" Vim syntax file " Language: mu " Maintainer: Kartik Agaram " URL: http://github.com/akkartik/mu " License: public domain " " Copy this into your ftplugin directory, and add the following to your vimrc: " autocmd BufReadPost,BufNewFile *.mu,*.test set filetype=mu let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim if exists("b:syntax") finish endif let b:syntax = "mu" setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,?,!,_,$,- syntax match muComment /;.*$/ highlight link muComment Comment syntax match muSalientComment /;;.*$/ highlight link muSalientComment SalientComment set comments-=:; set comments+=n:; syntax match CommentedCode ";? .*" let b:cmt_head = ";? " syntax region muString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=@Spell highlight link muString String syntax match muDelimiter "[{}\[\]]" | highlight link muDelimiter Delimiter syntax match muAssign "<-" | highlight link muAssign SpecialChar syntax match muAssign "\" syntax keyword muFunc next-input input reply jump jump-if jump-unless loop loop-if loop-unless break-if break-unless | highlight link muFunc Function let &cpo = s:save_cpo