1 //: So far the recipes we define can't run each other. Let's fix that.
  3 :(scenario calling_recipe)
  4 def main [
  5   f
  6 ]
  7 def f [
  8   3:num <- add 2, 2
  9 ]
 10 +mem: storing 4 in location 3
 12 :(scenario return_on_fallthrough)
 13 def main [
 14   f
 15   1:num <- copy 0
 16   2:num <- copy 0
 17   3:num <- copy 0
 18 ]
 19 def f [
 20   4:num <- copy 0
 21   5:num <- copy 0
 22 ]
 23 +run: f
 24 # running f
 25 +run: {4: "number"} <- copy {0: "literal"}
 26 +run: {5: "number"} <- copy {0: "literal"}
 27 # back out to main
 28 +run: {1: "number"} <- copy {0: "literal"}
 29 +run: {2: "number"} <- copy {0: "literal"}
 30 +run: {3: "number"} <- copy {0: "literal"}
 32 :(before "struct routine {")
 33 // Everytime a recipe runs another, we interrupt it and start running the new
 34 // recipe. When that finishes, we continue this one where we left off.
 35 // This requires maintaining a 'stack' of interrupted recipes or 'calls'.
 36 struct call {
 37   recipe_ordinal running_recipe;
 38   int running_step_index;
 39   // End call Fields
 40   call(recipe_ordinal r) { clear(r, 0); }
 41   call(recipe_ordinal r, int index) { clear(r, index); }
 42   void clear(recipe_ordinal r, int index) {
 43   ¦ running_recipe = r;
 44   ¦ running_step_index = index;
 45   ¦ // End call Constructor
 46   }
 47   ~call() {
 48   ¦ // End call Destructor
 49   }
 50 };
 51 typedef list<call> call_stack;
 53 :(replace{} "struct routine")
 54 struct routine {
 55   call_stack calls;
 56   // End routine Fields
 57   routine(recipe_ordinal r);
 58   bool completed() const;
 59   const vector<instruction>& steps() const;
 60 };
 61 :(code)
 62 routine::routine(recipe_ordinal r) {
 63   if (Trace_stream) {
 64   ¦ ++Trace_stream->callstack_depth;
 65   ¦ trace("trace") << "new routine; incrementing callstack depth to " << Trace_stream->callstack_depth << end();
 66   ¦ assert(Trace_stream->callstack_depth < 9000);  // 9998-101 plus cushion
 67   }
 68   calls.push_front(call(r));
 69   // End routine Constructor
 70 }
 72 //:: now update routine's helpers
 74 //: macro versions for a slight speedup
 76 :(delete{} "int& current_step_index()")
 77 :(delete{} "recipe_ordinal currently_running_recipe()")
 78 :(delete{} "const string& current_recipe_name()")
 79 :(delete{} "const recipe& current_recipe()")
 80 :(delete{} "const instruction& current_instruction()")
 82 :(before "End Includes")
 83 #define current_call() Current_routine->calls.front()
 84 #define current_step_index() current_call().running_step_index
 85 #define currently_running_recipe() current_call().running_recipe
 86 #define current_recipe() get(Recipe, currently_running_recipe())
 87 #define current_recipe_name() current_recipe().name
 88 #define to_instruction(call) get(Recipe, (call).running_recipe).steps.at((call).running_step_index)
 89 #define current_instruction() to_instruction(current_call())
 91 //: function versions for debugging
 93 :(code)
 94 //? :(before "End Globals")
 95 //? bool Foo2 = false;
 96 //? :(code)
 97 //? call& current_call() {
 98 //?   if (Foo2) cerr << __FUNCTION__ << '\n';
 99 //?   return Current_routine->calls.front();
100 //? }
101 //? :(replace{} "int& current_step_index()")
102 //? int& current_step_index() {
103 //?   assert(!Current_routine->calls.empty());
104 //?   if (Foo2) cerr << __FUNCTION__ << '\n';
105 //?   return current_call().running_step_index;
106 //? }
107 //? :(replace{} "recipe_ordinal currently_running_recipe()")
108 //? recipe_ordinal currently_running_recipe() {
109 //?   assert(!Current_routine->calls.empty());
110 //?   if (Foo2) cerr << __FUNCTION__ << '\n';
111 //?   return current_call().running_recipe;
112 //? }
113 //? :(replace{} "const string& current_recipe_name()")
114 //? const string& current_recipe_name() {
115 //?   assert(!Current_routine->calls.empty());
116 //?   if (Foo2) cerr << __FUNCTION__ << '\n';
117 //?   return get(Recipe, current_call().running_recipe).name;
118 //? }
119 //? :(replace{} "const recipe& current_recipe()")
120 //? const recipe& current_recipe() {
121 //?   assert(!Current_routine->calls.empty());
122 //?   if (Foo2) cerr << __FUNCTION__ << '\n';
