1 //: Phase 3: Start running a loaded and transformed recipe.
  2 //:
  3 //:   The process of running Mu code:
  4 //:     load -> transform -> run
  5 //:
  6 //: So far we've seen recipes as lists of instructions, and instructions point
  7 //: at other recipes. To kick things off Mu needs to know how to run certain
  8 //: 'primitive' recipes. That will then give the ability to run recipes
  9 //: containing these primitives.
 10 //:
 11 //: This layer defines a skeleton with just two primitive recipes: IDLE which
 12 //: does nothing, and COPY, which can copy numbers from one memory location to
 13 //: another. Later layers will add more primitives.
 15 :(scenario copy_literal)
 16 def main [
 17   1:num <- copy 23
 18 ]
 19 +run: {1: "number"} <- copy {23: "literal"}
 20 +mem: storing 23 in location 1
 22 :(scenario copy)
 23 def main [
 24   1:num <- copy 23
 25   2:num <- copy 1:num
 26 ]
 27 +run: {2: "number"} <- copy {1: "number"}
 28 +mem: location 1 is 23
 29 +mem: storing 23 in location 2
 31 :(scenario copy_multiple)
 32 def main [
 33   1:num, 2:num <- copy 23, 24
 34 ]
 35 +mem: storing 23 in location 1
 36 +mem: storing 24 in location 2
 38 :(before "End Types")
 39 // Book-keeping while running a recipe.
 40 //: Later layers will replace this to support running multiple routines at once.
 41 struct routine {
 42   recipe_ordinal running_recipe;
 43   int running_step_index;
 44   routine(recipe_ordinal r) :running_recipe(r), running_step_index(0) {}
 45   bool completed() const;
 46   const vector<instruction>& steps() const;
 47 };
 49 :(before "End Globals")
 50 routine* Current_routine = NULL;
 51 map<string, int> Instructions_running;
 52 map<string, int> Locations_read;
 53 map<string, int> Locations_read_by_instruction;
 54 :(before "End Setup")
 55 Current_routine = NULL;
 57 :(code)
 58 void run(const recipe_ordinal r) {
 59   routine rr(r);
 60   Current_routine = &rr;
 61   run_current_routine();
 62   Current_routine = NULL;
 63 }
 65 void run_current_routine() {
 66   while (should_continue_running(Current_routine)) {  // beware: may modify Current_routine
 67     // Running One Instruction
 68     if (current_instruction().is_label) { ++current_step_index();  continue; }
 69     trace(Initial_callstack_depth + Trace_stream->callstack_depth, "run") << to_string(current_instruction()) << end();
 70     if (get_or_insert(Memory, 0) != 0) {
 71       raise << "something wrote to location 0; this should never happen\n" << end();
 72       put(Memory, 0, 0);
 73     }
 74     // read all ingredients from memory, each potentially spanning multiple locations
 75     vector<vector<double> > ingredients;
 76     if (should_copy_ingredients()) {
 77       for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(current_instruction().ingredients);  ++i)
 78         ingredients.push_back(read_memory(current_instruction().ingredients.at(i)));
 79     }
 80     // instructions below will write to 'products'
 81     vector<vector<double> > products;
 82     switch (current_instruction().operation) {
 83       // Primitive Recipe Implementations
 84       case COPY: {
 85         copy(ingredients.begin(), ingredients.end(), inserter(products, products.begin()));
 86         break;
 87       }
 88       // End Primitive Recipe Implementations
 89       default: {
 90         cout << "not a primitive op: " << current_instruction().operation << '\n';
 91       }
 92     }
 93     // Write Products of Instruction
 94     if (SIZE(products) < SIZE(current_instruction().products)) {
 95       raise << SIZE(products) << " vs " << SIZE(current_instruction().products) << ": failed to write to all products! " << to_original_string(current_instruction()) << '\n' << end();
 96     }
 97     else {
 98       for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(current_instruction().products);  ++i)
 99         write_memory(current_instruction().products.at(i), products.at(i));
100     }
101     // End Write Products of Instruction
102     // End Running One Instruction
103     finish_instruction:;
104     ++current_step_index();
105   }
106   stop_running_current_routine:;
107 }
109 //: hook replaced in a later layer
110 bool should_continue_running(const routine* current_routine) {
111   assert(current_routine == Current_routine);  // argument passed in just to make caller readable above
112   return !Current_routine->completed();
113 }
115 bool should_copy_ingredients() {
116   // End should_copy_ingredients Special-cases
117   return true;
118 }
120 //: Some helpers.
121 //: Important that they return references into the current routine.
