1 //: operating directly on a register
  3 :(scenario add_r32_to_r32)
  4 % Reg[0].i = 0x10;
  5 % Reg[3].i = 1;
  6 # op  ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
  7   01  d8                                      # add EBX to EAX
  8 # ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 011 (src EBX) 000 (dest EAX)
  9 +run: add EBX to r/m32
 10 +run: r/m32 is EAX
 11 +run: storing 0x00000011
 13 :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes")
 14 case 0x01: {  // add r32 to r/m32
 15   uint8_t modrm = next();
 16   uint8_t arg2 = (modrm>>3)&0x7;
 17   trace(2, "run") << "add " << rname(arg2) << " to r/m32" << end();
 18   int32_t* arg1 = effective_address(modrm);
 19   BINARY_ARITHMETIC_OP(+, *arg1, Reg[arg2].i);
 20   break;
 21 }
 23 :(code)
 24 // Implement tables 2-2 and 2-3 in the Intel manual, Volume 2.
 25 // We return a pointer so that instructions can write to multiple bytes in
 26 // 'Mem' at once.
 27 int32_t* effective_address(uint8_t modrm) {
 28   uint8_t mod = (modrm>>6);
 29   // ignore middle 3 'reg opcode' bits
 30   uint8_t rm = modrm & 0x7;
 31   uint32_t addr = 0;
 32   switch (mod) {
 33   case 3:
 34     // mod 3 is just register direct addressing
 35     trace(2, "run") << "r/m32 is " << rname(rm) << end();
 36     return &Reg[rm].i;
 37   // End Mod Special-cases(addr)
 38   default:
 39     cerr << "unrecognized mod bits: " << NUM(mod) << '\n';
 40     exit(1);
 41   }
 42   //: other mods are indirect, and they'll set addr appropriately
 43   assert(addr > 0);
 44   assert(addr + sizeof(int32_t) <= Mem.size());
 45   return reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(&Mem.at(addr));  // rely on the host itself being in little-endian order
 46 }
 48 //:: subtract
 50 :(scenario subtract_r32_from_r32)
 51 % Reg[0].i = 10;
 52 % Reg[3].i = 1;
 53 # op  ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
 54   29  d8                                      # subtract EBX from EAX
 55 # ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 011 (src EBX) 000 (dest EAX)
 56 +run: subtract EBX from r/m32
 57 +run: r/m32 is EAX
 58 +run: storing 0x00000009
 60 :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes")
 61 case 0x29: {  // subtract r32 from r/m32
 62   uint8_t modrm = next();
 63   uint8_t arg2 = (modrm>>3)&0x7;
 64   trace(2, "run") << "subtract " << rname(arg2) << " from r/m32" << end();
 65   int32_t* arg1 = effective_address(modrm);
 66   BINARY_ARITHMETIC_OP(-, *arg1, Reg[arg2].i);
 67   break;
 68 }
 70 //:: and
 72 :(scenario and_r32_with_r32)
 73 % Reg[0].i = 0x0a0b0c0d;
 74 % Reg[3].i = 0x000000ff;
 75 # op  ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
 76   21  d8                                      # and EBX with destination EAX
 77 # ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 011 (src EBX) 000 (dest EAX)
 78 +run: and EBX with r/m32
 79 +run: r/m32 is EAX
 80 +run: storing 0x0000000d
 82 :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes")
 83 case 0x21: {  // and r32 with r/m32
 84   uint8_t modrm = next();
 85   uint8_t arg2 = (modrm>>3)&0x7;
 86   trace(2, "run") << "and " << rname(arg2) << " with r/m32" << end();
 87   int32_t* arg1 = effective_address(modrm);
 88   BINARY_BITWISE_OP(&, *arg1, Reg[arg2].u);
 89   break;
 90 }
 92 //:: or
 94 :(scenario or_r32_with_r32)
 95 % Reg[0].i = 0x0a0b0c0d;
 96 % Reg[3].i = 0xa0b0c0d0;
 97 # op  ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
 98   09  d8                                      # or EBX with destination EAX
 99 # ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 011 (src EBX) 000 (dest EAX)
100 +run: or EBX with r/m32
101 +run: r/m32 is EAX
102 +run: storing 0xaabbccdd
