//:: call :(before "End Initialize Op Names") put_new(Name, "e8", "call disp32 (call)"); :(code) void test_call_disp32() { Reg[ESP].u = 0x64; run( "== 0x1\n" // code segment // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " e8 a0 00 00 00 \n" // call function offset at 0x000000a0 // next EIP is 6 ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: call imm32 0x000000a0\n" "run: decrementing ESP to 0x00000060\n" "run: pushing value 0x00000006\n" "run: jumping to 0x000000a6\n" ); } :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes") case 0xe8: { // call disp32 relative to next EIP const int32_t offset = next32(); ++Callstack_depth; trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "call imm32 0x" << HEXWORD << offset << end(); //? cerr << "push: EIP: " << EIP << " => " << Reg[ESP].u << '\n'; push(EIP); EIP += offset; trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "jumping to 0x" << HEXWORD << EIP << end(); break; } //: :(code) void test_call_r32() { Reg[ESP].u = 0x64; Reg[EBX].u = 0x000000a0; run( "== 0x1\n" // code segment // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " ff d3 \n" // call function offset at EBX // next EIP is 3 ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: call to r/m32\n" "run: r/m32 is EBX\n" "run: decrementing ESP to 0x00000060\n" "run: pushing value 0x00000003\n" "run: jumping to 0x000000a3\n" ); } :(before "End Op ff Subops") case 2: { // call function pointer at r/m32 trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "call to r/m32" << end(); const int32_t* offset = effective_address(modrm); push(EIP); EIP += *offset; trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "jumping to 0x" << HEXWORD << EIP << end(); ++Callstack_depth; break; } :(code) void test_call_mem_at_r32() { Reg[ESP].u = 0x64; Reg[EBX].u = 0x2000; run( "== 0x1\n" // code segment // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " ff 13 \n" // call function offset at *EBX // next EIP is 3 "== 0x2000\n" // data segment "a0 00 00 00\n" // 0x000000a0 ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: call to r/m32\n" "run: effective address is 0x00002000 (EBX)\n" "run: decrementing ESP to 0x00000060\n" "run: pushing value 0x00000003\n" "run: jumping to 0x000000a3\n" ); } //:: ret :(before "End Initialize Op Names") put_new(Name, "c3", "return from most recent unfinished call (ret)"); :(code) void test_ret() { Reg[ESP].u = 0x2000; run( "== 0x1\n" // code segment // op ModR/M SIB displacement immediate " c3 \n" // return "== 0x2000\n" // data segment "10 00 00 00\n" // 0x00000010 ); CHECK_TRACE_CONTENTS( "run: return\n" "run: popping value 0x00000010\n" "run: jumping to 0x00000010\n" ); } :(before "End Single-Byte Opcodes") case 0xc3: { // return from a call trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "return" << end(); --Callstack_depth; EIP = pop(); trace(Callstack_depth+1, "run") << "jumping to 0x" << HEXWORD << EIP << end(); break; }