### A prototype shell for the Mu computer Currently runs a tiny subset of Lisp. Steps to run it from the top-level: 1. Build it: ```sh $ ./translate shell/*.mu # generates disk.img ``` 2. Run it: ```sh $ qemu-system-i386 disk.img ``` To save typing in a large s-expression, create a secondary disk for data: ```sh $ dd if=/dev/zero of=data.img count=20160 ``` Load an s-expression into it: ```sh $ echo '(+ 1 1)' |dd of=data.img conv=notrunc ``` Now run with both code and data disks: ```sh $ qemu-system-i386 -hda disk.img -hdb data.img ``` You can type in expressions, hit `ctrl-s` to see their results, and hit `Tab` to focus on the `...` below and browse how the results were computed. [Here's a demo.](https://archive.org/details/akkartik-2min-2021-02-24) The bottom of the screen shows context-dependent keyboard shortcuts (there's no mouse in the Mu computer at the moment). *Known issues* * There's no way to save to disk. * Don't press keys too quickly (such as by holding down a key). The Mu computer will crash (and often Qemu will segfault).