104 :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes")
105 case 0x09: {  // or r32 with r/m32
106   uint8_t modrm = next();
107   uint8_t arg2 = (modrm>>3)&0x7;
108   trace(2, "run") << "or " << rname(arg2) << " with r/m32" << end();
109   int32_t* arg1 = effective_address(modrm);
110   BINARY_BITWISE_OP(|, *arg1, Reg[arg2].u);
111   break;
112 }
114 //:: xor
116 :(scenario xor_r32_with_r32)
117 % Reg[0].i = 0x0a0b0c0d;
118 % Reg[3].i = 0xaabbc0d0;
119 # op  ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
120   31  d8                                      # xor EBX with destination EAX
121 # ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 011 (src EBX) 000 (dest EAX)
122 +run: xor EBX with r/m32
123 +run: r/m32 is EAX
124 +run: storing 0xa0b0ccdd
126 :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes")
127 case 0x31: {  // xor r32 with r/m32
128   uint8_t modrm = next();
129   uint8_t arg2 = (modrm>>3)&0x7;
130   trace(2, "run") << "xor " << rname(arg2) << " with r/m32" << end();
131   int32_t* arg1 = effective_address(modrm);
132   BINARY_BITWISE_OP(^, *arg1, Reg[arg2].u);
133   break;
134 }
136 //:: not
138 :(scenario not_r32)
139 % Reg[3].i = 0x0f0f00ff;
140 # op  ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
141   f7  c3                                      # not EBX
142 # ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 000 (unused) 011 (dest EBX)
143 +run: 'not' of r/m32
144 +run: r/m32 is EBX
145 +run: storing 0xf0f0ff00
147 :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes")
148 case 0xf7: {  // xor r32 with r/m32
149   uint8_t modrm = next();
150   trace(2, "run") << "'not' of r/m32" << end();
151   int32_t* arg1 = effective_address(modrm);
152   *arg1 = ~(*arg1);
153   trace(2, "run") << "storing 0x" << HEXWORD << *arg1 << end();
154   SF = (*arg1 >> 31);
155   ZF = (*arg1 == 0);
156   OF = false;
157   break;
158 }
160 //:: compare (cmp)
162 :(scenario compare_r32_with_r32_greater)
163 % Reg[0].i = 0x0a0b0c0d;
164 % Reg[3].i = 0x0a0b0c07;
165 # op  ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
166   39  d8                                      # compare EBX with EAX
167 # ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 011 (src EBX) 000 (dest EAX)
168 +run: compare EBX with r/m32
169 +run: r/m32 is EAX
170 +run: SF=0; ZF=0; OF=0
172 :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes")
173 case 0x39: {  // set SF if r/m32 < r32
174   uint8_t modrm = next();
175   uint8_t reg2 = (modrm>>3)&0x7;
176   trace(2, "run") << "compare " << rname(reg2) << " with r/m32" << end();
177   int32_t* arg1 = effective_address(modrm);
178   int32_t arg2 = Reg[reg2].i;
179   int32_t tmp1 = *arg1 - arg2;
180   SF = (tmp1 < 0);
181   ZF = (tmp1 == 0);
182   int64_t tmp2 = *arg1 - arg2;
183   OF = (tmp1 != tmp2);
184   trace(2, "run") << "SF=" << SF << "; ZF=" << ZF << "; OF=" << OF << end();
185   break;
186 }
188 :(scenario compare_r32_with_r32_lesser)
189 % Reg[0].i = 0x0a0b0c07;
190 % Reg[3].i = 0x0a0b0c0d;
191 # op  ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
192   39  d8                                      # compare EBX with EAX
193 # ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 011 (src EBX) 000 (dest EAX)
194 +run: compare EBX with r/m32
195 +run: r/m32 is EAX
196 +run: SF=1; ZF=0; OF=0
198 :(scenario compare_r32_with_r32_equal)
199 % Reg[0].i = 0x0a0b0c0d;
200 % Reg[3].i = 0x0a0b0c0d;
201 # op  ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
202   39  d8                                      # compare EBX with EAX
203 # ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 011 (src EBX) 000 (dest EAX)
204 +run: compare EBX with r/m32
205 +run: r/m32 is EAX
206 +run: SF=0; ZF=1; OF=0
208 //:: copy (mov)
