1 //: Writing to a literal (not computed) address of 0 in a recipe chains two
  2 //: spaces together. When a variable has a property of /space:1, it looks up
  3 //: the variable in the chained/surrounding space. /space:2 looks up the
  4 //: surrounding space of the surrounding space, etc.
  5 //:
  6 //: todo: warn on default-space abuse. default-space for one recipe should
  7 //: never come from another, otherwise memory will be corrupted.
  9 :(scenario closure)
 10 def main [
 11   default-space:space <- new location:type, 30
 12   1:space/names:new-counter <- new-counter
 13   2:num/raw <- increment-counter 1:space/names:new-counter
 14   3:num/raw <- increment-counter 1:space/names:new-counter
 15 ]
 16 def new-counter [
 17   default-space:space <- new location:type, 30
 18   x:num <- copy 23
 19   y:num <- copy 3  # variable that will be incremented
 20   return default-space:space
 21 ]
 22 def increment-counter [
 23   default-space:space <- new location:type, 30
 24   0:space/names:new-counter <- next-ingredient  # outer space must be created by 'new-counter' above
 25   y:num/space:1 <- add y:num/space:1, 1  # increment
 26   y:num <- copy 234  # dummy
 27   return y:num/space:1
 28 ]
 29 +name: lexically surrounding space for recipe increment-counter comes from new-counter
 30 +mem: storing 5 in location 3
 32 //: To make this work, compute the recipe that provides names for the
 33 //: surrounding space of each recipe.
 35 :(before "End Globals")
 36 map<recipe_ordinal, recipe_ordinal> Surrounding_space;
 38 :(before "Transform.push_back(transform_names)")
 39 Transform.push_back(collect_surrounding_spaces);  // idempotent
 41 :(code)
 42 void collect_surrounding_spaces(const recipe_ordinal r) {
 43   trace(9991, "transform") << "--- collect surrounding spaces for recipe " << get(Recipe, r).name << end();
 44   for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(get(Recipe, r).steps);  ++i) {
 45     const instruction& inst = get(Recipe, r).steps.at(i);
 46     if (inst.is_label) continue;
 47     for (int j = 0;  j < SIZE(inst.products);  ++j) {
 48       if (is_literal(inst.products.at(j))) continue;
 49       if (inst.products.at(j).name != "0") continue;
 50       if (!is_mu_space(inst.products.at(j))) {
 51         raise << "slot 0 should always have type address:array:location, but is '" << to_string(inst.products.at(j)) << "'\n" << end();
 52         continue;
 53       }
 54       string_tree* s = property(inst.products.at(j), "names");
 55       if (!s) {
 56         raise << "slot 0 requires a /names property in recipe '" << get(Recipe, r).name << "'\n" << end();
 57         continue;
 58       }
 59       if (!s->atom) raise << "slot 0 should have a single value in /names, but got '" << to_string(inst.products.at(j)) << "'\n" << end();
 60       const string& surrounding_recipe_name = s->value;
 61       if (surrounding_recipe_name.empty()) {
 62         raise << "slot 0 doesn't initialize its /names property in recipe '" << get(Recipe, r).name << "'\n" << end();
 63         continue;
 64       }
 65       if (contains_key(Surrounding_space, r)
 66           && get(Surrounding_space, r) != get(Recipe_ordinal, surrounding_recipe_name)) {
 67         raise << "recipe '" << get(Recipe, r).name << "' can have only one 'surrounding' recipe but has '" << get(Recipe, get(Surrounding_space, r)).name << "' and '" << surrounding_recipe_name << "'\n" << end();
 68         continue;
 69       }
 70       trace(9993, "name") << "lexically surrounding space for recipe " << get(Recipe, r).name << " comes from " << surrounding_recipe_name << end();
 71       if (!contains_key(Recipe_ordinal, surrounding_recipe_name)) {
 72         raise << "can't find recipe providing surrounding space for '" << get(Recipe, r).name << "'; looking for '" << surrounding_recipe_name << "'\n" << end();
 73         continue;
 74       }
 75       put(Surrounding_space, r, get(Recipe_ordinal, surrounding_recipe_name));
 76     }
 77   }
 78 }
 80 //: Once surrounding spaces are available, transform_names uses them to handle
 81 //: /space properties.
