def! main text:text [
editor:&:editor-data <- new-editor text, 0/screen, 5/left, 45/right
editor-event-loop 0/screen, 0/console, editor
def editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, editor:&:editor-data -> screen:&:screen, console:&:console, editor:&:editor-data [
cursor-row:num <- get *editor, cursor-row:offset
cursor-column:num <- get *editor, cursor-column:offset
screen <- move-cursor screen, cursor-row, cursor-column
e:event, console:&:console, found?:bool, quit?:bool <- read-event console
loop-unless found?
break-if quit?
trace 10, [app], [next-event]
t:touch-event, is-touch?:bool <- maybe-convert e, touch:variant
break-unless is-touch?
move-cursor-in-editor screen, editor, t
loop +next-event:label
break-if is-touch?
screen, editor, go-render?:bool <- handle-keyboard-event screen, editor, e
break-unless go-render?
screen <- editor-render screen, editor
def move-cursor-in-editor screen:&:screen, editor:&:editor-data, t:touch-event -> in-focus?:bool, editor:&:editor-data [
return-unless editor, 0/false
click-row:num <- get t, row:offset
return-unless click-row, 0/false
click-column:num <- get t, column:offset
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
too-far-left?:bool <- lesser-than click-column, left
return-if too-far-left?, 0/false
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
too-far-right?:bool <- greater-than click-column, right
return-if too-far-right?, 0/false
editor <- snap-cursor screen, editor, click-row, click-column
undo-coalesce-tag:num <- copy 0/never
return 1/true
def snap-cursor screen:&:screen, editor:&:editor-data, target-row:num, target-column:num -> editor:&:editor-data [
return-unless editor
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
screen-height:num <- screen-height screen
curr:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, top-of-screen:offset
prev:&:duplex-list:char <- copy curr
curr <- next curr
row:num <- copy 1/top
column:num <- copy left
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-row:offset, target-row
cursor-row:num <- copy target-row
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, target-column
cursor-column:num <- copy target-column
before-cursor:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, before-cursor:offset
break-unless curr
off-screen?:bool <- greater-or-equal row, screen-height
break-if off-screen?
at-cursor-row?:bool <- equal row, cursor-row
break-unless at-cursor-row?
at-cursor?:bool <- equal column, cursor-column
break-unless at-cursor?
before-cursor <- copy prev
*editor <- put *editor, before-cursor:offset, before-cursor
c:char <- get *curr, value:offset
newline?:bool <- equal c, 10/newline
break-unless newline?
at-cursor-row?:bool <- equal row, cursor-row
break-unless at-cursor-row?
left-of-cursor?:bool <- lesser-than column, cursor-column
break-unless left-of-cursor?
cursor-column <- copy column
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, cursor-column
before-cursor <- copy prev
*editor <- put *editor, before-cursor:offset, before-cursor
row <- add row, 1
column <- copy left
curr <- next curr
prev <- next prev
loop +next-character:label
at-right?:bool <- equal column, right
break-unless at-right?
column <- copy left
row <- add row, 1
loop +next-character:label
curr <- next curr
prev <- next prev
column <- add column, 1
at-cursor-row?:bool <- equal row, cursor-row
cursor-outside-line?:bool <- lesser-or-equal column, cursor-column
before-cursor-on-same-line?:bool <- and at-cursor-row?, cursor-outside-line?
above-cursor-row?:bool <- lesser-than row, cursor-row
before-cursor?:bool <- or before-cursor-on-same-line?, above-cursor-row?
break-unless before-cursor?
cursor-row <- copy row
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-row:offset, cursor-row
cursor-column <- copy column
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, cursor-column
before-cursor <- copy prev
*editor <- put *editor, before-cursor:offset, before-cursor
def handle-keyboard-event screen:&:screen, editor:&:editor-data, e:event -> screen:&:screen, editor:&:editor-data, go-render?:bool [
go-render? <- copy 0/false
return-unless editor
screen-width:num <- screen-width screen
screen-height:num <- screen-height screen
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
before-cursor:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, before-cursor:offset
cursor-row:num <- get *editor, cursor-row:offset
cursor-column:num <- get *editor, cursor-column:offset
save-row:num <- copy cursor-row
save-column:num <- copy cursor-column
c:char, is-unicode?:bool <- maybe-convert e, text:variant
break-unless is-unicode?
