1 //: Clean syntax to manipulate and check the console in scenarios.
  2 //: Instruction 'assume-console' implicitly creates a variable called
  3 //: 'console' that is accessible inside other 'run' instructions in the
  4 //: scenario. Like with the fake screen, 'assume-console' transparently
  5 //: supports unicode.
  7 //: first make sure we don't mangle this instruction in other transforms
  8 :(before "End initialize_transform_rewrite_literal_string_to_text()")
  9 recipes_taking_literal_strings.insert("assume-console");
 11 :(scenarios run_mu_scenario)
 12 :(scenario keyboard_in_scenario)
 13 scenario keyboard-in-scenario [
 14   assume-console [
 15     type [abc]
 16   ]
 17   run [
 18     1:char, 2:bool <- read-key console
 19     3:char, 4:bool <- read-key console
 20     5:char, 6:bool <- read-key console
 21     7:char, 8:bool, 9:bool <- read-key console
 22   ]
 23   memory-should-contain [
 24     1 <- 97  # 'a'
 25     2 <- 1
 26     3 <- 98  # 'b'
 27     4 <- 1
 28     5 <- 99  # 'c'
 29     6 <- 1
 30     7 <- 0  # unset
 31     8 <- 1
 32     9 <- 1  # end of test events
 33   ]
 34 ]
 36 :(before "End Scenario Globals")
 37 extern const int CONSOLE = Next_predefined_global_for_scenarios++;
 38 //: give 'console' a fixed location in scenarios
 39 :(before "End Special Scenario Variable Names(r)")
 40 Name[r]["console"] = CONSOLE;
 41 //: make 'console' always a raw location in scenarios
 42 :(before "End is_special_name Special-cases")
 43 if (s == "console") return true;
 45 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations")
 47 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers")
 48 put(Recipe_ordinal, "assume-console", ASSUME_CONSOLE);
 49 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks")
 50 case ASSUME_CONSOLE: {
 51   break;
 52 }
 53 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
 54 case ASSUME_CONSOLE: {
 55   // create a temporary recipe just for parsing; it won't contain valid instructions
 56   istringstream in("[" + current_instruction().ingredients.at(0).name + "]");
 57   recipe r;
 58   slurp_body(in, r);
 59   int num_events = count_events(r);
 60   // initialize the events like in new-fake-console
 61   int size = /*length*/1 + num_events*size_of_event();
 62   int event_data_address = allocate(size);
 63   // store length
 64   put(Memory, event_data_address, num_events);
 65   int curr_address = event_data_address + /*skip length*/1;
 66   for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(r.steps);  ++i) {
 67     const instruction& inst = r.steps.at(i);
 68     if (inst.name == "left-click") {
 69       trace("mem") << "storing 'left-click' event starting at " << Current_routine->alloc << end();
 70       put(Memory, curr_address, /*tag for 'touch-event' variant of 'event' exclusive-container*/2);
 71       put(Memory, curr_address+/*skip tag*/1+/*offset of 'type' in 'mouse-event'*/0, TB_KEY_MOUSE_LEFT);
 72       put(Memory, curr_address+/*skip tag*/1+/*offset of 'row' in 'mouse-event'*/1, to_integer(inst.ingredients.at(0).name));
 73       put(Memory, curr_address+/*skip tag*/1+/*offset of 'column' in 'mouse-event'*/2, to_integer(inst.ingredients.at(1).name));
 74       curr_address += size_of_event();
 75     }
 76     else if (inst.name == "press") {
 77       trace("mem") << "storing 'press' event starting at " << curr_address << end();
 78       string key = inst.ingredients.at(0).name;
 79       if (is_integer(key))
 80         put(Memory, curr_address+1, to_integer(key));
 81       else if (contains_key(Key, key))
 82         put(Memory, curr_address+1, Key[key]);
 83       else
 84         raise << "assume-console: can't press '" << key << "'\n" << end();
 85       if (get_or_insert(Memory, curr_address+1) < 256)
 86         // these keys are in ascii
 87         put(Memory, curr_address, /*tag for 'text' variant of 'event' exclusive-container*/0);
 88       else {
 89         // distinguish from unicode
 90         put(Memory, curr_address, /*tag for 'keycode' variant of 'event' exclusive-container*/1);
 91       }
 92       curr_address += size_of_event();
 93     }
 94     // End Event Handlers
 95     else {
 96       // keyboard input
 97       assert(inst.name == "type");