 83 :(replace{} "int lookup_name(const reagent& r, const recipe_ordinal default_recipe)")
 84 int lookup_name(const reagent& x, const recipe_ordinal default_recipe) {
 85   if (!has_property(x, "space")) {
 86     if (Name[default_recipe].empty()) raise << "name not found: " << x.name << '\n' << end();
 87     return Name[default_recipe][x.name];
 88   }
 89   string_tree* p = property(x, "space");
 90   if (!p || !p->atom) raise << "/space property should have exactly one (non-negative integer) value\n" << end();
 91   int n = to_integer(p->value);
 92   assert(n >= 0);
 93   recipe_ordinal surrounding_recipe = lookup_surrounding_recipe(default_recipe, n);
 94   if (surrounding_recipe == -1) return -1;
 95   set<recipe_ordinal> done;
 96   vector<recipe_ordinal> path;
 97   return lookup_name(x, surrounding_recipe, done, path);
 98 }
100 // If the recipe we need to lookup this name in doesn't have names done yet,
101 // recursively call transform_names on it.
102 int lookup_name(const reagent& x, const recipe_ordinal r, set<recipe_ordinal>& done, vector<recipe_ordinal>& path) {
103   if (!Name[r].empty()) return Name[r][x.name];
104   if (contains_key(done, r)) {
105     raise << "can't compute address of '" << to_string(x) << "' because\n" << end();
106     for (int i = 1;  i < SIZE(path);  ++i) {
107       raise << path.at(i-1) << " requires computing names of " << path.at(i) << '\n' << end();
108     }
109     raise << path.at(SIZE(path)-1) << " requires computing names of " << r << "..ad infinitum\n" << end();
110     return -1;
111   }
112   done.insert(r);
113   path.push_back(r);
114   transform_names(r);  // Not passing 'done' through. Might this somehow cause an infinite loop?
115   assert(!Name[r].empty());
116   return Name[r][x.name];
117 }
119 recipe_ordinal lookup_surrounding_recipe(const recipe_ordinal r, int n) {
120   if (n == 0) return r;
121   if (!contains_key(Surrounding_space, r)) {
122     raise << "don't know surrounding recipe of '" << get(Recipe, r).name << "'\n" << end();
123     return -1;
124   }
125   assert(contains_key(Surrounding_space, r));
126   return lookup_surrounding_recipe(get(Surrounding_space, r), n-1);
127 }
129 //: weaken use-before-set detection just a tad
130 :(replace{} "bool already_transformed(const reagent& r, const map<string, int>& names)")
131 bool already_transformed(const reagent& r, const map<string, int>& names) {
132   if (has_property(r, "space")) {
133     string_tree* p = property(r, "space");
134     if (!p || !p->atom) {
135       raise << "/space property should have exactly one (non-negative integer) value in '" << r.original_string << "'\n" << end();
136       return false;
137     }
138     if (p->value != "0") return true;
139   }
140   return contains_key(names, r.name);
141 }
143 :(scenario missing_surrounding_space)
144 % Hide_errors = true;
145 def f [
146   local-scope
147   x:num/space:1 <- copy 34
148 ]
149 +error: don't know surrounding recipe of 'f'
150 +error: f: can't find a place to store 'x'
152 //: extra test for try_reclaim_locals() from previous layers
153 :(scenario local_scope_ignores_nonlocal_spaces)
154 def new-scope [
155   local-scope
156   x:&:num <- new number:type
157   *x:&:num <- copy 34
158   return default-space:space
159 ]
160 def use-scope [
161   local-scope
162   outer:space/names:new-scope <- next-ingredient
163   0:space/names:new-scope <- copy outer:space
164   return *x:&:num/space:1
165 ]
166 def main [
167   1:space/raw <- new-scope
168   2:num/raw <- use-scope 1:space/raw
169 ]
170 +mem: storing 34 in location 2