#!/bin/sh # Build and test all included Mu and SubX programs on Linux: # translate them into ELF binaries # if possible, compare the generated binaries with what's already in git # run/test the ELF binaries in emulated mode # run/test the ELF binaries in native mode # # Example usage: # test_apps # test_apps record # don't compare with what's in git set -e cd `dirname $0` echo "== translating using the bootstrap C++ translator" # example programs echo ex1 bootstrap/bootstrap translate 000init.subx ex1.subx -o ex1 { bootstrap/bootstrap run ex1 || ret=$? test $ret -eq 42 # life, the universe and everything } { chmod +x ex1 ./ex1 || ret=$? test $ret -eq 42 # life, the universe and everything } echo ex2 bootstrap/bootstrap translate 000init.subx ex2.subx -o ex2 { bootstrap/bootstrap run ex2 || ret=$? test $ret -eq 7 # 3 + 4 } { chmod +x ex2 ./ex2 || ret=$? test $ret -eq 7 # 3 + 4 } echo ex3 bootstrap/bootstrap translate 000init.subx ex3.subx -o ex3 { bootstrap/bootstrap run ex3 || ret=$? test $ret -eq 55 # 1 + 2 + ... + 10 } { chmod +x ex3 ./ex3 || ret=$? test $ret -eq 55 # 1 + 2 + ... + 10 } echo ex4 bootstrap/bootstrap translate 000init.subx ex4.subx -o ex4 { echo a | bootstrap/bootstrap run ex4 >ex4.out || true test `cat ex4.out` = 'a' } { chmod +x ex4 echo a | ./ex4 >ex4.out || true test `cat ex4.out` = 'a' } echo ex5 bootstrap/bootstrap translate 000init.subx ex5.subx -o ex5 { echo a | bootstrap/bootstrap run ex5 >ex5.out || true test `cat ex5.out` = 'a' } { chmod +x ex5 echo a | ./ex5 >ex5.out || true test `cat ex5.out` = 'a' } echo ex6 bootstrap/bootstrap translate 000init.subx ex6.subx -o ex6 { bootstrap/bootstrap run ex6 >ex6.out || true test "`cat ex6.out`" = 'Hello world!' } { chmod +x ex6 ./ex6 >ex6.out || true test "`cat ex6.out`" = 'Hello world!' } echo ex7 bootstrap/bootstrap translate 000init.subx ex7.subx -o ex7 { bootstrap/bootstrap run ex7 || ret=$? test $ret -eq 97 # 'a' } { chmod +x ex7 ./ex7 || ret=$? test $ret -eq 97 # 'a' } echo ex8 bootstrap/bootstrap translate 000init.subx ex8.subx -o ex8 { bootstrap/bootstrap run ex8 abcd || ret=$? test $ret -eq 4 # length('abcd') } { chmod +x ex8 ./ex8 abcd || ret=$? test $ret -eq 4 # length('abcd') } echo ex9 bootstrap/bootstrap translate 000init.subx ex9.subx -o ex9 { bootstrap/bootstrap run ex9 z x || ret=$? test $ret -eq 2 # 'z' - 'x' } { chmod +x ex9 ./ex9 z x || ret=$? test $ret -eq 2 # 'z' - 'x' } echo ex10 bootstrap/bootstrap translate 000init.subx ex10.subx -o ex10 { bootstrap/bootstrap run ex10 abc abc || ret=$? test $ret -eq 1 # equal bootstrap/bootstrap run ex10 abc abcd # 0; not equal } { chmod +x ex10 ./ex10 abc abc || ret=$? test $ret -eq 1 # equal ./ex10 abc abcd # 0; not equal } echo ex11 bootstrap/bootstrap translate 000init.subx ex11.subx -o ex11 { bootstrap/bootstrap run ex11 echo } { chmod +x ex11 ./ex11 echo } echo ex12 bootstrap/bootstrap translate 000init.subx ex12.subx -o ex12 bootstrap/bootstrap run ex12 # final byte of mmap'd address is well-nigh guaranteed to be 0 chmod +x ex12 ./ex12 echo ex13 bootstrap/bootstrap translate 000init.subx ex13.subx -o ex13 { bootstrap/bootstrap run ex13 || ret=$? test $ret -eq 1 # 3 == 3 } { chmod +x ex13 ./ex13 || ret=$? test $ret -eq 1 # 3 == 3 } # Larger apps that use the standard library. echo factorial bootstrap/bootstrap translate [01]*.subx factorial.subx -o factorial { bootstrap/bootstrap run factorial || ret=$? test $ret -eq 120 # factorial(5) bootstrap/bootstrap run factorial test echo } { chmod +x factorial ./factorial || ret=$? test $ret -eq 120 # factorial(5) ./factorial test echo } echo random bootstrap/bootstrap translate [01]*.subx random.subx -o random # don't run # Phases of the self-hosted SubX translator. for phase in hex survey_elf survey_baremetal labels_baremetal pack assort dquotes tests do echo $phase bootstrap/bootstrap translate [01]*.subx subx-params.subx $phase.subx -o $phase test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code $phase { bootstrap/bootstrap run $phase test echo } { chmod +x $phase ./$phase test echo } done # Higher-level syntax. # Certain phases of translation run native beyond this point. We're starting # to go beyond functionality of the C++ bootstrap_bin. echo sigils bootstrap/bootstrap translate [012]*.subx subx-params.subx sigils.subx -o sigils test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code sigils { bootstrap/bootstrap run sigils test echo } { chmod +x sigils ./sigils test echo } echo calls cat [012]*.subx subx-params.subx calls.subx | sigils > a.sigils bootstrap/bootstrap translate a.sigils -o calls test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code calls { bootstrap/bootstrap run calls test echo } { chmod +x calls ./calls test echo } echo braces cat [012]*.subx subx-params.subx braces.subx | calls | sigils > a.sigils bootstrap/bootstrap translate a.sigils -o braces test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code braces { bootstrap/bootstrap run braces test echo } { chmod +x braces ./braces test echo } echo mu cat [0-2]*.subx mu.subx | braces | calls | sigils > a.sigils bootstrap/bootstrap translate a.sigils -o mu test "$1" = 'record' || git diff --exit-code mu { bootstrap/bootstrap run mu test echo } { chmod +x mu ./mu test echo } echo "== translating using the self-hosted translator" # example programs for n in `seq 1 12` do echo ex$n ./translate_subx 000init.subx ex$n.subx diff ex$n a.elf done # Larger apps that use the standard library. for app in factorial do echo $app ./translate_subx [01]*.subx $app.subx diff $app a.elf done # Phases of the self-hosted SubX translator. for app in hex survey_elf survey_baremetal labels_baremetal pack assort dquotes tests do echo $app ./translate_subx [01]*.subx subx-params.subx $app.subx diff $app a.elf done for app in sigils calls braces do echo $app ./translate_subx [012]*.subx subx-params.subx $app.subx diff $app a.elf done # Mu translator echo mu ./translate_subx [0-2]*.subx mu.subx diff mu a.elf # Mu programs echo ex1.mu ./translate ex1.mu { bootstrap/bootstrap run a.elf || ret=$? test $ret -eq 42 # life, the universe and everything } { ./a.elf || ret=$? test $ret -eq 42 # life, the universe and everything } echo ex2.mu ./translate ex2.mu { bootstrap/bootstrap run a.elf || ret=$? test $ret -eq 7 } { ./a.elf || ret=$? test $ret -eq 7 } echo ex3.mu ./translate ex3.mu { bootstrap/bootstrap run a.elf || ret=$? test $ret -eq 55 } { ./a.elf || ret=$? test $ret -eq 55 } echo ex3.2.mu ./translate ex3.2.mu { bootstrap/bootstrap run a.elf || ret=$? test $ret -eq 55 } { ./a.elf || ret=$? test $ret -eq 55 } echo factorial.mu ./translate factorial.mu { bootstrap/bootstrap run a.elf || ret=$? test $ret -eq 120 bootstrap/bootstrap run a.elf test echo } { ./a.elf || ret=$? test $ret -eq 120 ./a.elf test echo } exit 0