5 literal)) (print-primitive ("result: " literal)) (print-primitive (1 integer)) (print-primitive ("\n" literal)) ])