(selective-load "mu.arc" section-level)
(section 20
scripts=['scripts/ranger', 'scripts/rifle'],
('share/doc/ranger/config', _findall('doc/config')),
('share/doc/ranger/tools', _findall('doc/tools')),
('share/doc/ranger/examples', _findall('doc/examples')),
package_data={'ranger': ['data/*', 'config/rc.conf',
(3:integer <- add 1:integer 2:integer)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 1 2 3 3 4))
(prn "F - 'add' operates on two addresses"))
(new-trace "add-literal")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- add 2:literal 3:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.1 5)
(prn "F - ops can take 'literal' operands (but not return them)"))
(new-trace "sub-literal")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- subtract 1:literal 3:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.1 -2)
(prn "F - 'subtract'"))
(new-trace "mul-literal")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- multiply 2:literal 3:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.1 6)
(prn "F - 'multiply'"))
(new-trace "div-literal")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- divide 8:literal 3:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.1 (/ real.8 3))
(prn "F - 'divide'"))
(new-trace "idiv-literal")
'((function main [
(1:integer 2:integer <- divide-with-remainder 23:literal 6:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 3 2 5))
(prn "F - 'divide-with-remainder' performs integer division"))
(new-trace "dummy-oarg")
'((function main [
(_ 2:integer <- divide-with-remainder 23:literal 6:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 2 5))
(prn "F - '_' oarg can ignore some results"))
(new-trace "and-literal")
'((function main [
(1:boolean <- and t:literal nil:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.1 nil)
(prn "F - logical 'and' for booleans"))
(new-trace "lt-literal")
'((function main [
(1:boolean <- less-than 4:literal 3:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.1 nil)
(prn "F - 'less-than' inequality operator"))
(new-trace "le-literal-false")
'((function main [
(1:boolean <- lesser-or-equal 4:literal 3:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.1 nil)
(prn "F - 'lesser-or-equal'"))
(new-trace "le-literal-true")
'((function main [
(1:boolean <- lesser-or-equal 4:literal 4:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.1 t)
(prn "F - 'lesser-or-equal' returns true for equal operands"))
(new-trace "le-literal-true-2")
'((function main [
(1:boolean <- lesser-or-equal 4:literal 5:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.1 t)
(prn "F - 'lesser-or-equal' - 2"))
(new-trace "jump-skip")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 8:literal)
(jump 1:offset)
(2:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 8))
(prn "F - 'jump' skips some instructions"))
(new-trace "jump-target")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 8:literal)
(jump 1:offset)
(2:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 8))
(prn "F - 'jump' doesn't skip too many instructions"))
(new-trace "jump-if-skip")
'((function main [
(2:integer <- copy 1:literal)
(1:boolean <- equal 1:literal 2:integer)
(jump-if 1:boolean 1:offset)
(2:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 t 2 1))
(prn "F - 'jump-if' is a conditional 'jump'"))
(new-trace "jump-if-fallthrough")
'((function main [
(1:boolean <- equal 1:literal 2:literal)
(jump-if 3:boolean 1:offset)
(2:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 nil 2 3))
(prn "F - if 'jump-if's first arg is false, it doesn't skip any instructions"))
(new-trace "jump-if-backward")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 2:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 1:literal)
(2:integer <- add 2:integer 2:integer)
(3:boolean <- equal 1:integer 2:integer)
(jump-if 3:boolean -3:offset)
(4:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 2 2 4 3 nil 4 3))
(prn "F - 'jump-if' can take a negative offset to make backward jumps"))
(new-trace "jump-label")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 2:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 1:literal)
(2:integer <- add 2:integer 2:integer)
(3:boolean <- equal 1:integer 2:integer)
(jump-if 3:boolean loop:offset)
(4:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 2 2 4 3 nil 4 3))
(prn "F - 'jump-if' can take a negative offset to make backward jumps"))
(new-trace "direct-addressing")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 1:integer)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 34 2 34))
(prn "F - 'copy' performs direct addressing"))
(new-trace "indirect-addressing")
'((function main [
(1:integer-address <- copy 2:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 1:integer-address/deref)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 2 2 34 3 34))
(prn "F - 'copy' performs indirect addressing"))
(new-trace "indirect-addressing-oarg")
'((function main [
(1:integer-address <- copy 2:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(1:integer-address/deref <- add 2:integer 2:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 2 2 36))
(prn "F - instructions can perform indirect addressing on output arg"))
(each (typ typeinfo) type*
(when typeinfo!and-record
(assert (is typeinfo!size (len typeinfo!elems)))
(when typeinfo!fields
(assert (is typeinfo!size (len typeinfo!fields))))))
(new-trace "get-record")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(2:boolean <- copy nil:literal)
(3:boolean <- get 1:integer-boolean-pair 1:offset)
(4:integer <- get 1:integer-boolean-pair 0:offset)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 34 2 nil 3 nil 4 34))
(prn "F - 'get' accesses fields of and-records"))
(new-trace "get-indirect")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(2:boolean <- copy nil:literal)
(3:integer-boolean-pair-address <- copy 1:literal)
(4:boolean <- get 3:integer-boolean-pair-address/deref 1:offset)
(5:integer <- get 3:integer-boolean-pair-address/deref 0:offset)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 34 2 nil 3 1 4 nil 5 34))
(prn "F - 'get' accesses fields of and-record address"))
(new-trace "get-indirect-repeated")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 35:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 36:literal)
(4:integer-point-pair-address <- copy 1:literal)
(5:integer-point-pair-address-address <- copy 4:literal)
(6:integer-integer-pair <- get 5:integer-point-pair-address-address/deref/deref 1:offset)
(8:integer <- get 5:integer-point-pair-address-address/deref/deref 0:offset)
(run 'main)
(if (~memory-contains 6 '(35 36 34))
(prn "F - 'get' can deref multiple times"))
(new-trace "get-compound-field")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 35:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 36:literal)
(4:integer-integer-pair <- get 1:integer-point-pair 1:offset)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 34 2 35 3 36 4 35 5 36))
(prn "F - 'get' accesses fields spanning multiple locations"))
(new-trace "get-address")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(2:boolean <- copy t:literal)
(3:boolean-address <- get-address 1:integer-boolean-pair 1:offset)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 34 2 t 3 2))
(prn "F - 'get-address' returns address of fields of and-records"))
(new-trace "get-address-indirect")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(2:boolean <- copy t:literal)
(3:integer-boolean-pair-address <- copy 1:literal)
(4:boolean-address <- get-address 3:integer-boolean-pair-address/deref 1:offset)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 34 2 t 3 1 4 2))
(prn "F - 'get-address' accesses fields of and-record address"))
(new-trace "index-literal")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 2:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 23:literal)
(3:boolean <- copy nil:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 24:literal)
(5:boolean <- copy t:literal)
(6:integer-boolean-pair <- index 1:integer-boolean-pair-array 1:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 2 2 23 3 nil 4 24 5 t 6 24 7 t))
(prn "F - 'index' accesses indices of arrays"))
(new-trace "index-direct")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 2:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 23:literal)
(3:boolean <- copy nil:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 24:literal)
(5:boolean <- copy t:literal)
(6:integer <- copy 1:literal)
(7:integer-boolean-pair <- index 1:integer-boolean-pair-array 6:integer)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 2 2 23 3 nil 4 24 5 t 6 1 7 24 8 t))
(prn "F - 'index' accesses indices of arrays"))
(new-trace "index-indirect")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 2:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 23:literal)
(3:boolean <- copy nil:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 24:literal)
(5:boolean <- copy t:literal)
(6:integer <- copy 1:literal)
(7:integer-boolean-pair-array-address <- copy 1:literal)
(8:integer-boolean-pair <- index 7:integer-boolean-pair-array-address/deref 6:integer)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 2 2 23 3 nil 4 24 5 t 6 1 7 1 8 24 9 t))
(prn "F - 'index' accesses indices of array address"))
(new-trace "index-indirect-multiple")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 4:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 23:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 24:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 25:literal)
(5:integer <- copy 26:literal)
(6:integer-array-address <- copy 1:literal)
(7:integer-array-address-address <- copy 6:literal)
(8:integer <- index 7:integer-array-address-address/deref/deref 1:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.8 24)
(prn "F - 'index' can deref multiple times"))
(new-trace "index-address")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 2:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 23:literal)
(3:boolean <- copy nil:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 24:literal)
(5:boolean <- copy t:literal)
(6:integer <- copy 1:literal)
(7:integer-boolean-pair-address <- index-address 1:integer-boolean-pair-array 6:integer)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 2 2 23 3 nil 4 24 5 t 6 1 7 4))
(prn "F - 'index-address' returns addresses of indices of arrays"))
(new-trace "index-address-indirect")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 2:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 23:literal)
(3:boolean <- copy nil:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 24:literal)
(5:boolean <- copy t:literal)
(6:integer <- copy 1:literal)
(7:integer-boolean-pair-array-address <- copy 1:literal)
(8:integer-boolean-pair-address <- index-address 7:integer-boolean-pair-array-address/deref 6:integer)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 2 2 23 3 nil 4 24 5 t 6 1 7 1 8 4))
(prn "F - 'index-address' returns addresses of indices of array addresses"))
(new-trace "len-array")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 2:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 23:literal)
(3:boolean <- copy nil:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 24:literal)
(5:boolean <- copy t:literal)
(6:integer <- length 1:integer-boolean-pair-array)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.6 2)
(prn "F - 'length' of array"))
(new-trace "len-array-indirect")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 2:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 23:literal)
(3:boolean <- copy nil:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 24:literal)
(5:boolean <- copy t:literal)
(6:integer-address <- copy 1:literal)
(7:integer <- length 6:integer-boolean-pair-array-address/deref)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.7 2)
(prn "F - 'length' of array address"))
(new-trace "sizeof-record")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- sizeof integer-boolean-pair:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.1 2)
