//: Operands can refer to bitfields smaller than a byte. This layer packs //: operands into their containing bytes in the right order. :(scenario pack_immediate_constants) == 0x1 # instruction effective address operand displacement immediate # op subop mod rm32 base index scale r32 # 1-3 bytes 3 bits 2 bits 3 bits 3 bits 3 bits 2 bits 2 bits 0/1/2/4 bytes 0/1/2/4 bytes bb 0x2a/imm32 # copy 42 to EBX +transform: packing instruction 'bb 0x2a/imm32' +transform: instruction after packing: 'bb 2a 00 00 00' +run: copy imm32 0x0000002a to EBX :(scenario pack_disp8) == 0x1 74 2/disp8 # jump 2 bytes away if ZF is set +transform: packing instruction '74 2/disp8' +transform: instruction after packing: '74 02' :(scenarios transform) :(scenario pack_disp8_negative) == 0x1 # running this will cause an infinite loop 74 -1/disp8 # jump 1 byte before if ZF is set +transform: packing instruction '74 -1/disp8' +transform: instruction after packing: '74 ff' :(scenarios run) :(scenario pack_modrm_imm32) == 0x1 # instruction effective address operand displacement immediate # op subop mod rm32 base index scale r32 # 1-3 bytes 3 bits 2 bits 3 bits 3 bits 3 bits 2 bits 2 bits 0/1/2/4 bytes 0/1/2/4 bytes 81 0/add/subop 3/mod/direct 3/ebx/rm32 1/imm32 # add 1 to EBX +transform: packing instruction '81 0/add/subop 3/mod/direct 3/ebx/rm32 1/imm32' +transform: instruction after packing: '81 c3 01 00 00 00' :(scenario pack_imm32_large) == 0x1 b9 0x080490a7/imm32 # copy to ECX +transform: packing instruction 'b9 0x080490a7/imm32' +transform: instruction after packing: 'b9 a7 90 04 08' :(before "End One-time Setup") Transform.push_back(pack_operands); :(code) void pack_operands(program& p) { trace(99, "transform") << "-- pack operands" << end(); if (p.segments.empty()) return; segment& code = p.segments.at(0); for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(code.lines); ++i) { line& inst = code.lines.at(i); if (all_hex_bytes(inst)) continue; trace(99, "transform") << "packing instruction '" << to_string(/*with metadata*/inst) << "'" << end(); pack_operands(inst); trace(99, "transform") << "instruction after packing: '" << to_string(/*without metadata*/inst.words) << "'" << end(); } } void pack_operands(line& inst) { line new_inst; add_opcodes(inst, new_inst); add_modrm_byte(inst, new_inst); add_sib_byte(inst, new_inst); add_disp_bytes(inst, new_inst); add_imm_bytes(inst, new_inst); inst.words.swap(new_inst.words); } void add_opcodes(const line& in, line& out) { out.words.push_back(in.words.at(0)); if (in.words.at(0).data == "0f" || in.words.at(0).data == "f3") out.words.push_back(in.words.at(1)); if (in.words.at(0).data == "f3" && in.words.at(1).data == "0f") out.words.push_back(in.words.at(2)); } void add_modrm_byte(const line& in, line& out) { uint8_t mod=0, reg_subop=0, rm32=0; bool emit = false; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(in.words); ++i) { const word& curr = in.words.at(i); if (has_metadata(curr, "mod")) { mod = hex_byte(curr.data); emit = true; } else if (has_metadata(curr, "rm32")) { rm32 = hex_byte(curr.data); emit = true; } else if (has_metadata(curr, "r32")) { reg_subop = hex_byte(curr.data); emit = true; } else if (has_metadata(curr, "subop")) { reg_subop = hex_byte(curr.data); emit = true; } } if (emit) out.words.push_back(hex_byte_text((mod << 6) | (reg_subop << 3) | rm32)); } void add_sib_byte(const line& in, line& out) { uint8_t scale=0, index=0, base=0; bool emit = false; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(in.words); ++i) { const word& curr = in.words.at(i); if (has_metadata(curr, "scale")) { scale = hex_byte(curr.data); emit = true; } else if (has_metadata(curr, "index")) { index = hex_byte(curr.data); emit = true; } else if (has_metadata(curr, "base")) { base = hex_byte(curr.data); emit = true; } } if (emit) out.words.push_back(hex_byte_text((scale << 6) | (index << 3) | base)); } void add_disp_bytes(const line& in, line& out) { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(in.words); ++i) { const word& curr = in.words.at(i); if (has_metadata(curr, "disp8")) emit_hex_bytes(out, curr, 1); else if (has_metadata(curr, "disp32")) emit_hex_bytes(out, curr, 4); } } void add_imm_bytes(const line& in, line& out) { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(in.words); ++i) { const word& curr = in.words.at(i); if (has_metadata(curr, "imm8")) emit_hex_bytes(out, curr, 1); else if (has_metadata(curr, "imm32")) emit_hex_bytes(out, curr, 4); } } void emit_hex_bytes(line& out, const word& w, int num) { assert(num <= 4); if (!is_hex_int(w.data)) { out.words.push_back(w); return; } uint32_t val = static_cast(parse_int(w.data)); for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) { out.words.push_back(hex_byte_text(val & 0xff)); val = val >> 8; } } bool is_hex_int(const string& s) { if (s.empty()) return false; size_t pos = 0; if (s.at(0) == '-' || s.at(0) == '+') pos++; if (s.substr(pos, pos+2) == "0x") pos += 2; return s.find_first_not_of("0123456789abcdefABCDEF", pos) == string::npos; } word hex_byte_text(uint8_t val) { ostringstream out; out << HEXBYTE << NUM(val); word result; result.data = out.str(); return result; } string to_string(const vector& in) { ostringstream out; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(in); ++i) { if (i > 0) out << ' '; out << in.at(i).data; } return out.str(); } // helper void transform(const string& text_bytes) { program p; istringstream in(text_bytes); parse(in, p); if (trace_contains_errors()) return; transform(p); } :(scenario pack_immediate_constants_hex) == 0x1 # instruction effective address operand displacement immediate # op subop mod rm32 base index scale r32 # 1-3 bytes 3 bits 2 bits 3 bits 3 bits 3 bits 2 bits 2 bits 0/1/2/4 bytes 0/1/2/4 bytes bb 0x2a/imm32 # copy 42 to EBX +transform: packing instruction 'bb 0x2a/imm32' +transform: instruction after packing: 'bb 2a 00 00 00' +run: copy imm32 0x0000002a to EBX :(scenarios transform) :(scenario pack_silently_ignores_non_hex) == 0x1 # instruction effective address operand displacement immediate # op subop mod rm32 base index scale r32 # 1-3 bytes 3 bits 2 bits 3 bits 3 bits 3 bits 2 bits 2 bits 0/1/2/4 bytes 0/1/2/4 bytes bb foo/imm32 # copy foo to EBX +transform: packing instruction 'bb foo/imm32' # no change (we're just not printing metadata to the trace) +transform: instruction after packing: 'bb foo' $error: 0 :(scenarios run)