123 //: hook replaced in a later layer
124 int& current_step_index() {
125   return Current_routine->running_step_index;
126 }
128 //: hook replaced in a later layer
129 const string& current_recipe_name() {
130   return get(Recipe, Current_routine->running_recipe).name;
131 }
133 //: hook replaced in a later layer
134 const recipe& current_recipe() {
135   return get(Recipe, Current_routine->running_recipe);
136 }
138 //: hook replaced in a later layer
139 const instruction& current_instruction() {
140   return get(Recipe, Current_routine->running_recipe).steps.at(Current_routine->running_step_index);
141 }
143 //: hook replaced in a later layer
144 bool routine::completed() const {
145   return running_step_index >= SIZE(get(Recipe, running_recipe).steps);
146 }
148 //: hook replaced in a later layer
149 const vector<instruction>& routine::steps() const {
150   return get(Recipe, running_recipe).steps;
151 }
153 //:: Startup flow
155 //: Step 1: load all .mu files with numeric prefixes (in order)
156 :(before "End Load Recipes")
157 // Load Mu Prelude
158 //? Save_trace = true;
160 load_file_or_directory("core.mu");
161 //? DUMP("");
162 //? exit(0);
164 //: Step 2: load any .mu files provided at the commandline
165 :(before "End Commandline Parsing")
166 // Check For .mu Files
168 //? Dump_trace = true;
169 if (argc > 1) {
170   // skip argv[0]
171   ++argv;
172   --argc;
173   while (argc > 0) {
174     // ignore argv past '--'; that's commandline args for 'main'
175     if (string(*argv) == "--") break;
176     if (starts_with(*argv, "--"))
177       cerr << "treating " << *argv << " as a file rather than an option\n";
178     load_file_or_directory(*argv);
179     --argc;
180     ++argv;
181   }
182   if (Run_tests) Recipe.erase(get(Recipe_ordinal, "main"));
183 }
184 transform_all();
185 //? DUMP("");
186 //? exit(0);
187 if (trace_contains_errors()) return 1;
188 save_snapshots();
190 //: Step 3: if we aren't running tests, locate a recipe called 'main' and
191 //: start running it.
192 :(before "End Main")
193 if (!Run_tests && contains_key(Recipe_ordinal, "main") && contains_key(Recipe, get(Recipe_ordinal, "main"))) {
194   // Running Main
195   setup();
196   if (Start_tracing) {
197     Trace_stream = new trace_stream;
198     Save_trace = true;
199   }
200   trace(2, "run") << "=== Starting to run" << end();
201   assert(Num_calls_to_transform_all == 1);
202   run_main(argc, argv);
203   teardown();
204 }
205 :(code)
206 void run_main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
207   recipe_ordinal r = get(Recipe_ordinal, "main");
208   if (r) run(r);
209 }
211 //: By default we don't maintain the trace while running main because its
212 //: overheads can grow rapidly. However, it's useful when debugging.
213 :(before "End Globals")
214 bool Start_tracing = false;
215 :(before "End Commandline Options(*arg)")
216 else if (is_equal(*arg, "--trace")) {
217   Start_tracing = true;
218 }
220 :(code)
221 void dump_profile() {
222   for (map<string, int>::iterator p = Instructions_running.begin();  p != Instructions_running.end();  ++p) {
223     cerr << p->first << ": " << p->second << '\n';
224   }
225   cerr << "== locations read\n";
226   for (map<string, int>::iterator p = Locations_read.begin();  p != Locations_read.end();  ++p) {
227     cerr << p->first << ": " << p->second << '\n';
228   }
229   cerr << "== locations read by instruction\n";
230   for (map<string, int>::iterator p = Locations_read_by_instruction.begin();  p != Locations_read_by_instruction.end();  ++p) {
231     cerr << p->first << ": " << p->second << '\n';
232   }
233 }
234 :(before "End One-time Setup")
235 //? atexit(dump_profile);
237 :(code)
238 void cleanup_main() {
239   if (Save_trace && Trace_stream) {
240     ofstream fout("interactive");
241     fout << Trace_stream->readable_contents("");
242     fout.close();
243   }
244   if (Trace_stream) delete Trace_stream, Trace_stream = NULL;
245 }
246 :(before "End One-time Setup")
247 atexit(cleanup_main);
249 :(code)
250 void load_file_or_directory(string filename) {
251   if (is_directory(filename)) {
252     load_all(filename);
253     return;
254   }
255   ifstream fin(filename.c_str());
256   if (!fin) {
257     cerr << "no such file '" << filename << "'\n" << end();  // don't raise, just warn. just in case it's just a name for a scenario to run.
258     return;
259   }
260   trace(9990, "load") << "=== " << filename << end();
261   load(fin);
262   fin.close();
263 }
265 bool is_directory(string path) {
266   struct stat info;
267   if (stat(path.c_str(), &info)) return false;  // error
268   return info.st_mode & S_IFDIR;
269 }
271 void load_all(string dir) {
272   dirent** files;
273   int num_files = scandir(dir.c_str(), &files, NULL, alphasort);
274   for (int i = 0;  i < num_files;  ++i) {
275     string curr_file = files[i]->d_name;
276     if (isdigit(curr_file.at(0)))
277       load_file_or_directory(dir+'/'+curr_file);
278     free(files[i]);
279     files[i] = NULL;
280   }
281   free(files);
282 }
283 :(before "End Includes")
284 #include <dirent.h>
285 #include <sys/stat.h>
287 //:: Reading from memory, writing to memory.