(prn "F - 'sizeof' returns space required by arg"))
(new-trace "sizeof-record-not-len")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- sizeof integer-point-pair:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (is memory*.1 2)
(prn "F - 'sizeof' is different from number of elems"))
(new-trace "copy-record")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(2:boolean <- copy nil:literal)
(4:boolean <- copy t:literal)
(3:integer-boolean-pair <- copy 1:integer-boolean-pair)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 34 2 nil 3 34 4 nil))
(prn "F - ops can operate on records spanning multiple locations"))
(new-trace "copy-record2")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 35:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 36:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(5:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(6:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(4:integer-point-pair <- copy 1:integer-point-pair)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 34 2 35 3 36
4 34 5 35 6 36))
(prn "F - ops can operate on records with fields spanning multiple locations"))
(section 100
(new-trace "tagged-value")
'((function main [
(1:type <- copy integer:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(3:integer 4:boolean <- maybe-coerce 1:tagged-value integer:literal)
(run 'main)
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(if (or (~is memory*.3 34)
(~is memory*.4 t))
(prn "F - 'maybe-coerce' copies value only if type tag matches"))
(new-trace "tagged-value-2")
'((function main [
(1:type <- copy integer-address:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(3:boolean 4:boolean <- maybe-coerce 1:tagged-value boolean:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (or (~is memory*.3 0)
(~is memory*.4 nil))
(prn "F - 'maybe-coerce' doesn't copy value when type tag doesn't match"))
(new-trace "save-type")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(2:tagged-value <- save-type 1:integer)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 34 2 'integer 3 34))
(prn "F - 'save-type' saves the type of a value at runtime, turning it into a tagged-value"))
(new-trace "init-tagged-value")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(2:tagged-value-address <- init-tagged-value integer:literal 1:integer)
(3:integer 4:boolean <- maybe-coerce 2:tagged-value-address/deref integer:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (or (~is memory*.3 34)
(~is memory*.4 t))
(prn "F - 'init-tagged-value' is the converse of 'maybe-coerce'"))
(new-trace "list")
'((function main [
(1:list-address <- new list:literal)
(2:tagged-value-address <- list-value-address 1:list-address)
(3:type-address <- get-address 2:tagged-value-address/deref type:offset)
(3:type-address/deref <- copy integer:literal)
(4:location <- get-address 2:tagged-value-address/deref payload:offset)
(4:location/deref <- copy 34:literal)
(5:list-address-address <- get-address 1:list-address/deref cdr:offset)
(5:list-address-address/deref <- new list:literal)
(6:list-address <- copy 5:list-address-address/deref)
(7:tagged-value-address <- list-value-address 6:list-address)
(8:type-address <- get-address 7:tagged-value-address/deref type:offset)
(8:type-address/deref <- copy boolean:literal)
(9:location <- get-address 7:tagged-value-address/deref payload:offset)
(9:location/deref <- copy t:literal)
(10:list-address <- get 6:list-address/deref 1:offset)
(let routine make-routine!main
(enq routine running-routines*)
(let first rep.routine!alloc
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(if (or (~all first (map memory* '(1 2 3)))
(~is memory*.first 'integer)
(~is memory*.4 (+ first 1))
(~is (memory* (+ first 1)) 34)
(~is memory*.5 (+ first 2))
(let second memory*.6
(~is (memory* (+ first 2)) second)
(~all second (map memory* '(6 7 8)))
(~is memory*.second 'boolean)
(~is memory*.9 (+ second 1))
(~is (memory* (+ second 1)) t)
(~is memory*.10 nil))))
(prn "F - lists can contain elements of different types"))))
'((function test2 [
(10:list-address <- list-next 1:list-address)
(run 'test2)
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(if (~is memory*.10 memory*.6)
(prn "F - 'list-next can move a list pointer to the next node"))
(new-trace "init-list")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- init-list 3:literal 4:literal 5:literal)
(run 'main)
(let first memory*.1
(if (or (~is memory*.first 'integer)
(~is (memory* (+ first 1)) 3)
(let second (memory* (+ first 2))
(or (~is memory*.second 'integer)
(~is (memory* (+ second 1)) 4)
(let third (memory* (+ second 2))
(or (~is memory*.third 'integer)
(~is (memory* (+ third 1)) 5)
(~is (memory* (+ third 2) nil)))))))
(prn "F - 'init-list' can construct a list of integers")))
(section 20
(new-trace "new-fn")
'((function test1 [
(3:integer <- add 1:integer 2:integer)
(function main [
(1:integer <- copy 1:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 1 2 3 3 4))
(prn "F - calling a user-defined function runs its instructions"))
(new-trace "new-fn-once")
'((function test1 [
(1:integer <- copy 1:literal)
(function main [
(run 'main)
(if (~is 2 curr-cycle*)
(prn "F - calling a user-defined function runs its instructions exactly once " curr-cycle*))
(new-trace "new-fn-reply")
'((function test1 [
(3:integer <- add 1:integer 2:integer)
(4:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(function main [
(1:integer <- copy 1:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 1 2 3 3 4))
(prn "F - 'reply' stops executing the current function"))
(new-trace "new-fn-reply-nested")
'((function test1 [
(3:integer <- test2)
(function test2 [
(reply 2:integer)
(function main [
(2:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 2 34 3 34))
(prn "F - 'reply' stops executing any callers as necessary"))
(new-trace "new-fn-reply-once")
'((function test1 [
(3:integer <- add 1:integer 2:integer)
(4:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(function main [
(1:integer <- copy 1:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~is 5 curr-cycle*)
(prn "F - 'reply' executes instructions exactly once " curr-cycle*))
(new-trace "reply-increments-caller-pc")
'((function callee [
(function caller [
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(freeze function*)
(= routine* (make-routine 'caller))
(assert (is 0 pc.routine*))
(push-stack routine* 'callee)
(run-for-time-slice 1)
(if (~is 1 pc.routine*)
(prn "F - 'reply' should increment pc in caller (to move past calling instruction)"))
(new-trace "new-fn-arg-sequential")
'((function test1 [
(4:integer <- next-input)
(5:integer <- next-input)
(3:integer <- add 4:integer 5:integer)
(4:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(function main [
(1:integer <- copy 1:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(test1 1:integer 2:integer)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 1 2 3 3 4
4 1 5 3))
(prn "F - 'arg' accesses in order the operands of the most recent function call (the caller)"))
(new-trace "new-fn-arg-random-access")
'((function test1 [
(5:integer <- input 1:literal)
(4:integer <- input 0:literal)
(3:integer <- add 4:integer 5:integer)
(4:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(function main [
(1:integer <- copy 1:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(test1 1:integer 2:integer)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 1 2 3 3 4
4 1 5 3))
(prn "F - 'arg' with index can access function call arguments out of order"))
(new-trace "new-fn-arg-random-then-sequential")
'((function test1 [
(_ <- input 1:literal)
(1:integer <- next-input)
(function main [
(test1 1:literal 2:literal 3:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 3))
(prn "F - 'arg' with index resets index for later calls"))
(new-trace "new-fn-arg-status")
'((function test1 [
(4:integer 5:boolean <- next-input)
(function main [
(test1 1:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 4 1 5 t))
(prn "F - 'arg' sets a second oarg when arg exists"))
(new-trace "new-fn-arg-missing")
'((function test1 [
(4:integer <- next-input)
(5:integer <- next-input)
(function main [
(test1 1:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 4 1))
(prn "F - missing 'arg' doesn't cause error"))
(new-trace "new-fn-arg-missing-2")
'((function test1 [
(4:integer <- next-input)
(5:integer 6:boolean <- next-input)
(function main [
(test1 1:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 4 1 6 nil))
(prn "F - missing 'arg' wipes second oarg when provided"))
(new-trace "new-fn-arg-missing-3")
'((function test1 [
(4:integer <- next-input)
(5:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(5:integer 6:boolean <- next-input)
(function main [
(test1 1:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 4 1 6 nil))
(prn "F - missing 'arg' consistently wipes its oarg"))
(new-trace "new-fn-arg-missing-4")
'((function test1 [
(4:integer <- next-input)
(5:integer 6:boolean <- next-input)
(break-if 6:boolean)
(5:integer <- copy 1:literal)
(7:integer <- add 4:integer 5:integer)
(function main [
(test1 34:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 4 34 5 1 6 nil 7 35))
(prn "F - function with optional second arg"))
(new-trace "new-fn-arg-by-value")
'((function test1 [
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(2:integer <- next-input)
(function main [
(1:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(test1 1:integer)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 0 2 34))
(prn "F - 'arg' passes by value"))
(new-trace "arg-record")
'((function test1 [
(4:integer-boolean-pair <- next-input)
(function main [
(1:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(2:boolean <- copy nil:literal)
(test1 1:integer-boolean-pair)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 34 2 nil 4 34 5 nil))
(prn "F - 'arg' can copy records spanning multiple locations"))
(new-trace "arg-record-indirect")
'((function test1 [
(4:integer-boolean-pair <- next-input)
(function main [
(1:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(2:boolean <- copy nil:literal)
(3:integer-boolean-pair-address <- copy 1:literal)
(test1 3:integer-boolean-pair-address/deref)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 34 2 nil 3 1 4 34 5 nil))
(prn "F - 'arg' can copy records spanning multiple locations in indirect mode"))
(new-trace "new-fn-reply-oarg")
'((function test1 [
(4:integer <- next-input)
(5:integer <- next-input)
(6:integer <- add 4:integer 5:integer)
(reply 6:integer)
(4:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(function main [
(1:integer <- copy 1:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(3:integer <- test1 1:integer 2:integer)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 1 2 3 3 4
4 1 5 3 6 4))
(prn "F - 'reply' can take aguments that are returned, or written back into output args of caller"))
(new-trace "new-fn-reply-oarg-multiple")
'((function test1 [
(4:integer <- next-input)
(5:integer <- next-input)
(6:integer <- add 4:integer 5:integer)
(reply 6:integer 5:integer)
(4:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(function main [
(1:integer <- copy 1:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(3:integer 7:integer <- test1 1:integer 2:integer)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 1 2 3 3 4 7 3
4 1 5 3 6 4))
(prn "F - 'reply' permits a function to return multiple values at once"))
(new-trace "new-fn-prepare-reply")
'((function test1 [
(4:integer <- next-input)
(5:integer <- next-input)
(6:integer <- add 4:integer 5:integer)
(prepare-reply 6:integer 5:integer)
(4:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(function main [
(1:integer <- copy 1:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(3:integer 7:integer <- test1 1:integer 2:integer)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 1 2 3 3 4 7 3
4 1 5 3 6 4))
(prn "F - without args, 'reply' returns values from previous 'prepare-reply'."))