 98       trace("mem") << "storing 'type' event starting at " << curr_address << end();
 99       const string& contents = inst.ingredients.at(0).name;
100       const char* raw_contents = contents.c_str();
101       int num_keyboard_events = unicode_length(contents);
102       int curr = 0;
103       for (int i = 0;  i < num_keyboard_events;  ++i) {
104         trace("mem") << "storing 'text' tag at " << curr_address << end();
105         put(Memory, curr_address, /*tag for 'text' variant of 'event' exclusive-container*/0);
106         uint32_t curr_character;
107         assert(curr < SIZE(contents));
108         tb_utf8_char_to_unicode(&curr_character, &raw_contents[curr]);
109         trace("mem") << "storing character " << curr_character << " at " << curr_address+/*skip exclusive container tag*/1 << end();
110         put(Memory, curr_address+/*skip exclusive container tag*/1, curr_character);
111         curr += tb_utf8_char_length(raw_contents[curr]);
112         curr_address += size_of_event();
113       }
114     }
115   }
116   assert(curr_address == event_data_address+size);
117   // wrap the array of events in a console object
118   int console_address = allocate(size_of_console());
119   trace("mem") << "storing console in " << console_address << end();
120   put(Memory, CONSOLE, console_address);
121   trace("mem") << "storing console data in " << console_address+/*offset of 'data' in container 'events'*/1 << end();
122   put(Memory, console_address+/*offset of 'data' in container 'events'*/1, event_data_address);
123   break;
124 }
126 :(before "End Globals")
127 map<string, int> Key;
128 :(before "End One-time Setup")
129 initialize_key_names();
130 :(code)
131 void initialize_key_names() {
132   Key["F1"] = TB_KEY_F1;
133   Key["F2"] = TB_KEY_F2;
134   Key["F3"] = TB_KEY_F3;
135   Key["F4"] = TB_KEY_F4;
136   Key["F5"] = TB_KEY_F5;
137   Key["F6"] = TB_KEY_F6;
138   Key["F7"] = TB_KEY_F7;
139   Key["F8"] = TB_KEY_F8;
140   Key["F9"] = TB_KEY_F9;
141   Key["F10"] = TB_KEY_F10;
142   Key["F11"] = TB_KEY_F11;
143   Key["F12"] = TB_KEY_F12;
144   Key["insert"] = TB_KEY_INSERT;
145   Key["delete"] = TB_KEY_DELETE;
146   Key["home"] = TB_KEY_HOME;
147   Key["end"] = TB_KEY_END;
148   Key["page-up"] = TB_KEY_PGUP;
149   Key["page-down"] = TB_KEY_PGDN;
150   Key["up-arrow"] = TB_KEY_ARROW_UP;
151   Key["down-arrow"] = TB_KEY_ARROW_DOWN;
152   Key["left-arrow"] = TB_KEY_ARROW_LEFT;
153   Key["right-arrow"] = TB_KEY_ARROW_RIGHT;
154   Key["ctrl-a"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_A;
155   Key["ctrl-b"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_B;
156   Key["ctrl-c"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_C;
157   Key["ctrl-d"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_D;
158   Key["ctrl-e"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_E;
159   Key["ctrl-f"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_F;
160   Key["ctrl-g"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_G;
161   Key["backspace"] = TB_KEY_BACKSPACE;
162   Key["ctrl-h"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_H;
163   Key["tab"] = TB_KEY_TAB;
164   Key["ctrl-i"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_I;
165   Key["ctrl-j"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_J;
166   Key["enter"] = TB_KEY_NEWLINE;  // ignore CR/LF distinction; there is only 'enter'
167   Key["ctrl-k"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_K;
168   Key["ctrl-l"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_L;
169   Key["ctrl-m"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_M;
170   Key["ctrl-n"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_N;
171   Key["ctrl-o"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_O;
172   Key["ctrl-p"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_P;
173   Key["ctrl-q"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_Q;
174   Key["ctrl-r"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_R;
175   Key["ctrl-s"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_S;
176   Key["ctrl-t"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_T;
177   Key["ctrl-u"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_U;
178   Key["ctrl-v"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_V;