123 //?   return get(Recipe, current_call().running_recipe);
124 //? }
125 //? :(replace{} "const instruction& current_instruction()")
126 //? const instruction& current_instruction() {
127 //?   assert(!Current_routine->calls.empty());
128 //?   if (Foo2) cerr << __FUNCTION__ << '\n';
129 //?   return to_instruction(current_call());
130 //? }
131 //? :(code)
132 //? const instruction& to_instruction(const call& call) {
133 //?   return get(Recipe, call.running_recipe).steps.at(call.running_step_index);
134 //? }
136 :(after "Defined Recipe Checks")
137 // not a primitive; check that it's present in the book of recipes
138 if (!contains_key(Recipe, inst.operation)) {
139   raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "undefined operation in '" << to_original_string(inst) << "'\n" << end();
140   break;
141 }
142 :(replace{} "default:" following "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
143 default: {
144   if (contains_key(Recipe, current_instruction().operation)) {  // error already raised in Checks above
145   ¦ // not a primitive; look up the book of recipes
146   ¦ if (Trace_stream) {
147   ¦ ¦ ++Trace_stream->callstack_depth;
148   ¦ ¦ trace("trace") << "incrementing callstack depth to " << Trace_stream->callstack_depth << end();
149   ¦ ¦ assert(Trace_stream->callstack_depth < 9000);  // 9998-101 plus cushion
150   ¦ }
151   ¦ const call& caller_frame = current_call();
152   ¦ Current_routine->calls.push_front(call(to_instruction(caller_frame).operation));
153   ¦ finish_call_housekeeping(to_instruction(caller_frame), ingredients);
154   ¦ // not done with caller
155   ¦ write_products = false;
156   ¦ fall_through_to_next_instruction = false;
157   ¦ // End Non-primitive Call(caller_frame)
158   }
159 }
160 :(code)
161 void finish_call_housekeeping(const instruction& call_instruction, const vector<vector<double> >& ingredients) {
162   // End Call Housekeeping
163 }
165 :(scenario calling_undefined_recipe_fails)
166 % Hide_errors = true;
167 def main [
168   foo
169 ]
170 +error: main: undefined operation in 'foo'
172 :(scenario calling_undefined_recipe_handles_missing_result)
173 % Hide_errors = true;
174 def main [
175   x:num <- foo
176 ]
177 +error: main: undefined operation in 'x:num <- foo'
179 //:: finally, we need to fix the termination conditions for the run loop
181 :(replace{} "bool routine::completed() const")
182 bool routine::completed() const {
183   return calls.empty();
184 }
186 :(replace{} "const vector<instruction>& routine::steps() const")
187 const vector<instruction>& routine::steps() const {
188   assert(!calls.empty());
189   return get(Recipe, calls.front().running_recipe).steps;
190 }
192 :(after "Running One Instruction")
193 // when we reach the end of one call, we may reach the end of the one below
194 // it, and the one below that, and so on
195 while (current_step_index() >= SIZE(Current_routine->steps())) {
196   // Falling Through End Of Recipe
197   if (Trace_stream) {
198   ¦ trace("trace") << "fall-through: exiting " << current_recipe_name() << "; decrementing callstack depth from " << Trace_stream->callstack_depth << end();
199   ¦ --Trace_stream->callstack_depth;
200   ¦ assert(Trace_stream->callstack_depth >= 0);
201   }
202   Current_routine->calls.pop_front();
203   if (Current_routine->calls.empty()) goto stop_running_current_routine;
204   // Complete Call Fallthrough
205   // todo: fail if no products returned
206   ++current_step_index();
207 }
209 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations")
211 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers")
212 put(Recipe_ordinal, "$dump-call-stack", _DUMP_CALL_STACK);
213 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks")
214 case _DUMP_CALL_STACK: {
215   break;
216 }
217 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
218 case _DUMP_CALL_STACK: {
219   dump(Current_routine->calls);
220   break;
221 }
222 :(code)
223 void dump(const call_stack& calls) {
224   for (call_stack::const_reverse_iterator p = calls.rbegin(); p != calls.rend(); ++p)
225   ¦ cerr << get(Recipe, p->running_recipe).name << ":" << p->running_step_index << " -- " << to_string(to_instruction(*p)) << '\n';
226 }