(section 11
(new-trace "convert-braces")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-braces
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((4 boolean)) <- ((not-equal)) ((1 integer)) ((3 integer)))
(((break-if)) ((4 boolean)))
(((5 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((4 boolean)) <- ((not-equal)) ((1 integer)) ((3 integer)))
(((jump-if)) ((4 boolean)) ((1 offset)))
(((5 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(prn "F - convert-braces replaces break-if with a jump-if to after the next close-brace"))
(new-trace "convert-braces-empty-block")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-braces
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((jump)) ((0 offset)))
(prn "F - convert-braces works for degenerate blocks"))
(new-trace "convert-braces-nested-break")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-braces
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((4 boolean)) <- ((not-equal)) ((1 integer)) ((3 integer)))
(((break-if)) ((4 boolean)))
(((5 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((4 boolean)) <- ((not-equal)) ((1 integer)) ((3 integer)))
(((jump-if)) ((4 boolean)) ((1 offset)))
(((5 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(prn "F - convert-braces balances braces when converting break"))
(new-trace "convert-braces-repeated-jump")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-braces
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((4 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((jump)) ((1 offset)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((jump)) ((1 offset)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((4 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
(prn "F - convert-braces handles jumps on jumps"))
(new-trace "convert-braces-nested-loop")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-braces
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((4 boolean)) <- ((not-equal)) ((1 integer)) ((3 integer)))
(((loop-if)) ((4 boolean)))
(((5 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((4 boolean)) <- ((not-equal)) ((1 integer)) ((3 integer)))
(((jump-if)) ((4 boolean)) ((-3 offset)))
(((5 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(prn "F - convert-braces balances braces when converting 'loop'"))
(new-trace "convert-braces-label")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-braces
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
(prn "F - convert-braces skips past labels"))
(new-trace "convert-braces-label-increments-offset")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-braces
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((jump)) ((1 offset)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
(prn "F - convert-braces treats labels as instructions"))
(new-trace "convert-braces-label-increments-offset2")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-braces
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((4 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((jump)) ((1 offset)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((jump)) ((1 offset)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((4 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
(prn "F - convert-braces treats labels as instructions - 2"))
(new-trace "break-multiple")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-braces
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((break)) ((2 blocks)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((4 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((5 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((jump)) ((4 offset)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((4 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((5 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
(prn "F - 'break' can take an extra arg with number of nested blocks to exit"))
(new-trace "loop")
(if (~iso (convert-braces
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((jump)) ((-2 offset)))))
(prn "F - 'loop' jumps to start of containing block"))
(new-trace "loop-nested")
(if (~iso (convert-braces
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((4 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((4 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((jump)) ((-3 offset)))))
(prn "F - 'loop' correctly jumps back past nested braces"))
(new-trace "loop-multiple")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-braces
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((loop)) ((2 blocks)))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((jump)) ((-3 offset)))))
(prn "F - 'loop' can take an extra arg with number of nested blocks to exit"))
(new-trace "convert-labels")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-labels
(((jump)) ((loop offset)))))
(((jump)) ((-2 offset)))))
(prn "F - 'convert-labels' rewrites jumps to labels"))
(new-trace "convert-names")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-names
'((((x integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((y integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((z integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
(prn "F - convert-names renames symbolic names to integer locations"))
(new-trace "convert-names-compound")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-names
'((((x integer-boolean-pair)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((y integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
'((((1 integer-boolean-pair)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((3 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
(prn "F - convert-names increments integer locations by the size of the type of the previous var"))
(new-trace "convert-names-nil")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-names
'((((x integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((y integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((nil integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((nil integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
(prn "F - convert-names never renames nil"))
(new-trace "convert-names-string")
(if (~iso (convert-names
'((((1 integer-address)) <- ((new)) "foo")))
'((((1 integer-address)) <- ((new)) "foo")))
(prn "convert-names passes through raw strings (just a convenience arg for 'new')"))
(new-trace "convert-names-raw")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-names
'((((x integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((y integer) (raw)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((y integer) (raw)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
(prn "F - convert-names never renames raw operands"))
(new-trace "convert-names-literal")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-names
'((((x literal)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
'((((x literal)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
(prn "F - convert-names never renames literals"))
(new-trace "convert-names-literal-2")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-names
'((((x boolean)) <- ((copy)) ((x literal)))))
'((((1 boolean)) <- ((copy)) ((x literal)))))
(prn "F - convert-names never renames literals, even when the name matches a variable"))
(new-trace "convert-names-functions")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-names
'((((x integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((y integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((z fn)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((z fn)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
(prn "F - convert-names never renames fns"))
(new-trace "convert-names-record-fields")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-names
'((((x integer)) <- ((get)) ((34 integer-boolean-pair)) ((bool offset)))))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((get)) ((34 integer-boolean-pair)) ((1 offset)))))
(prn "F - convert-names replaces record field offsets"))
(new-trace "convert-names-record-fields-ambiguous")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (errsafe (convert-names
'((((bool boolean)) <- ((copy)) ((t literal)))
(((x integer)) <- ((get)) ((34 integer-boolean-pair)) ((bool offset))))))
(prn "F - convert-names doesn't allow offsets and variables with the same name in a function"))
(new-trace "convert-names-record-fields-ambiguous-2")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (errsafe (convert-names
'((((x integer)) <- ((get)) ((34 integer-boolean-pair)) ((bool offset)))
(((bool boolean)) <- ((copy)) ((t literal))))))
(prn "F - convert-names doesn't allow offsets and variables with the same name in a function - 2"))
(new-trace "convert-names-record-fields-indirect")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-names
'((((x integer)) <- ((get)) ((34 integer-boolean-pair-address) (deref)) ((bool offset)))))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((get)) ((34 integer-boolean-pair-address) (deref)) ((1 offset)))))
(prn "F - convert-names replaces field offsets for record addresses"))
(new-trace "convert-names-record-fields-multiple")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-names
'((((2 boolean)) <- ((get)) ((1 integer-boolean-pair)) ((bool offset)))
(((3 boolean)) <- ((get)) ((1 integer-boolean-pair)) ((bool offset)))))
'((((2 boolean)) <- ((get)) ((1 integer-boolean-pair)) ((1 offset)))
(((3 boolean)) <- ((get)) ((1 integer-boolean-pair)) ((1 offset)))))
(prn "F - convert-names replaces field offsets with multiple mentions"))
(new-trace "convert-names-label")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-names
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(prn "F - convert-names skips past labels"))
(section 20
(new-trace "new-primitive")
'((function main [
(1:integer-address <- new integer:literal)
(let routine make-routine!main
(enq routine running-routines*)
(let before rep.routine!alloc
(if (~iso memory*.1 before)
(prn "F - 'new' returns current high-water mark"))
(if (~iso rep.routine!alloc (+ before 1))
(prn "F - 'new' on primitive types increments high-water mark by their size"))))
(new-trace "new-array-literal")
'((function main [
(1:type-array-address <- new type-array:literal 5:literal)
(let routine make-routine!main
(enq routine running-routines*)
(let before rep.routine!alloc
(if (~iso memory*.1 before)
(prn "F - 'new' on array with literal size returns current high-water mark"))
(if (~iso rep.routine!alloc (+ before 6))
(prn "F - 'new' on primitive arrays increments high-water mark by their size"))))
(new-trace "new-array-direct")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 5:literal)
(2:type-array-address <- new type-array:literal 1:integer)
(let routine make-routine!main
(enq routine running-routines*)
(let before rep.routine!alloc
(if (~iso memory*.2 before)
(prn "F - 'new' on array with variable size returns current high-water mark"))
(if (~iso rep.routine!alloc (+ before 6))
(prn "F - 'new' on primitive arrays increments high-water mark by their (variable) size"))))
(new-trace "set-default-space")
'((function main [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 2:literal)
(1:integer <- copy 23:literal)
(let routine make-routine!main
(enq routine running-routines*)
(let before rep.routine!alloc
(if (~and (~is 23 memory*.1)
(is 23 (memory* (+ before 2))))
(prn "F - default-space implicitly modifies variable locations"))))
(new-trace "set-default-space-skips-offset")
'((function main [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 2:literal)
(1:integer <- copy 23:offset)
(let routine make-routine!main
(enq routine running-routines*)
(let before rep.routine!alloc
