def main [
chessboard 0/screen, 0/console
scenario print-board-and-read-move [
trace-until 100/app
assume-screen 120/width, 20/height
assume-console [
type [a2-a4
run [
screen:address:shared:screen, console:address:shared:console <- chessboard screen:address:shared:screen, console:address:shared:console
screen <- print screen, 9251/␣
screen-should-contain [
.Stupid text-mode chessboard. White pieces in uppercase; black pieces in lowercase. No checking for legal moves. .
. .
.8 | r n b q k b n r .
.7 | p p p p p p p p .
.6 | .
.5 | .
.4 | P .
.3 | .
.2 | P P P P P P P .
.1 | R N B Q K B N R .
. +---------------- .
. a b c d e f g h .
. .
.Type in your move as <from square>-<to square>. For example: 'a2-a4'. Then press <enter>. .
. .
.Hit 'q' to exit. .
. .
.move: ␣ .
. .
. .
def chessboard screen:address:shared:screen, console:address:shared:console -> screen:address:shared:screen, console:address:shared:console [
board:address:shared:array:address:shared:array:character <- initial-position
stdin:address:shared:channel <- new-channel 10/capacity
start-running send-keys-to-channel, console, stdin, screen
buffered-stdin:address:shared:channel <- new-channel 10/capacity
start-running buffer-lines, stdin, buffered-stdin
msg:address:shared:array:character <- new [Stupid text-mode chessboard. White pieces in uppercase; black pieces in lowercase. No checking for legal moves.
print screen, msg
cursor-to-next-line screen
print-board screen, board
cursor-to-next-line screen
msg <- new [Type in your move as <from square>-<to square>. For example: 'a2-a4'. Then press <enter>.
print screen, msg
cursor-to-next-line screen
msg <- new [Hit 'q' to exit.
print screen, msg
cursor-to-next-line screen
msg <- new [move: ]
screen <- print screen, msg
m:address:shared:move, quit:boolean, error:boolean <- read-move buffered-stdin, screen
break-if quit, +quit:label
buffered-stdin <- clear-channel buffered-stdin
loop-if error
board <- make-move board, m
screen <- clear-screen screen
msg <- copy 0
def new-board initial-position:address:shared:array:character -> board:address:shared:array:address:shared:array:character [
len:number <- length *initial-position
correct-length?:boolean <- equal len, 64
assert correct-length?, [chessboard had incorrect size]
board <- new {(address shared array character): type}, 8
col:number <- copy 0
done?:boolean <- equal col, 8
break-if done?
file:address:address:shared:array:character <- index-address *board, col
*file <- new-file initial-position, col
col <- add col, 1
def new-file position:address:shared:array:character, index:number -> result:address:shared:array:character [
index <- multiply index, 8
result <- new character:type, 8
row:number <- copy 0
done?:boolean <- equal row, 8
break-if done?
dest:address:character <- index-address *result, row
*dest <- index *position, index
row <- add row, 1
index <- add index, 1
def print-board screen:address:shared:screen, board:address:shared:array:address:shared:array:character -> screen:address:shared:screen [
row:number <- copy 7
space:character <- copy 32/space
done?:boolean <- lesser-than row, 0
break-if done?
rank:number <- add row, 1
print-integer screen, rank
s:address:shared:array:character <- new [ | ]
print screen, s
col:number <- copy 0
done?:boolean <- equal col:number, 8
break-if done?:boolean
f:address:shared:array:character <- index *board, col
c:character <- index *f, row
print screen, c
print screen, space
col <- add col, 1
row <- subtract row, 1
cursor-to-next-line screen
s <- new [ +----------------]
print screen, s
screen <- cursor-to-next-line screen
s <- new [ a b c d e f g h]
screen <- print screen, s
screen <- cursor-to-next-line screen
def initial-position -> board:address:shared:array:address:shared:array:character [
initial-position:address:shared:array:character <- new-array 82/R, 80/P, 32/blank, 32/blank, 32/blank, 32/blank, 112/p, 114/r, 78/N, 80/P, 32/blank, 32/blank, 32/blank, 32/blank, 112/p, 110/n, 66/B, 80/P, 32/blank, 32/blank, 32/blank, 32/blank, 112/p, 98/b, 81/Q, 80/P, 32/blank, 32/blank, 32/blank, 32/blank, 112/p, 113/q, 75/K, 80/P, 32/blank, 32/blank, 32/blank, 32/blank, 112/p, 107/k, 66/B, 80/P, 32/blank, 32/blank, 32/blank, 32/blank, 112/p, 98/b, 78/N, 80/P, 32/blank, 32/blank, 32/blank, 32/blank, 112/p, 110/n, 82/R, 80/P, 32/blank, 32/blank, 32/blank, 32/blank, 112/p, 114/r
board <- new-board initial-position
scenario printing-the-board [
assume-screen 30/width, 12/height
run [
1:address:shared:array:address:shared:array:character/board <- initial-position
screen:address:shared:screen <- print-board screen:address:shared:screen, 1:address:shared:array:address:shared:array:character/board
screen-should-contain [
.8 | r n b q k b n r .