trace 10, [app], [handle-keyboard-event: special character]
regular-character?:bool <- greater-or-equal c, 32/space
go-render? <- copy 0/false
return-unless regular-character?
editor, screen, go-render?:bool <- insert-at-cursor editor, c, screen
k:num, is-keycode?:bool <- maybe-convert e:event, keycode:variant
assert is-keycode?, [event was of unknown type; neither keyboard nor mouse]
go-render? <- copy 1/true
def insert-at-cursor editor:&:editor-data, c:char, screen:&:screen -> editor:&:editor-data, screen:&:screen, go-render?:bool [
before-cursor:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, before-cursor:offset
insert c, before-cursor
before-cursor <- next before-cursor
*editor <- put *editor, before-cursor:offset, before-cursor
cursor-row:num <- get *editor, cursor-row:offset
cursor-column:num <- get *editor, cursor-column:offset
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
save-row:num <- copy cursor-row
save-column:num <- copy cursor-column
screen-width:num <- screen-width screen
screen-height:num <- screen-height screen
cursor-column <- add cursor-column, 1
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, cursor-column
next:&:duplex-list:char <- next before-cursor
at-end?:bool <- equal next, 0/null
break-unless at-end?
bottom:num <- subtract screen-height, 1
at-bottom?:bool <- equal save-row, bottom
at-right?:bool <- equal save-column, right
overflow?:bool <- and at-bottom?, at-right?
break-if overflow?
move-cursor screen, save-row, save-column
print screen, c
go-render? <- copy 0/false
break-unless next
at-right?:bool <- greater-or-equal cursor-column, screen-width
break-if at-right?
curr:&:duplex-list:char <- copy before-cursor
move-cursor screen, save-row, save-column
curr-column:num <- copy save-column
go-render? <- copy 1/true
at-right?:bool <- greater-than curr-column, right
return-if at-right?
break-unless curr
currc:char <- get *curr, value:offset
at-newline?:bool <- equal currc, 10/newline
break-if at-newline?
print screen, currc
curr-column <- add curr-column, 1
curr <- next curr
go-render? <- copy 0/false
go-render? <- copy 1/true
def editor-render screen:&:screen, editor:&:editor-data -> screen:&:screen, editor:&:editor-data [
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
row:num, column:num <- render screen, editor
clear-line-until screen, right
row <- add row, 1
draw-horizontal screen, row, left, right, 9480/horizontal-dotted
row <- add row, 1
clear-screen-from screen, row, left, left, right
scenario editor-handles-empty-event-queue [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abc]
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, 2:&:editor-data
assume-console []
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abc .
. .
scenario editor-handles-mouse-clicks [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abc]
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, 2:&:editor-data
assume-console [
left-click 1, 1
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
3:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-row:offset
4:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-column:offset
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abc .
. .
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 1
4 <- 1
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
scenario editor-handles-mouse-clicks-outside-text [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abc]
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 10/right
assume-console [
left-click 1, 7
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
3:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-row:offset
4:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 1
4 <- 3
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
scenario editor-handles-mouse-clicks-outside-text-2 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abc
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 10/right
assume-console [
left-click 1, 7
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
3:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-row:offset
4:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 1
4 <- 3
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
scenario editor-handles-mouse-clicks-outside-text-3 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abc
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 10/right
assume-console [
left-click 3, 7
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
3:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-row:offset
4:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 2
4 <- 3
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
scenario editor-handles-mouse-clicks-outside-column [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abc]
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, 2:&:editor-data
assume-console [
left-click 3, 8
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
3:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-row:offset
4:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-column:offset
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abc .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 1
4 <- 0
check-trace-count-for-label 0, [print-character]
scenario editor-handles-mouse-clicks-in-menu-area [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abc]
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, 2:&:editor-data
assume-console [
left-click 0, 3
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
3:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-row:offset
4:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 1
4 <- 0
scenario editor-inserts-characters-into-empty-editor [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new []
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, 2:&:editor-data
assume-console [
type [abc]
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abc .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 3, [print-character]
scenario editor-inserts-characters-at-cursor [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abc]
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, 2:&:editor-data
assume-console [
type [0]
left-click 1, 2
type [d]
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
screen-should-contain [
. .