(if (~and (~is 23 memory*.1)
(is 23 (memory* (+ before 2))))
(prn "F - default-space skips 'offset' types just like literals"))))
(new-trace "default-space-bounds-check")
'((function main [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 2:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 23:literal)
(run 'main)
(let routine (car completed-routines*)
(if (no rep.routine!error)
(prn "F - default-space checks bounds")))
(new-trace "default-space-and-get-indirect")
'((function main [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 5:literal)
(1:integer-boolean-pair-address <- new integer-boolean-pair:literal)
(2:integer-address <- get-address 1:integer-boolean-pair-address/deref 0:offset)
(2:integer-address/deref <- copy 34:literal)
(3:integer/raw <- get 1:integer-boolean-pair-address/deref 0:offset)
(run 'main)
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(if (~is 34 memory*.3)
(prn "F - indirect 'get' works in the presence of default-space"))
(new-trace "default-space-and-index-indirect")
'((function main [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 5:literal)
(1:integer-array-address <- new integer-array:literal 4:literal)
(2:integer-address <- index-address 1:integer-array-address/deref 2:offset)
(2:integer-address/deref <- copy 34:literal)
(3:integer/raw <- index 1:integer-array-address/deref 2:offset)
(run 'main)
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(if (~is 34 memory*.3)
(prn "F - indirect 'index' works in the presence of default-space"))
(new-trace "convert-names-default-space")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-names
'((((x integer)) <- ((copy)) ((4 literal)))
(((y integer)) <- ((copy)) ((2 literal)))
(((default-space integer)) <- ((add)) ((x integer)) ((y integer)))))
'((((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((4 literal)))
(((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((2 literal)))
(((default-space integer)) <- ((add)) ((1 integer)) ((2 integer)))))
(prn "F - convert-names never renames default-space"))
(new-trace "suppress-default-space")
'((function main [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 2:literal)
(1:integer/raw <- copy 23:literal)
(let routine make-routine!main
(enq routine running-routines*)
(let before rep.routine!alloc
(if (~and (is 23 memory*.1)
(~is 23 (memory* (+ before 1))))
(prn "F - default-space skipped for locations with metadata 'raw'"))))
(new-trace "array-copy-indirect-scoped")
'((function main [
(10:integer <- copy 30:literal)
(default-space:space-address <- copy 10:literal)
(1:integer <- copy 2:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 23:literal)
(3:boolean <- copy nil:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 24:literal)
(5:boolean <- copy t:literal)
(6:integer-boolean-pair-array-address <- copy 12:literal)
(7:integer-boolean-pair-array <- copy 6:integer-boolean-pair-array-address/deref)
(run 'main)
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(if (~iso memory*.18 2)
(prn "F - indirect array copy in the presence of 'default-space'"))
(new-trace "len-array-indirect-scoped")
'((function main [
(10:integer <- copy 30:literal)
(default-space:space-address <- copy 10:literal)
(1:integer <- copy 2:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 23:literal)
(3:boolean <- copy nil:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 24:literal)
(5:boolean <- copy t:literal)
(6:integer-address <- copy 12:literal)
(7:integer <- length 6:integer-boolean-pair-array-address/deref)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory*.18 2)
(prn "F - 'len' accesses length of array address"))
(new-trace "default-space-shared")
'((function init-counter [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
(1:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(reply default-space:space-address)
(function increment-counter [
(default-space:space-address <- next-input)
(1:integer <- add 1:integer 1:literal)
(reply 1:integer)
(function main [
(1:space-address <- init-counter)
(2:integer <- increment-counter 1:space-address)
(3:integer <- increment-counter 1:space-address)
(run 'main)
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(if (or (~is memory*.2 4)
(~is memory*.3 5))
(prn "F - multiple calls to a function can share locals"))
(new-trace "default-space-closure")
'((function init-counter [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
(1:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(reply default-space:space-address)
(function increment-counter [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
(0:space-address <- next-input)
(1:integer/space:1 <- add 1:integer/space:1 1:literal)
(1:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(reply 1:integer/space:1)
(function main [
(1:space-address <- init-counter)
(2:integer <- increment-counter 1:space-address)
(3:integer <- increment-counter 1:space-address)
(run 'main)
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(if (or (~is memory*.2 4)
(~is memory*.3 5))
(prn "F - multiple calls to a function can share locals"))
(new-trace "default-space-closure-with-names")
'((function init-counter [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
(x:integer <- copy 23:literal)
(y:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(reply default-space:space-address)
(function increment-counter [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
(0:space-address/names:init-counter <- next-input)
(y:integer/space:1 <- add y:integer/space:1 1:literal)
(y:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(reply y:integer/space:1)
(function main [
(1:space-address/names:init-counter <- init-counter)
(2:integer <- increment-counter 1:space-address/names:init-counter)
(3:integer <- increment-counter 1:space-address/names:init-counter)
(run 'main)
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(if (or (~is memory*.2 4)
(~is memory*.3 5))
(prn "F - multiple calls to a function can share locals"))
(section 100
(new-trace "dispatch-clause")
'((function test1 [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 20:literal)
(first-arg-box:tagged-value-address <- next-input)
(first-arg:integer match?:boolean <- maybe-coerce first-arg-box:tagged-value-address/deref integer:literal)
(break-unless match?:boolean)
(second-arg-box:tagged-value-address <- next-input)
(second-arg:integer <- maybe-coerce second-arg-box:tagged-value-address/deref integer:literal)
(result:integer <- add first-arg:integer second-arg:integer)
(reply result:integer)
(reply nil:literal)
(function main [
(1:tagged-value-address <- init-tagged-value integer:literal 34:literal)
(2:tagged-value-address <- init-tagged-value integer:literal 3:literal)
(3:integer <- test1 1:tagged-value-address 2:tagged-value-address)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.3 37)
(prn "F - an example function that checks that its oarg is an integer"))
(new-trace "dispatch-multiple-clauses")
'((function test1 [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 20:literal)
(first-arg-box:tagged-value-address <- next-input)
(first-arg:integer match?:boolean <- maybe-coerce first-arg-box:tagged-value-address/deref integer:literal)
(break-unless match?:boolean)
(second-arg-box:tagged-value-address <- next-input)
(second-arg:integer <- maybe-coerce second-arg-box:tagged-value-address/deref integer:literal)
(result:integer <- add first-arg:integer second-arg:integer)
(reply result:integer)
(first-arg:boolean match?:boolean <- maybe-coerce first-arg-box:tagged-value-address/deref boolean:literal)
(break-unless match?:boolean)
(second-arg-box:tagged-value-address <- next-input)
(second-arg:boolean <- maybe-coerce second-arg-box:tagged-value-address/deref boolean:literal)
(result:boolean <- or first-arg:boolean second-arg:boolean)
(reply result:integer)
(reply nil:literal)
(function main [
(1:tagged-value-address <- init-tagged-value boolean:literal t:literal)
(2:tagged-value-address <- init-tagged-value boolean:literal nil:literal)
(3:boolean <- test1 1:tagged-value-address 2:tagged-value-address)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.3 t)
(prn "F - an example function that can do different things (dispatch) based on the type of its args or oargs"))
(new-trace "dispatch-multiple-calls")
'((function test1 [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 20:literal)
(first-arg-box:tagged-value-address <- next-input)
(first-arg:integer match?:boolean <- maybe-coerce first-arg-box:tagged-value-address/deref integer:literal)
(break-unless match?:boolean)
(second-arg-box:tagged-value-address <- next-input)
(second-arg:integer <- maybe-coerce second-arg-box:tagged-value-address/deref integer:literal)
(result:integer <- add first-arg:integer second-arg:integer)
(reply result:integer)
(first-arg:boolean match?:boolean <- maybe-coerce first-arg-box:tagged-value-address/deref boolean:literal)
(break-unless match?:boolean)
(second-arg-box:tagged-value-address <- next-input)
(second-arg:boolean <- maybe-coerce second-arg-box:tagged-value-address/deref boolean:literal)
(result:boolean <- or first-arg:boolean second-arg:boolean)
(reply result:integer)
(reply nil:literal)
(function main [
(1:tagged-value-address <- init-tagged-value boolean:literal t:literal)
(2:tagged-value-address <- init-tagged-value boolean:literal nil:literal)
(3:boolean <- test1 1:tagged-value-address 2:tagged-value-address)
(10:tagged-value-address <- init-tagged-value integer:literal 34:literal)
(11:tagged-value-address <- init-tagged-value integer:literal 3:literal)
(12:integer <- test1 10:tagged-value-address 11:tagged-value-address)
(run 'main)
(if (~and (is memory*.3 t) (is memory*.12 37))
(prn "F - different calls can exercise different clauses of the same function"))
(new-trace "dispatch-otype")
'((function test1 [
(4:type <- otype 0:offset)
(5:boolean <- equal 4:type integer:literal)
(break-unless 5:boolean)
(6:integer <- next-input)
(7:integer <- next-input)
(8:integer <- add 6:integer 7:integer)
(reply 8:integer)
(function main [
(1:integer <- test1 1:literal 3:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~iso memory*.1 4)
(prn "F - an example function that checks that its oarg is an integer"))
(new-trace "dispatch-otype-multiple-clauses")
'((function test1 [
(4:type <- otype 0:offset)
(5:boolean <- equal 4:type integer:literal)
(break-unless 5:boolean)
(6:integer <- next-input)
(7:integer <- next-input)
(8:integer <- add 6:integer 7:integer)
(reply 8:integer)
(5:boolean <- equal 4:type boolean:literal)
(break-unless 5:boolean 4:offset)
(6:boolean <- next-input)
(7:boolean <- next-input)
(8:boolean <- or 6:boolean 7:boolean)
(reply 8:boolean)
(function main [
(1:boolean <- test1 t:literal t:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.1 t)
(prn "F - an example function that can do different things (dispatch) based on the type of its args or oargs"))
(new-trace "dispatch-otype-multiple-calls")
'((function test1 [
(4:type <- otype 0:offset)
(5:boolean <- equal 4:type integer:literal)
(break-unless 5:boolean)
(6:integer <- next-input)
(7:integer <- next-input)
(8:integer <- add 6:integer 7:integer)
(reply 8:integer)
(5:boolean <- equal 4:type boolean:literal)
(break-unless 5:boolean)
(6:boolean <- next-input)
(7:boolean <- next-input)
(8:boolean <- or 6:boolean 7:boolean)
(reply 8:boolean)
(function main [
(1:boolean <- test1 t:literal t:literal)
(2:integer <- test1 3:literal 4:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~and (is memory*.1 t) (is memory*.2 7))
(prn "F - different calls can exercise different clauses of the same function"))
(section 20
(new-trace "scheduler")
(= traces* (queue))
'((function f1 [
(1:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(function f2 [
