# Initialize the minimal runtime for Mu programs. # # See translate_mu for how this file is used. # # Mu programs start at a function called 'main' with this signature: # fn main args: (addr array (addr array byte)) -> exit-status/ebx: int # If your program doesn't need commandline arguments you can drop it: # fn main -> exit-status/ebx: int # # Notice that the output must be in ebx, so that the exit() syscall can pick # it up. == code Entry: # we don't use ebp in Entry; just initialize it bd/copy-to-ebp 0/imm32 # - save argc and argv # var argc-and-argv/esi 89/<- %esi 4/r32/esp $Entry:initialize-heap: # - initialize the heap (new-segment *Heap-size Heap) $Entry:initialize-args: # - convert argv from null-terminated 'kernel' strings to length-prefixed Mu strings # var argc/edx: int 8b/-> *esi 2/r32/edx # argc is in words; convert it to bytes c1/shift 4/subop/left %edx 2/imm8 # var args/edi: (addr array (addr array byte)) (allocate-array Heap %edx) # => eax 89/<- %edi 0/r32/eax # var curr/ecx: (addr kernel-string) = argv 8d/copy-address *(esi+4) 1/r32/ecx # var max/edx: (addr kernel-string) = argv+4+argc 8d/copy-address *(ecx+edx) 2/r32/edx # var dest/esi: (addr (addr array byte)) = args+4 8d/copy-address *(edi+4) 6/r32/esi { # if (curr >= max) break 39/compare %ecx 2/r32/edx 73/jump-if-addr>= break/disp8 # *dest = kernel-string-to-string(*curr) (kernel-string-to-string Heap *ecx) # => eax 89/<- *esi 0/r32/eax # curr += 4 81 0/subop/add %ecx 4/imm32 # dest += 4 81 0/subop/add %esi 4/imm32 # eb/jump loop/disp8 } # - run Mu program (main %edi) # => ebx # - exit (syscall_exit)