; reads and prints keys until you hit 'q' ; no need to hit 'enter', and 'enter' has no special meaning ; dies if you wait a while, because so far we never free memory (function main [ (default-space:space-address <- new space:literal 30:literal) (cursor-mode) (clear-screen) ; hook up stdin (stdin:channel-address <- init-channel 1:literal) ;? (print-primitive-to-host (("main: stdin is " literal))) ;? (print-primitive-to-host stdin:channel-address) ;? (print-primitive-to-host (("\n" literal))) (fork-helper send-keys-to-stdin:fn nil:literal/globals nil:literal/limit nil:literal/keyboard stdin:channel-address) ; now read characters from stdin until a 'q' is typed (print-primitive-to-host (("? " literal))) { begin (x:tagged-value stdin:channel-address/deref <- read stdin:channel-address) (c:character <- maybe-coerce x:tagged-value character:literal) ;? (print-primitive-to-host (("main: stdin is " literal))) ;? (print-primitive-to-host stdin:channel-address) ;? (print-primitive-to-host (("\n" literal))) ;? (print-primitive-to-host (("check: " literal))) ;? (print-primitive-to-host c:character) (done?:boolean <- equal c:character ((#\q literal))) (break-if done?:boolean) (print-character nil:literal/terminal c:character) (loop) } ])