(2:integer <- copy 4:literal)
(run 'f1 'f2)
(when (~iso 2 curr-cycle*)
(prn "F - scheduler didn't run the right number of instructions: " curr-cycle*))
(if (~iso memory* (obj 1 3 2 4))
(prn "F - scheduler runs multiple functions: " memory*))
(check-trace-contents "scheduler orders functions correctly"
'(("schedule" "f1")
("schedule" "f2")
(check-trace-contents "scheduler orders schedule and run events correctly"
'(("schedule" "f1")
("run" "f1 0")
("schedule" "f2")
("run" "f2 0")
(new-trace "scheduler-alternate")
(= traces* (queue))
'((function f1 [
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(function f2 [
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(= scheduling-interval* 1)
(run 'f1 'f2)
(check-trace-contents "scheduler alternates between routines"
'(("run" "f1 0")
("run" "f2 0")
("run" "f1 1")
("run" "f2 1")
(new-trace "scheduler-sleep")
(= traces* (queue))
'((function f1 [
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(function f2 [
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(enq make-routine!f1 running-routines*)
(assert (is 1 len.running-routines*))
(let routine make-routine!f2
(= rep.routine!sleep '(for-some-cycles 23))
(set sleeping-routines*.routine))
(= curr-cycle* 23)
(if (~is 1 len.running-routines*)
(prn "F - scheduler lets routines sleep"))
(new-trace "scheduler-wakeup")
(= traces* (queue))
'((function f1 [
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(function f2 [
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(enq make-routine!f1 running-routines*)
(assert (is 1 len.running-routines*))
(let routine make-routine!f2
(= rep.routine!sleep '(for-some-cycles 23))
(set sleeping-routines*.routine))
(= curr-cycle* 24)
(if (~is 2 len.running-routines*)
(prn "F - scheduler wakes up sleeping routines at the right time"))
(new-trace "scheduler-sleep-location")
(= traces* (queue))
'((function f1 [
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(function f2 [
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(enq make-routine!f1 running-routines*)
(assert (is 1 len.running-routines*))
(let routine make-routine!f2
(= rep.routine!sleep '(until-location-changes 23 0))
(set sleeping-routines*.routine))
(= memory*.23 0)
(if (~is 1 len.running-routines*)
(prn "F - scheduler lets routines block on locations"))
(new-trace "scheduler-wakeup-location")
(= traces* (queue))
'((function f1 [
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(function f2 [
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(enq make-routine!f1 running-routines*)
(assert (is 1 len.running-routines*))
(let routine make-routine!f2
(= rep.routine!sleep '(until-location-changes 23 0))
(set sleeping-routines*.routine))
(= memory*.23 1)
(if (~is 2 len.running-routines*)
(prn "F - scheduler unblocks routines blocked on locations"))
(new-trace "scheduler-skip")
(= traces* (queue))
'((function f1 [
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(assert (empty running-routines*))
(let routine make-routine!f1
(= rep.routine!sleep '(for-some-cycles 34))
(set sleeping-routines*.routine))
(= curr-cycle* 0)
(assert (is curr-cycle* 35))
(if (~is 1 len.running-routines*)
(prn "F - scheduler skips ahead to earliest sleeping routines when nothing to run"))
(new-trace "scheduler-deadlock")
(= traces* (queue))
'((function f1 [
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(assert (empty running-routines*))
(assert (empty completed-routines*))
(let routine make-routine!f1
(= rep.routine!sleep '(until-location-changes 23 0))
(set sleeping-routines*.routine))
(= memory*.23 0)
(assert (~empty completed-routines*))
(let routine completed-routines*.0
(when (~posmatch "deadlock" rep.routine!error)
(prn "F - scheduler detects deadlock")))
(new-trace "scheduler-deadlock2")
(= traces* (queue))
'((function f1 [
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(assert (empty running-routines*))
(let routine make-routine!f1
(= rep.routine!sleep '(until-location-changes 23 0))
(set sleeping-routines*.routine))
(= memory*.23 1)
(when (~empty completed-routines*)
(prn "F - scheduler ignores sleeping but ready threads when detecting deadlock"))
(new-trace "sleep")
'((function f1 [
(sleep for-some-cycles:literal 1:literal)
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(function f2 [
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(run 'f1 'f2)
(check-trace-contents "scheduler handles sleeping routines"
'(("run" "f1 0")
("run" "sleeping until 2")
("schedule" "pushing f1 to sleep queue")
("run" "f2 0")
("run" "f2 1")
("schedule" "waking up f1")
("run" "f1 1")
("run" "f1 2")
(new-trace "sleep-long")
'((function f1 [
(sleep for-some-cycles:literal 20:literal)
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(function f2 [
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(run 'f1 'f2)
(check-trace-contents "scheduler progresses sleeping routines when there are no routines left to run"
'(("run" "f1 0")
("run" "sleeping until 21")
("schedule" "pushing f1 to sleep queue")
("run" "f2 0")
("run" "f2 1")
("schedule" "waking up f1")
("run" "f1 1")
("run" "f1 2")
(new-trace "sleep-location")
'((function f1 [
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(sleep until-location-changes:literal 1:integer)
(2:integer <- add 1:integer 1:literal)
(function f2 [
(sleep for-some-cycles:literal 30:literal)
(1:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(run 'f1 'f2)
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(if (~is memory*.2 4)
(prn "F - sleep can block on a memory location"))
(new-trace "sleep-scoped-location")
'((function f1 [
(10:integer <- copy 5:literal)
(default-space:space-address <- copy 10:literal)
(1:integer <- copy 23:literal)
(sleep until-location-changes:literal 1:integer)
(2:integer <- add 1:integer 1:literal)
(function f2 [
(sleep for-some-cycles:literal 30:literal)
(12:integer <- copy 3:literal)
(run 'f1 'f2)
(if (~is memory*.13 4)
(prn "F - sleep can block on a scoped memory location"))
(new-trace "fork")
'((function f1 [
(fork f2:fn)
(function f2 [
(2:integer <- copy 4:literal)
(run 'f1)
(if (~iso memory*.2 4)
(prn "F - fork works"))
(new-trace "fork-with-args")
'((function f1 [
(fork f2:fn nil:literal 4:literal)
(function f2 [
(2:integer <- next-input)
(run 'f1)
(if (~iso memory*.2 4)
(prn "F - fork can pass args"))
(new-trace "fork-copies-args")
'((function f1 [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 5:literal)
(x:integer <- copy 4:literal)
(fork f2:fn nil:literal x:integer)
(x:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(function f2 [
(2:integer <- next-input)
(run 'f1)
(if (~iso memory*.2 4)
(prn "F - fork passes args by value"))
(new-trace "fork-global")
'((function f1 [
(1:integer/raw <- copy 2:integer/space:global)
(function main [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 5:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 4:literal)
(fork f1:fn default-space:space-address)
(run 'main)
(each routine completed-routines*
(awhen rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(if (~iso memory*.1 4)
(prn "F - fork can take a space of global variables to access"))
(new-trace "array-bounds-check")
'((function main [
(1:integer <- copy 2:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 23:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 24:literal)
(4:integer <- index 1:integer-array 2:literal)
(run 'main)
(let routine (car completed-routines*)
(if (no rep.routine!error)
(prn "F - 'index' throws an error if out of bounds")))
(section 100
(new-trace "channel-new")
'((function main [
(1:channel-address <- init-channel 3:literal)
(2:integer <- get 1:channel-address/deref first-full:offset)
(3:integer <- get 1:channel-address/deref first-free:offset)
(run 'main)
(if (or (~is 0 memory*.2)
(~is 0 memory*.3))
(prn "F - 'init-channel' initializes 'first-full and 'first-free to 0"))
(new-trace "channel-write")
'((function main [
(1:channel-address <- init-channel 3:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(3:tagged-value <- save-type 2:integer)
(1:channel-address/deref <- write 1:channel-address 3:tagged-value)
(5:integer <- get 1:channel-address/deref first-full:offset)
(6:integer <- get 1:channel-address/deref first-free:offset)
(run 'main)
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(if (or (~is 0 memory*.5)
(~is 1 memory*.6))
(prn "F - 'write' enqueues item to channel"))
(new-trace "channel-read")
'((function main [
(1:channel-address <- init-channel 3:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(3:tagged-value <- save-type 2:integer)
(1:channel-address/deref <- write 1:channel-address 3:tagged-value)
(5:tagged-value 1:channel-address/deref <- read 1:channel-address)
(7:integer <- maybe-coerce 5:tagged-value integer:literal)
(8:integer <- get 1:channel-address/deref first-full:offset)
(9:integer <- get 1:channel-address/deref first-free:offset)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.7 34)
(prn "F - 'read' returns written value"))
(if (or (~is 1 memory*.8)
(~is 1 memory*.9))
(prn "F - 'read' dequeues item from channel"))
(new-trace "channel-write-wrap")
'((function main [
(1:channel-address <- init-channel 1:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(3:tagged-value <- save-type 2:integer)
(1:channel-address/deref <- write 1:channel-address 3:tagged-value)
(5:integer <- get 1:channel-address/deref first-free:offset)
(_ 1:channel-address/deref <- read 1:channel-address)
(1:channel-address/deref <- write 1:channel-address 3:tagged-value)
(6:integer <- get 1:channel-address/deref first-free:offset)
(run 'main)
(if (or (~is 1 memory*.5)
(~is 0 memory*.6))
(prn "F - 'write' can wrap pointer back to start"))
(new-trace "channel-read-wrap")
'((function main [
(1:channel-address <- init-channel 1:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(3:tagged-value <- save-type 2:integer)
(1:channel-address/deref <- write 1:channel-address 3:tagged-value)
(_ 1:channel-address/deref <- read 1:channel-address)
(5:integer <- get 1:channel-address/deref first-full:offset)
(1:channel-address/deref <- write 1:channel-address 3:tagged-value)
(_ 1:channel-address/deref <- read 1:channel-address)
(6:integer <- get 1:channel-address/deref first-full:offset)
(run 'main)
(if (or (~is 1 memory*.5)
(~is 0 memory*.6))
(prn "F - 'read' can wrap pointer back to start"))
(new-trace "channel-new-empty-not-full")
'((function main [
(1:channel-address <- init-channel 3:literal)
(2:boolean <- empty? 1:channel-address/deref)
(3:boolean <- full? 1:channel-address/deref)
(run 'main)
(if (or (~is t memory*.2)
(~is nil memory*.3))
(prn "F - a new channel is always empty, never full"))
(new-trace "channel-write-not-empty")
'((function main [
(1:channel-address <- init-channel 3:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(3:tagged-value <- save-type 2:integer)
(1:channel-address/deref <- write 1:channel-address 3:tagged-value)
(5:boolean <- empty? 1:channel-address/deref)
(6:boolean <- full? 1:channel-address/deref)
(run 'main)
(if (or (~is nil memory*.5)
(~is nil memory*.6))
(prn "F - a channel after writing is never empty"))
(new-trace "channel-write-full")
'((function main [
(1:channel-address <- init-channel 1:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(3:tagged-value <- save-type 2:integer)
(1:channel-address/deref <- write 1:channel-address 3:tagged-value)
(5:boolean <- empty? 1:channel-address/deref)
(6:boolean <- full? 1:channel-address/deref)
(run 'main)
(if (or (~is nil memory*.5)
(~is t memory*.6))
(prn "F - a channel after writing may be full"))
(new-trace "channel-read-not-full")
'((function main [
(1:channel-address <- init-channel 3:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(3:tagged-value <- save-type 2:integer)