.7 | p p p p p p p p .
.6 | .
.5 | .
.4 | .
.3 | .
.2 | P P P P P P P P .
.1 | R N B Q K B N R .
. +---------------- .
. a b c d e f g h .
. .
. .
container move [
def read-move stdin:address:shared:channel, screen:address:shared:screen -> result:address:shared:move, quit?:boolean, error?:boolean, stdin:address:shared:channel, screen:address:shared:screen [
from-file:number, quit?:boolean, error?:boolean <- read-file stdin, screen
return-if quit?, 0/dummy
return-if error?, 0/dummy
result:address:shared:move <- new move:type
x:address:number <- get-address *result, from-file:offset
*x <- copy from-file
x <- get-address *result, from-rank:offset
*x, quit?, error? <- read-rank stdin, screen
return-if quit?, 0/dummy
return-if error?, 0/dummy
error? <- expect-from-channel stdin, 45/dash, screen
return-if error?, 0/dummy, 0/quit
x <- get-address *result, to-file:offset
*x, quit?, error? <- read-file stdin, screen
return-if quit?:boolean, 0/dummy
return-if error?:boolean, 0/dummy
x:address:number <- get-address *result, to-rank:offset
*x, quit?, error? <- read-rank stdin, screen
return-if quit?, 0/dummy
return-if error?, 0/dummy
error? <- expect-from-channel stdin, 10/newline, screen
return-if error?, 0/dummy, 0/quit
return result, quit?, error?
def read-file stdin:address:shared:channel, screen:address:shared:screen -> file:number, quit:boolean, error:boolean, stdin:address:shared:channel, screen:address:shared:screen [
c:character, stdin <- read stdin
q-pressed?:boolean <- equal c, 81/Q
break-unless q-pressed?
return 0/dummy, 1/quit, 0/error
q-pressed? <- equal c, 113/q
break-unless q-pressed?
return 0/dummy, 1/quit, 0/error
empty-fake-keyboard?:boolean <- equal c, 0/eof
break-unless empty-fake-keyboard?
return 0/dummy, 1/quit, 0/error
newline?:boolean <- equal c, 10/newline
break-unless newline?
error-message:address:shared:array:character <- new [that's not enough]
print screen, error-message
return 0/dummy, 0/quit, 1/error
file:number <- subtract c, 97/a
above-min:boolean <- greater-or-equal file, 0
break-if above-min
error-message:address:shared:array:character <- new [file too low: ]
print screen, error-message
print screen, c
cursor-to-next-line screen
return 0/dummy, 0/quit, 1/error
below-max:boolean <- lesser-than file, 8
break-if below-max
error-message <- new [file too high: ]
print screen, error-message
print screen, c
return 0/dummy, 0/quit, 1/error
return file, 0/quit, 0/error
def read-rank stdin:address:shared:channel, screen:address:shared:screen -> rank:number, quit?:boolean, error?:boolean, stdin:address:shared:channel, screen:address:shared:screen [
c:character, stdin <- read stdin
q-pressed?:boolean <- equal c, 8/Q
break-unless q-pressed?
return 0/dummy, 1/quit, 0/error
q-pressed? <- equal c, 113/q
break-unless q-pressed?
return 0/dummy, 1/quit, 0/error
newline?:boolean <- equal c, 10
break-unless newline?