.0adbc .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 7, [print-character]
scenario editor-inserts-characters-at-cursor-2 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abc]
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, 2:&:editor-data
assume-console [
left-click 1, 5
type [d]
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abcd .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 1, [print-character]
scenario editor-inserts-characters-at-cursor-5 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abc
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, 2:&:editor-data
assume-console [
left-click 1, 5
type [e]
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abce .
.d .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 1, [print-character]
scenario editor-inserts-characters-at-cursor-3 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abc]
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, 2:&:editor-data
assume-console [
left-click 3, 5
type [d]
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abcd .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 1, [print-character]
scenario editor-inserts-characters-at-cursor-4 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abc
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, 2:&:editor-data
assume-console [
left-click 3, 5
type [e]
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abc .
.de .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 1, [print-character]
scenario editor-inserts-characters-at-cursor-6 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abc
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 10/right
editor-render screen, 2:&:editor-data
assume-console [
left-click 3, 5
type [ef]
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abc .
.def .
. .
check-trace-count-for-label 2, [print-character]
scenario editor-moves-cursor-after-inserting-characters [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [ab]
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, 2:&:editor-data
assume-console [
type [01]
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
screen-should-contain [
. .
.01ab .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
scenario editor-wraps-line-on-insert [
assume-screen 5/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abc]
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, 2:&:editor-data
assume-console [
type [e]
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
screen-should-contain [
. .
.eabc .
. .
. .
assume-console [
type [f]
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
screen-should-contain [
. .
.c .
. .
scenario editor-wraps-line-on-insert-2 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abcdefg
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 5/right
editor-render screen, 2:&:editor-data
assume-console [
left-click 3, 0
type [abc]
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
3:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-row:offset
4:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 3
4 <- 3
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abcd↩ .
.efg .
.abcd↩ .
.efg .
after <insert-character-special-case> [
wrap-column:num <- copy right
before-wrap-column:num <- subtract wrap-column, 1
at-wrap?:bool <- greater-or-equal cursor-column, wrap-column
just-before-wrap?:bool <- greater-or-equal cursor-column, before-wrap-column
next:&:duplex-list:char <- next before-cursor
at-end-of-line?:bool <- equal next, 0
break-if at-end-of-line?
next-character:char <- get *next, value:offset
at-end-of-line? <- equal next-character, 10/newline
move-cursor-to-next-line?:bool <- copy 0/false
break-if at-end-of-line?
move-cursor-to-next-line? <- copy just-before-wrap?
potential-new-cursor-column:num <- copy left
break-unless at-end-of-line?
move-cursor-to-next-line? <- copy at-wrap?
potential-new-cursor-column:num <- add left, 1/make-room-for-wrap-indicator
break-unless move-cursor-to-next-line?
cursor-column <- copy potential-new-cursor-column
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, cursor-column
cursor-row <- add cursor-row, 1
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-row:offset, cursor-row
below-screen?:bool <- greater-or-equal cursor-row, screen-height
break-unless below-screen?
go-render? <- copy 1/true
scenario editor-wraps-cursor-after-inserting-characters-in-middle-of-line [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abcde]
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 5/right
assume-console [
left-click 1, 3
type [f]
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
3:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-row:offset
4:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-column:offset
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abcf↩ .
.de .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 2
4 <- 0
scenario editor-wraps-cursor-after-inserting-characters-at-end-of-line [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
contents:text <- new [abc
1:&:editor-data/raw <- new-editor contents, screen, 0/left, 5/right
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abc .
.xyz .
. .
assume-console [
left-click 1, 4
type [de]
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 1:&:editor-data/raw
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abcd↩ .
.e .
.xyz .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
scenario editor-wraps-cursor-to-left-margin [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abcde]
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 2/left, 7/right
assume-console [
left-click 1, 5
type [01]
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
3:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-row:offset
4:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-column:offset
screen-should-contain [
. .
. abc0↩ .
. 1de .
. ┈┈┈┈┈ .
. .
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 2
4 <- 3
container editor-data [
after <editor-initialization> [
*result <- put *result, indent?:offset, 1/true
scenario editor-moves-cursor-down-after-inserting-newline [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abc]
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 10/right
assume-console [
type [0
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
screen-should-contain [
. .
.0 .
.1abc .