(1:channel-address/deref <- write 1:channel-address 3:tagged-value)
(1:channel-address/deref <- write 1:channel-address 3:tagged-value)
(_ 1:channel-address/deref <- read 1:channel-address)
(5:boolean <- empty? 1:channel-address/deref)
(6:boolean <- full? 1:channel-address/deref)
(run 'main)
(if (or (~is nil memory*.5)
(~is nil memory*.6))
(prn "F - a channel after reading is never full"))
(new-trace "channel-read-empty")
'((function main [
(1:channel-address <- init-channel 3:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(3:tagged-value <- save-type 2:integer)
(1:channel-address/deref <- write 1:channel-address 3:tagged-value)
(_ 1:channel-address/deref <- read 1:channel-address)
(5:boolean <- empty? 1:channel-address/deref)
(6:boolean <- full? 1:channel-address/deref)
(run 'main)
(if (or (~is t memory*.5)
(~is nil memory*.6))
(prn "F - a channel after reading may be empty"))
(new-trace "channel-read-block")
'((function main [
(1:channel-address <- init-channel 3:literal)
(2:tagged-value 1:channel-address/deref <- read 1:channel-address)
(run 'main)
(let routine (car completed-routines*)
(when (or (no routine)
(no rep.routine!error)
(~posmatch "deadlock" rep.routine!error))
(prn "F - 'read' on empty channel blocks (puts the routine to sleep until the channel gets data)")))
(new-trace "channel-write-block")
'((function main [
(1:channel-address <- init-channel 1:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 34:literal)
(3:tagged-value <- save-type 2:integer)
(1:channel-address/deref <- write 1:channel-address 3:tagged-value)
(1:channel-address/deref <- write 1:channel-address 3:tagged-value)
(run 'main)
(let routine (car completed-routines*)
(when (or (no routine)
(no rep.routine!error)
(~posmatch "deadlock" rep.routine!error))
(prn "F - 'write' on full channel blocks (puts the routine to sleep until the channel gets data)")))
(new-trace "channel-handoff")
'((function consumer [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
(chan:channel-address <- init-channel 3:literal)
(fork producer:fn nil:literal chan:channel-address)
(1:tagged-value/raw <- read chan:channel-address)
(function producer [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
(n:integer <- copy 24:literal)
(ochan:channel-address <- next-input)
(x:tagged-value <- save-type n:integer)
(ochan:channel-address/deref <- write ochan:channel-address x:tagged-value)
(run 'consumer)
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(if (~is 24 memory*.2)
(prn "F - channels are meant to be shared between routines"))
(new-trace "channel-handoff-routine")
'((function consumer [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
(1:channel-address <- init-channel 3:literal)
(fork producer:fn default-space:space-address)
(1:tagged-value/raw <- read 1:channel-address)
(function producer [
(default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
(n:integer <- copy 24:literal)
(x:tagged-value <- save-type n:integer)
(1:channel-address/space:global/deref <- write 1:channel-address/space:global x:tagged-value)
(run 'consumer)
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(if (~is 24 memory*.2)
(prn "F - channels are meant to be shared between routines"))
(section 10
(new-trace "convert-quotes-defer")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-quotes
'((1:integer <- copy 4:literal)
(defer [
(3:integer <- copy 6:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 5:literal)))
'((1:integer <- copy 4:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 5:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 6:literal)))
(prn "F - convert-quotes can handle 'defer'"))
(new-trace "convert-quotes-defer-reply")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-quotes
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(defer [
(5:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 0:literal)))
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(5:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(5:integer <- copy 0:literal)))
(prn "F - convert-quotes inserts code at early exits"))
(new-trace "convert-quotes-defer-reply-arg")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-quotes
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(defer [
(5:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(reply 2:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 0:literal)))
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(prepare-reply 2:literal)
(5:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(5:integer <- copy 0:literal)))
(prn "F - convert-quotes inserts code at early exits"))
(new-trace "convert-quotes-label")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (convert-quotes
'((1:integer <- copy 4:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 5:literal)))
'((1:integer <- copy 4:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 5:literal)))
(prn "F - convert-quotes can handle labels"))
(new-trace "before")
(= traces* (queue))
'((before label1 [
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(if (~iso (as cons before*!label1)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal))))
(prn "F - 'before' records fragments of code to insert before labels"))
(if (~iso (insert-code
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)))
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)))
(prn "F - 'insert-code' can insert fragments before labels"))
(new-trace "before-multiple")
(= traces* (queue))
'((before label1 [
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(before label1 [
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(if (~iso (as cons before*!label1)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal))
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal))))
(prn "F - 'before' records fragments in order"))
(if (~iso (insert-code
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 0:literal)))
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 0:literal)))
(prn "F - 'insert-code' can insert multiple fragments in order before label"))
(new-trace "before-scoped")
(= traces* (queue))
'((before f/label1 [
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(if (~iso (insert-code
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal))
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)))
(prn "F - 'insert-code' can insert fragments before labels just in specified functions"))
(new-trace "before-scoped2")
(= traces* (queue))
'((before f/label1 [
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(if (~iso (insert-code
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)))
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)))
(prn "F - 'insert-code' ignores labels not in specified functions"))
(new-trace "after")
(= traces* (queue))
'((after label1 [
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(if (~iso (as cons after*!label1)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal))))
(prn "F - 'after' records fragments of code to insert after labels"))
(if (~iso (insert-code
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)))
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)))
(prn "F - 'insert-code' can insert fragments after labels"))
(new-trace "after-multiple")
(= traces* (queue))
'((after label1 [
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(after label1 [
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(if (~iso (as cons after*!label1)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal))
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal))))
(prn "F - 'after' records fragments in *reverse* order"))
(if (~iso (insert-code
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 0:literal)))
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 0:literal)))
(prn "F - 'insert-code' can insert multiple fragments in order after label"))
(new-trace "before-after")
(= traces* (queue))
'((before label1 [
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(after label1 [
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(if (and (~iso (as cons before*!label1)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal))))
(~iso (as cons after*!label1)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)))))
(prn "F - 'before' and 'after' fragments work together"))
(if (~iso (insert-code
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 0:literal)))
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 0:literal)))
(prn "F - 'insert-code' can insert multiple fragments around label"))
(new-trace "before-after-multiple")
(= traces* (queue))
'((before label1 [
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(after label1 [
(4:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(before label1 [
(5:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(after label1 [
(6:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(7:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(if (or (~iso (as cons before*!label1)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal))
(5:integer <- copy 0:literal))))
(~iso (as cons after*!label1)
(6:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(7:integer <- copy 0:literal))
(4:integer <- copy 0:literal)))))
(prn "F - multiple 'before' and 'after' fragments at once"))
(if (~iso (insert-code
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(8:integer <- copy 0:literal)))
'((1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(5:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(6:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(7:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(4:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(8:integer <- copy 0:literal)))
(prn "F - 'insert-code' can insert multiple fragments around label - 2"))
(new-trace "before-after-independent")
(= traces* (queue))
(if (~iso (do
'((before label1 [
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(after label1 [
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(before label1 [
(4:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(after label1 [
(5:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(list before*!label1 after*!label1))
'((before label1 [
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(before label1 [
(4:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(after label1 [
(3:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(after label1 [
(5:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(list before*!label1 after*!label1)))
(prn "F - order matters between 'before' and between 'after' fragments, but not *across* 'before' and 'after' fragments"))
(new-trace "before-after-braces")
(= traces* (queue))
(= function* (table))
'((after label1 [
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(function f1 [
(freeze function*)
(if (~iso function*!f1
(((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
(prn "F - before/after works inside blocks"))
(new-trace "before-after-any-order")
(= traces* (queue))
(= function* (table))
'((function f1 [
(after label1 [
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(freeze function*)
(if (~iso function*!f1
(((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
(prn "F - before/after can come after the function they need to modify"))
(new-trace "multiple-defs")
(= traces* (queue))
(= function* (table))
'((function f1 [
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(function f1 [
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(freeze function*)
(if (~iso function*!f1
'((((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))
(((1 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
(prn "F - multiple 'def' of the same function add clauses"))
(new-trace "def!")