289 :(code)
290 vector<double> read_memory(reagent/*copy*/ x) {
291   // Begin Preprocess read_memory(x)
292   vector<double> result;
293   if (is_literal(x)) {
294     result.push_back(x.value);
295     return result;
296   }
297   // End Preprocess read_memory(x)
298   int size = size_of(x);
299   for (int offset = 0;  offset < size;  ++offset) {
300     double val = get_or_insert(Memory, x.value+offset);
301     trace(9999, "mem") << "location " << x.value+offset << " is " << no_scientific(val) << end();
302     result.push_back(val);
303   }
304   return result;
305 }
307 void write_memory(reagent/*copy*/ x, const vector<double>& data) {
308   assert(Current_routine);  // run-time only
309   // Begin Preprocess write_memory(x, data)
310   if (!x.type) {
311     raise << "can't write to '" << to_string(x) << "'; no type\n" << end();
312     return;
313   }
314   if (is_dummy(x)) return;
315   if (is_literal(x)) return;
316   // End Preprocess write_memory(x, data)
317   if (x.value == 0) {
318     raise << "can't write to location 0 in '" << to_original_string(current_instruction()) << "'\n" << end();
319     return;
320   }
321   if (size_mismatch(x, data)) {
322     raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "size mismatch in storing to '" << x.original_string << "' (" << size_of(x) << " vs " << SIZE(data) << ") at '" << to_original_string(current_instruction()) << "'\n" << end();
323     return;
324   }
325   // End write_memory(x) Special-cases
326   for (int offset = 0;  offset < SIZE(data);  ++offset) {
327     assert(x.value+offset > 0);
328     trace(9999, "mem") << "storing " << no_scientific(data.at(offset)) << " in location " << x.value+offset << end();
329     put(Memory, x.value+offset, data.at(offset));
330   }
331 }
333 :(code)
334 int size_of(const reagent& r) {
335   if (!r.type) return 0;
336   // End size_of(reagent r) Special-cases
337   return size_of(r.type);
338 }
339 int size_of(const type_tree* type) {
340   if (!type) return 0;
341   if (type->atom) {
342     if (type->value == -1) return 1;  // error value, but we'll raise it elsewhere
343     if (type->value == 0) return 1;
344     // End size_of(type) Atom Special-cases
345   }
346   else {
347     if (!type->left->atom) {
348       raise << "invalid type " << to_string(type) << '\n' << end();
349       return 0;
350     }
351     if (type->left->value == get(Type_ordinal, "address")) return 1;
352     // End size_of(type) Non-atom Special-cases
353   }
354   // End size_of(type) Special-cases
355   return 1;
356 }
358 bool size_mismatch(const reagent& x, const vector<double>& data) {
359   if (!x.type) return true;
360   // End size_mismatch(x) Special-cases
361 //?   if (size_of(x) != SIZE(data)) cerr << size_of(x) << " vs " << SIZE(data) << '\n';
362   return size_of(x) != SIZE(data);
363 }
365 bool is_literal(const reagent& r) {
366   return is_literal(r.type);
367 }
368 bool is_literal(const type_tree* type) {
369   if (!type) return false;
370   if (!type->atom) return false;
371   return type->value == 0;
372 }
374 bool scalar(const vector<int>& x) {
375   return SIZE(x) == 1;
376 }
377 bool scalar(const vector<double>& x) {
378   return SIZE(x) == 1;
379 }
381 // helper for tests
382 void run(const string& form) {
383   vector<recipe_ordinal> tmp = load(form);
384   transform_all();
385   if (tmp.empty()) return;
386   if (trace_contains_errors()) return;
387   // if a test defines main, it probably wants to start there regardless of
388   // definition order
389   if (contains_key(Recipe, get(Recipe_ordinal, "main")))
390     run(get(Recipe_ordinal, "main"));
391   else
392     run(tmp.front());
393 }
395 :(scenario run_label)
396 def main [
397   +foo
398   1:num <- copy 23
399   2:num <- copy 1:num
400 ]
401 +run: {1: "number"} <- copy {23: "literal"}
402 +run: {2: "number"} <- copy {1: "number"}
403 -run: +foo
405 :(scenario run_dummy)
406 def main [
407   _ <- copy 0
408 ]
409 +run: _ <- copy {0: "literal"}
411 :(scenario write_to_0_disallowed)
412 % Hide_errors = true;
413 def main [
414   0:num <- copy 34
415 ]
416 -mem: storing 34 in location 0
418 //: Mu is robust to various combinations of commas and spaces. You just have
419 //: to put spaces around the '<-'.
421 :(scenario comma_without_space)
422 def main [
423   1:num, 2:num <- copy 2,2
424 ]
425 +mem: storing 2 in location 1
427 :(scenario space_without_comma)
428 def main [
429   1:num, 2:num <- copy 2 2
430 ]
431 +mem: storing 2 in location 1
433 :(scenario comma_before_space)
434 def main [
435   1:num, 2:num <- copy 2, 2
436 ]
437 +mem: storing 2 in location 1
439 :(scenario comma_after_space)
440 def main [
441   1:num, 2:num <- copy 2 ,2
442 ]
443 +mem: storing 2 in location 1