. .
after <handle-special-character> [
newline?:bool <- equal c, 10/newline
break-unless newline?
editor <- insert-new-line-and-indent editor, screen
go-render? <- copy 1/true
def insert-new-line-and-indent editor:&:editor-data, screen:&:screen -> editor:&:editor-data, screen:&:screen, go-render?:bool [
cursor-row:num <- get *editor, cursor-row:offset
cursor-column:num <- get *editor, cursor-column:offset
before-cursor:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, before-cursor:offset
left:num <- get *editor, left:offset
right:num <- get *editor, right:offset
screen-height:num <- screen-height screen
insert 10/newline, before-cursor
before-cursor <- next before-cursor
*editor <- put *editor, before-cursor:offset, before-cursor
cursor-row <- add cursor-row, 1
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-row:offset, cursor-row
cursor-column <- copy left
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-column:offset, cursor-column
below-screen?:bool <- greater-or-equal cursor-row, screen-height
break-unless below-screen?
go-render? <- copy 1/true
cursor-row <- subtract cursor-row, 1
*editor <- put *editor, cursor-row:offset, cursor-row
indent?:bool <- get *editor, indent?:offset
return-unless indent?
d:&:duplex-list:char <- get *editor, data:offset
end-of-previous-line:&:duplex-list:char <- prev before-cursor
indent:num <- line-indent end-of-previous-line, d
i:num <- copy 0
indent-done?:bool <- greater-or-equal i, indent
break-if indent-done?
editor, screen, go-render?:bool <- insert-at-cursor editor, 32/space, screen
i <- add i, 1
def line-indent curr:&:duplex-list:char, start:&:duplex-list:char -> result:num [
result:num <- copy 0
return-unless curr
at-start?:bool <- equal curr, start
return-if at-start?
curr <- prev curr
break-unless curr
at-start?:bool <- equal curr, start
break-if at-start?
c:char <- get *curr, value:offset
at-newline?:bool <- equal c, 10/newline
break-if at-newline?
is-space?:bool <- equal c, 32/space
break-unless is-space?
result <- add result, 1
break-if is-space?
result <- copy 0
scenario editor-moves-cursor-down-after-inserting-newline-2 [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abc]
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 1/left, 10/right
assume-console [
type [0
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
screen-should-contain [
. .
. 0 .
. 1abc .
. ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈.
. .
scenario editor-clears-previous-line-completely-after-inserting-newline [
assume-screen 10/width, 5/height
1:text <- new [abcde]
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 5/right
assume-console [
press enter
screen-should-contain [
. .
.abcd↩ .
.e .
. .
. .
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
screen-should-contain [
. .
. .
.abcd↩ .
.e .
.┈┈┈┈┈ .
scenario editor-inserts-indent-after-newline [
assume-screen 10/width, 10/height
1:text <- new [ab
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 10/right
assume-console [
left-click 2, 8
type [
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
3:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-row:offset
4:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 3
4 <- 2
scenario editor-skips-indent-around-paste [
assume-screen 10/width, 10/height
1:text <- new [ab
2:&:editor-data <- new-editor 1:text, screen:&:screen, 0/left, 10/right
assume-console [
left-click 2, 8
press 65507
press enter
press 65506
run [
editor-event-loop screen:&:screen, console:&:console, 2:&:editor-data
3:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-row:offset
4:num <- get *2:&:editor-data, cursor-column:offset
memory-should-contain [
3 <- 3
4 <- 0
after <handle-special-key> [
paste-start?:bool <- equal k, 65507/paste-start
break-unless paste-start?
*editor <- put *editor, indent?:offset, 0/false
go-render? <- copy 1/true
after <handle-special-key> [
paste-end?:bool <- equal k, 65506/paste-end
break-unless paste-end?
*editor <- put *editor, indent?:offset, 1/true
go-render? <- copy 1/true
def draw-horizontal screen:&:screen, row:num, x:num, right:num -> screen:&:screen [
style:char, style-found?:bool <- next-ingredient
break-if style-found?
style <- copy 9472/horizontal
color:num, color-found?:bool <- next-ingredient
break-if color-found?
color <- copy 245/grey
bg-color:num, bg-color-found?:bool <- next-ingredient
break-if bg-color-found?
bg-color <- copy 0/black
screen <- move-cursor screen, row, x
continue?:bool <- lesser-or-equal x, right
break-unless continue?
print screen, style, color, bg-color
x <- add x, 1