(= traces* (queue))
(= function* (table))
'((function f1 [
(1:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(function! f1 [
(2:integer <- copy 0:literal)
(freeze function*)
(if (~iso function*!f1
'((((2 integer)) <- ((copy)) ((0 literal)))))
(prn "F - 'def!' clears all previous clauses"))
(section 100
(new-trace "string-new")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new string:literal 5:literal)
(let routine make-routine!main
(enq routine running-routines*)
(let before rep.routine!alloc
(if (~iso rep.routine!alloc (+ before 5 1))
(prn "F - 'new' allocates arrays of bytes for strings"))))
(new-trace "string-literal")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "hello")
(let routine make-routine!main
(enq routine running-routines*)
(let before rep.routine!alloc
(if (~iso rep.routine!alloc (+ before 5 1))
(prn "F - 'new' allocates arrays of bytes for string literals"))
(if (~memory-contains-array before "hello")
(prn "F - 'new' initializes allocated memory to string literal"))))
(new-trace "strcat")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "hello,")
(2:string-address <- new " world!")
(3:string-address <- strcat 1:string-address 2:string-address)
(run 'main)
(if (~memory-contains-array memory*.3 "hello, world!")
(prn "F - 'strcat' concatenates strings"))
(new-trace "interpolate")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "hello, _!")
(2:string-address <- new "abc")
(3:string-address <- interpolate 1:string-address 2:string-address)
(run 'main)
(if (~memory-contains-array memory*.3 "hello, abc!")
(prn "F - 'interpolate' splices strings"))
(new-trace "interpolate-empty")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "hello!")
(2:string-address <- new "abc")
(3:string-address <- interpolate 1:string-address 2:string-address)
(run 'main)
(if (~memory-contains-array memory*.3 "hello!")
(prn "F - 'interpolate' without underscore returns template"))
(new-trace "interpolate-at-start")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "_, hello!")
(2:string-address <- new "abc")
(3:string-address <- interpolate 1:string-address 2:string-address)
(run 'main)
(if (~memory-contains-array memory*.3 "abc, hello")
(prn "F - 'interpolate' splices strings at start"))
(new-trace "interpolate-at-end")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "hello, _")
(2:string-address <- new "abc")
(3:string-address <- interpolate 1:string-address 2:string-address)
(run 'main)
(if (~memory-contains-array memory*.3 "hello, abc")
(prn "F - 'interpolate' splices strings at start"))
(new-trace "interpolate-varargs")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "hello, _, _, and _!")
(2:string-address <- new "abc")
(3:string-address <- new "def")
(4:string-address <- new "ghi")
(5:string-address <- interpolate 1:string-address 2:string-address 3:string-address 4:string-address)
(run 'main)
(if (~memory-contains-array memory*.5 "hello, abc, def, and ghi!")
(prn "F - 'interpolate' splices in any number of strings"))
(new-trace "string-find-next")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "a/b")
(2:integer <- find-next 1:string-address ((#\/ literal)) 0:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.2 1)
(prn "F - 'find-next' finds first location of a character"))
(new-trace "string-find-next-empty")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "")
(2:integer <- find-next 1:string-address ((#\/ literal)) 0:literal)
(run 'main)
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(if (~is memory*.2 0)
(prn "F - 'find-next' finds first location of a character"))
(new-trace "string-find-next-initial")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "/abc")
(2:integer <- find-next 1:string-address ((#\/ literal)) 0:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.2 0)
(prn "F - 'find-next' handles prefix match"))
(new-trace "string-find-next-final")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "abc/")
(2:integer <- find-next 1:string-address ((#\/ literal)) 0:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.2 3)
(prn "F - 'find-next' handles suffix match"))
(new-trace "string-find-next-missing")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "abc")
(2:integer <- find-next 1:string-address ((#\/ literal)) 0:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.2 3)
(prn "F - 'find-next' handles no match"))
(new-trace "string-find-next-invalid-index")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "abc")
(2:integer <- find-next 1:string-address ((#\/ literal)) 4:literal)
(run 'main)
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(if (~is memory*.2 4)
(prn "F - 'find-next' skips invalid index (past end of string)"))
(new-trace "string-find-next-first")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "ab/c/")
(2:integer <- find-next 1:string-address ((#\/ literal)) 0:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.2 2)
(prn "F - 'find-next' finds first of multiple options"))
(new-trace "string-find-next-second")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "ab/c/")
(2:integer <- find-next 1:string-address ((#\/ literal)) 3:literal)
(run 'main)
(if (~is memory*.2 4)
(prn "F - 'find-next' finds second of multiple options"))
(new-trace "string-split")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "a/b")
(2:string-address-array-address <- split 1:string-address ((#\/ literal)))
(run 'main)
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(let base memory*.2
(if (or (~is memory*.base 2)
(~memory-contains-array (memory* (+ base 1)) "a")
(~memory-contains-array (memory* (+ base 2)) "b"))
(prn "F - 'split' cuts string at delimiter")))
(new-trace "string-split2")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "a/b/c")
(2:string-address-array-address <- split 1:string-address ((#\/ literal)))
(run 'main)
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(let base memory*.2
(if (or (~is memory*.base 3)
(~memory-contains-array (memory* (+ base 1)) "a")
(~memory-contains-array (memory* (+ base 2)) "b")
(~memory-contains-array (memory* (+ base 3)) "c"))
(prn "F - 'split' cuts string at two delimiters")))
(new-trace "string-split-missing")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "abc")
(2:string-address-array-address <- split 1:string-address ((#\/ literal)))
(run 'main)
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(let base memory*.2
(if (or (~is memory*.base 1)
(~memory-contains-array (memory* (+ base 1)) "abc"))
(prn "F - 'split' handles missing delimiter")))
(new-trace "string-split-empty")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "")
(2:string-address-array-address <- split 1:string-address ((#\/ literal)))
(run 'main)
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(let base memory*.2
(if (~is memory*.base 0)
(prn "F - 'split' handles empty string")))
(new-trace "string-split-empty-piece")
'((function main [
(1:string-address <- new "a/b//c")
(2:string-address-array-address <- split 1:string-address ((#\/ literal)))
(run 'main)
(each routine completed-routines*
(aif rep.routine!error (prn "error - " it)))
(let base memory*.2
(if (or (~is memory*.base 4)
(~memory-contains-array (memory* (+ base 1)) "a")
(~memory-contains-array (memory* (+ base 2)) "b")
(~memory-contains-array (memory* (+ base 3)) "")
(~memory-contains-array (memory* (+ base 4)) "c"))
(prn "F - 'split' cuts string at two delimiters")))
(new-trace "parse-and-record")
'((and-record foo [
(if (~iso type*!foo (obj size 3 and-record t elems '((string) (integer) (boolean)) fields '(x y z)))
(prn "F - 'add-code' can add new and-records"))
(prn "== tokenize-args")
(assert:iso '((a b) (c d))
(tokenize-arg 'a:b/c:d))
(assert:iso '((a b) (1 d))
(tokenize-arg 'a:b/1:d))
(assert:iso '<-
(tokenize-arg '<-))
(assert:iso '_
(tokenize-arg '_))
(assert:iso (tokenize-arg:tokenize-arg 'a:b/c:d)
(tokenize-arg 'a:b/c:d))
(assert:iso '((((default-space space-address)) <- ((new)) ((space literal)) ((30 literal)))
'((default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
(assert:iso '((((default-space space-address)) <- ((new)) ((space literal)) ((30 literal)))
(((a b)) <- ((op)) ((c d)) ((e f)))
'((default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal)
(a:b <- op c:d e:f)
(prn "== space")
(if (~iso 0 (space '((4 integer))))
(prn "F - 'space' is 0 by default"))
(if (~iso 1 (space '((4 integer) (space 1))))
(prn "F - 'space' picks up space when available"))
(if (~iso 'global (space '((4 integer) (space global))))
(prn "F - 'space' understands routine-global space"))
(prn "== absolutize")
(if (~iso '((4 integer)) (absolutize '((4 integer))))
(prn "F - 'absolutize' works without routine"))