210 :(scenario copy_r32_to_r32)
211 % Reg[3].i = 0xaf;
212 # op  ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
213   89  d8                                      # copy EBX to EAX
214 # ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 011 (src EBX) 000 (dest EAX)
215 +run: copy EBX to r/m32
216 +run: r/m32 is EAX
217 +run: storing 0x000000af
219 :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes")
220 case 0x89: {  // copy r32 to r/m32
221   uint8_t modrm = next();
222   uint8_t reg2 = (modrm>>3)&0x7;
223   trace(2, "run") << "copy " << rname(reg2) << " to r/m32" << end();
224   int32_t* arg1 = effective_address(modrm);
225   *arg1 = Reg[reg2].i;
226   trace(2, "run") << "storing 0x" << HEXWORD << *arg1 << end();
227   break;
228 }
230 //:: xchg
232 :(scenario xchg_r32_with_r32)
233 % Reg[3].i = 0xaf;
234 % Reg[0].i = 0x2e;
235 # op  ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
236   87  d8                                      # exchange EBX with EAX
237 # ModR/M in binary: 11 (direct mode) 011 (src EBX) 000 (dest EAX)
238 +run: exchange EBX with r/m32
239 +run: r/m32 is EAX
240 +run: storing 0x000000af in r/m32
241 +run: storing 0x0000002e in EBX
243 :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes")
244 case 0x87: {  // exchange r32 with r/m32
245   uint8_t modrm = next();
246   uint8_t reg2 = (modrm>>3)&0x7;
247   trace(2, "run") << "exchange " << rname(reg2) << " with r/m32" << end();
248   int32_t* arg1 = effective_address(modrm);
249   int32_t tmp = *arg1;
250   *arg1 = Reg[reg2].i;
251   Reg[reg2].i = tmp;
252   trace(2, "run") << "storing 0x" << HEXWORD << *arg1 << " in r/m32" << end();
253   trace(2, "run") << "storing 0x" << HEXWORD << Reg[reg2].i << " in " << rname(reg2) << end();
254   break;
255 }
257 //:: push
259 :(scenario push_r32)
260 % Reg[ESP].u = 0x64;
261 % Reg[EBX].i = 0x0000000a;
262 # op  ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
263   53                                          # push EBX to stack
264 +run: push EBX
265 +run: decrementing ESP to 0x00000060
266 +run: pushing value 0x0000000a
268 :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes")
269 case 0x50:
270 case 0x51:
271 case 0x52:
272 case 0x53:
273 case 0x54:
274 case 0x55:
275 case 0x56:
276 case 0x57: {  // push r32 to stack
277   uint8_t reg = op & 0x7;
278   trace(2, "run") << "push " << rname(reg) << end();
279   push(Reg[reg].u);
280   break;
281 }
282 :(code)
283 void push(uint32_t val) {
284   Reg[ESP].u -= 4;
285   trace(2, "run") << "decrementing ESP to 0x" << HEXWORD << Reg[ESP].u << end();
286   trace(2, "run") << "pushing value 0x" << HEXWORD << val << end();
287   *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&Mem.at(Reg[ESP].u)) = val;
288 }
290 //:: pop
292 :(scenario pop_r32)
293 % Reg[ESP].u = 0x60;
294 % SET_WORD_IN_MEM(0x60, 0x0000000a);
295 # op  ModR/M  SIB   displacement  immediate
296   5b                                          # pop stack to EBX
297 +run: pop into EBX
298 +run: popping value 0x0000000a
299 +run: incrementing ESP to 0x00000064
301 :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes")
302 case 0x58:
303 case 0x59:
304 case 0x5a:
305 case 0x5b:
306 case 0x5c:
307 case 0x5d:
308 case 0x5e:
309 case 0x5f: {  // pop stack into r32
310   uint8_t reg = op & 0x7;
311   trace(2, "run") << "pop into " << rname(reg) << end();
312   Reg[reg].u = pop();
313   break;
314 }
315 :(code)
316 uint32_t pop() {
317   uint32_t result = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&Mem.at(Reg[ESP].u));
318   trace(2, "run") << "popping value 0x" << HEXWORD << result << end();
319   Reg[ESP].u += 4;
320   trace(2, "run") << "incrementing ESP to 0x" << HEXWORD << Reg[ESP].u << end();
321   return result;
322 }