error-message:address:shared:array:character <- new [that's not enough]
print screen, error-message
return 0/dummy, 0/quit, 1/error
rank:number <- subtract c, 49/'1'
above-min:boolean <- greater-or-equal rank, 0
break-if above-min
error-message <- new [rank too low: ]
print screen, error-message
print screen, c
return 0/dummy, 0/quit, 1/error
below-max:boolean <- lesser-or-equal rank, 7
break-if below-max
error-message <- new [rank too high: ]
print screen, error-message
print screen, c
return 0/dummy, 0/quit, 1/error
return rank, 0/quit, 0/error
def expect-from-channel stdin:address:shared:channel, expected:character, screen:address:shared:screen -> result:boolean, stdin:address:shared:channel, screen:address:shared:screen [
c:character, stdin <- read stdin
match?:boolean <- equal c, expected
break-if match?
s:address:shared:array:character <- new [expected character not found]
print screen, s
result <- not match?
scenario read-move-blocking [
assume-screen 20/width, 2/height
run [
1:address:shared:channel <- new-channel 2
2:number/routine <- start-running read-move, 1:address:shared:channel, screen:address:shared:screen
wait-for-routine 2:number
3:number <- routine-state 2:number/id
4:boolean/waiting? <- equal 3:number/routine-state, 3/waiting
assert 4:boolean/waiting?, [
F read-move-blocking: routine failed to pause after coming up (before any keys were pressed)]
1:address:shared:channel <- write 1:address:shared:channel, 97/a
restart 2:number/routine
wait-for-routine 2:number
3:number <- routine-state 2:number/id
4:boolean/waiting? <- equal 3:number/routine-state, 3/waiting
assert 4:boolean/waiting?, [
F read-move-blocking: routine failed to pause after rank 'a']
1:address:shared:channel <- write 1:address:shared:channel, 50/'2'
restart 2:number/routine
wait-for-routine 2:number
3:number <- routine-state 2:number/id
4:boolean/waiting? <- equal 3:number/routine-state, 3/waiting
assert 4:boolean/waiting?, [
F read-move-blocking: routine failed to pause after file 'a2']
1:address:shared:channel <- write 1:address:shared:channel, 45/'-'
restart 2:number/routine
wait-for-routine 2:number
3:number <- routine-state 2:number
4:boolean/waiting? <- equal 3:number/routine-state, 3/waiting
assert 4:boolean/waiting?/routine-state, [
F read-move-blocking: routine failed to pause after hyphen 'a2-']
1:address:shared:channel <- write 1:address:shared:channel, 97/a
restart 2:number/routine
wait-for-routine 2:number
3:number <- routine-state 2:number
4:boolean/waiting? <- equal 3:number/routine-state, 3/waiting
assert 4:boolean/waiting?/routine-state, [
F read-move-blocking: routine failed to pause after rank 'a2-a']
1:address:shared:channel <- write 1:address:shared:channel, 52/'4'
restart 2:number/routine
wait-for-routine 2:number
3:number <- routine-state 2:number
4:boolean/waiting? <- equal 3:number/routine-state, 3/waiting
assert 4:boolean/waiting?, [
F read-move-blocking: routine failed to pause after file 'a2-a4']
1:address:shared:channel <- write 1:address:shared:channel, 10
restart 2:number/routine
wait-for-routine 2:number
3:number <- routine-state 2:number
4:boolean/completed? <- equal 3:number/routine-state, 1/completed
assert 4:boolean/completed?, [
F read-move-blocking: routine failed to terminate on newline]
trace 1, [test], [reached end]
trace-should-contain [
test: reached end
scenario read-move-quit [
assume-screen 20/width, 2/height
run [
1:address:shared:channel <- new-channel 2
2:number/routine <- start-running read-move, 1:address:shared:channel, screen:address:shared:screen
wait-for-routine 2:number
3:number <- routine-state 2:number/id
4:boolean/waiting? <- equal 3:number/routine-state, 3/waiting
assert 4:boolean/waiting?, [
F read-move-quit: routine failed to pause after coming up (before any keys were pressed)]
1:address:shared:channel <- write 1:address:shared:channel, 113/q
restart 2:number/routine
wait-for-routine 2:number
3:number <- routine-state 2:number/id
4:boolean/completed? <- equal 3:number/routine-state, 1/completed
assert 4:boolean/completed?, [
F read-move-quit: routine failed to terminate on 'q']
trace 1, [test], [reached end]
trace-should-contain [
test: reached end
scenario read-move-illegal-file [
assume-screen 20/width, 2/height
run [
1:address:shared:channel <- new-channel 2
2:number/routine <- start-running read-move, 1:address:shared:channel, screen:address:shared:screen
wait-for-routine 2:number
3:number <- routine-state 2:number/id
4:boolean/waiting? <- equal 3:number/routine-state, 3/waiting
assert 4:boolean/waiting?, [
F read-move-file: routine failed to pause after coming up (before any keys were pressed)]
1:address:shared:channel <- write 1:address:shared:channel, 50/'2'
restart 2:number/routine
wait-for-routine 2:number
screen-should-contain [
.file too low: 2 .