(= routine* make-routine!foo)
(if (~iso '((4 integer)) (absolutize '((4 integer))))
(prn "F - 'absolutize' works without default-space"))
(= rep.routine*!call-stack.0!default-space 10)
(= memory*.10 5)
(if (~iso '((15 integer) (raw))
(absolutize '((4 integer))))
(prn "F - 'absolutize' works with default-space"))
(absolutize '((5 integer)))
(if (~posmatch "no room" rep.routine*!error)
(prn "F - 'absolutize' checks against default-space bounds"))
(if (~iso '((_ integer)) (absolutize '((_ integer))))
(prn "F - 'absolutize' passes dummy args right through"))
(= memory*.20 5)
(= rep.routine*!globals 20)
(if (~iso '((22 integer) (raw))
(absolutize '((1 integer) (space global))))
(prn "F - 'absolutize' handles variables in the global space"))
(prn "== deref")
(= memory*.3 4)
(if (~iso '((4 integer))
(deref '((3 integer-address)
(prn "F - 'deref' handles simple addresses"))
(if (~iso '((4 integer) (deref))
(deref '((3 integer-address)
(prn "F - 'deref' deletes just one deref"))
(= memory*.4 5)
(if (~iso '((5 integer))
(deref:deref '((3 integer-address-address)
(prn "F - 'deref' can be chained"))
(if (~iso '((5 integer) (foo))
(deref:deref '((3 integer-address-address)
(prn "F - 'deref' skips junk"))
(prn "== addr")
(= routine* nil)
(if (~is 4 (addr '((4 integer))))
(prn "F - directly addressed operands are their own address"))
(if (~is 4 (addr '((4 integer-address))))
(prn "F - directly addressed operands are their own address - 2"))
(if (~is 4 (addr '((4 literal))))
(prn "F - 'addr' doesn't understand literals"))
(= memory*.4 23)
(if (~is 23 (addr '((4 integer-address) (deref))))
(prn "F - 'addr' works with indirectly-addressed 'deref'"))
(= memory*.3 4)
(if (~is 23 (addr '((3 integer-address-address) (deref) (deref))))
(prn "F - 'addr' works with multiple 'deref'"))
(= routine* make-routine!foo)
(if (~is 4 (addr '((4 integer))))
(prn "F - directly addressed operands are their own address inside routines"))
(if (~is 4 (addr '((4 integer-address))))
(prn "F - directly addressed operands are their own address inside routines - 2"))
(if (~is 4 (addr '((4 literal))))
(prn "F - 'addr' doesn't understand literals inside routines"))
(= memory*.4 23)
(if (~is 23 (addr '((4 integer-address) (deref))))
(prn "F - 'addr' works with indirectly-addressed 'deref' inside routines"))
(= rep.routine*!call-stack.0!default-space 10)
(= memory*.10 5)
(if (~is 15 (addr '((4 integer))))
(prn "F - directly addressed operands in routines add default-space"))
(if (~is 15 (addr '((4 integer-address))))
(prn "F - directly addressed operands in routines add default-space - 2"))
(if (~is 15 (addr '((4 literal))))
(prn "F - 'addr' doesn't understand literals"))
(= memory*.15 23)
(if (~is 23 (addr '((4 integer-address) (deref))))
(prn "F - 'addr' adds default-space before 'deref', not after"))
(prn "== array-len")
(= memory*.35 4)
(if (~is 4 (array-len '((35 integer-boolean-pair-array))))
(prn "F - 'array-len'"))
(= memory*.34 35)
(if (~is 4 (array-len '((34 integer-boolean-pair-array-address) (deref))))
(prn "F - 'array-len'"))
(prn "== sizeof")
(if (~is 1 (sizeof '((_ integer))))
(prn "F - 'sizeof' works on primitives"))
(if (~is 1 (sizeof '((_ integer-address))))
(prn "F - 'sizeof' works on addresses"))
(if (~is 2 (sizeof '((_ integer-boolean-pair))))
(prn "F - 'sizeof' works on and-records"))
(if (~is 3 (sizeof '((_ integer-point-pair))))
(prn "F - 'sizeof' works on and-records with and-record fields"))
(if (~is 1 (sizeof '((34 integer))))
(prn "F - 'sizeof' works on primitive operands"))
(if (~is 1 (sizeof '((34 integer-address))))
(prn "F - 'sizeof' works on address operands"))
(if (~is 2 (sizeof '((34 integer-boolean-pair))))
(prn "F - 'sizeof' works on and-record operands"))
(if (~is 3 (sizeof '((34 integer-point-pair))))
(prn "F - 'sizeof' works on and-record operands with and-record fields"))
(if (~is 2 (sizeof '((34 integer-boolean-pair-address) (deref))))
(prn "F - 'sizeof' works on pointers to and-records"))
(= memory*.35 4)
(= memory*.34 35)
(if (~is 9 (sizeof '((34 integer-boolean-pair-array-address) (deref))))
(prn "F - 'sizeof' works on pointers to arrays"))
(= memory*.4 23)
(if (~is 24 (sizeof '((4 integer-array))))
(prn "F - 'sizeof' reads array lengths from memory"))
(= memory*.3 4)
(if (~is 24 (sizeof '((3 integer-array-address) (deref))))
(prn "F - 'sizeof' handles pointers to arrays"))
(= memory*.15 34)
(= routine* make-routine!foo)
(if (~is 24 (sizeof '((4 integer-array))))
(prn "F - 'sizeof' reads array lengths from memory inside routines"))
(= rep.routine*!call-stack.0!default-space 10)
(= memory*.10 5)
(if (~is 35 (sizeof '((4 integer-array))))
(prn "F - 'sizeof' reads array lengths from memory using default-space"))
(= memory*.35 4)
(= memory*.15 35)
(aif rep.routine*!error (prn "error - " it))
(if (~is 9 (sizeof '((4 integer-boolean-pair-array-address) (deref))))
(prn "F - 'sizeof' works on pointers to arrays using default-space"))
(prn "== m")
(if (~is 4 (m '((4 literal))))
(prn "F - 'm' avoids reading memory for literals"))
(if (~is 4 (m '((4 offset))))
(prn "F - 'm' avoids reading memory for offsets"))
(= memory*.4 34)
(if (~is 34 (m '((4 integer))))
(prn "F - 'm' reads memory for simple types"))
(= memory*.3 4)
(if (~is 34 (m '((3 integer-address) (deref))))
(prn "F - 'm' redirects addresses"))
(= memory*.2 3)
(if (~is 34 (m '((2 integer-address-address) (deref) (deref))))
(prn "F - 'm' multiply redirects addresses"))
(if (~iso (annotate 'record '(34 nil)) (m '((4 integer-boolean-pair))))
(prn "F - 'm' supports compound records"))
(= memory*.5 35)
(= memory*.6 36)
(if (~iso (annotate 'record '(34 35 36)) (m '((4 integer-point-pair))))
(prn "F - 'm' supports records with compound fields"))
(if (~iso (annotate 'record '(34 35 36)) (m '((3 integer-point-pair-address) (deref))))
(prn "F - 'm' supports indirect access to records"))
(= memory*.4 2)
(if (~iso (annotate 'record '(2 35 36)) (m '((4 integer-array))))
(prn "F - 'm' supports access to arrays"))
(if (~iso (annotate 'record '(2 35 36)) (m '((3 integer-array-address) (deref))))
(prn "F - 'm' supports indirect access to arrays"))
(= routine* make-routine!foo)
(= memory*.10 5)
(= memory*.12 34)
(= rep.routine*!globals 10)
(if (~iso 34 (m '((1 integer) (space global))))
(prn "F - 'm' supports access to per-routine globals"))
(prn "== setm")
(setm '((4 integer)) 34)
(if (~is 34 memory*.4)
(prn "F - 'setm' writes primitives to memory"))
(setm '((3 integer-address)) 4)
(if (~is 4 memory*.3)
(prn "F - 'setm' writes addresses to memory"))
(setm '((3 integer-address) (deref)) 35)
(if (~is 35 memory*.4)
(prn "F - 'setm' redirects writes"))
(= memory*.2 3)
(setm '((2 integer-address-address) (deref) (deref)) 36)
(if (~is 36 memory*.4)
(prn "F - 'setm' multiply redirects writes"))
(setm '((4 integer-integer-pair)) (annotate 'record '(23 24)))
(if (~memory-contains 4 '(23 24))
(prn "F - 'setm' writes compound records"))
(assert (is memory*.7 nil))
(setm '((7 integer-point-pair)) (annotate 'record '(23 24 25)))
(if (~memory-contains 7 '(23 24 25))
(prn "F - 'setm' writes records with compound fields"))
(= routine* make-routine!foo)
(setm '((4 integer-point-pair)) (annotate 'record '(33 34)))
(if (~posmatch "incorrect size" rep.routine*!error)
(prn "F - 'setm' checks size of target"))
(wipe routine*)
(setm '((3 integer-point-pair-address) (deref)) (annotate 'record '(43 44 45)))
(if (~memory-contains 4 '(43 44 45))
(prn "F - 'setm' supports indirect writes to records"))
(setm '((2 integer-point-pair-address-address) (deref) (deref)) (annotate 'record '(53 54 55)))
(if (~memory-contains 4 '(53 54 55))
(prn "F - 'setm' supports multiply indirect writes to records"))
(setm '((4 integer-array)) (annotate 'record '(2 31 32)))
(if (~memory-contains 4 '(2 31 32))
(prn "F - 'setm' writes arrays"))
(setm '((3 integer-array-address) (deref)) (annotate 'record '(2 41 42)))
(if (~memory-contains 4 '(2 41 42))
(prn "F - 'setm' supports indirect writes to arrays"))
(= routine* make-routine!foo)
(setm '((4 integer-array)) (annotate 'record '(2 31 32 33)))
(if (~posmatch "invalid array" rep.routine*!error)
(prn "F - 'setm' checks that array written is well-formed"))
(= routine* make-routine!foo)
(setm '((4 integer-boolean-pair-array)) (annotate 'record '(2 31 nil 32 nil 33)))
(if (~posmatch "invalid array" rep.routine*!error)
(prn "F - 'setm' checks that array of records is well-formed"))
(= routine* make-routine!foo)
(setm '((4 integer-boolean-pair-array)) (annotate 'record '(2 31 nil 32 nil)))
(if (posmatch "invalid array" rep.routine*!error)
(prn "F - 'setm' checks that array of records is well-formed - 2"))
(wipe routine*)