1 //: Start allowing us to not specify precise addresses for the start of each
 2 //: segment.
 3 //: This gives up a measure of control in placing code and data.
 5 //: segment address computation requires setting Mem_offset in test mode to what it'll be in run mode
 6 :(scenario segment_name)
 7 % Mem_offset = CODE_START;
 8 == code
 9 05/add 0x0d0c0b0a/imm32  # add 0x0d0c0b0a to EAX
10 # code starts at 0x08048000 + p_offset, which is 0x54 for a single-segment binary
11 +load: 0x08048054 -> 05
12 +load: 0x08048055 -> 0a
13 +load: 0x08048056 -> 0b
14 +load: 0x08048057 -> 0c
15 +load: 0x08048058 -> 0d
16 +run: add imm32 0x0d0c0b0a to reg EAX
17 +run: storing 0x0d0c0b0a
19 :(before "End Level-2 Transforms")
20 Transform.push_back(compute_segment_starts);
22 :(code)
23 void compute_segment_starts(program& p) {
24   trace(99, "transform") << "-- compute segment addresses" << end();
25   uint32_t p_offset = /*size of ehdr*/0x34 + SIZE(p.segments)*0x20/*size of each phdr*/;
26   for (size_t i = 0;  i < p.segments.size();  ++i) {
27     segment& curr = p.segments.at(i);
28     if (curr.start == 0) {
29       curr.start = CODE_START + i*SEGMENT_SIZE + p_offset;
30       trace(99, "transform") << "segment " << i << " begins at address " << curr.start << end();
31     }
32     p_offset += size_of(curr);
33     assert(p_offset < SEGMENT_SIZE);  // for now we get less and less available space in each successive segment
34   }
35 }
37 uint32_t size_of(const segment& s) {
38   uint32_t sum = 0;
39   for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(s.lines);  ++i)
40     sum += num_bytes(s.lines.at(i));
41   return sum;
42 }
44 // Assumes all bitfields are packed.
45 uint32_t num_bytes(const line& inst) {
46   uint32_t sum = 0;
47   for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(inst.words);  ++i) {
48     const word& curr = inst.words.at(i);
49     if (has_metadata(curr, "disp32") || has_metadata(curr, "imm32"))  // only multi-byte operands
50       sum += 4;
51     else
52       sum++;
53   }
54   return sum;
55 }