. .
scenario read-move-illegal-rank [
assume-screen 20/width, 2/height
run [
1:address:shared:channel <- new-channel 2
2:number/routine <- start-running read-move, 1:address:shared:channel, screen:address:shared:screen
wait-for-routine 2:number
3:number <- routine-state 2:number/id
4:boolean/waiting? <- equal 3:number/routine-state, 3/waiting
assert 4:boolean/waiting?, [
F read-move-file: routine failed to pause after coming up (before any keys were pressed)]
1:address:shared:channel <- write 1:address:shared:channel, 97/a
1:address:shared:channel <- write 1:address:shared:channel, 97/a
restart 2:number/routine
wait-for-routine 2:number
screen-should-contain [
.rank too high: a .
. .
scenario read-move-empty [
assume-screen 20/width, 2/height
run [
1:address:shared:channel <- new-channel 2
2:number/routine <- start-running read-move, 1:address:shared:channel, screen:address:shared:screen
wait-for-routine 2:number
3:number <- routine-state 2:number/id
4:boolean/waiting? <- equal 3:number/routine-state, 3/waiting
assert 4:boolean/waiting?, [
F read-move-file: routine failed to pause after coming up (before any keys were pressed)]
1:address:shared:channel <- write 1:address:shared:channel, 10/newline
1:address:shared:channel <- write 1:address:shared:channel, 97/a
restart 2:number/routine
wait-for-routine 2:number
screen-should-contain [
.that's not enough .
. .
def make-move board:address:shared:array:address:shared:array:character, m:address:shared:move -> board:address:shared:array:address:shared:array:character [
from-file:number <- get *m, from-file:offset
from-rank:number <- get *m, from-rank:offset
to-file:number <- get *m, to-file:offset
to-rank:number <- get *m, to-rank:offset
f:address:shared:array:character <- index *board, from-file
src:address:character/square <- index-address *f, from-rank
f <- index *board, to-file
dest:address:character/square <- index-address *f, to-rank
*dest <- copy *src
*src <- copy 32/space
scenario making-a-move [
assume-screen 30/width, 12/height
run [
2:address:shared:array:address:shared:array:character/board <- initial-position
3:address:shared:move <- new move:type
4:address:number <- get-address *3:address:shared:move, from-file:offset
*4:address:number <- copy 6/g
5:address:number <- get-address *3:address:shared:move, from-rank:offset
*5:address:number <- copy 1/'2'
6:address:number <- get-address *3:address:shared:move, to-file:offset
*6:address:number <- copy 6/g
7:address:number <- get-address *3:address:shared:move, to-rank:offset
*7:address:number <- copy 3/'4'
2:address:shared:array:address:shared:array:character/board <- make-move 2:address:shared:array:address:shared:array:character/board, 3:address:shared:move
screen:address:shared:screen <- print-board screen:address:shared:screen, 2:address:shared:array:address:shared:array:character/board
screen-should-contain [
.8 | r n b q k b n r .
.7 | p p p p p p p p .
.6 | .
.5 | .
.4 | P .
.3 | .
.2 | P P P P P P P .
.1 | R N B Q K B N R .
. +---------------- .
. a b c d e f g h .
. .