179   Key["ctrl-w"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_W;
180   Key["ctrl-x"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_X;
181   Key["ctrl-y"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_Y;
182   Key["ctrl-z"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_Z;
183   Key["escape"] = TB_KEY_ESC;
184   Key["ctrl-slash"] = TB_KEY_CTRL_SLASH;
185 }
187 :(after "Begin check_or_set_invalid_types(r)")
188 if (is_scenario(caller))
189   initialize_special_name(r);
190 :(code)
191 bool is_scenario(const recipe& caller) {
192   return starts_with(caller.name, "scenario_");
193 }
194 void initialize_special_name(reagent& r) {
195   if (r.type) return;
196   // no need for screen
197   if (r.name == "console") r.type = new_type_tree("address:console");
198   // End Initialize Type Of Special Name In Scenario(r)
199 }
201 :(scenario events_in_scenario)
202 scenario events-in-scenario [
203   assume-console [
204     type [abc]
205     left-click 0, 1
206     press up-arrow
207     type [d]
208   ]
209   run [
210     # 3 keyboard events; each event occupies 4 locations
211     1:event <- read-event console
212     5:event <- read-event console
213     9:event <- read-event console
214     # mouse click
215     13:event <- read-event console
216     # non-character keycode
217     17:event <- read-event console
218     # final keyboard event
219     21:event <- read-event console
220   ]
221   memory-should-contain [
222     1 <- 0  # 'text'
223     2 <- 97  # 'a'
224     3 <- 0  # unused
225     4 <- 0  # unused
226     5 <- 0  # 'text'
227     6 <- 98  # 'b'
228     7 <- 0  # unused
229     8 <- 0  # unused
230     9 <- 0  # 'text'
231     10 <- 99  # 'c'
232     11 <- 0  # unused
233     12 <- 0  # unused
234     13 <- 2  # 'mouse'
235     14 <- 65513  # mouse click
236     15 <- 0  # row
237     16 <- 1  # column
238     17 <- 1  # 'keycode'
239     18 <- 65517  # up arrow
240     19 <- 0  # unused
241     20 <- 0  # unused
242     21 <- 0  # 'text'
243     22 <- 100  # 'd'
244     23 <- 0  # unused
245     24 <- 0  # unused
246     25 <- 0
247   ]
248 ]
250 //: Deal with special keys and unmatched brackets by allowing each test to
251 //: independently choose the unicode symbol to denote them.
252 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations")
254 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers")
255 put(Recipe_ordinal, "replace-in-console", REPLACE_IN_CONSOLE);
256 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks")
258   break;
259 }
260 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
262   assert(scalar(ingredients.at(0)));
263   if (!get_or_insert(Memory, CONSOLE)) {
264     raise << "console not initialized\n" << end();
265     break;
266   }
267   int console_address = get_or_insert(Memory, CONSOLE);
268   int console_data = get_or_insert(Memory, console_address+1);
269   int length = get_or_insert(Memory, console_data);  // array length
270   for (int i = 0, curr = console_data+1;  i < length;  ++i, curr+=size_of_event()) {
271     if (get_or_insert(Memory, curr) != /*text*/0) continue;
272     if (get_or_insert(Memory, curr+1) != ingredients.at(0).at(0)) continue;
273     for (int n = 0;  n < size_of_event();  ++n)
274       put(Memory, curr+n, ingredients.at(1).at(n));
275   }
276   break;
277 }
279 :(code)
280 int count_events(const recipe& r) {
281   int result = 0;
282   for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(r.steps);  ++i) {
283     const instruction& curr = r.steps.at(i);
284     if (curr.name == "type")
285       result += unicode_length(curr.ingredients.at(0).name);
286     else
287       ++result;
288   }
289   return result;
290 }
292 int size_of_event() {
293   // memoize result if already computed
294   static int result = 0;
295   if (result) return result;
296   type_tree* type = new type_tree("event");
297   result = size_of(type);
298   delete type;
299   return result;
300 }
302 int size_of_console() {
303   // memoize result if already computed
304   static int result = 0;
305   if (result) return result;
306   assert(get(Type_ordinal, "console"));
307   type_tree* type = new type_tree("console");
308   result = size_of(type);
309   delete type;
310   return result;
311 }